I pAb rlt SWakl~ Ahr PRESST SAY AND NIGHT WIRE SERVICE :XX. 93: ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1920. PRICE THRE1: N WOMAN, AD RRANDU H AT 1-HOP Head, Heart, Spirit; All These Wake Burton An Ideal President __ .- t , . . .. AIGLER REPORT kL, '21, OF DILLON'S (By Chase S. Osborn) (Editor's Note -- In reply to a re- quest from The Daily Mr. Chase S. Os- born, of Sault Ste. Marie, former Re- gent of the University and an ex-gov- ernor of Michigan, wrote the follow- ing article concerning the choice of Mr. Burton as president of. the Univer- sity. Mr. Osborn has always taken an active interest in the affairs of the institution and its welfare, although not directly connected with it at the present time.) DIAL HOP CONCERT kNNED BY GLEE CLUB Extras Arranged for Night of Event and for Morning After Wanda T. Gillingham, '21, of Bay- port, Michigan, and Roswell E. Dil- lon, '21E, chairman of the Hop com- mittee, will open the 1921 Hop to be held at 9 -o'dlock Friday, Feb. 13, in Waterman gymnasium, to the tune of "The Victors." Stilax to Deck Rafters More than 15,000 feet of green smi- lax, which .has been ordered from Florida, will' be used to form a can- opy over the entire floor, hiding the steel rafters which support the roof. Intermingled with this mass of green is to be interwoven Spanish )Uon in- terspersed with artificial flowers. Although the lights now in the gym- nasium are to be used they will be dropped so as to come below the can- opy and will be draped with Spanish moss In order to give a lantern ef- feet. Suspended from the ceiling at three different points will be Maize and Blue airplanes circling above the dancers during the entire evening. To hssue Extras The Daily will issue two Hop ex- tras. The first edition will be dis- tributed on the floor at 12 o'clock, while the second, containing a picture of the grand march, will be delivered to the fraternities on Saturday morn- ing. These extras will also be on sale at all drug stores. I Arrangements have been completed by officials of the Varsity Glee and Mandolin club for a concert to be giv- en Saturday afternoon, Feb. 14, in Hill auditorium. Contrary to previ- ous reports the Comedy .club will not present a performance that afternoon, sanction baving been given by the J- Hop committee to make this concert the official campus entertainment of the week end. ALUMNI TO AID IN ATHLETIC PLANS Alumni representatives from sever- al large cities, representatives of the faculty,oathletic representatives, and representatives of the student body will meet with the Board in Control of Athletics at 1 o'clock today in the Union to discuss Michigan's athletic program. Efforts will be made to organize and solidify the support of all factions in- terested in insuring future success to the Michigan sport program. Prob- lems wil be freely discussed and an attempt will be made to secure sugges- tions and opinions from varied points of view. DATES ANNOUNCED FOR TWO TWILIGHT FACULTY CONCERTS Faculty trwilight concerts will be given by the University School. of Music at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Feb. 2, and also Feb. 8 at Hill audi- torium. The first concert will consist of or- gan numbers by Mr. Earl Vincent Moore and arias and songs by Mr. James Hamilton, tenor, piano accom- paniments to be played by Dorothy Phebe Wines. , Community singing will conprise a -large portion of the program at the second concert. Familiar hymns and patriotic songs will be sung under the direction of Mr. Russell Carter, music director of the public schools. Wherever I have gone since the se- lection of Marion LeRoy Burton as president of the University of Michi- gan I have heard only favorable and Ability to Weigh, Value,,and Correlate Vital Factors, Test of Train- ing enthusiastic comment. the college spirit had falleq to the dead levels of just loyalty and good sportsmanship. Already there ,is sparkle and color and genuine ebulliency. Why? Endowed for Position Because it is taken for granted that President Burton possesses all of the endowments to make the best uni- versity president In America. This means that the University of Michigan will become again the best university in the world. Why state it in half ter.ms? The new president: ideal age, 45; born in the West he has the life and view point and strength of our mid- empire. The East has given him just enough polish and aestheticism to whet his culture without giving it that thin and fragile edge that nicks on solid impacts. Heaven endowed, him with a superior intellect and he has worked and given it a development and training that makes for a perfect balance between rationalism and un- erring instinct. A Congregational Minister To accocpany his head God gave President Burton a heart and in that heart dwells a spirit. These have manifested themselves .in wholesome religious directions. He is a Congre- gational minster - a sort of high brow Presbyterian. There can be no earnest ministry without deep-seated humanity. Will Impart Self President Burton will bring to Mich- igan character, courage, vigor, intel- lect, heart, spirit and humanity. He will impart these to every student. That is education. (Continued on Page Nine) MICHI6AN '23-13 Fast Aggie Defense Holds Michigan Forwards to Three Field Throws PEARE AND WILSON AT GUARD' BEST FOR MAIZE' AND BLUE e f r i f' i t f t E 3 l ADVO0CATE SCHOOL 'TO TR9iN COA9C HES An. 