THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, -V , I X A A lt V a li ivfliuhv majw rntrh sx~~srrartrr3= rs~t~ .,P + W SCHOOL ji yMAKE Anvaramny maue Wa uuoMe i AJwA q n preod paort in the Law school than those in other man or yo R ASTIC DEMANDS groups, the other groups including course. - -"- graduates of colleges (both Michigan New (Continued from Page One) and others) and students entering Obvious. intellectual regurgitation, it is with two or with three years of col- Athletics ikely that he will thereby de lege work ofnormal grade. Adlics any of the powers which he will Six-Year Men Lead administer he must have if he will master The result of experience with this athletics i aw. group of students (together' with oth- ountre oard general interest of the Law er results tending in the same di- our board, 1 in the work of the college rection) has fortified the Law school three bodi t from the general interest in its belief that prelegal work done University i each part of the tUniversity by college students can be made more students, n all the other parts) is thus in fruitful (so far as the Law school is now have evelopment of capacity rather concerned) by an insistence on a high- thority is in the acquiring of particular er degree of effort and accomplish- handle thi es of knowledge. The Law meat rather than by the establish- cal tralnir W's experience in respect of one ment of a curriculum containing any ment of p mlar class of students from the particular courses. ment of t ge seems to bear out this thesis. -_and staff Requirements General ATHLETIC BOARD fessors, in general the Law school makes SUBMITS R EPORT fall the f equirement as to the character -- ke college work done by a stu- - before he enters the Law sehool, (Continued from Page One) 1. Admi it that it shall have been satis- this matter long and serious consid- compreher ry to the college where it was eration during the past year and is training f In the case of students taking, now unanimously of the opinion that of time to x year-combined course, however, the University should require a cer- elude the required that the college work tain amount of physical training in tivities of before the student enters the addition to the gymnasium work now mural At] school shall have been of afrequired of every student. This work 2. Arrai e one-third above the normal re- should of course be integrated with ed to fit y ments of the college. Students the regular University work and to go out ging to this -group have almost should be considered just as much a ther state he education of the young Dung 'woman aR the regular Department Demanded ly the Board in Control of Is not the proper body to r such work. Intercollegiate may very properly be ad- dby a board made up as is , with representatives of the ies that go to make up the ,' the faculty, alumni, and with some provision, as we here, whereby ultimate au- ivested in the faculty. To is proposed work ini physi- ng there should be a depart- hysical education, a depart- he University with its head of professors, assistant pro- nstructors, etc. Under the of this department should allowing: Propose Methods wor law is 5 imp ed wor k which is now required by the s of this state and of 13 others. It aid that the schools find it almost ossible to secure competent train- teachers to take charge of the k which they are required to give. Want Summer Course 3. A summer course for those who find it impossible to come to the Uni- versity during the regular year. In such summer course use might very properly be made of the University's intercollegiate coaching staff. There are a great many high school teach- ers and coaches and teachers of small- er colleges who would be delighted to' take such work in the summer. A summer course somewhat like the one here suggested has been given for several years at the University of Il- linois and it is said that it is so largely attended that it is a financial success. A plan for the creation of such a department of physical edu- THEY'RE ALL HERE EVERY IMAGINABLE FABRIC, PATTERN, COLOR AND STYLE IDEA FOR MADE- TO-MEASURE CLOTHES Value giving is one of the cardinal principles of this business; and the fact that we've donie'it always, and that our customers