entitled to the use for ed to it or not otherwise published therein. >or, Michigan, as second Maynard street. 14. ords, if signed, the sig- tbut as' an 'evidence of shed in The"Daily at the iled to TheDaily office. consideration. No man- rincloses postage.- orse the sentiments ex- .Managing Editor 6,Business Manager cused of profiteering and advise the University of- ficials and general public to calm themselves. In justice to the landladies i't must be said that the prices of several years ago, even one year ago, cannot be taken as a basis for present prices. * * * * The public has long since abandoned them as a criterion. There ,is some doubt, however, as to whether the present ratio of rentals to rooming house expenses exceeds that of the past only suffi- ciently to return a reasonably greater ,income. As for the alleged broken contract which, it appears, is only one of several similar offenses, no defense has been offered. Regarding the landladies' presentation of their case, some doubt has already been expressed as to whether their estimates of the cost of furnishing a student's room are at all representative. The aver- age student will "wrack his brain in vain to re- call an apartment furnished as elaborately as the one they describe. If the work is as disagreeable and unremunerative as these ladies assert, it is surprising that they persist in it. If they seek to, atone for "long suffering" is it reasonable for them to ask. us of today to suffer for the evils of our, forbears? It must be admitted that the same grounds exist for raising prices in the ,case of rents as in other cases. But it is also true that just as there are those who will profiteer in other cases, so are there those vho will profiteer in the case of rents. 4' ;I x; t_.. News ed~itor DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (June g, .9) (Central "Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars--8:io a. in., and hoursly to 9g:: p. in. Jackson Limited and Ex.press Cars--7:48 a. in., and every hour to 9:48 p. i. (Ex. presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.) Local Cars East Bound-6:oo a. m. 9:05 a. m. and every two hours to 9:05 p. m., 10:50 p. m, To Ypsilanti only,, 11:45 p. ma.,a1:20 a. mn.,, : ro a:lin., and to' Saline, change at. Ypsilanti. Local cars West Bound-6 :48 a. m. and I11:20D. M. Attention Students You Will always find it at Mich. best book store and at the right price. You are welcome. University WahrS Book Store t4 Jr. er u4 Get Good Goods at Goodyear's Angell eth. - ilds very dear ng for country how to pay re- ition is, to erect eld gridiron. At MORE THAN RECONSTRUCTION What the University wants, what it needs this year is more than reconstruction; something be- yond that, which the simple word reconstruction does not wholly 'embody. Rather, what is funda- mental and vital is reconstruction and construc- tion to one definite end. Students need spend few hours worrying about what their faculty will accomplish in the way of re- building and re-evolving a new Michigan. Faculty problems will 'take care of themselves to a large degree as they are presented. For a reason yet nebulous the whole world today is seething over the economic, industrial, and so- cial problems. The student who, immersed in Uni- versity work, can yet turn his mind to the prob- lems of both the campus and those of the world in general, is 'apt to find that the two, somehow, are not so evitally different, provided he will but spend. his time and energy toward reaching the root of the matter. The million-dollar Michigan Union building will be completed within the next few months, ready to handle some of its share of the campus problems. 'The inception and formation of what Michigan is pleased and justified to call the greatest college union was formulated in the brains of Michigan students, in 1907. The present building, the must pretentious of any of its kind among American uni- versities, was made possible because of the activity. of the student body, the faculty, and alumni. , ous thought to the problems of the day. Too many brought out. A college with an enrollment of ap- proximately io,ooo cannot have its student activi- ties run properly by a few men. Their ideas can- not possibly be broad enough. The athletic situation is not as it should be. Too few men try for Varsity insignia. Too few are sufficiently aware' of the gain to be derived fromw non-athletic activities." Too few have given seri- ous thought to the problems of the day. Too. many are lackadaisical. The present is the time to cor- rect these habits, to convince the