'ial Athletic Board Report to .. 'mate Takes Up Discussion of Athletic Situation CONSTRUCTIO.N OF ADDITION TO CONCRETE STAND CONSIDERED Extracts . from the report .of the Board in Control of Athletics, submit- ted by the chairman, Prof. R. W. Aigi ler, to the University Senate on Mon- day, Jan. 28, and since adopted by that body., are given below. t 3 ,I. . , PUBLICATION SUSPENIDEl Suspension of publicatign of The Daily will take place with this issue, until Feb. 17, the opening of the second semester, ,because of examinations. u PHYSICAL W( Danger to Atbleties CAPACITY REQUIRED RATHER, N THAN SPECIFIC K"OWLEDGE (By Evans Holbrook) About two-thirds of each class which enters the Law school come from the College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts and have had, be- fore entering the Law school, either two or three or four years of work in the college. The L w school's In- terest inand dependence upon the work of the college is therefore im- mediate and obvious. Prerequisites Few It must be admitted that the work of the Law school is not based upon prerequisite technical courses to the, same extent as in the case of the med- ical or engineering student; with the exception of certain courses in history and political science no particular ,courses' are necessary' to the carrying on of the study of law to the same de- gree that chemistry and biology are necessary to the study of medicine, or physics and mathematics to the study of engineering. On the other hand the wort of the lawyer covers every field of human conduct and there is practically no form of human endeavor which may., not result in a situation calling for the judicial determination of a con- troversy in which lawyers must assist the ourt in making a just decision. Scope of Interest Wide This tremendously wide scope of in- terest and activity imposed on the. profession reflects in several ways upon the problem of prelegal study: it makes practically impossible a com- pletely adequate preparation because Fast floor work, and clever basvt shooting in the last period featured the M. A. C. win from Michigan, Fri- day night, 23 to 13. The first half was a close fight, ending with t he Aggies hanging to the slight margin* of * six to five score. X. A. C. Scores Frequently - 1i the second half Heasley and Gil- key opened fire and between threw five field counters and the same num- ber of foul goals. Personal fouls fea- tured the entire gace, the Aggies be- ing guilty of 13 and Michigan 9. Varsity Misses Shots Michigan had numerous shots at the basket,; but inade only three of them good. Weiss and Dunne' did not have the basket eye and lost several points. The Farmers guarded closely and cov- ered the ball well.f Increased Pressure Athletes Cited on High S( as Future The books and accounts of the Ath- letic association have been audited by Mr. Walter V. Gurd of Detroit, pub- lic accountant. The following are the receipts and disbursements for the year: Receipts were $55,171.66. Dis- bursements were $51,725.84. The work of the association was conducted during the year at a con- siderable financial loss. War condi- tions cut down. receipts from student fees and from football games very ma- terially. Another factor which held down receipts was the epidemic of in- -fluenza with the resuting quai'ntine during the football season of 118. Balance on Hand During the past summer it was nec- essary to borrow1$4,000 so that at the opening of the college in Septenber the indebtedness of the association was about $42,000. Income from stu- dent fees and from the 'football sea- son has enabled the association to pay off all of this indebtedness and leave a balance on hand at the present time, of approximately $20,000. 