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February 21, 1920 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-02-21

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dict Defeat When Placed
presentatives, Despite
First Defeat a
ssociated Press)
Feb. 20.-Universal mil-
as a part of the future
y of the United States
in principal today by the
y committee, which de-
argin of two votes that
ganization bill .should
n for such a plan ef.

(By Associated Press)
Washington, Feb. 20. - President
Wilson informed the senate today that
he had not entered into any agree-
ment or understanding with officials
of Great Britain, concerning the sale
of former German liners, seized in
American ports nor had he entered'
into an agreement or understanding
with respect to what disposition should
be made of them by the United States.
At the same time he transmitted
to the senate a copy of a "proposed
agreement" between the allied and as-
sociated government at Paris under
which each is to retain its own "the
complete title to and use of all ships
captured, seized or detained during
the war as a war measure."
lion. George Sutherlana, '81L, will
speak to the University. body next,
Tuesday afternoon in Hill auditorium,
on "Washington's Farewell Address
,and the League of Nations," the first
time in nine years that a topic of po,-
itical importance has been discussed
from the platform of that building.
The Senate council at its last meet-
ing voted to make the celebration of
Washington's birthday, which has in
the past been confined to a Law school
function, an All-University affair and
sanctioned the speaker's topic. The.
President's consent has been obtain-

vote of 11 to 9,
f a three hour
ession, was- re-
the bitter fight
later when the
e gets the right

. A
Many Well Known Men in Receiving
Line of Reception Before \
Detroit, Feb. 20.-A gift of $1,000,-
000 by an alumnus of the University,
whose name he would not divulge, will
be made in the near future, President
,larry B. Hutchins announced at the
University of Michigan club meeting
Friday night. The use to which the
money wilt be put, was not stated.
Detroit, Feb. 20. - "My only policy
after July It as president of the Uni-
versity, will be to watch the wheels
of the University go around," said
President-elect Marion L. Burton to-
night in one of the most inspiring talks
ever given before a University group,
wen he spoke to about 200 prominent
alumni of the University at the fore-
most testimonal dinner given in' his
honor at the Detroit Athletic club.
"The University does not need a
major operation," he stated.
"Clear Thinking Needed"
Dr. Burton spoke at some length on
the problems of the day, stating that
the universities must take caie of the
thousands of students who are flock-
ing to them today. "Clear thinking is
needed iroday, far more than before,"
said the future Michigan' president.'
'Democracy not only gives but de-
mands - and demands intelligence.
The future of America depends upon
co-operation of the intellectual men
of the country and the conservative
labor leaders. Superficial thinking is
the greatest fault in America today,"
he said.
That Americans should have a sa-
cred regard for the ballot box and that
the greatest asset was our wealth of
relationship with one another, were
other points that Dr. Burton empha-
Michigan Cosmopolitan
President Hutchins also spoke, and;
he gave reasons which he thought
brought Dr. Burton to Michigan. The
strategic position of the University,
being the center of the Middle West,
and the fact that students come froml
both the East and West, making the
University the most cosmopolitani
school in the country, were important
factors in securing Michigan's new
president, stated President Hutchins.
Michigan's strong alumni body,,
which he characterized as being;
second to none in their backing of the
University, shown by the fact that#
more than $3,000,00 has been received;
in gifts from graduates, was also re-;
(Continued on Page' Six)

when theI

ion bill
n must
kes into
the R.
the or-
e R. O.

pued as hitherto,
Iitions of eligibil-,
ourses of military
Ls of army officers
tors as may le
issue of oupplies.
al instruction are
r more than six
ar) with transpor-

R. O. T.
rd and


paid at
of the

To Include Musical Numbers
The program to be given Tuesday
includes" selections } y the Varsity Glee
club. Earle V. Moore of the University
School of Music, will give an organ
solo, and vocal solos are being ar-
All University classes will be sus-
pended at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon
so that- all students may be at Hill
auditorium promptly at 4:15 o'clock,
when the exercises will begin. Presi-
dent Harry B. Hutchins and the deans
of the various colleges will be 'on the
platform with the speaker.
Mr. Sutherland, '81L, the speaker, is
,a man of international note, accord-
ing to Dean Henry M.' Bates of the
Law school, who has arranged for Mr.
Sutherland's attendance.
International Law Authority
"Mr. Sutherland is recognized as
one of the greatest authorities on in-
ternational law in the country," said
Dean Bates.
"Through his years of service in the
senate on the foreign relations com-
mittee, where he for 12 years influ-'
enced all foreign treaties. He has a
large international practice form his
Washington office now and has written
much on the subject. I am positive
that his speech will be highly inter-
esting and his views on the league
of nations of decided value." -
There will be a reception in Mr.
Sutherland's honor at the Union Im-
mediately after the meeting where he
will meet faculty and students of the


