[ metropolis with Ethel Barrymore in LAY the leading role, a cast featuring Ros elle Knott, Ernest Truex, Vivian Mar- i tin, and Fred Truesdale, was assembled a, Bar- under the direction of Mr. Shuter to Md be duplicate the success accorded the Morti- New York company., C; FANCY DRESS PARTY .. - 1,. be stag- y thea- s in the Promoters of the tour were not mis- taken in their estimate of the appeal of the play, and large audiences turn- ed out in all of the principal cities to witness a play made popular by Ethel Barrymore, but which owed its sue-, cess in large measure to general in- terest manifested in Barrie's drama. It was due to this continued popu- larity of larrie with Ann Arbor au- diences that the Comedy club chose "Alice-Sit-By-the-Fire" from a num- ber of available plays for presenta- tion. Iota Sigma Pi to Meet Saturday Iota Sigma Pi, honorary chemical society, will hold an open meeting' Saturday, Jan. 17, at 1:30 in room 151. Chemistry building. All women in- terested intchemistry are cordially in- vited to attend. IiA Hf bI LiUrV IVnj1IbHIN MISSIONARHY'.PRH9AlSI- EDA SEARLES DIED . RECENTLY IN CHINA; .FA11[Y. WERE . U. OF M..GRADS Eda. Searles, '13, died .recently near Peking, China. She was born in Lud- ington,.and was a graduate.of Ann Ar- bor .high school as well as the Uni- versity. When nine months old'she accom- panied tier parents, Dr. Harry E. King, '91, and Edna King, '91, Meth- odist Episcopal missionaries, to Pe-' king. She lived the rest of her life in China except for one furlough when Mrs. King and her children es- caped to America during the Boxer uprising in 1900, and the later years spent here, followed by a year of grad- uate work at Columbia university. M1et Husband Here Miss King met Clair K Searles, '13, here, and they were married in Pek- ing in 1916. A daughter, Katherine King Searles, was born in 1918. Mrs. Searles died of tuberculosis meningitis Oct. 24, 1919. One of her Chinqse friends has said of her, 'kEda's mission in life is to make people hap- py," and Miss Terrell, of Ludington, now doing mission work in North China, said, "Her battle against tuber- culosis was carried on in the same" spirit in which she lived, sweet, strong -and cheerful." Sister Student Now Mrs. Searles' sister, Ruth King, '23, returned with her fathe'r in August. Miss King expects her mother, Mr. Searles, and his daughter, Katherine, to arrive here the first of next semes- ter to reside in Ann Arbor. Katherine King Wolfrez, '09, another sister, is in China, Ir. Wolfrez being a pro- fessor in Peking university. .A broth- er, Gilbert King, '17, is American vice-counsul in Tientzin. Plans for the Women's league fan- cy dress party are practically com- plete. The committee in charge urg es-that girls;.who have costumes.-to p~repare. keep. In .mind the objective. Clever, ridiculous, and pietty dresses are to receive the prizes. The class .stunts are. tomsaid tp be .near. .per- fection. The Michigan Daily, the. only morn- ing paper in Ann Arbor, contains all the latest Campus, City and World News.-Adv. l-artha. Washington Candies fresh every Friday. Tice'S, 117 S. Main St. -Adv. Interchangeable Portable E Type Model THE MULTIPLEX HAMMOND TYPEWRITER Special Offer to Collegians t ~ MARTIN : R. WEBB Student Rep. 1214,?Willard Phone 1595-R The Name J ,'. EsChelbach has always stood for the BEST in MEATS 202 E. Huron Street PHONE 821 Follow The Diagonal Walk Either Way To A Connor Dealer After A Class Period; It Is Mighty Refreshing - 111111 t11 il l11 il1111111fIIililliillll ll !I l11111!!Illliiiii ¢11i1t1 111I1 11 ( "JUST RECEIVED 4 A large shipment of white collar attach- edshirts The collars button down a r State Street at the Arcade _ iillllllllilillill iiililililllliliiillillilli~ ress Foot-Wear' 4 perfectly finished, ike