The Other Colleges Il T PROMOTE FEERTION at the University n to give their professors end of the year. The send the grades to the faculty members. H, M, e grades proposed with as to their publicity or Iowar-A schootof citizenship will be held at the University of Iowa on Feb- ruiry 18, 19, and 20 through the co- operation of the extension division and the. Iowa league of women voters. The object of the school is to give train- ing in concrete form in the funda- mental principles 'of the American government, both state and national,, and an opportunity to study the prac- tical workings of political machinery necessary to conduct the government. It is urged that every woman of voting' age who expects to vote attend this. course. Pennsylvania - Pennsylvania State 'college will award two scholarships to perpetuate the memory of "Red" Re- bout and Levi Lamb, former gridiron stars who were killed in France. The scholarships will be awarded to ath- letes with scholastic credits, who are uiable to pay their way through col- lege. A fund of $10,000 has been sub- scribed by Pittsburgh alumni. Wyoming-Wyoming university stu- dents have established a trophy room in which all awards or records of stu- dent achievements will be put on dis- play. The purpose of the room is to act as a spur to studentefforts in all lines of activity. Several ancient foot- baal pictures form part of the col- lection. Cornell-A great gathering of Cor- nell athletes,. past and present, has been arranged for Feb. 23, at the Hotel Commodore, New York City. A large1 majority of the 3,400 alumni in the New York district are eipected to be present. The festivities will last from noon until night. ' Prhiceton-By action of the univer- sity faculty, classes at Princeton will be suspended on Saturday, Feb. 21;4-in celebration of Washington's birthday. Ohio State - The faculty at Ohio State university has recently taken a fiin stand against th'e conferring of honorary degrees at the semi-centen- nial celebration to be held next fall. The board of directors of the Ohio State university association has re- guested that the faculty should inves- IIE flE ptE llL llE t' '- rr n-r ir~rltlr 1', fTIT"1 tigate the advisability of conferring honorary degrees. The following res- olution was adopted:-"Resolved, That it is the sense of this faculty that the long-established policy of the Univer- is based upon a principle especially safe, sound and wise for a state un- iversity, and that it should be rigidly,. observed at all times by the Univer- .sity." Honor Points Arouse Interest A sweater, a silver pin or a sleeve band with insignia are the awards granted for the accumulation of ath- letic honor points. , There are many ways now open for the gaining of these honor points. Sev- eral squad leaders are needed for which four honor points are awarded. Next week elections to the class basketball teams will be made. Any girl making the regular team will re- coive eight honors, five for a substi- tute team and members of the cham- pionship team receive 10 honor points. An additional two honors are given to the captain of a team. The inter-class games series will be played next month. The teams are all showing signs of improvement, in all phases of the game. More senior girls are needed for practice. TEACHERS TO HEAR NOTED EDUCATORS The teachers' short term institute, which is held in Ann Arbor, begins onj Tuesday, March 30. The principal) speakers will be Prof. Lewis M. Ter- man, of, the education department of Leland-Stanford university, who is es- pecially noted for work on the meas- ure of intelligence and for the Stan- f rd revisiou pf the Binet-Simon in- telligence scale and Frank E. Spauld- ing, superintendent of schools in Cleve- land, director of education of our American Expeditionary Forces in France, and recently elected head of the department of education of Yale university. SPECIAL EXECUTIVE, ORDER CONSTITUTION DRAFTED FOR NEW COLLEGE EDUCATIONAL UNION College women throughout the coun- try, graduates and undergraduates, cannot fail to take keen interest in the visit to the United States at this time, of Prof. Caroline F. E. Spurgeon, fir. Winifred Cullis, and Mrs. Ida Smed- ley MacLean. These three