,'11 I. .W ing. It welcomes students from every department irrespective of class or previous experience and re- quires only a serious interest in the work and a genuine desire to serve both The Daily and the University. It is not unusual to find students from every department on the campus working on The Daily and cases of medical, law, and engineering students who are working merely for an incidental knowledge of journalism, are far from rare. Tryouts are given every opportunity to prove their interest and ability by working on assign- ments, and in the actual publishing of the paper. They ,are rewarded with appointments to the staff as reporters which are followed with promotions to. upper-staff positions. With the beginning of the new semester, there will be openings for tryouts on The Daily. For the loan who earnestly desires to engage in a campus activity both for his own benefit and that of 'the University, there is no more worth-while field than that offered by the publications. jrahams--- Books and Supplies for all Colleges at both Stores I mun G I. At both en( ea. DETROT TUNITED LINES (Oct. 26, i9 i)f Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (Eastern Standard Time) Detroit Liited and Express Cars-6: ic a. m., and hourly to 9:xo p. m. Jackson Limited and Express Cars--8:48 a. in., and every hour to 9:48 p. m. (Ex- presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.) Local Cars East Bound-6:o5 a. in., 9:o5 a. m. and every two hours to 9:o5 p. in., io:5o p, m. To Ypsilanti only, 1: :4p. m., :10 a. m., and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Ypsilanti. Text Books r.te' .ar . THE CRIME OF CONGESTION Bernstein In order that skilled man who are employed on the faculties of the University shall have time not nfort only for the dissemination ofwisdom but also for' independent experimentation and uninterrupted re- ptn search, the Alumni association of Michigan has ap- hiner pointed Robert H. Clancy to be its field secretary in raising funds and otherwise carrying out plans for remedying the faults of the overcrowded con- ditions that hamper the big purposes of the Uni- versity. B. Covell The overplus of students has resulted in profes- y' Whiting ra Priehs sors being burdened with the routine vwork of teach- ing, many of whom have profound ability 'for con- structive research which would add sonething to erville the sum total of human knowledge. This condition does not promote a policy for the general good, but limits enlightenment to the few individuals who may come in personal contact with the instructor in his teaching capacity., The association will at- v for any tempt to see that University specialists are not so lull charge criminally restricted in their activities. Mr. Clancy should be supported in his work not ollows : alone by those intimately connected with the Uni- Adamus, versity but by the generalpublic as well. When one inesday section of a class is found to contain 250 enrolled aornton students when in reality 25 students is all one pro- aturdAy fessor can handle with the best- results, the prob- lem is seen to be one of striking significance. The -- highly commendable aim of the Alumni associa- tion is to provide what is necessary to give the University specialists an opportunity for-construe- S tive investigation. New and Second Hand For All Departments Local Cars West Bound--7:48 a. v4. and 12:20 a. in. ------ v- .:. . i Gamna Omicron Pi Started at -1. A. C. In order to train young men of Re- publican party tendencies in the way of clean politics a chapter of Gamma Omicron Pi, new collegiate Republic- an organization has been installed at Michigan Agricultural college. FIRST NATIONAL RANK Organized 1863 FIRST ANN ARBOR MEMBER 'OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN MICHIGAN 3 Per Cent Paid on Sayings Deposits S AH UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE tllllllllllllillllllllltlflllllllllilll llill1 ili aa"II 11111 -ll-ll tll-ll ll ti il ANN ARBOR CHOP SUEY Excellent CROP SUEY from 11:30 a. m. to midnight Steaks and Chops 314 S. State iwoyp EA ES I CNtd, Qt }pc E;EYFRIED II E.UBE0.p A I 7 EUBF1ry 4i red IEV(9 MI1. Y 1 ! , io ,; .w I . x , ; 4, *I For Satisfactory Amateur Finishing leave your FiUmE at Quarry's Drug., The SWAIN do the ,, II FACULTY ADVISERS-A REMEDY play sttl- on 1 will this : on SUGGESTED The Princeton system of Faculty Advisers is based uponthe desire to' create a point of contact outside the class-room between professor and stu- dent. That much good is to be gained from such a relitionship, both from its social aspect, and help which it may afford 'a student in determiniig his course of study,none will deny. The criticism of our present system is that it is not- functioning properly. The relation between adviser and ad- visee is in most cases merely a formal one, and .lack'. even the semblance of intimacy which is es- sential to its real success. The reason for this lack of wholesome co-operat tion between professor and undergraduate is, we believe, to be attributed to the artificial basis upon .which the system is founded. Opon entering college a freshman is assigned as an advisee to one of a specially selected group of the Faculty. So far so good, for the obvious way to bring an entering man in touch with the Faculty is to assign him to' a professor, in the hope that this formal introduction may serve as the beginning of a more intimate and profitable relationship during the next three years. The next stage, however, is where the system breaks down, for in this initial assignment of ad- visee to adviser, no account is taken of the possi- bility that this relation may never develop from a merely formal to an intimate one. Often a man finds during his junior and senior year that his adviser is uncongenial to him, and accordingly his usefulness as a real adviser is practically nil, so far as that particular under-graduate is concerned. Yet under the present arrangement a man is assigned, to the same adviser for four years. : A possible remedy for the inelasticity in the pres- ent system, would be to assign a freshman to an adviser for the first two years of his' college course. After that he should be left to decide for himself whether he wishes to consult this same adviser dur- ing his lagt two years, go to another professor who better suits his taste, or trust his own judgment entirely. The great trouble in the present Faculty Adviser system is that the personal equation is not allowed. to figure in it, and unless it is supplied in some such way as has been suggested, the system must in- evitably fail to function properly.-The Daily Princetonian. o' Kr -Nt v---- SThe POwer of Electricity in Transportation nt Upera the: man . as truly I. CanetatoQm34O1ow e ofthe btydrao .lectie plaots wbieb supply Vo artthC.N SR '. . . of the fred B. Morti- Sone Advantages of Railroad Electrification Saving the Nation's coal Lower maintenance costs. Greater reliabitity and fewer delays. Ability to haul smoothly heavier trains at higher speed.' operation of electric loco mo- tives unaffected by extreme cold. Ability to brake trains on descending grades by re- uiwang powertothetrotley. ELECTRICITY has leveled out the Continental Divide. The steam locomotive, marvelous as it is after a century of development, can- notmeet all of the present demandsfor transportation facilities.' Its electric rival has proved to be far superior. On the mountain divisions of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway-the world's greatest elec- trification-giant electric locomotives today lift an ever increasing freight tonnage over the mile-high Rockies and also make traveling clean and comfortable. They utilize the/abun- dant energy of distant waterfalls and then, by returning some of this power to the trolley, safely brake the trains on descending grades. And their -capabilities are not impaired by excessively cold weather when the steam engine is frozen and helpless. Electricity is the power which dives the trains of New York City's subway and elevated systems. It operates the locks and tows the ships through the Panama Canal. It so- pels the Navy's latest super-dred. naught, the New Mexico. Electric mine locomotives have replaced the slow-moving mule and the electric automobile has also come todoanim- portant service. Such achievements were made possible by the extensive research and manufacturing activities of the General Electr4p Company. Electricity has become the universal motive power. It has contributed efficiency and comfort to every form of transportation service and in this evolution General Eletric apparatus has played a large part - from mighty electric locomotives to the tiny lamp for the automobile. best 4 the most woman We're out for a championship baseball team- and the best way to have one is to have every male student in the University over to the gym this after- noon for the first tryout. The "Y" campaign is worthy of your consid- I" Cir G (14n ,e ____ ctri