II it ij Vrn :Iaitg -I.1 _IaY AND NIGHT SERVICE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1920. PRICI THREE 6LUAU ,.. HIM1 FEATC YORK Professor Newton Of Ti nteringI How graduate students of at least ono year's standing at a university may enroll under the professors of England, \France, and Italy from whom they are anxious to receive instruction ORES was told by Prof. A. Percival Newton of London university last night to a representative of The Daily. Should Obtain Letters These st'udents should go to the k'Ys heads of their departments and se- cure from them a letter of commen- dation which they should mail to the from man under whom they are desirous ig of procuring instruction. If they are unable to secure a letter of commen- dation, by writing the American Uni- versity Union, 50 Russell Square, Lon- tiga- don, V. F. 1, if they wish to attend sus- an English university, they can as- s as- certain the possibilities of enrolling e the with certain professors. In cases mbly where the head of the department-is ether unable to furnish the student with all squ- the required information, the latter nistration tie Scorin blymen Press) 21.-Inves the five Alymen wa day before the asse as to wh4 d r-i de by Martin temporarily' the commit- of United y, in connec- to answer will be supplied with it upon inquiry to the Director of the Institute of In- ternational Education, 419 W. 117th street, New York city. Instructors May Attend Professor Newton explained that ju- nior instructors of the faculty could HIMNLY BLR NCED PROGRAM PLES r at the height of an at Which counsel of ibered their heaviest )n declared the pre- I1 not prove "a temp- .t Trotsky and Lenine nstallation in Amer- forin of government waves of-public opin- Is case have subsided, understand that this I party is the agent s of the dark forces empire who contem- 1 destruction of bon ient in America." . tion that the five So-1 sed, he declared that n with reference to 'eared and what they hat they engaged to plainly as anything that they gave their y and soully to an e empire." eclared that Socialist d be ruled by aliens re hired agents of a ome to carry out the ier agents so far as. d Littleton SCHKOLNIK, RUSSIAN PLAYS TO LARGE ENCE VIOLINIST, AUDI-. (By M. M.) Ilya Schkolni, Russian violinist and concert-meister of- the Detroit Symphony orchestra, pleased a large Audience at Pattengill auditorium last evening with an evenly balanced and well varied program. Concerto Gains Applause liis introductory piece, a sonata by handel, though te.inically well rend-, ered, with the ozception of a few ras- py tones in a crescendo passage, lack- ed temperament. This was followed, however, by Mendelssohn's Concerto, 'Op. 64, which was rendered in such I. manner as to please the. most critic- al audience. The brilliancy of the Allegro was only rivalled by the delicate purity of -the softer tones in the Andante. Sus- tained quaity and sureness of touch characterized the Allegro non troppe and the translational passage into the Allegro Molto vivace. Pergolesi's Aria, -was almost human in its'appeal and the artist lost none of its charm even through the inspiring finale. Hochstein's Minuet Imaginative Tells Ilethods LEVITSKI OFFERS O5 M ori Us JVARIED PROGRAM Freign nPrsLOe Mischa Levitski, the famous piano attend the universities of EnglaAd, HRVirtuosd or is tr m h ebutiEM Hill auditorium Friday night in the ,.. France, and.Italy under this arrange- extra concert series of the University ment. He further stated that eminent Program Oonsists of Twelve Numbers School of Music, will present the fol- Oi men of the universities of these coun- of Many Different lowing program: tries could be secured to give courses Types Organ Toccata and Fugue, D at American universities for short minor ... :.. . Bach-Tausig COULD HAVE SOLD 3,000 TICKI periods upon the requests of our uni- UNION DINNER WILL NOT Melody, D minor ,....Gluck-Sgambat HAD THERE BEEN versitles and vice versa.'Faculty mem- CONFLICT WITH PERFORMANCE Sonata Apassionata, Op. 57.. Bethoven bers of foreign universities could al- ._ Allegro assai ROOM' so be invited to mneet with memb'ers Final preparations have been com- Andante con moto of the faculty of any American uni- legrfoo ma ben om nyeity o ntercan i- pleted for, the All-nation Jamboree to Allegro ma non troppo-Presto THREE SPEAKERS ON versity in order to interchange ideas be given by the foreign students of Nocturne, F sharp .......... PROGRAM AS PLANNI on -university practices. the University under the auspices of Etude, G flat (Butterfly) , Expenses About $1,200 the Cosmopolitan club at 8 o'clock to- Etude, G flat (Black Keys) . Orchestra, Solos, and Quartette Professor Newton said that the liv- night.in .ilauditorium. The Union Waltz, A flat, op. 64, No. 3... Add to Enjoyment of Ing expenses