1[ost, if not all, of this sum will be needed for car- rying on the activities of the associa- tion during the rest of the year. While the financial condition of the association has improved very mate- rially in the last few months, there' is no large sum of money lying loose for which we are anxiously seeking a; means of outlet, despite the ratherI prevlent opinion to the contrary. Construion Work Impracticable1 Pressure for accommodations. in the stands at the larger football games is3 becoming so great that consideration has been given to the matter of con-; struction of a further unit of the con-3 crete stadium. With expens of build-i ing so high it is the judgment >f thet Board that the commencement of sch building operation should be postpon-.l ed not only until the cost of labor and materials have come to a lower level but also until the Board is in better shape financially to undertake such aI large project.1'g Profit for the season was $47,140.41.I Where Does Blame Rest?. L Probably nothing has been talkedd about more among Michigan studentsa and alumni during the past fewf months than, What is the matter witht Michigan athletics? The failure of theg football team in the season justt passed to win more than one of itsc Conference games has led to this dis-n cussion. The question should not be, What is the matter with Michigan ath-o letics? but, What is the matter with e football at Michigan? In truth, this: Inquiry should be limited still further: . What was the matter with football atc Michigan during the fall of 1919? t When the question is thus correctly c stated it loses much of its impor- i tance. To. be sure, if the difficulties of I the season just, past have been due h to mistakes in policy or administra-. tion, remedies should be found' Many of the conference- teams weres very fortunate this fall in having a 1 great many brilliant players return b from service. Michigan was not so fortunate, and the truth is that we Students Responsible For the so-called disaster, every- body has been blaned from the rub- ber to the president of the University. The coaches and the trainer 4aye re- ceived their ,hare of comment. The, last time there was such a general in- quiry into the reason for the failure of the football team to win games it was thought should have been won, co-education was blamed. This ,time the women seem to have escaped., While tliere \may have been many shortcomings, it is believed that fun- damentally the difficulty is to be found in the attitude of the student body from which the athletic teams must be- made up. When the most desperate efforts to interest the students succeed in getting out on to the field only 34 men eligible for intercollegiate ath- letics, successful teams cannot be rea- sonably expected.-. Changed Attitude Necessary Michigan men must rid themselves of the notion that Michigan teams' must win all the time. There are five other members of the Conference which have approximately as large at- tendance as has Michigan.' It is irea- sonable to- suppose that .they 'have among their student bodies men of the same average virility as we have 'and there is no doubt but what they 'think as do we with reference to 'our coach, that their coaches are the equal, of all and the superior of many. It is reasonable to suppose that in fair contests of skill between Michigan an& those institutions they will win their share. "' there is not time to spend on such preparatory course: it necessitates a 'pretty drastic selective process: it moreover requires that the student acquire from his prelegal as well as from his legal studies the ability to weigh and value and correlate the vital factors in any problem which confronts him. This latter is the crucial test, from the point of view of the Law school, of work of the college inpreparing studex~s for the study of law. The ,content of particular courses (with a few exceptions hinted at above) is less important than the training re- ceived by the student. If the course -is one which constatly. requires the exercise of the student's powers of ob- servation, comparison and discrimina- tion, it will be good preparation for the study of law, whether the subject matter be history or philosophy or sciepce or art. E xercise of Powers Necessary The important matter is that this exercise of the student's powers must. not only be possible but necessary; if a student can meet the require- ments of a course by a process of (Continued on Page Ten) PROFIT X ORE. THAN $47,000; NEW DEPARTUENT NECESSAR1 to college is not easy to state in ge: eral terms. That it is no more im proper to call to the attention of young man the advantages athletica ly of a- certain college than it is point out the high standing of" i academic work, the excellence of i engineering college, its medical or la school would seem obvious. " It is equally clear, on the othe hand, that it is not right to induc any young man to attend by promise of material returns or special favoi not shared by students generally. Be tween these two extremes there ma arise a variety of situations. Man; alumni with money and generosit like to help deserving young men I college educations. When