know it, has been the real reason for our SUCCESS in making clothes 'that are correct in every detail of style and fit. We want to have the pleasure of making your next Suit. I nistration of a thoroughl asive scheme of physical or all students for a period o be fixed. This would in- gymnasium work, the ac- f the Department of Intra- Lletics, and much more. ngement for courses design- oung men and young women to the schools of this and es and handle the sort of .i 1111111 Vstr Recor Victor ,Recor r The February on Sale a" THE VICTOR Talking Machine must have known that February time at Mfichigan, for they have inclu( new monthly record offering four dai that will tantalize the sleepiest pair you come early you will be able to'ge ords; they'll help to liven up that hous R ED SEAL artists have also made n tributions to the February Record so, Alda, Homer, Schumann-Heink, V and Johnson have recorded some fine bers, while Heifetz, Kreisler, and Ha offer two violin and one 'cello piece. THERE ARE also three 'good vocal popular artists. "Bye-Lo," "I'm Without a Sail," "You'd Be Surprised" kles"are included.a Here are some of the features of the Fe Dance Records " Dardanella" ....... ........."My Isle of ds for _ roday- Company- was J-Hop- led in their_ nce records of feet. If t these rec- ie party. otable con- list. Caru- Verrenrath, vocal num- ins Kindler - records by Like a Ship and "Frec- .bruary list: Golden Dreams" "Fluffy Ruffles"_ S -"Peggy" ."Taxi" tra Mary's".. .Alda .. . . .Kreisler yes ,... . . .. - Schumann-HeinIe Verrenrath . ohnson cat and tur the ern em 7:0 7:0 11: 3: Th 0 Th 0 Ti d r . 0 rel H. K r 1 sj " " M s " s n A i M s r r i .f WHAT'S GOING ON . TODAY 0-Michigan-Ohio State game in Waterman gym. 0-Mr. S. Zwemer speaks In Lane all. 0-Glee club trip men rehearse in Lane hall. TOMORROW :30-Sphinx meets in the Michigan Union. Room number will be post- ed on the bulletin board in lobby. 0-Twilight organ recital in Hill auditorium. U-NOTICES , e Classical club will meet at 11 o'clock today at Rentschler's for a picture. t Marines' club willmet at 12:15 o'clock Monday at Rentschler's for a picture. e Glee club will hold rehearsals during examination weeks at the regular times in Lane hall. The Mandolin club will hold rehearsals only on Monday and Thursday of the second week of exams. We can do those floors, if they need flnishing or waxing. Call 237. C. Major & ,Co.-Adv. I ion is in process of preparation it is hoped that in the near fu- e it may be in shape to present to faculty and ultimately to the gov- ing body for its action. . Karl !Talcolml 604 East Liberty St. Malcolm Building : i 11111111111tIlii 1111til111111111i 1111111 1111 iEI tlitii 11 1111 t11 t' 111 1111 1 11111l tlll1111111 I - : YOUR HOP GIRL enjoys candy. = Let us pack a box of chocolates for her from our select line of milk coated creams, nuts and fruits. There should be a box in your booth. An "M" Box makes the most fitting souvenir. _ a - a11 709 N. University :1111111~t11[IIII1111111111111111111i11111111l l Ii iHIM 1111111t11t11111111111111111 Get your Furniture och and Henne.-Adv. and Rugs at * i A EC0 EN SPECIAL 1 1 , J HOP CONCERT "Poor Little "On Miamia "Where the Sebvin's Novelty Orchestra Butterfy Is a Fly Gal Now"...... AEI S tar TA o ..... I'l OF THE Sh re .. ...... . .....,.........---- Joseph Smzith's Orchestra Lanterns Glo . .. . . ' rches.r............ Van Etps Trio Smith's Orches Glee and Mandolin Club Saturday afternoon after the Hop, Feb. 14. Red Seal Records "Vieni sul mar". . ... . . .. .Caruso "Romance... Heifetz "Menuet" ....Kindler "The Bells of St. "La. Gitana". . "Thy Beaming E, 2 O'Clock Hill1 Auditorium "Dreaming Alone in the Twilight"...... .... "Her Bright Smile Haunts Me Still"........ Pagliacci-"Vesti la Giubba" ............. Messiah-.-"Oh Thou That Tellest... ...... .. Jvsw t ..Johnson .. .Homer '"I QI Wig. . M. Spot Come early for your records and avoid disappointment M _ M w w _ i r / s a as w w M r w r w w w s ar s r The Best Way To Spend The Quiet Hours of That Sleepy Day. 60 Picked Trip Men New and Complete Program. Time Not To Conflict With Any Luncheons Or Teas. 50c By Request of 50c c athe Hop Comm- Tickets a, ittee souvenir Tickets at Bookstores Programs Bookstores : r