of students attending nightnilseHillfauditorium..TheCUnion banquet, It was announced last night, Polonaise, A fiat...........Chopin . E en foreign liversities would range be- wil be over in time to allow attend Prelude, G minor ......RachmaninoffEvening tween $1,000 and $1,200 a year, in- ante at both functions. Staccato Etude..........Rubinstein cluding vacations. He said that Eng- ried . Waltz, D major ... .. ..Stojowski "If 3,000 tickets for the Michi lish universities would demand prac- Program Varied Rhapsody, No. 6:..... . . . . . ..Liszt Union membership dinner.hadb tically no fees for teaching courses. Tickets for the entertainment are nner He suggested that study at a foreign on sale at the State street book stores avalablefor the Unloi, school' should not be undertaken ex- and will be obtainable at the door. could have disposed of themall.N cept where at least one year could be The program to be offered follows: UNwoer have I seen anything like the w devoted to it. The minimum require- "La Sorella".. . .. . .... ... ...Gallini Ti Tl n ISIn students u'warmed into the lobbyo af ment of study for a Ph.D. degree in Girls' Mandolin Club iETIiri cuau England is two years, during which "On a Road to Pekin"........ -taed. s ur le, g el sec period no general examinations are ...........Chinese Women Students stated George Hurley, general.se held. Students could take one year's Song-"The Desert Moon" RATIFIES PLAN FOR APPOINT. tary of the Union, when asked if work at a foreign uniersity and have K, Horiuchi, '21l, Rita Ireman,'21 MENT OF STUDENT students seemed in favor of the me it credited to a Ph.D. degree at one "Westernizing the East," played by MANAGERS bership dinner to be held at 6 of our universities. Katsuizumi, Yonemnoto and company "La Carinosa," Philippine flirtation The action of the board of directors o'clock tonight in the assembly ' dance, danced by Yuki Osawa, Grad., of the Athletic association relative to of the Union. and Ramon Capishame, '20L, accom- the method of choosing student ath- Arrangements Complete panied by Roa's Philippine orchestra letic managers was ratified at a meet- Arrangements for the dinner a .nlamrmn"Jazz Mad America".... .. .......ing of the Student council at its meet- now complete. Brevity yet quality, B T ASSIGNMENTS"".....Phil Diamond's orchestra ing held last night in the Union. ingf "Painting the Campus Red-14 Makes Suggestion they say, and have arranged a. p ' Points," played by 16 striking stum According to the new plan the man- gram with that in view. During PLANS FOR CHAPERONES AND dents. agers will be nominated by a dam course of the dinner specialities BOOTIJS TO BE DISCUSSED . o Dance Numbers mittee consisting of the coach, old orm of aJz ohesta, sol FRIDAY maae,'n atin ftesoti the form of a jazz orchestra, sol "Los Gauchos",...............manager, and captain, of the sport in quartettes, and the Union orches .The Argentine Cowboys which the manager is to serve. The will be presented, after which t All independents who intend going Acted by Frederico Mourglier, 20E, name being submitted to the board toasts and speeches of the even to the J-Hop'and all 'who do not ex- and company in control for approval. The council will be given and a vote on the Uni pect to be in any. organization booth "The Joys of Love," danced by also recommended to the board that constitution will be taken. 'i'he lat must. attend a meeting to be held at I. -.....Mlle. Jeanette Kruszka the student members of the board in will be done at 7:30 o'clock and a 7:30 o'clock Friday night in tle Un- Siberian serenades and Russian conts fathleflc be elec member of the Union is invited by 1 folk songs, mandolin selections by ge officials to bring a chair in the asse ion. At this time plans as to the A. E. Elkind, '19 all-campus election. bly and cast his vote with the dine assignment to booths and of chaper- "Sahara," dance bg Rita Irema,n '21 Hop Management Discussed . The chairman of the program cmu ones will be discussed. The committee "His Majesty, the King of Sahara," a A plan vas submitted by the com- tee, Wm. P. Favorite, '20E, promil is a4xious that every one be there as sketch. mittee on the J-Hop chairmanship by that the entire program will be o the number of booths must be de- D. . Nash, School of Music, will be- which every department will have a by 8 o'clock. termined at this time. .unable to offer a number on the pro- year in which to elect. the Hop chair- Prsient grma rvosyannounced. man from Its numbers. The times any Prsdn Hutchins to Speak Drawingeof Booths Saturday g as py school is to have the chairnanship in President Harry B. Hutchins will On Saturday at 1:30 o'clock the a given number of years is to be de- the first speaker of the evening ofbohswl ak lc OIR Q~'I termined by the number of studentswilbfooedyHn.E inD