incoming classes that a student of an American university should be preparing himself for his life business and his life habits. Tod many of us leave college without the funda- mentals of our careers 'definitely established. The All-fresh may have a man named Paper, but the Varsity would probably be willing to admit that he is a Paperweight when hurled at the line. How would these sound in sporting stories: "The Michigan offense was built about Paper" or "Paper advanced ten yards." The Foundation of Loveliness No matter how diverting the subject of one's clothes may be, no woman thinks of planning her fall wardrobe without first considering the foundation-dainty undergarments. And even if this were not so they would instantly convert a wo- man--for never have we seen lovlier 'undergarments. Whether one seeks the fluffy undergarments, the simple tailored effects, the soft, silken lingerie, or the lovely Polto Rican and Philip- pine garments in which hand embroidery asserts its charm, there will be found models to interest all types of feminity. New Fall Blouses A timely selling for the fastidious woman cannot have too many blouses to accompany the separate skirt or to wear with her new suit. These blouses cannot be excelled in values and "l iI I l ~11 I I #' La Can Corse i - , r _ t 1 S I b ./ ,J / " 1 t attractiveness. Beautiful Georgette Crepe Russian Blouses and Crepe de Chine Blouses 'are attractively shown in a choice so wide that every taste, no matter how critical, may be satisfied, for all the season's color effects and all the smartest new styles are shown. Satins and fancy plaids in the season's smartest models are also delightfully featured in this collection. Do you know that the effe charming costume' is. depende the corset worn? And that th care and skill of, an experienc setiere are necessary in moul< figure into the graceful, vwellpip that vogue has decreed for the mode? Women of discriminating t preciate the superiority of La corsets, for La Camille has vidual model for every type o Shown in a number of desi materials. Second Floor ,, be lowered e two flags hould com- .\ The flag- he spirit of Besides, an er the ficld. ds depart- secured. A Unquestion- the pole. It -ibe enough he pole, the ,ill cost be- students on o trouble in hy a cause. re any bet- DOWNTOWN PP,- V _____________________________.__._ son as ex- ing in Sun- while' ideas ndiate that One of the .latest of U. S. destroyers was chris- tened Case. If it never does any more damage than the Case with which Michigan recently dealt it will be a fit ship to uphold the government in a League of Nations. While the freshmen are being initiated into the myteries of Michigan's songs and yells it might, not 'be a bad idea for some of the upperclassmen to test their knowledge of the former. As a. result of the housing shortage in Berlin, the municipality is renting cells in the old city jail as dwellings. A good suggestion if it had come a few days ago. German labor unions have signified a willingness to adopt piece work. In America it is a case of adopting peace to work first. The steel workers say they will all hang together. Ten to one the steel corporation is willing to furn- ish the rope. Experience is a great thing in any occupation but the newest demand is for "an experienced mar" ri'ed nan." Branch Nickels Arcade '- EANERS " 5 Suits pressed while you wait.' FRESH FRUIT SUNDAES FRESH FRUIT SODAS HOU MADE CANDIES Fresh Daily HOT CHOCOLATE Visit the The SUgaf Bowl 109 S. MAIN STREET The Arcaae careteria in the Nickels arcade is now open with lots of good fresh vegetables, home-killed pork, etc., from our own farm. The baked goods we, prepare in our B kery. We have not raised.our prices.-Adv. Read the Michigan Daily for Campust news.--Adv. POL O SHIRTS Button-cown collar attached. See the new Cloth we are showing in this - SHIRT - Real Knitted Knit Ties See the new patterns Alicited statement >ear abnormally 'his particular in- ad closed a con. I term only to be e the room at the espondent draws he current prices his own school rests profiteering vends an investi- comes the state- TINKER & COMPANY CLOTHES, FURNISHINGS AND HATS So. State St. at William St. Dress Suits and Silk Top Hats for Rental cm, - --" . rn--, :'# )l , ~ I ou have not visited our Millinery farlors it will pay you to do so, STEPHENS & PERSHING *18 PACKARD Near State PHONE 1028-W Did our team win? Don't ask ques- Michigan Daily advertising is It looks as though professors of 'certain courses, will have to hang out the S. R. O. sign. Get, your Un ©n button and wear it. ti, onis, B Michigan a