distinguish- ed British university women are here to promote a plan for the uniting of college women around the globe in a vast federation. The federation, moreover, is backed by many of the leading educators in America. The proposed federation is no un- substantial dream. A tentative con- stitution has already been drafted, the provisions of which -are definite and detailed. The purpose of the federa- tion, as stated in the draft, "shall be to promote understanding and friend- ship between the university women of different nations and thereby further their interests and develop sympathy ,and mutual helpfulness between the peoples of the world." Membership in ,the federation "shall be opened to na- tional federations of university women which are approved by the council," the central executive committee of the federation. Students to be Exchanged All members of Masques are re- ;quested to attend an important meet- ing at 4 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon of next week in Barbour gymnasium. Plans for the semester will be discus- sed. Any members who are unable to be present are asked to communicate with the president. Corporate communion for Episcopal women will be held at 7:30 o'clock Sunday morning at St. Andrew's church. Women who wish to join the swim- ming club at the city Y. M. C. A. at $5 for a period of six months may do so at the Ann Arbor high-school or at; ANN ARBOR CHOP SUEY Excellent CHOP SUEY from 11:30 a. m. to midnight Steaks and Chops 314 S. State J" L.4 FLOWERS FLOWERING PLANTS Cousins & Hail Members Florists Telegraph Delivery Phone 115 1002 S. Univ. AND OPTOMETRIST 113 SOUTH MAIN STREET THE 66 IINN AT LANE HALL the Y. W. C. A. All entering freshman and sopho- GOOD HOMEC COOKED mgre girls should register at the office of the/ physical director at once. ES Anyone willing to play the piano for dancing classes is requested to re-nd. p r Week port at the office of the physical di-LDinner at$5.7Luncr Wee rector in Barbour gymnasium. SERVICE '"TABLE D'ROTE" All women who expect' to take swimming- this semester must enroll in the director's office in Barbour___w- gymnasium. There will be no Y. W. C. A. vesper, PICTURE FRAMING WINDOW SHADE services until further notice. PITR FAMN Women's League Party Held atGym Student Headquarter Mrs. H. R. Stark and Mrs. L. A. Bar-. t rett presided at the tea table at the Women's league party yesterday aft- For everything in "Brighten Up"Jinis es, best aasor e moon in Barbourgymnasium. Phil ment of swing frames, Hand-maJ picture frames at Diamond, '21, provided music for danc- ! ing, which was the form of entertain- = Window shades at lowest prices. ment arranged- by the social -commit- tee. PAINTS . Cova -S. E EZL v Lab. coats, aprons. shop tools, etc., *. * etc., at Wahr's University Bookstore. -Adv. -PAINTING & DECORATING Phone 84 207 E. Liberty St. Drawing instruments-Bargains in second hand sets at WAIHR'S.-Adv. ',I1nIliiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiviiiililliiuliijgiiiniiilii 11iu1in1iii A Having been advised by the health authorities of the Univer- .sity that tie danger from the influenza epidemic is pratic- ally over, by special order I re- move the ban on student dances, this order to take effect Mon- day' noon, Feb. 23, 1920. HARRY B. HUTCHINS, I Feb. 19, 1920. President.- FATHER - OUR Michigan Daily advertising isOe N T R Y' one recognized meaxs of reag M, m Rtudent trade. Cl An address, by Lloyd C. Douglas, Tomorrow morning at the Cqpgregational Church In celebration of Washington's Birthday There ill be patriotic music by~ the choir GIRLS- at your convenience, we will be pleased to show you our line of early Spring, MILLINERY STEIVNS & PERSHING Phone 1028rW 1 618 Packard Near State Provisions are to be made so that through the agency of the federation, college or university students may be interchanged among the countries represented in the union. The Rhodes scholarships have already familiariz- ed us with something like this arrange- ment, but the Rhodes scholarships are awarded only to graduate students and do not involve any interchange be- 1ween the countries concerned.. Un- dier the plans of the proposed feder- ation, Polish students in economics