I] lift I I r "J ow THlE WHITNEY LAST TIMES TODAY ine Mac Donald in "The Beauty Market" Iflililltiilttlillllili111111111llillil i xarr ck D~troi Fifty Fifty I Take it From Me ,. HIESTRA GEMENTS FOR ARTIES PRESENT YEAR 2532-W VITZKI ANIST kT SERIES )RIUM 23,8 p.m. ninon' ....... ........... Bach-Tausig ............Gluc-Sgambati .Beethoven nmoto; Allegro ma non troppp-Presto .. ..Chopin .Chopin ... ...Chopin ....Rachmaninoff .......Rubinstein ..: . . . I. . . . . . . . Stojowski ......Liszt i Course Tickets including concerts by olitan Opera Contralto (Feb. 28) and BARRERE, Flute, CARLOS SALZEDO, (Mar. 30), $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50. PLAYER CALLS ATTENTION TO FACT THAT MORE OF WEINBERG RINK FLOOR IS NEEDED. Editor, The Michigan Dily: In the December 19th issue of The Daly appeared an editorial entitled, "Why Not a Hockey Team?" The rea- sons therein set forth were good and sufient, vii, that we are a northern University, that skating is an aqtivity of unquestionable popularity, that this would be another means of uniting and solidifying university spirit through the tedious winter months, that awak- engd mental activity as well as in- creased physical endurance results from this sport and that hockey is another means of 'furthering the spirit of competition' and the setting up of another worthy Michigan tradition. On the first sheet of the same issue appeared the following statement from Coach E. D. Mitchell: "There is ex- cellent material on the campus and I a strongly In favor of having a Var- sity team. Of course that is up to the men at the head of the athletics, and we can only hope that such a team will be made possible." In this same article (to which I would call particu- lar attention) Coach Mitchell announc- ed that he had secured part of the Weinberg rink for the hours between 4 and 6 every afternoon-but just one- third of the rink. . The intramural hockey schedule will begin next Monday. The various teams have been turning out well and have had strenuous practices. These practices, however, have been on a space hardly or about a third the size .of the rink. The result has been that one finds it impossible to play hockey' on sosmall a space.. It is rather a game of shinney. The point is this: Cannot the ath- letic authorities arrange to securp the . whole of the Weinberg rink for the scheduled games sp as to provide the space necessary to play the game of hockey as it ought to be played? A PLAYER.I UNION WANTS LIST OF VACANT ROOMS That the 'majority of troubles be- tween students and landladies have been straightened out by this 'time and that there will be comparatively few changes in rooms next semester, is the opinion of George Hurley, secre-t tary of the Union. There will be, how-1 ever, a number of students leaving the University in February and more en- tering at that time.] In order that the incoming men may be more easily accomodated, Mr. Hur- ley is desirous that all landladies ex- pecting to have vacant rooms and all students intending to va te theirs in the next few weeks list these roomsI at the Union. Bet ween 40 and 50 rooms, most of theih for one or two students, ar'e now recorded at the desk. Contrary to the general belief, there is no University ruling concerning the length of tenancy i any one house.' It should be understood, how- ever, that the arrangement made be- tween the landlady and roomer is a business agreement and should be, regarded as such. L'reseott Club to Hear orsythe "First Aid to the Injured," and "Per- sonal I4ygiene," will be the subject of two talks to be given before the Pres- cott club by Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, of, the University Health service. The 4lrst of these talks will be giv- ,en at 7:30 o'clock tonight in room 303, of the Chemistry building. PROF. CAMPBELL TO SPEAK EFORE CHEMICAL SOCIETY I Prof. E. D. Campbell will lecture be- fore tie University of Michigan section of the American Chemical society at 4:15 o'clock today, in room 151 of the .Chemistry building. The lecture which will deal with "The Influence of Changes in Carbide Concentration on the Electrical Re- sistance of Steels," will give some of the conclusions which have been arriv- ed at as a result of researches carr on by Professor Campbell during the past five years." CORLRECTIONf Due to a mistake in proof-reading the University ad of sale on army shoes by the University was made to read $5.00. The price of the new shoes is $5.50.