--I1 to University Women, I College Notes A.y 'r ,A party for members of the Sym- -- phonic league of the University School a problem this year. of Music .will be held from 4 until 6 decree elaborately o'clock Friday afternoon in ti School of Music. irts, daintily but, at the hips. The Women who would like to borrow de known, 'will be funds for the second semester are weeks; All the la- asked to see Dean Myra B. Jordan.. cked in their new' and hoops-for all Girls' freshman hockey team will test fashions from meet at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon atl sk. fro Rentshler's studio, 319 East Huron nasium has always treet to have picture taken. the festive occasion t probably see the An important meeting of all house it the gymnasium is heads will be held at 4:30 o'clock Allowing three feet on Wednesday afternoon in the Wom- each skirt, only 30 en's league parlors in Barbour gym- .o stand shoulder to-lnasium. The-president urges every s ' a house head to be present, or else to two is the limit in send a substitute, because there will nto be a discussion of house -rules. rmnasium and the The Girls' Eudcational club will ho are permitted to meet at 8:15 o'clock Wednesday eve-" be appprtoxmate ning at Helen Newberry residence. r each girll t move Professor Whipple will speak. become of the men? The advisory board of the Women' woany take mourIfleague will hold a meeting at 9 o'clock I- take men are putIf Saturday morning at Barbour gym- The gymnasium is nasium. sme wait outside MISS MURTLAND UNABLE TO ises, how can they' SPEAK BECAUSE OF ILLNESS sted that the com- Miss Cleo Murtland of Detroit, who hange the styles be- was scheduled to speak before the Women's vocational conference at 4 o'clock Thuisday afternoon, will not ncheon for Monday be able to appear at that time on ac- the Sarah Caswell count of illness. the D. A. R. who Miss Murtland was to speak on/'The e luncheon next Ethics of Cliosing a Vocation." The >n notify Mrs. Mary committee of the vocational confer- .322-J or Mrs. For- ence has arranged a different program Friday. > this year. Instead of having the meet- --ing come at intervals during the year, ws read the Mich- they will be concentrated in the month of March. League To Give Fancy Dress W1all Five hundred girls in fancy dress costume are expected to attend the Women'es league party which begins promptly at 8 o'clok Saturday night in Barbour gymnasium. The members of the committee consider this a moderate estimate, as there are more than 1,500 women eligible to be pre- sent. They urge that all be on time for the grand march which is ,to be led by the advisory board of the league. Stunts will be given during the eve- ring, and a prize will be awarded for the best. Prizes are also to be given for the best group of costumes and for the cleverest, the 'prettiest,' and the most ridiculous individual fancy dress. The advisory board will act as judges A charge of 10 cents will. be made of each girl, and of 25 cents for any- one not in costume. PLANS DISCUSSED FOR NURSES' WORK Feasibility of establishing a de- finite territory for student nurses sent to Detroft for two months' training in field work from the school of public health nursing recently instituted at the University was discussed Monday afternoon in Detroit at a meeting of members of the Visiting Nurses asso- ciation, with officials of the Detroit board of health, Dr. Waler H. Mac- Cracken, dean of the Detroit College of Medicine and Surgery, and repre- sentatives from Chicago and the Un- iversity of Michigan. Dr. Henry F. Vaughny Detroit health. commissioner, isjn favor of the plan which would establish a worhIng ter- ritory for student nurses under the supervision of visiting nurses of the 'board of health. The studcn.s would be regarded as a reserve corps to be pressed into service in cases of em- ergencies such as the influenza epi- demic last, year. The course at pre- sent requires two months theoretical work at the University and twc months practical field work in De- troit. Prof. Magdalene Barnes of the public health nursing department of the University, attended the meeting. The Michigan Daily, the only un ing paper in Ann Arbor, contains all the latest campus, afty, and world news.--Ad. Patronize our Advertisers.---Adv. SIX FELLOWSHIPS OFFERED AT SMITH Dean Myra B. Jordan received a letter from Secretary Sidney N. Deane_ of the Committee on Graduate In- struction of Smith college telling of fellowships which are being offered. Six fellowships, of the value of $50 each, and without charge for tution have been established by the trustees of Smith college for the encourage- ment of advanced work. They are open to women graduates of not less than one year's standing, either of Smith college or of other colleges of recognized rank, and are awarded annually, subject to renewal at discretion. The holders of these fellowshtls are required to render some assistance, not instruction, not to exceed six hours a week, If such as- sistance is required by the respective departments. At the end of the year each fellow must present a thesis embodying the results of her work. Appointments are not restricted to particular depart- ments of study, but are made in -ac- cordance with the merits of the can- didate. It is expected that the appli- cant will submit to the Secretary of