,ve an opportunity to meet a donal boxer who will be here eek. The coming of the pro- al furnishes almost an inval-; .IGHT DRILL FOR VARSITY O iT uable opportunity to men who have; hopes of some day becoming highly proficient in the "manly art," and it1 is hoped ,that a large number will avail themselves of his presence. Easy Scrimmage Given Varsity by Coach Mather for Chicago Contest 1IRKHOFF AND HINKLE, MIDWAY' CT A R. . 11171 R ARvEI! IflTI T excellent basket shot, it being his ac- curacy at long ringers that won from Michigan in the game played between Michigan and Chicago here, last year. QUARTER MILERS RUN MILE RELAY Steve Farrell varied the routine of track practice yesterday by holding a mile relay race. Two four-man teams were sent against each other MATCH WORK BY FA Tn7 AQ d nnj to A fawif nd call for iswered yes- re than 45 The second t a slight-in- the previous tion is still liich usually ears. The oon was de- e and every e to handle r of lively pering about he bounders ndgren and kOut ch, Taggart, 'ing the of- A V a .n5 wwwww J " x l, *IUVI1iJkr:T MnLJL and a close contest resulted. The event was won by the team composed Football oR U I s Little hard practice was meted out of Butler, Joyner, Burkholder, and to the Varsity basketball squad, on Hardell, in 3 minutes 40 seconds. The A Harvard graduate has made a either Wednesday or Thursday nights. losing quartet was made up of Wheel- proposal to change the rules of the Coach Mather was satisfied with a er, Meese, Larson, and Wetzel. Al- pigskin game so as to determine the short scrimmage between the regul- though this time is not remarkably ,length of the game according to the lars and the substitutes. fast. Steve seemed pleased with the number of plays instead of the length f For the first time this year the team result. of time. The proposal is said to have is playing basketball, and the five thatjPractice runs in the mile, half mile the indorsement of many' prominent the Michigan mentor now has on the'P and quarter were also part of the football men including Walter Camp floor is one that will be able to give afternoon's program. In the sprints, and Percy D. Haughton. Chicago a real battle. Losch, Lashmet, and Lewis showed off The idea of the proposed change is New Michigan Spirit to the best advantage. Beardsley and to, prevent teams that are in the lead It is certain that in view of the new Keidanz were also performing well. from "stalling" in order to consume Michigan spirit, inspired by the win In the other events the usual prac- time and lessen the chance for their from Minnesota, Chicago will have to tice was indulged in. The absence of opponents to make up their- score. play a faster game to win here than Carl Johnson, who left yesterday for ,it will also overcome the variation in was the case at the Windy City ear- the New York Athletic club meet in the number of plays in games direct- lier in the year. New York, was conspicuous. This ed by different officials. Rea and Wilson, playing the guards was almost the first practice this year Mr. Harry R. Coffin, who advanced for Michigan in the Gopher game, were which the versatile captain has not the proposition, advocates a forty play .able to hold the fast. opposing for- attended. period; penalties and goal-kicks not wards to eight field baskets, five of to be counted as plays. According to iNhich were secured by Oss. Oas with [NCJEASED ENROLLMENT IS Mr. Coffin, "When a team obtains a 10 points was the high scorer of the CAUSE OF CROWDED CLASSES seven-point lead and as a strong re- game, but Karpus was close behind gard for the other team it invariably with nine, throwing a trio of field plays slower and greatly lowers the baskets, and an equal number of foul Due to increased enrollment in the number of plays in order to give the goals. Dunne seems at last to have literary college for the second semes- opposing team a minimum of oppor- struck his real stride and threw four ter, the class in Sociology 20 has been tunity. The premium on scoring first double counters from the field. Weiss, closed. This was formerly a class for at the other forward, secured the rest juniors and at the beginning of the is altogether too great." , rascr e Yesterday's ,only match in the inter- fraternity hockey tournament went to Theta Chi when it overran Delta Sig- ma Dflta by the sc6re of '16 to 10. The individual stars for theday were Fol- Us and Damon. The other match scheduled for the afternoon went to Phi Sigma Delta by default. Nu Sig- ma Nu failed to show up. Today's schedule will bring togeth- er four more teams. At 4:30 o'clock Delta Chi meets Delta Kappa Epsi- lon. Kappa Beta Psi takes on Sigma Nu at 5:15 o'clock.' Great interest is being displayed in the rink sport this year, and it bids fair to become one of the major sports. Other matches] will be announced later. Prizes will be awarded to the winning team and to the runner-up. Patronize our Advertisers.-Adv. Are you dissatiled with meals? If so, try a new idea- vegetarian meals, cooked by a pert. Only best quality foods Good variety. Something to about food combination. Try for one week-you will be sur Lunch at noon-dinner at six ,Write now as space is limited. etarians, care of Daily.-Adv. -1 Jr.