IResignation of Oldest Professor Ac-
eepted by Board of
With keen regret, and with sincere.
appreciation of his services to the'
University, the Board of Regents at
their meeting Friday accepted the res-
ignation of the oldest professor on the
carpus-Isaac Newton Demmon. The
Regents also recommended Professor
Demmon's appointment to .the Carne-
gie Foundation, to which he is now
With the exception of Prof. Wooster
W. Beman, Professor Demmon has
been on the campus longer than any
living faculty member, his title to the
oldest. professor being due to the fact
that he was appointed to full profes-
sorship before Professor Beman.
Aided Library Collections
Professor Demmon, besides occupy-
ing a chair in the English department,
has since 1880 been a member of the
library committee of the Faculty and
has devoted a large part of his time
to bibliographical studies aid to the
development of various collections of
the University, notably the dramatic
collection and the McMillan Shake-
speare library. In addition to being
a expert bibliographer, Professor
Demmon is an authority on rare books.
He is the editor of the "History of
the University of Michigan," complet-
jng the work of Prof. Burke A. Hins-
dale, who died before the volume had
teen finished.
Parents 'Wef Pioneers
Isaac Newton Demmnon was born at
Northfield, Ohio, in 1842, the eldest
sn of Leonard and Nancy Demmon.
Leonard Demmon settled on the West-
ern Reserve in 1838, but -seeking an
outdoor life, and having acquired
lands in Indiand, he removed there
wn.h his wife and two children in the
fall of 1844. The son thus grew up
with his full 'share of pioneer experi-
He received such training as the
county district school could offer, and
at the age of 11 was sent to a private
school in a little vilage three miles
away. He made the trip to and from
school on foot each day, progressing
so rapidly with his work that by his
15th year he was prepared to enter
t!e University of Michigan.
Graduated in 1868
Largeness of family and the neces-
sity of work on the farm prevented
his entering college until his legal
manhood, in 1863. His scholastic ca-
reer was interrupted by his enlistment
in the 132nd Indiana infantry d n
1864. He was graduated from Michi-
gan in 186. The degree of Master of
Arts was awarded him three years
later. He was married in 1871 to
Miss Emma Regal. A professorship
at Hiram college and the principalship
at Ann Arbor high school were his
services before entering the Uiliver-
sity as assistant professor of rhetoric
and history in 1876.
Since 1903 Professor Demmon has
been Professor of English and also
holds the title of Curator of rare
Soph Leaves To Enter Business
Myron Broekema, '22, has left the
University in order to accept a posi-
tion under A. Stein & Co., of Chicago,

as assistant factory manager. Broe-
Ijema was a staff photographer on the
1920 Michiganensian. His home is in
Evanston, Ill.

W~hington,, Feb. 20. - With the ap-
pointment of a committee of seven
prominent farm organization leaders
to draw up a platform, the American
farmer, as represented through the
national board of farm organizations,
served notice today on present and
prospective presidential candidates
that it determined to participate ac-
tively in the coming campaign. The
platform will comprise questions de-
signed to bring out unmistakably the
attitude of each candidate upon mat-
ters which agriculturalists consider of
paramount importance.
C. S. Barrett, of Georgia, president
of the National Farmers' union, was
made chairman of 'the committee.
"The committee," Chairman Barrett
said, "will demand a most compre-
hensive and unmistakable statement
of the position of each candidate on
questions especially relating' to agri-
culture. The farmers will not submit
to comflagouge; moreover, the commit-
tee will try to determine, before sub-
mitting its finding to the farmers,
just what ability a candidate may
have to cal'ry out his pre-election
promises. We must get behi d a
strong, faithful man. None other will
The conference adopted resolutions
making the early appointment of the
American #delegation to the 'intemna-
strong, faithful man. None other will
All remaining tickets to Varsity
basketball games will be distributed
in the main corridor of University
hall between 9 and 12 o'clock today. A
ticket to al remaining games willbe
given to each student presenting an
athletic book, as long as the tickets
last, provided a student has not al-
ready received tickets flbr those
Many tickets are still available for
the Illinois game, some for the Chica-
go and Wisconsin games, and none for
the Minnesota game.
To arouse interest in thrift stamps
in the schools and homes, the savings
division of the treasury departments
has designated the first week in March
to be known as thrift stamp week.
It is to be an intensive campaign
to implant thrift in the minds of the
young. There will be essay contests
on the subject, "How My Thrift
Stamps Grow," and talks will be giv-
en by teachers and government rep-
Each thrift card will have spaces
for sixteen stamps, which when fill-
ed may be exchanged for a war sav-
ings certificate, series of 1920, which
will have a maturity value of five dol-

