) RAGS RTY PARTY v ii iiir i r r yirr r. r a ....rr.. i AT I WIom e I G. aretl artha Cook dormitory gave a cab- , followed by "The Martha Cook ies," at 6. o'clock Friday evening onor of the four girls who are to e at the end of the semester. Two iese, Dora Osterberg, '20, and Del- Gilbert, '20, will graduate. wo girls dressed as ministrels, and uiartet in fancy costumes, enter- ed during dinner with songs and ces. Take-off stunts of "Tulip e," and other acts in the "Follies" e then played in the blue room. dumnus Here Over Week End ,mes Clark, '19, of Beloit, Wis- in, is the guest of friends here this week end. ead the Mihiga DelW fa Catpma Glad rags, tattered rags, and rags of all descriptions were the costumes of the guests at the Baptist Guild poverty party Friday night. There were 30 present to participate in games and "indoor sports" staged by the enter- tainment committee.'{ Michigan Graduate Dies in Frisco / Dr. Benjamin P. Brodie, '82, Detroit physician for more than a quarter of a century, died suddenly in San Francisco Friday. He was 61 yegrs old. Doctor Brodie received his A.B. de- gree from Michigan in 1882. He was formerly chief suregon for the De- troit fire department, Detroit United railway; and many other organiza- tions. Walter R. Curl wrote today's Ran- dall Sudio ad.-Adv. Follow The Diagonal Walk Either Way To A Connor Dealer _ s CCE C REA After A Class Period; It Is Mighty Refreshing - - - ARRI CK Week Starting Sunday, January Nights, 50e to $2 Matinees Wed., 50c to $1. Sat .40e to $L& GEORGE BROADHURST Presents 25 - .0 . 00 _ - i - Girls' Reserve club leaders are ask- ed to take notice that the meeting to- day will be' held at 2:30 o'clock at the city Y. W. C. A. This is achange from the usual time and p'lace of meeting and it is especially requested that all attend at the new place and time. All gymnasium classes will meet on Monday as usual. ' - A number of University houses have not yet sent in 'their reports on the new house rules. These must be sent in immediately to Sue Verlenden, '20, 1205 Hill street. No results can be determined until all reports are i. Senior society will meet at 7:30 o'clock Monday evening at Helen New- berry residence. Cast and 'chorus members of the Junior Girls' play will have their first rehearsal at 4 o'clock Monday after- noon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. All are requested to bring their fee of $2 with them. Cast and chorus members of the Junior Girls' play will have their first rehearsal at 4 o'clock Monday after- noon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. All are requested to bring their fee of $2 with them. Girls wh are willing to be junior advisors during the coming semester to the in-coming freshmen, and who are not already advisors, are asked to see Lois D Vries, '21, from 2 to 4 o'clock Monday at the Women's league room in Barbour gymnasium. There will be a mass meeting of Girl Reserves at 4 o'clock Sunday aft- ernoon at the Y. W. C. A. Miss Mary Bosworthy national world fellowship secretary of the Y. W. C. A., will speak to the girls. WOMEN MAKE U. S. CLAIMS "Y" LEADER "Tremendous opportunity but trem- dous responsibility is offered to lead- ing girls," said Miss Mary Bosworth, national ' world fellowship secretary of the Y. W. C. A., yesterday. "Very little is being down in giving girls a world vision. No matter who you are or whatyou do, world vision makes you b~tter fitted for your work. Un- ited Ytates is one of the greatest na- tions on earth. Why? Because her women are right at the front. Wom- en take the initiative, and wherever women are down, or uneducated, the nations is down. Chinese women are restricted. That is why China as a nation is down." Miss Bosworth wishes to put her messages through by attractive post- ,ers and suggestive pictures which will appeal to all. DEAN HINSDALE WILL GIVE' THIRD TALK ABOUT DISEASE Dean W. B. Hinsdale of the Hom- oeopathic medical school will deliver the third of his series of Sunday, aft- ernoon lectures at 3 o'clock today in the lecture room of the Homoeopathic hospital. He has chosen as his sub- ject "Predisposing and Determining Causes of Disease." While these lectures are intended primarily for medical and premedi- cal s4udents, any person Interested is invited to attend. Prof. Rufus Tells of Korea Work Using observations gained while a missionary in Korea as the basis of his address, Prof. Carl W. Rufus, of the astronomy department, spoke to the members of the Student Volun- teers' organization Saturday evening in Lane hall. His subject concerned "The Christian Missionary in Korea." Australian Sheep Raisers to Migate Grande Prairie, Alta., Jan. 24.