-%vQvm et loose with a lit- r steam today, al- or twisters were ast year's freshman the only southpaw I WI It celebration of WASHINGTON, BIRTHDAY' At the Congregational Church Sunday Morning February twenty-second An address by Lloyd C. Douglas lEntitled "The Father of Our Countr Special Patriotic Songs E a , ARE YOU INTERESTED i WELFARE OF YOUNG MI Play is as necessary as - Any game which is intere enough to afford real Re-( tion is a beneficial game, vided it is played amid < decent srroundings. Most young men prefer a like billiards for their lei hours. If you are interest the welfare of young men are invited to visit our bi parlors as often as you w: You will find that this place of clean sporthm gambling, profanity and undesirable elements are lutely TABOO. HUSTON BR( Billiards and Bowling, ( and Candles. Cigarettes & F "We try to treat you Ria s Varsity Igessner, rs, and 918, nine, tice. A mnecedto HOCKEY TEAM TACKLES, STRONG DETROIT WEB ER'S Wanted hes to see ts all men a of of the points on two long field shots. Birkhoff and Vollmer, who have been responsible for the majority of the points which the Maroons have rolled up this season, will be two hard men for the Michigan guards to stop, at the speed which they have been traveling this year. Birkhof Spe4dy Forward Birkhoff made half of the Chicago total in the Illinois game, won 23 to 21 by the Maroons, Williams, at cen- ter, and Captain Hinkle, Higgins and Crisler at guards make up the rest of year was openea to sop n U ure6, with the result that it was well fill- ed, and could accommodate no more shortly after the second semester be- gan. Two new instructors have been add- ed to the economics faculty to handle the large number of new economic students. Due to the heavy enroll- ment in his class in business organi- zation and management, Prof. C. E. Griffin was obliged to drop Economics 34 to take care of the other class. Many classes are also being held out- "Any Act of Memory, WhetherI _ _ _ T_ _- _ .. __ _.. for ons VARSITY LINEUP WILL BE SAME is AS IN ASSUTION and IMATCH Conscious or Unconscious, MENTAL PICTURE" THINK THIS OVER - TEST IT OUT The purpose of the 20 Exercises in the new booklet "MEMORY and CONCENTRATION" is to so stimulate and train this mental faculty that it may be used at will. These Exercises do not obstruct other study; they aid it. The few minutes of diversion is re- creative; the mental process is clarified and stimulated for the real duty of the clay. It begins with kindergarten work in mental pictur- ing. All highly cultured minds know something of the utility of this mental picturing. It trains the mind to perfect concentration, and to remember. It will aid you in your work. rered' An excellent opportunity to prove its mettle will be given the Varsity Hockey team when it meets the strong the team. Hinkle was an all-Confer- I side the Economics building, which is Detroit Weber's aggregation at Wein- ence selection last year, and has been hard pressed for available class room.. berg's arena at 7 o'clock this evening. the strongest unit of ,the Maroon de- When the teams clash the Varsity fense this Year In addition he is an Patronize nourAdvertisers. Adv. r than in At all book stands-60c By mail with individual instructi THE EDUCATIONAI. COURSES on-$1 Box 98, Ann Ar heavy scnue-L-. , takes a trip will be tackling one of the strongest ig spring re- sextets in the United States. The Web- g at Colum- er's are glad of the opportunity to rican associa- play here, as they are practicing for, he custom in the Olympic tryouts to be held in schedule dur- about two weeks at Pittsburgh. The with games winner of these tryouts will be the pril 10 to 17. champion of the United States and for a num- will represent this country in the, the strain of Olympic meets to be held at Antwerp The trip of- during 1920. men of even Close Game Predicted these games The game should be particularly in- i a chance to teresting inasmuch as the Weber's defeated the strong Assumption aggre- gation 9 to 1, while Michigan took the F OR long end of a 1 to 0 score against the same squad. i BOUTS Every man on the Weber's team is a veteran puck-chaser, each having us far signed formerly played on the Detroit city tourney that team. The ability of the squad may lay afternoon be gathered from the fact that it is ntry lists are nowv in the lead in the Detroit. city room off the league. The Michigan team has im- men who de- proved during the practice of the gn on these week and it is expected that the Var- sly annn- sity will make a creditable showing. d allowance Lineups Are Annoned' f Lweights but The admission will be 25 cents and received pro- an exceedinglyinteresting'match is predicted. The lineups will be as King classes follows: XIcban ENTS Hammel (capt.) .G........Richards pe feature of Johnstone ......L.D............Kahn l makes this Black........R.D....Follis-McDuff pted for your Skelly-Vineberg .C..........Barkell ent languages Roberts-Shaw ..L.W...........Kerr For demons- Boysel........R.W......Anderson- ntative, Mar- Cannon lard. Phone 7 P. M.-Adv. Patronize our Advertisers.-Adv. HUNGRY Try our home-made salads, sandwiches, roast meats, etc. Franks Quality Liver Sausage, Frankforts, Rye Briad, etc. Jellies, Jams, Honey, Fish, etc. BURT'S DELICATESSEN 119 E. LIBERTY ST. WE HAVE COMPLETE LINES MIL M. D. Larr SUCCESSOR TO H . L. SWITZER CO. STATE STREET HARDWARE -Now Open Fi OF COVERALLSOVERALLS, SHOP APRONS, CHEMI- CAL COATS AND HOS- Business Try Us. Sactisfat Guaranteed PITAL COATS., t THE Wadhams & co. ARCADE CAFETERIA STATE STREET STORE Fiu rYa I; THE EBERBACH & SON CO.' Nickels Arcade Up the Stairs 200-204 EAST LIBERTY STREET Shoes- et Ba.1 Equipment J. MOE tT SHOP" ] Laboratory Supplies Hey Boy! Have you Tasted The Good Food At The ARCADE ? Pure foods at low prices, prepared by experts. Everything displayed on our forty-foot steam and serving tables. Select just what appeals to your own individual appetite. Bakery goods fresh from our own ovens. Delicious coffee with rich Jersey cream. Kindness, courtesy, and good service prevail here s