Old Angell Residence ong Camp
Be Repaired for Use o
New President
Regent William L. Clements'
tion of original colonial manes
vauled byauthorities at mor
$400,000, was accepted for ti
versity by the Board of Reg
their meeting yesterday.
The donation of this valual
lection gives Michigan the bes
ry in the West, said Librarian
Bishop, who als. stated that
its, Vossible for him to make an
mate concerning the number o
in Regent Clemens' library.
Funds of $200,000 to erect a
ing to house this collection we
donated by Mr. ClementS. It is
ble that the building will be
close to the University library
Covers Colonial ,Period
Originals of ,many volumes,
with the discovery and colon
of America, are contained in tb
lection, which Librarian Bisho
is the most complete of any
of the early colonial period
United States.
Librarian Bishop, who is pe
ly acquainted with the col
states that Michigan will now
supreme authority west of th
ghenies, on American history.
Clements, whose residence in B
houses the books at present, ha
30 years in securing the manu
This gift of $500',000, which
sidered to be a conservative e
of the library's value, surpass
previous single donation to th
Campus Home to Be Repa
The Board of Regents also vc
fix up the president's home o
campus for the use of Preside'
Burton. Dr. Burton, who has"
the city for several days lookii
the University, was present
guest at the meeting of the Bi
Immediately following the loi
sion of the Board, the Rege
company with President Ha
Hutchins,'Dr. Marion L. Burton
of the colleges, and other re
tat ives, left for Detroit, whei
attended a smoker at the Detrc
!etic club given by the Univei
Michigan club' of Detroit.

$200,000 TO HO



ctorily com-
O. T. C. shall
gible for ap-
is as reserve

provisions are cover-
Eteorganization bill,
g comments :
Must Train
ho go to college will
,ke this training be-
n and in any case,
with the latitude al-
of taking the train-
ivilege of deferring
two or three years),
ttle interruption of

Caillaux 1?
Enemy Con

A driatic


numbers of freshmen
e after Completing the
raining, the course of
t0. T. C. will be so
train for the work of
Il be more interesting
ical than hitherto."
sociated Press)
20. - Ojfficial denial
3 today of a statement
he Paris newspaper,
is, to the effect that'
George, inconcert with
f Italy, favored the
e negotiations with So-

Prof. Julian Morgensteih, of the He-
bre' Union college, will speak at 2:30
o'clock Sunday afternoon in Lane.hall
under the auspices of the Menorah so-
ciety. His subject will be "Ancient
Jewsih Folk Tales." Professor Mor-
genstern is known as a leader in Jew-
ish movements.
Recent elections for the present se-
mester by the Menorah society result-
ed as follows: President, Ida E.
Mines, '20; vice-president, ;Pevera
Steinberg, '22; secretary, Simon Shet-
zer, '21; treasurer, Abbott L. Wino-
grad, '21.
Fire Department Puts Out Small Blaze
Sparks from the chimney at 432
Maynard street Friday afternoon gave
the fire department a run. The dam-
age was slight, and the blaze was ex-
tingnishe with ahAmicalk

Goes Tomrrow
(By Associated Press)
Washington, Feb. 20. -- Presideht
Wilson's reply to the entente pre-
miers' on the Adriatic question proba-
oly will go forward tomorrow.""State
department officials still steadfastly
refused to discuss the contents but a
feeling of satisfaction was noticeable
in administrative circles.
While further exchanges on the sub-
ject are expected, it is believed that
with the delivery of- the. note, the
question will have been removed from
the argumentative stage.
Although the premiers have for-
warded to Jugo-Slavia in the form of
an ultimatum the settlement arried
at without barticipation of the United
States, it is said they have not closed
the way to a return to the private
agreement of Dec. 9.Ito which the
United States was a party. Officials
here plainly do not regard the situa-
tion as at all acute.

HEALTH SERVICE ADVISES Paris, Feb. 20.-That he had
PRECAUTION AGAINST' FLU championed a policy of close
eration with Germany but-one o
Warning students against the use of ropean conciliation" and that he
"common punch glasses" at dances, have been guilty of impruden.
official of the Health service yester- impulsiveness but never of intel
day dec ared that the only way a re- with the enemy, was the openii
turn of the epidemic could be warded of Joseph Calllabux, former p
off was by such precautionary meth- charged with treasonable dealin
ods. . the enemy, on the resumption
Punch glasses, drinking cups and trial today before the senate, sil
other articles used in commdon are said a high court.
to have been the cause of a wave of The examination of Mr. C
'flue last year, even after the epidemic covered his trip to South Ame
was considered over. 1914. The name of James 1V
The Health service advises that such ,son-in-law of Lewis F. Swift, of
'conmon property be thoroughly clean- go, who was interned in the
ed after each time it is' used. -States as an alien enemy, in 19:
also mentioned, Mr. Cailaux dis
FLAG AT HALF-MAST FOR of him by saying he was one
HAYNES, UNIVERSITY EMPLOYE numefous spies who infested h
while in South America. Mr. C
Though unnoticed by the 'majority declared he had been duped by
of students in their eager haste for rascals and spies in South An
classes, the flag on the University flag 'The trial will continue next Ti
staff was at half-mast yesterday be-
cause of the recent death of George Flu Raises Prices in Chin
Haynes, an employee of the engineer- Hangtung, China, Feb. 20.-'
ing shops. 'Haynes has been employ- fiuenza epidemic in this distri
ed in the shops for several years. caused so many deaths that the
Death res'ulted from bronchitis and shortage bf caskets and their pr

Vet Dies
faor Evan


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