may come to Columbia university for additional courses, Ameican students of arc iteture may finish their pre- paration at the Sorboni and so on indefinitely. Interchange of students will mean much in promoting "understanding and friendships between the univer- pity women of different nations," but the most direct method of ensuring pnutual understanding is through the teaching force of a nation. The pro- posed~federation provides for an in- terchange of professors and junior lec- turers. The larger men's universities in the East have already tried this ex- periment bit the exchange has not been general. The proposed federation will make universal an interchange of the teaching force of nations. Movement Only Begun The movement to federate has not gone beyond the formation of the con- stitution but it is expected that it will be fully carried out when once our college women learn of it. Miss Spur- 'geon and ,Mrs. MacLean are to make ,a six weeks' tour of the leading edu- cational centers in behalf of the pro- posal for a federation. Dr. Cullis will visit; women's colleges and co-edu- cational universities in the Middle West. That the distinguished visitors will find much latent sympathy for the plan for international union Is the ex- pectation of the American central com- mittee which 'represents all college groups.. ILLINOIS INSTITU2TES REFORMS IN CAMPUS ELECTION METHODS Following repeated abuses as the re- sult of the old system of campus elec- tions at the University of Illinois, the comiittee on elections of the Illinois Union announced yesterday i the Dal9Illini, a new system designed to overcome the old evils. Electioneering, advertising by can- didates for offices, and other abuses predominant under the former method of selections are expected to be done ,away with by regulation of campaigns and new method of nomination. Certain hours during which elec- tioneering will be permitted have been set by the committee. Previously, 25 names signed to the petition of a candidate were enough to insure his name appearing on the ballot. Under the new system 50 signatures are re- quired. This was done in order to avoid eleventh hour nominations ap- pearing on ballots, purposely placed there in order to split votes. The new system, the Illini says, is expected to work out to perfection. FOREIGN STUDENTS The Interchangeable Type feature of the Multiplex Hammond makes this tyewriter especially adapted for your use. Writes many different languages in many styles of type. For demons- tration see our representative, Mar- tin B. Webb, 1214 Willard. Phone 1595-R., between 6 and 7 P. M.-Adv. - IN - i1 "HI$ Wie$ oney A Ralph Ince Production He Married Her, Not Because of Her Money---But In Spite of It! Shows at 2:00, 3:30, 7:00 and 8:30 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY NAZIMOV As Sigrid the Dancer - IN - "STRONGER THAN DEATH" A Drama of Tremendous Strength a ItA I, : LAST TIMES TO-DAY Slipp ov'ed by Zera. Keef LASSIFIL AVRTISING at QUM,$ ,"' Tbs 0.11Ih,; . ...... SALE Hman Banjo-Mando- new. In first class E. Jefferson St. -size morn -A light six Studebaker, y new. A bargain price. 06-F2. -Dress Suit and overcoat 509 S. Division St. Call -Rebuilt L. C. Smith type- xcellent condition. Very e. 'Call 661-J. -Kueffel & 'Esser -duplex $6.00. Box B J, Daily. ISCELLANEOUS would like roommate. In- S. Division. wants to work for room. LOST AND FOUND LOST-A leather pocketbook contain- ing a Michigan Engineering mem- bership card and as chemistry cou- pon. Finder please return -to Win- ograd, 1221 S. University. LOST-Purse on State St., between Ann St. and Nichols Arcade. Cards Ludena Williams. Please call 1314-M. WILL THE student who borrowed my fountain pen at the Registrar's of- fice Wednesday afternoon please re- turn it to 1207 Prospect St. WANTED W'ANTfD-A few more fellows to eat good home cooked meals. Prices right. Near campus, Martha Sie- bert, 514 E. Liberty St. Phone 865-M. WANTED -- Zwet's Theoretical Me- chanics and Pierces Integral Tables. R. J. Plate. 11153 S. Univ. Phone NAZIMOVA IN "STRONGER THAN DEAT " Ahil Uflanond's Orchestra will Furnish Music Evenings Sanday Matinees. Sunday Shows at 1:30, 3:00, 4:30, 7:00 and 8:30 our Advertisers.-