1 A 1L re AVA IAst - * 5V.'5 "11..+ A W1omen I bers of the board of directors Women's league are asked to tt 9 o'clock on Saturday morn- Barbour gymnasium. aen who applied to Dean Myra Jan for benefit from the Lucinda fund are asked to appear at 2:30 C on Thursday afternoon in ent Hutchins office. swimming this semester must enroll in the director's office in Barbour gymnasium. There will be no Y. W. C. A. vesper services until further notice. CLASS PARTIES Will be reinstated at the Packard every Tuesday and Thursday eve., 8 to 10. Chaperones will be present to give introductions and see that proper dancing is done. The ban will be put" on cheek dancing and ether improper, positions. Ladies - 25c, Gents 35c. Couples 60c.-Adv. COMEDY CLUB CONTEST FOR PLAYS ENDS MARCH y I Tuttle's 1 Lunches WINNING PRODUCTIONS TO GIVEN SOON AFTER ON CAMPUS BE I Nunnally's Candy Maynard St., Trubey' S Dinners. Lunches Confectionery Ice Creani, Delicious Sodas We Make our own Ice Cream Orders solicited from Fraternities and Sororities. 218 S. Main' Phone 166 #, women who eipect to take' --- o SPRING IS COMING IT'S FIRST HARBINGERS ARE HERE ...... .. .. StE OUR JP DAFFODILS, HYACINTHS AND SPRING FLOWERS* LUMAIZE BLOSSOM SHOP JKELS ARCADE PHONE 600 M /r EWBERRY TEA ROOM- at Y. W. C. A. BUILDING, S. State St. One act plays for the contest being , given by Comedy club are to be en- Itered by March 1 with Carrie Fair- child, '21, secretary, at the Martha Cook building. Ten dollars is offered for the best play presented by a fac- ulty member, $10 for the best written by a student, and $5 for the student's production second in rank. Must be for Amateurs As Comdey club wil stage the suit- able prize winning plays, they must be written for amateur production, ex- cluding large casts, elaborate settings, and fantastic scenes, and should have themes appealing to college- students. They must not have more than one act, and should be about 30 minutes long. Authors' Names Withheld Manuscripts should be typed' and labeled faculty or student work. No name, but some distinguishing mark should be on the manuscript, and a copy of the mark enclosed with the name in a separate envelope. Five Cities Want j. girls' Play The Junior Girls' play is progressing remarkably well. All of the music has been completed. the parts have been given out and the cast chosen. There will be three rehearsals this week in which both cast and chorus ,will take part. Invitations and inquiries have been received from a number of cities, Kal- amazoo, Detroit, Toledo, Saginaw, and Grand Rapids, concerning the giving of the play at these plac9s. Detroit 11will,howeve, be given the preference. Marcella B. Moon, '21, is now pre- paring a petition to be sent to Prof. Louis A. Strauss to allow the play to be given outside of Ann Arbor this year. New Rules Limit Freshman t1Jtes7 The following changes, of University house rties have been made by the judiciary council of the 'Women's league, and have beepassed by three fourths of the university women. "All University houses may be kept open until 11 o'clock on Friday and Saturday evenings. "Feeshmen are limited to three en- gagemts a week, and these must fall during the week end." The above rules go into effect im- mediately. MRS. HUTCHINS TO HONOR MRS. BURTON Mrs. Harry B. Hutchins will give a dinner of fourteen covers at her home this evening in honor of Mrs. Marion L. Burton, Who arrived yester- day and is staying at Martha Cook building. The guests will be: Mrs. Walter H. Sawyer of Hillsdale, Mrs. Frederick B. Stevens of Detroit, Mrs. Junius E. Beal, Mrs. Henry Kraemer, Mrs. W. H. Hinsdale, Mrs. Alfred H. Lloyd, Mrs, Marcus I. Ward, Mrs. Henry M. Bates, Mrs. Victor C. Vaugh- an, Mrs. Mortimer E. Cooley, and Mrs. John R. Effinger. President Hutchins will be host at dinner at the Union this evening in honor of President-elect Marion L. Burton, entertaining 18 guests includ- tng the deans of all the colleges, Mr. George Millen, Mr. Charles Sink, and Dr. Walter H. Sawyer of Hillsdale. VOCATION EXPERT TO TALK TO WOMEN Vidal's I I Where wholesome-food and courteous service will lend zest to your social chat. Regular