thorobreds and of sizes and widths in 'd om r ,. ,. $10 REG. U9 PAT Off BOOT SHOP 115 So. Main St. Leave Copy at QuarryIs and The Delta I FOR SALE ever at- ere, but nent of to the Sunday o can op- ies to as- time for :perience. rbor Sav- 472-F. daughter rty for erences Kings- room near campus semester. Must be d' comfortable. Ad- FOR SALE - Hammond typewriter with two styles of type. Been used only a short time. Price today new is. $125.. Will sell for $60. Phone 964-M. FOR SALE-Fine Conn B-fiat cornet, Silver with gold bell; like new. All attachments, plush and satin lined case. Cost $75.00, sell for $35.00. Phone 839-M. FOR SALE - Upright Piano, newly tuned and refinished. Excellent condition. A bargain. H. Seger Slifer, 310 S. State St. Phone 889-J. FOR SALT:-Apple wood very desir- able for fireplaces. Leugth to ord- er. H. L. Thornton, Geddes Road.. Phone 7136-F12. FOR SALE - Boehm system piccalo and Meyers flute, $25. Phone 2496-W. FOR SALE-Coasting bobs for sale- 12 ft. long. Phone 7113-F3 after 6 P. M. LOST AND FOUND LOST-K. & E. Polyphase slide rule, Tuesday A. M., New Engineering or. Physics building. Leave at Secre- tary's office, U-Hall. H. E. Smith.- LOST-Lady's gold watch on the way to, or at the Boulevard. Finder please leave at Secretary's office. LOST--Pair of plain nose-glasses in black case. Finder notify Reba A party for members of the Sym- phonic league of the University School of Music will be held from 4 until 6 o'clock Friday afternoon in the School of Music. Girls' freshman hockey team will meet at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at Rentshler's studio, 319 East Huron street to have picture taken. The board of directors of the Wom- en's league will meet at .9 o'clock Sat- urday morning in Barbour gymnas- ium, instead of the advisory board as announced Wednesday in The Daily. An error was also made in stating that the advisory board, instead of the board of directors, would lead the grand march at the fancy dress party. The next Women's league afternoon party will be Friday, Jan. 23, there being none today because of the fancy dress party Saturday evening. Junior girls who have talent for drawing are urgently requested by the play committee to make up a cover that may be used on the program and song book.- Anyone interested will please see Marcella Moon, '21, at once, to talk over plans. START CLINIC FOR DOCTORS OF STATE A new University clinic has been inaugurated by the hospital staffs for the benefit of medical men throughout the state. The first meeting was held Wednesday, and continued Thursday. Meetings will be held the first Wed- nesday and Thursday of every month in the future. The purpose of the clinic is to pro- vide a service conducted by the Uni- versity hospitals to act as a sort of short post-graduate course for the doctors of the state who cannot leave their practices but who wish to keep up in medical affairs. Cases will be brought up at the meetings, explain- ed, and discussed by the men of the hospital staff, who will conduct the classes. Extension courses and clin- ics will probably be given later in dif- ferent cities of the state. ATHENA CHOOSES CANDIDATES FOR DEBATE LEAGUE TRYOUTS Candidates from Athena Literary society for the mid-West debate league tryouts are as follows: Victoria Adams, '22L, Blanch Blynn, '20, Ame- lia Igel, '21, Anna McGurk, '20, Vir- ginia Mowery, '22, and Winifred O'Con- nor, '21. For Campus news read the Mich- igan Daily.--Adv. .1 a " .~ Ing~:~~ k ~ s' . i { S:} +R 2 t 7 ! 1i$ I Ai I I I TODAY AND TOMORROW engineering stu- week end em- ,rson. 719 Pack-" tudents can our dining .aw Avenue. A nl or suite near care of Daily. T single front i campus. Hot quiet students. fortable sin'gle Hot water 810 E. Hur- ! £ N ?4ETRO i , F _'' b t r s 1 G " 4 ;r