.i iL1i 1V.t4..A iA\..W' .LN LJP' .. r 1 wr college offers annually s of. universities and col- ckhowledged standing fel-' _all l~angua ges , history, and s, including economics and resident fello~vships of the 530, one resident research' fellowshiph valuing $750, two resident fellowvships, one $750 and the other . 470,. a nd 20 resident gradu~ate schol- a)rships of $200 are offered. Recomn- mendations of professors and indica- dions> of future success in academic work are given great weight in the ward. Drawing instrumen2ts-Bargains in ~secon.d hand sets at WAHR'S.-Adv. -11_ I and Fsatisfactor~, 'to every cus tom- ea zrcr °i.he large The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital ~ad Sa r4. 'd D l 00fsaly 7 7 to,'Y GIRLS- at your convenience, we will be pleas edx to show you our line of early Spring MILLINERY STEVENS '4&PEiRSHINfi Phone 1028-W 618 Packard Near State 1Communications Editor, The Michigan Daily: How, many men on the r ampus know how to get in. line for places on Union committees? 3 How many understand what is 'meant when a' notice readts, "There will be a tryout for manager of such and such a campus 'organi zation?. How many men know how The Daily staff is selected? Would not, a great many' more turn out for these places if they knew what was ex- ,pected and how to go about getting on the inside?. Of, course we would have better campus activities, if try- outs were more numerous. is not one cause for the 'small turnout ignorance of how to go about' it? We may say that the fellow with enough pep to be of any use will find ,out these things by inquiring.- No doubt this is true in some cases, but not in all.. There, are men of ability, who do not seek such places merely because Mof their gnorance of the situ- ation. l~ather than waste their time- chasing something they know not of, they turn their attention to other lines. The Daily is one main source of in- formation as to campus activities. Why does not The Daily take it upon it- self, to inform every freshman class tof these conditions; the aim and pur- pose of all organizations which con- cern the whole campus and whose field of supply is the_ campus. I would like to see this done or ' earr some reply to it in, one of the first issues of the 'new semester. Al- though a junior, this is my first year at Michigan and if it were not for anj informed room mate I myself would be in the dark on these' subjects. It seems to me that The Daily could boost for Michigan in this line. 14. J. ELLI S, '21. Patronize our Advertisers.--.Adv. All enterinig frshenand so-pho- more wo tmen nmust regiter in g ym -I nasium clas:ses bfr ensa noon. All women vwho exp. ct to take swimming this senie~term us!?t enroll in the director's officea in B~arbour gymnasium. There will be no Y. AV. C. A. vesper services until further n iotice. 1-lulda BanecroHt, '16, associ~te sec- retary of the' tniversit~y Y. A". C. A., is detained from her duties 'in the Y.' W. C. A. officq at Newberry hall owing to her illness. I Ua MaryMilsMintfi -in - "Judy o oue's Harl By Grace Miller White, author of r "Tess of the Storm Country" Last Times Athena Literary society 7:15 o'clock toniight on' floor of University hall. will meet at the four°th To -.:: . ., 7-11mr? R59 f-, 7 L 1ua4 i pcencilan. th wodl c lcLs21 t I csae c 17 black degree. s . and 3 copj ing. I COTILLION DATE SET FO FEB. 28 Saturday, Feb. 28, 1has7 been dlecided upon as the dte for-,th.e annual ( ban- quet and cotillion to be given by the Women's Athrletic associatLion. Notice of the sale of tickets for they l anquet will be given out later. 1'a It.C. A. $1Mi' OWOL 'NOW AVAIL I'BL*E F~R WOME'N Women myflWu r he city -Y M. C. A. .asw iming pool.) At f he last board of dlirctor s' meetiig, it was de- cided that, m'ovided 7 150,reren joinled the swimming club at $'',fora p riod' of six months, women would be ad- ''initted to the tanks. A special roo-m will _be fitted up for them and a s wim-, ming master provided. The Michigan Daily Isn all']-Cam- pus paper.-Adv. HE loved' her and she I, But 2 HE learns that his grz the Governor, is the Wolf clothes, responsible for all sufferings. Therefore- S e All jPerfect A Gripping, Touching, ing, Human Interest Story. NOTE.-The Arcade now offers two i~tinees, con at 2:00 and 3:301 To-morrow and. Thurs 4I MAY ALISON -in - American Lead Pencil Co. New York "THE ALK-Ff The Oliver' Morosco Broadway Stage Sucm By Frederic and Fanny Hatton. I ;A A She hated him because he called her "A Walk-Off" and she deter-. mined to^ teach hint a lesson. 61 I What is a "Walk-Ofq?" See May Allison's The Arcade Thursday. interpretation of t "at on Weartesday or ,0/. I I COMiNG--NazimovA in "STR ONGER THAN n 7w THAT old-fashioned Turkish' Taste in Murad is one of its chief charms. ' That old -fashioned Turkish taste is the result. of 100%,.pure Turkish Organizations, Not'f', Presidents of the following organl- zations muust have m emibers In group .photographs identified at the' Mlvhi. ganensian of ilces some time this after- noon : Barristers, Phi' apoPsi, ]Del- ta Chi, Delta Sigma Rho, Newarik club, .Adelphi, New Elngland club,' Alpha Kappa Kappa, asques, Theta: Pht Alpha, Men's Lrduc; Pi Beta ]Phi, Students'~ torical Board, Mu Phi R Coi~mittee, Delta Sigma Epsilon Iota, Michigan cle Faincais, and both de For Campus news -e igan gaily.-Adv. 4 A + 9 . 10 Cn look Leave Copy It Cuarry'a and C The Dena DVERTI'S ING Fli tobacco - and when a cigarette 0 is made of Turkish tobacco it is made of the world's most famous tobacco. _ :;, ti u 'i r r I t s i ! : A 5 \ iti: ° ^ i , r f pK J 4 There .are other cigarettes----- but'.no "others" like Mrt It is true that "ordinary" cigarettes ,cost a trifle less.q F~OR SALE- WANTED - Man to act, as district salesman for manufacturer of high class standard commodity in con- at: ut demand by banks andl busines houses. A $5,000.00 year permanent position for a hustler. Bond requir- eAi Beaver Mfg. Co., Beaver, Pa. VWANTED-B3y frst .class~ family, good lpooking house to be occupied now or in Ju~ne. East or south of campus preferred. Address Box', B I, Daily, WANTED-Garage, Call 2129-W. Ted Aff leek. LUST AND FOUND LOST -- A gold Illinois watch and- thain. Two keys on other end of Echain. Near State and S. Universi- t y. Reward. .Call Patton, 736, LOST-A $5.00 shop coupon and a $10 chemistry coupon. Finder please return to name on coupons or call 1 306-W. 31SFL~!T. AX1bTq WANTED FOR SALE-Complete ~set of~ ical drawing. instruments. 314)4- Washington St. Pi FOR IAE-$ostou book bag condition. Cali 825-R. 420 ton Place.} FOR SALEBnjo-mandoli condition. Cheap. C1 FOR RENT FOR RENT--Single suite -s exposure, light., airy. 907 N. sity. F'OR RENT-Single room furni; student. Well h~eated. Quiet. 2388-J. 1028 Packard, FOR RENT - Trwo room su blocks from campus, steam . ir ; x_ MdkUws of the f-t 6bd TdkFRA' and gq ptn ianareltes in the Wvdd 7 I 20 0