I [LY JEWELERS AMCL$LAJ^ot klFAit sa{t- of - Quality and Service 113 E. Liberty St. Ann Arbor, Mich. f noursj Courteous and satisfactor TREATMENT to every custom- er, whether the account be large or small. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank~ - Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $5600#(.00 Resources .........,000,000.00 S 35t Northwest Cor. Main & Huron. 707 North University Ave. I _ U a. U, U U . S. .U ;r .I U, If your auto look dingy and inattrac- tive, repaint it witli LA.o*e Brothers ',Automobh l Varnish Colors Made in standard auto- mobile colors and a clew varnish. Gives a rich lus trous finish. that will maki the old car look like new, Sold ready to use--easj to apply. Ask for £00r card. Oswald A. Herz Phone 33-Fl 112 W. Washington I'< UT yr MT 3 W tp U .r e- , y * a' : C Ii I I U U S. ANNOUNCE CHNGES IN '. WAR RISK INSURANCE <7-- CIRCULAR OUTLINES PROVISIONS OF RECENT AMEND- MENT Further information' as to benefits derived and compensation granted under the new amendment to the war risk insurance act, passed by con- gress, Dec. 24, 1919,. are given in a circular which has Just been issued by the bureau of war risk insurance. Under the terms of the amended war term insurance or United States government life (convertel) Insur- ance policies may be made payable to any of the following list of benefic- iaries; it Lunches Nunnally's Candy Maynard St. E i l Dl l eyl+fi I Lt +i " 11 I.'o M Books, Albums Eastman Kodaks and Supplies Finishing and Enlarging 11 - n + rr Thing" LYNDON & COMPANY 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. BeneflcIares Listed Parent, grandparent, step-parent, parent through adoption, wife or hus- band, child, grandchild, stepchild, adopted child, brother, sister, half- sister, half-brother, brother though adoption, sister though adoption, step- brother, stepsister, uncle, , aunt, nephew, neice, brother-in-law,!sister- in-law, a person who has stood in the relation of a parent to the insured for a period of 1one, year or more prior to teh insured's enlistment or induc- tion, the children of such person; par- ent, grandparent, stepparent, or par- ent through adoption of the insured's wife orhusband. Payments Opftional United States government life (con- verted) insurance may now be paid at death in a lump sum or in install- ments for 36 months or more, at the option of the insured. The rate of compensation for dis- ability has been . greatly increased. The amounts provided bythe new law are as follows: With neither wife or child, $80; with wife but no child, $90; With wife and pne child, $95; with wife and' two children, $100; with wife and three or more children,, $100; with no wife but one child, $90; with no wife but two children, $95; with no wife but three children, $100; with no wife but four children, $105; extra allowance for dependent mother or dependent fatheror both, $10 each. Under the new law there is an al- lowance to a man temporarily or totally disabled, and with no wife liv- ing, of $5 additional for each child (in excess of one) without limit as to number. Total Permanent Disability Under the war risk insurance act the same scale applied for total and permanent disability as for tempor- ary total disability. A distinction is made between the two in the new law. Under the latter the compensation (Continued on Page Eight) Tryouts Frail 0 Rteveal An Anns - ,- ~k\\ ELMER GRANDIN AND SENORITA MARIA ASCARAGA BELASCO'S STUPENDOUS ME LO-DRAMA OF LIFE, YOUTH, "TIGER ROSE," AT TH E WHITNEY THEATI DAY NIGHT, JANUARY THIRTY-FIRST. T"he Stage THE WHITNEY i The photoplay is a p Mary Roberts Rhinehari same name which ap; Saturday Evening Post Shenandoah," a Mack S which will also be. shov o AND AND EXCITEMENT 'TOMORROWl 6- 12 One of the stage pictures in "Tiger Rose," to appear tomorrow night at the Whitney, a storm scene followed by a sunrise, is declared to be a mast- erpiece in David Belasco's art. The storm is the most realistic that ,ir. Belasco has given the stage.' It is developed, we are told, in an un- usually effective manner, beginning with the skies darkening, the wind blowing, the rain falling softly at first and then turning into a steady drizzle, lightening flashes followed by thunder and a downpouring torrent, and ending with the first ray of sun- light; I' -appeared so THE ARCA 't Elaine Hammerstein hours Leave" The Screen THE 1MAJESTIC, Country Cousin," will "Greater Than Fame," nick release, today an the Arcade. Miss Hamamerstein ha young girl who comes seeking a stage caree are meager but althou some friends who offe: terms are such that s refuse their assistanc merstein "puts her w personality into her pa lent results. We can'do those floo refinishing or waxing. H. Major & Co.-Adv. MARTHA WASHING at Tices' Drug Store, 1 Fresh every Friday.- AJ STIC brilliant novel by Mary Roberts Rinehart leg; so the buddies faded the doeboy for all his kale on his folish bet and he dolled up in a taylor maid uniform which was against the regulashuns and he got in the jug with nothin but his B.V.D.'s twixt, him and the weather but he thot of the komanders dauter waiting for him outside the gates and so he called a surprise attakt with the aid of an ulster to lend dignity to his B.V.D.'s. and he clumb thru the windo of the} baraks and startled the dauter who is got Peggy; for a moniker but the fact that the uniform h, wore was nothin much befoar and less than 'arf of that behind didnt put out the fire of luv in her bosom for him and from . then on he had .a lot of fun with a jealous loot who wuz sparkin Peggy too, ask enybody who seen it, THANK YOU- Dire necessity is causing the opera management to consider unusual ways to get an Anne for the coming produc- tion. Rigid requirements have barred. all applicants up to date. Pinkerton detectives, all Ugion boosters, the directors of the opera, and all others have failed to locate Anne. Near perfection is demanded from the person who is to fill this part. Anne, who plays the leading woman's role, in the coming opera, must be fair, have a tenor voice, a slight build, and be, a good dancer and actor. Union officials urge anyone, having these qualifications, to report to room 308 of the Union at once.. TRIANGLE SOCIETY ENTERTAINS SPHINX AT INFORMAL DINNER Meeting informally, some 40 mem- bers of Sphinx and Triangle attended a dinner given to the former by the latter society at the Union last eve- ning. Primarily the object of the meeting was to bring about a closer relation between the two organizations, junior literary and junior engineering honor- ary society, respectively. Music was furnished during the dinner by a four piece orchestra and following the banquet Prof. Robert M. Wenley of the philosophy department, talked on "Avocations and Robbies for College Graduates." Bill Gray departs a long way from the conventional dress for a young man who is calling on a young lady in "23Y Hours Leave," to be repeated today and tomorrow at the Majestic, when he "steps out" attired only in an ulster and his B. V. D.'s. -r U WHITNEY, THEAT PHJONE SAT. NIGHT r JANUARY21 101 t ONLY for pup meat ider's EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION "Salome.vs. Shenandoah" SENNETT COMEDY PATHE NEWS AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA 0 i pJI I. ANNIVERSARY WEEK SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY NorAAT Tat WLadge "A DAUGHTER OF TWO WORLDS" Condition of Erzberger Critical Berlin, Tan. .29.-The condition of Mathias Erzberger is critical, accord- ing to the Lokal Anzeiger. Cardiac trouble has developed accompanied by violent pain. Have those rooms cleaned and re- decorated for the -Hop. Call 237, and the goods will be delivered. C. H. Malor & Co'.Adv.. Prices $2.00, $1.60,!$1.00, 75c. Seats on Note Thunderstorm Effect of this 7 One Live-Love Drama Judge, Clergy, Liar Vou will enjoy 11 Get your Furniture and Rugs #1