such a alumnus helps, athletes and non-ath letes indiscriminately, certainly tli 'niost squeamish cannot find fault.:Atl letic ability on the part of the pros pective beneficiary should not in fail ness make him ineligible for such gen erosity. Education Must Control It is believed the line must t drawn on some .such basis as this': I the young man being sent to colleg to take part in athletics, or for tb advantages of a college education? I the latter, it cannot be a basis for ob jection that his benefactor was at tracted to him by his athletic ability It all comes down to the basic propc sition that college athletics after ali i not the dog but only the tail. The 'lat ter may be important but it must no wag the former. Despite the efforts which hav9 bee made in the past to get theyoung me of the University , to participate i some form of outdoor athletics it ha never been possible to get out durin any one year more than about 35 pe cent of the young men of the Univer sity. Much of the criticism of inter collegiate athletics has been on th ground that too much time and mone is spent upon the few who need phy sical development least. Next to thos who take part in intercollegiate ath letics, the 35 per cent who have volun tarily come out for some form of out door athletics have needed physica development probably less than an: one else in the University. The prob lem is to get out the other 65 per cen who more than any others need thi work. Rules Approved Since 1905-06 athletic matters have in the main been wisely administered and eligibility rules have prevented abuses. Among those who have been most intimately connected with inter- collegiate athletics over the country generally, there can hardly be found one who does not approve most heart- ily .of the freshman rule, the three year rule and rules requiring rea- sonable attainments in scholarship. it is rather surprising to find the sen- timent expressed by some members of the University that any one who is a regularly enrolled student should be permitted to compete so long as he remains such student. - Foresee Danger In the increasing pressure that Is being brought to bear by universities generally upon likely high school ath+ letes to attend this, that or some other university is probably the most likely danger for the future of intercollegi- ate athlietics. The prevalent bidding for athletes has developed an expecta- tion on the part of these men that they shall have special indulgences. All too many expect to get something for coming to the University and it does not stop there. There is a constantly growing spirit of expectation of special favors, and even material rewards for competi tion. It is not so many years ago that the award of the college' letter was considered -a sufficient goal for which to strive through the entire college course. All too ,many now\geem t feel, figuratively speaking, that the letter ought to be' awarded to them be- fore they come out, along with sweat- ers, caps, blankets, coats, and so" forth. This of course is said without special reference to conditions at Michigan; the condition is not local, but general. How- Far to GoT Just how far it is proper to go in persuading prospective athletes to go Ask Compulsory Training In the last annual report referer was made to the possibility of ma ing participation in "physical exerc or athletics tompulsory. Some dou was then expressed whether compu sion would be advisable in this conne Peare, at running guard, and Wil- son, at the standing position, looked the best- for Michigan and cut down several points. After the two were taken out of the game the Farmers had an easier time scoring. The lineup: Michigan . M. A.C. Weiss, Gervirtz, L.F..........Gilkey Cook Higbie Rychener .......R.F.'..Heasley, Palm Dunne.. .. .....C...........Foster Peare, Rea . . ... .]L.G..........Hammes Garrett, apt. Wilson, Smith ..R.G. ........Kuntz Summary, baskets, Heasley 3, Gil- key 4, Kurtz, Foster; Rychener 2, Dunne. Fouls, 3-7, Higbie 2-3, Fos- ter 0-1, Kurtz, 0-2; Weiss, 2-6, 3-5, Rea 2-5. Referee, Dotterrer. Umpire, Dean. tion. The Athletic board has (Continued on Page Ten) ^ NOTICE, SENIORS! t The customary 10 days which is yearly jllowed for those sen iors who have neglected to have their pictures taken for the Michiganensian during the al- loted time, commences Feb. 1 and ends Tuesday, Feb.'10. No senior pictures will be accept- ed after this deadline, and in ac- cordance with publication rul- ings a small extra' charge is made for all sittings during this probation :period; were outclassed. __ __ _ G A E let Limited to '7- By Request of the Hop Committee The Glee and Mandolin Club Saturday, Feb.14 .2 o'clock Hill Auditorium 50 CENTS 60 Picked Trip Men Will Present a Special Ji Hop Conoert (