drawing of booths will take place Inn hlhe rport'bth, .'9L f -eria Hossibe ta drawing / in U~iI~iII It; ii IV!UiJLU IIIti that school. The report of the com-by'91,oDeriapsblcn the lobby of the Union. It is neces- mittee on underclass conduct was ac- date for governor on the Republic sary that every organization expecting GUY[HM 5NISANEWTON cepted. A pneeting of this committee ticket. Dean Bates of the law sch to have a booth have a representative is to be held soon so that the actual will be the last speaker and his cl present at this time. The charge for work may be gotten under way. ing remarks will be devoted to f the booths has been set as $25 "The British empire is a museum of ures of the new constitution, whi It has been decided by the commit- governments," declared Prof. A. Per- SOCEI:v'Y PLANNED Chrt avote b on immeiateyat W oival Newton, of London university, S C IY P A N Dcharts have been, preparedshowl tee that n l decorating sobooths wil i a Uniyersity lecture on "The Brit- AT DENT SMOKER the location of the tables and will Hop decorators. The fee for this is ish Empire" yesterday afternoon in placed on the bulletins boardand to be $5. The decorating will be done Natural Science auditorium. "Within For the purpose of forming a so- the desk so that each member m with green smilax which is to be It can be found every type of govern- ciety for. dental students, a smoker easily locate the table at which used in the rest of the hall. ment that has existed within the past was held last evening in the upper is to be seated. An attendant will 300 years. Some of them are function- reading room of the Michigan Union. placed on the floor to direct men Decorating in $unlax ing out of date, illogically, but they The benefits of forming such a society the tables and another will be at tl The reason fo' this decision is that are nevertheless functioning, and be- were discussed in detail by Dr. M. door to take tickets. the committee feels that the effect of cause of their traditional significance, L. Ward, dean.of the Dental school. Plan More Banquets the entire h 11 will be much better are acceptable to the people." 'Other speakers were Dr. i. W. Bunt- C. T. Hogan, '20E, president of I if all the decorating is dope in a'un- Character of Colonies Defined ing and Dr. W. G. R4ckert. . Union and chairman of the gene iform manner. Although the decora- I After describing the self-governing Phil Diamond's orchestra played be- committee in charge of the dinn tion of booths is not obligatory it is members of the British empire, the I ween the speeches and throughout the says that two or three more such bI the desire of those in charge that all speaker dfined the character of the evening specialities were introduced, quets wil be given in response do it. Both the charge for the booths dependent colonies of the United King-' the Darling quartet and a Hawilan the great interest shown by te si and thfee for the decorating will be dom. These ranged from the districts dancer, who was in this case a male, dents in regard to the one being hi collected at the time of the drawing. which were nearly self-governing to Harvey Hicks, '21D. The customary tonight. Money will also be refunded, at this those which possessed no self-govern- refreshments of cider and sakes were time, to organizations who sent in one ment, he stated. As. an exa ple of offered and cigarettes and cigars PARKER SPE AKS AT cheque to cover all tickets applied for the second class, he named British were distributed. and did not receive the full number. East Africa, the inhabitants of which, & A. I. E. E. SMOKE consisting of negroes living in a low. 77", FAMOUS DRAMATIST state of tribal culture, are unable to A& lleti /tUnder the varied colored lights Hrue themselves.the main dining room orthe Mich TLECTUREHR TheECTsErue tm ortant political devel- (By Associated Press) gan Union, all-electrical studen opment in England today, he said, Halifax, Jan. 21.-Anxiety was felt gathered for a smoker given by t Word has been received by the Or- was the distribution of local matters in marine circles tonight for the local branch of the American Ins atorical association that John Drink- to legislatures in Scotland, Wales, safety of the U. S. transport Powhatan tute of Electrical Engineers last eve water, the English dramatist, poet, and Ireland, relieving parliament of and her 271 passengers after a wire- ing.. Prof. John C. Parker, head and essayist, will lecture in Ann Arbor a large amount of pet affairs. less was received from Commander the department of electrical enginee Jan. 29, the time and' place to be an- Secret of Empires Strength Travis of the Canadian government ing, told of the purpose of the smol nounced at a later date. The subject "The principle which holds the steamer Lady Laurier, stating that his