-Adv. MULLANES TAFFIES at Tices' Drug Store, 117 So. Main St. Re- veived every week.-Adv. "Some Time," Arthur Hammerstein's latest musical comedy success, with Frank Tinney at his drollest, which will be presented Saturday evening, at the Whitney, has just finished a rec- ord breaking run of 39 weeks at the Casino theater, New York. After appearing in Ann Arbor this company will go directly to the Gar- rick theater, Chicago, for an all-sea- son booking. A1 11 THE MAJESTIC Having become engaged to- a mil- lionaire and reached the goal that she had set for herself, Amelie Thorn- dyke's social success is temporarily turned into defeat by a careless act in "The Beauty Market," featuring Kath- erine MacDonald today for the last times at the Majestic. These furnishings are expected to add greatly to the finished appearance of the building. The draperies match the color schemes of the various rooms as arranged by Pond and Pond, the architects. THE ARCADE The Screen Alice Brady will appear in "The Fearj Market" for three days beginning to-j day at the' Arcade. The story is by' Princess Troubetzkoy and is apparent- ly taken from a sensational expose that filled the front pages of the press all over the world. It is a tale of love and life that holds the spectator's attention from- be'inning to end. BIBLE STUDY IS AIM OF CAMPAIGN Students will be urged by the Uni- versity Y. M. C. A. during thepres- eut week to sign up for most of the courses in the study of religion given in the University curriculum. The object of this campaign of the "Y" is to educate the student body more in the study of the Bible and in the courses given under its su- pervision. These include several dif- ferent courses. The "Y" has collected under its oan- agement during the past few'months all courses of a religious nature o be given by the churches and the various other organizations around the can- pus. In the list are instructions deal- ing with everything from the history of religious development to present day problems of a social nature. There are aloo classes in training for Y. M. C. A. and Boy Scout workers. The promotions of these classes is a part of a religious education cam- paign, to be conducted after the ex- aminations . to bring the advantages and opportunities of enrollment and active work in the "Y" work. A can- vass will be effected then but as it could not effect in any way an en- rollment in the Uiiversity courses it was found necessary to begin that part before the enrollment for next semester. FIXTURES AND DRAPERIES FOR UNION EXPECTED THIS MONTH Draperies for all Union windows will be installed by Marshall Field and company of Clicago, by the end of January, according .to Union of- ficials. The majority of the electric Patronize our Advertisers.-Adv. 20Per Cent DISCOUNT ON ALL CAPS$ FUR :CAPS - at - VarSity Togger Shop 1107 South University Ave. LEANERS PRESSERS 2" A SMOTO .n6 e " overcoa and Suli TALBOla-- 2&i. TYLRON E- 2)s in. YROWLm. 2' rorm Jt COLLARS arc curveW cut to ftt t1z Cket bd. I pckcrrctty Ctcttfcbodly iolcvtcr 20 PERC OTFF I Shirtso "* Pajamas I Neckwe Capper & Ca DAVID WHIT] BUILDING Branch Nickels ArcadeI a n d H ( Sits Pressed while you wait. Yt Semi- Ann Reduced Pricd nowr Offered A 4 BEST ATTRACTIONS FI2ST/ 9 ' !: LAST TIMES TODAY TRE JARY 24 ,, 4 Ie L I f .4 1 ., t s . _ . loo _ .- 1 t "r L. I fI .,r~dl rm .s axedchorus, 14; razl~osi3, roman~ce to girls. d of The most beautiful actress in the world portrays the woman's side this age-old but unfair contest. Also' SENNETT COMEDY "TOPI YROIT. where it opens Sunday Seat Sale - 2.00 Thursday 10a. M. Wednesday-Thursday MARGUERITE CLARK "WIDOW BY PROXY". Friday-Saturday LILA LEE -in - "Rustling a Bride'" r ELECTRIC SHOP EVERYTHINGELECTRICAL 202 E. Wa I