Meals ' . I 1 I WHAT EVERY WOMAN WANTS FRESHMAN SOPHMORS! JUNIORS SENIORS! Meet imat 35c and 40c DISTINCTION I DRESS I.u Which means, at the start, distinction in millinery. Our selection of spring hats illustrates the correct modes in mil- linery, as approved by the most widely acknowledged hat VIDAL 'S designers. $ FOR THE MID-SEASON PHONE ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED 512 E. WILLIAM (Block and a half from PRMPIl1 We are showtaig attractive models in satin, silk and geor- gette crepe particularly adapted to bridge the time between winter and the warm days of spring.,These hats, when worn with the new pattern or mesh veils, are ,both attractive and' practical for this time of the year. Mid-season hats at reduced prices. (Second Eloor)- ORDES V40.PROMPTLY FILLED Campus) p. ' I U Open to All Women SHOWS AT 2:00, 3:30, 7:00, 8:34 LAST TIMES TODAY, -ADULTS .........6 CHILDREN.......10 Pleasant Surroundings ATTRACTIVE MEALS May Allison Individual Meals or by the Week - IN - "The Walk--Offs" OR LADIES- From the Stage Success by Frederic and Fanny Hatton Black Cat and Monito Hosiery i We have just received a big shipment of hosiery from k orders of last summer and now can supply your wants in and Silk Lisle with the best possible values. Always glad to show you at Be sure of your wife's sense of humor before /you wear another THE LYNDON SHOP, woman' ssilk EAST LIBERTY ST. Ann Arbor, Mich. a hose just for a joke. It may take you to the divorce court just as it did poor im- practical and The first thing he learned to write was I 0 U, which sums up "Schuy" of "The Walk- Offs," but, he was a pretty good , scout at that., It wasn't his fault - he didn't know - enough to do , anything more than spend his wife's money- And he lost that job too, for a while. h at ys and Ai DV E RT I il SING Leive Copyj Quarryns ad The Delta t impecunious "Schuy--and N that's some court Also Star Comedy- "SOME SHIIUIIERS" And Weekly Can a "Walk-Off" ShImmy? We'll Say So! r scene too! FOR SALE ALE- Weyman :actically new. ion. 300 E. Banjo-Mando- In first class Jefferson St. me 976-J. SALE-Kueffel & Esser duplex 9 rule. $6.00. Box B J; Daily. SALE-Complete set of Mechan- drawing instruments. Inquire E. Washington St. Phone 78-M. LOST AND FOUND -Friday, Jan. 30th, on or near pus, twelve hand decorated cor- pondence cards. Will finder tse return to owner at 115 N. yer St., or call 1416-R. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Single room furnished for student. Well heated. Quiet. Phone 2388-J. 1028 Packard. FOR RENT - Two room suite, 2/ blocks from campus, steam heat. Phone 233-J. FOR RENT-Single suite - southern! exposure, light, airy. 907 N. Univer- sity. FOR RENT-Steam heated room, 519 E. William St. FOR RENT-Room for student in pri- vate family. First class in every particular. 539 So. Fifth Ave. FOR RENT-Single room for young lady. One block from the campus. 1724-J. TOMORROW and SATURDAY The women's annual vocational con- ference of the Women's league will be opened at 4 o'clock this afternoon at Barbour gymnasium when Miss Marcia Wood, from the Newberry House in Detroit, will address 'the women of the campus on the subjectif "Occupa- °tional Therapy." Miss Wood is capable of giving in- structional talk, for she has done a great deal of work for wounded sold- lers during the war. She has been connected with the Newberry House in Detroit, which is the Red Cross headquarters. Mrs. Henry Joy, who is president of the board of governors of the New- bery residence in Ann Arbor, will accompany Miss Wood. They will be entertained there during their stay here. Drawing instruments-Bargains in second hand sets at WAHR'S.-Adv. Eugene O'Brien - IN - "HIS WIFE'S MONEY" SUNDAY-MONDAY-TUESDAY F ~ Waterman Gym a valuable >ok. Call 907-R; Meyer Pa- WANTED WANTED-A few more fellows to eat good home cooked meals. Prices IISCELLANEOUS right. Near campus, Martha Sie- ry-' bert, 514 E. Liberty St. Phone 865-M. party who took the wrong________________ n -the skating rink kindly WANTED-Student barber. Guaran- y at 184 to effect an ex- tee $15. $.75 on over $20. 1110 S. NAZIM*d V A - IN - "STRONGER THAN DEATH"