- Austalian sheep raisers are planning ing to emigrate to the Grand Prairie, district of Northern Alberta this spring, according to information re- ceived from Queensland by the local board of trade. Have those rooms cleaned 'nd re- decorated for the J-Hop. Ca 1 1237 and the good will be delivered. C. H. Major & Co-.Adv. Northwest Cor. Main & Huron 707 North UnIversity Ave. The SWAIN do the work ._. _- , 11 Truttle's Lunches Nunnally 's Candy Maynard St. Comedy Club 's "ALICE, SIT' BY-1 THE- FIRE uthor-J. M. Barrie Cast-Capable' Director-J. Raleigh Nels JANUARY 28th I Week Satn SH U B ERT Pop. 31at. Wed., , - eekStarting Si U E Sunday, Jan. 25 ET R Ol 50c to $1.50 Nights, 50c to $2.50 Sat. Mat., c50 to $2 a N C A M F U 5 Arthur Hammerstein Presents FRANK TINNEY ~ IN A MERRY MUSICAL ROMANCE. "SOME TIME" =Bookand yrics by Rida Johnson Young Music by Rudolph Nriml ;on - Direct from 9 months' run Casino, New York Mich- -5111111111111111111111111111111 [11111111111Q11111111111i 1Us llllill lll1 1 Il l ll11111111 Courteous and satlsfactor, TREATMENT to every custom- er, whether the account be large or small. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $550,000.04) Resources..........$4,000,000.00 y,, . . W..._....._ I af 1I For Campus news tgai Daily.-Adv. read the 1 Quarry's Drug Store For Satisfactory Amateur Finishing leave your Films , "THE WONDERFUL THING" A Comedy-Drama of Power and Beauty By MRS. LILLIAN TRIMBLE BRADLEY erpreted by a notable cast, including Jeanne Eagles, rem "SHOULD A WOMAN TELL?" - featuring -a ALICE LAKE AND AN ALL-STAR CAST beredc principally for her performances in "Outcast" and "Daddies" Copy LASS IFII ADVERTISI N Leave Copy at QuamTi and The Delta LOST AND FOUND -Friday A. M., in Law building Natural Science building, brown et hand bag, containing smaller e with gold watch marked M. [. and money, silver powder box, Reward. M. A. Miller, 428 S. n. Phone 1465-M. -Wednesday, a. m., a necklace tver chain and blue 'beads, vhere on Main St., or between and 24 Olivia Ave. Reward. 246 or 58. -A gold fountain pen between Hall and U-Hall. Please re- rn to 1414 Washtenaw. Re- -Small Leather notebook, with Young on outside cover. Find- ease return to 408 E. Jeffer- -In U-Hall Friday afternoon, coin purse containing money wner's card. Return to Daily -A gold fountain pen between Hall and U-Hall. Please re- to 1414 Washtenaw. Reward. WANTED WANTED - Single room by fresh- medic; room should be ready Feb. 4th. Few other students, if any to be in the house. Care Box B. F., Daily. WANTED-A few ladies for figuring, a few hours each day. Apply at of- fice, rear of second floor, Mach & Co. WANTED - Experienced fraternity porter. Single preferred. Reference required. Apply Box F. P., Daily. WANTED - Second semester, small furnished apartment or light house- keeping rooms. Call Mrs. Fox, 885-M. 'WANTED-Three more boys to eat home cooked meals at 514 E. Jef- ferson. Rate $7.00 per week. WANTED-J-Hop tilcket. Please call 1808-M after 7 o'clock evenings. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Plain bobs for coatsting. Can be seen at 828 Brookwood Place. Price $10.00. Phone 2379-M. FOR SALE-Selected apple wood for fireplace. .H. L. Thornton. Phone 7136-F12. MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS-A woman of ex- perience (white) would like to take entire charge of dining room and kitchen in some reliable Fraternity house. Satisfactory references guar- anteed. Apply to Box Z, Daily. lce Lake mi Mould.a, Woma & ,:' NOT ONLY MIGHT SHE LOSE HIM by her confession of the past he never dreamed existed, but the revelation would hurt him, destroy forever Albert's belief in the goodness of women, in life itself. Yet Meta's conscience told her there was but one thing to do; to tell; and then accept the inevitable. Still to lose him-she could not decide, though she knew she must. See how she solves this dilemma-you will never guess the outcome! i THE DRAMATIC MIRROR SAYS OF ALICE LAKE- It is good to get a chance at these new people on Broadway. We have been having too much sameness in stars; a round of the old faces. It is refreshing to see some one do things a little bit different from what we are used to. Alice Lake is certainly a personality to be watched. She has a charm that almost defies cataloging, but it is there. In some poses she1 is beautiful in the extreme. DON'T MISS THIS PICTURE-LET'S 601 TUESDAY-Return Date MAY ALLISON in "FAIR AND WARMER" Gilberts and Webers Chocolates in any size for Xmas at CUSHING'S PHARMACY.-Adv. (OMING-NORMA TALMADGE in "SHE LOVES AND LIES" I I 4 1 IK amma Phi on back. Beta sorority Phone 2325. pin. Re- i I Rev. F.F. Peterson E D U CAT IO N AL SNDAY JANUARY 25 FIRS BATIST CHURCH 10:30AM, "SUCCESS inRELIOUSEDUCATION' of Mass. will give L E TURES 6:30 P.M. "BETTER CROP OF BOYS AND 8111L3" / fountain penr Call Mpm