which is to make stronger the rel of his lecture will be "An English British empire together is that every vessel was alongside the transport tions between the students- and t Dramatist's View of Lincoln." Inci- individual within the realm should .and that weather conditions were bad. faculty. He also spoke of the. a dentally Mr. Drinkwater is the- au- have an inalienable right to, the profs vantage of belonging to the institu thor of the play, "Abraham Lincoln," its of his own labor, peace, justice, FALL WHILE SHIJUNPING Profs. Benjamin F. Bailey, A. which has had a run of several months' good government, and order; such a DISLOCATES MARSHALL'S ARM Lovell, J. H. Cannon, and H. E. Hi in London and is now opening an en- development of self-government as he bie gave short speeches and all' t gagement in New York City. is capable of; and, as his country be- While negotiating a six-foot ski instructors of the department ma comes greater, his institutions should Jump Ion the Boulevard yesterday, brief remarks. Interspersed with t LABOR PROBLEM STUDENTS become more self-governing until they Richard B. Marshall, '218; fell, sus- speaking, were musical numbers TO VISIT FORD MOTOR PLANT are completely so within the circle of taing injuries to his right arm. An "Dune" diaque and Jack Edward - the .British realm," he concluded. X-ray taken at the hospital last night jazz orchestra. A. L. Howard,. '26 Lsshowed that Marshall's elbow was dis- also played several solos on his gi Labor problems students of Prof. located and several ligaments in theta.BueBrigm,2Eacd Arthur E. Wood of the sociology de- Graduate Club to Give Dance In Gym forea sra Lastn nMar astmruce Burngamu20Ec thd partment, will visit the Ford Motor A dance and card party will be giv- shall was resting comfortably, ac- was decided to make the smoker Car company plant in Detroit at 3 en by the 'Graduate club of the Uni- cording to advice from physicianq. It annual affair. Smokes, cider, an o'clock this afternoon. A special car versity at 8 oclock Friday evening in is expected that he will have to keep doughnuts were there in abundan will be attached on the 11:10 interur- Barbour gymnasium. All graduate lhis arm in a cast for six weeks a t for the 80 men who attended t ban car to Detroit to convey them. students are requested to be present. least. smoker. by the chair that lemonstration dur- was a burst of ap- id women who fll1- gallery when Mr. pouncing the itti- sts after the war of Hillaist, made It said yesterday d on Page Eight) that AK Of the lighter numbers, La Chasse by Cartier-Kreisler was remarkably fresh, snappy and vivid. The interpre- tation of Hochstein's Minuet (in olden 'style) was pleasing to the audience, depicting in the imaginations of all, the gracefulness of the old time dance.. Wieniawski's Scherzo-Tarantelle, Op. -16, with its inspired phrasing and gradually uncreasing crescendos ap- proached the climax in a rapid and vivid manner, characteristic of the composer's style, and wellinterpreted by the soloist. As a fitting closing number to an interesting program, was 'Saint-Saens' Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso, Op. 28,' the performance of which was most satisfying. r. 1 A i i r. 1 A i are Addams Will Discuss Women's Problems of Present Day Miss Jane Addams, of Chicago, will ,ddriss an Ann Arbor audience on unday evening at 7:30 o'clock in Hill ,uditorium, according to a telegram eceived by the Women's league yes- erday. She expects to stop on her pay from Detroit, where she will give wo speeches on Sunday. The topic of her speech will be Women and Their Immediate Re- ations to the Problems of the Day," topic which Miss Addams is well ble to handle in view of the fact hat she has been connected in an in- imate way with almost all of the roblems of women which have arisen n the past 25 years. With Miss Ellen Gates Starr she pened the SociUl Settlement of Hull [ouse- in 1889. She was elected to be position of president of the Na- onal Confederation of Charities and orrection in 1909. Miss Addams has written several ooks, among them are: D'emocracy nd Social Ethics," "The Spirit of DEAN TO DISCUSS PEACE CONFERENCE Charles H. Haskins, dean of the Harvard Graduate School, is to speak at 4:15 p. m. Tuesday, Jan. 27, in the auditorium of the Natural Science building on "The Peace Conference." Dean Haskins is a recognized au- thority on his subject according to Prof. Claude H..Van Tyne, of the His- tory department. "At the European peace conference Dr. Haskins was one of the personal advisors of President Wilson," said Professor Van Tyne, "and many of the proposals of the president were no doubt suggested by him. The speaker is a historian of some note, he being the author of "The Normans in European History and "Studies in Norman Institutions." ,:f 3 t t , I (1 "P