the committee specimens of her work for examination by the department in which she desires to study. Applica- tion must be filed by March 15. Further information may be obtain- ed from Dean Jordan, or from Dean Alfred H. Lloyd, dean of the Graduate school. STUDENTS TO SPEAK AT VESPER SERVICES IN NEWBERRY HALL The program at vesper services to-, day will feature echoes from the Des Moines Student Volunteer convention where 21 Michigan women were in at- tendance and where all phases of world wide service, both home and foreign, were taken up. Speeches will be made by Meiung Ting, '20M, Helen Wong, '22, and Marjorie Van Norman, '20. A special social hour has been planned to follow the meeting, which will be held at 4:30 o'clock this aft- ernoon, at Newberry hall. MICHIGAN PARTY COMMITTEE CHOOSES WOMAN AS 'OFFICER Honor of being the first woman chosen to hold a political office on a Michigan party' committee has been given to Miss Bina M. West, the foun- der of the Women's Benefit Association of Port Huron. This honor has been worthily piacek as Miss West has made a phenomtial success in organ- ization/ work. The association she founded 27 years ago is today the larg- est fraternkl organization for women in the world. Miss West brings to her appointment years of successful train- ing and business experience. Patronize our Advertisers.--Adv. ANN ARBOR CHOP SUEY Excellent CHOP SUEY from 11:30 a. m. to midnight Steaks and Chops 314 S. State ________________________________ JEWELERS Qualityand Service 4 113. Liberty St. Ana Arbor, Mich. Today-your last chance to see DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS "WH EN THE CLOUDS ROLL BY" SUPERSTITIOUS? * Jareaking imirrors, walking under a ladder, thirteen at the table, seeing a black cat -you know all the old jinx "''< stuff. They're all assembled >>: "'s'. and work their horrible spell on DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS.. You'don't have to consult the ouija board to know that this is a good picture. See it today. DOtCgA4qJ F'4RBArn' Tomorrow-Return Date MARY MILES MINTER "ANNE OF GREEN GABLES" COMING VIOLA DANA -in- "THE WILLOW TREE" 'ISING Leapt Copy r IQuarry: and The Bobt 'AND-?OUNID eaf note book, medium ing notes on journal-I y and aesthetics.. Also ed copy of Social Or- y Cooley. Books lost ys. Finder please call 2064-M. ose-leaf leather note- y and History outline Bates. Very important them. Reward. C. A. 21 So. University Av6. rlo7 ee1 122 ,ady s gold watch on the way at the Boulev'ard. Finder leave ac .Sucretary's office. old faced round Gruen wrist between Tappan Rd. and Un- y Hail. Call 398. - Lady's diamond ring, small [inder please call H. Kelley, Reward. 'air of plain nose-glasses in case. Finder notify Reba p, 843-. WANTED) J-Student with clean habits re room with sophomore. d room, block from campus )nvenient to best board in Rent reasonable. Box A F, - Pleasant warm suite or ingle room for young women of campus. Phone 2299 be- 7,and 8 P. M., or Box B N, FOR SALE FOR SALE - Hammond typewriter with two styles of type. Been used only a short time. Price today new is $125. Will sell for $60. Phone 964-M. FOR SALE - Upright Piano, newly tuned and refinished. Excellent condition. A bargain. [ . Seger Slifer, 310 S. State St. Phone 889-J. FOR SALE-Apple wood very desir- able for fireplaces. Leugth to ord- er. H. L. Thornton, Geddes Road. Phone 7136-F12. FOR SALE-Two tickets for Stracci- ari' concert; main floor, desirable. $2.00 each., Phon e 1700-J.. FOR SALE-One or three Stracciari concert tickets. Seventh row, first balcony. Phone 1124-R. FOR SALE--Two Stracciari concert tickets; main floor and second bal- cony. Phone 1014-W. FOR SALE - Boehm system piccalo and Meyers flute, $25. -Phone, 2496-W. FOR RENT FOR RENT--My complete J-Hop out- fit: Suit 38, white vest, shirt 15 with pearl buttons, gloves, collar, tie, stiff hat, patent pumps, top coat $10. Box 0, Daily. FOR RENT-Small furnished flat at 337 Thompson St. Third floor, south. Open Saturday, 2 to 5, or call 2299. Box B N, Dafly. FO'R RENT - Well furnished front suite of rooms. Hot water heat. Telephonp 1231-W. 810 E. Huron. Sale of Hart Schaffner & Marx 1IL" Suits and Overcoats I I We have decided to make a reduced price on all Young Men's Suits and Over- coats in odd sizes and broken lots. All good styles, fine pure wool fabrics and in a good range of colors. _I i our Groups iof Stylish and Desirable Suits Lot1 Lot 2 Priced regularly up to $32.00 Priced regularly up to $35.00 'at at $27.50 $28,50 Lot 3 Lot 4 Priced regularly up to $42.00 Priced regularly up to $45.00 $ 0at $.at $35.00 $37.50, 100 Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits, Values from $35.00 to $60.00, at 15 per cent off Seven Groups of Men's Warm, Comfortable Overcoats 11 $5.0 VALUES at $44.50 $50.00 VALUES at $42.50. $45.00 VALUES at $37.50 $40.00 VALUES $35.00 VALTUES at at $33.50 $27.50 $30.00 VALUES i $28.SQ VALUES at at $24.50 $18.75 )-For next semester a small ed house, floor of house, or mousekeeping rooms. Phone etween 4 and 5 or 6:30 and 8. -Advanced engineering stu- >r profitable week end em- nt. Major Carson. 719 Pack- -Desirable room near cam- ginning new semester. See FOR RENT -- Good double suite on first floor. Warm anr airy. $8. 429 N. Division, Phone 1741-R, FOR RENT-Good double suite on first floor. Warm and airy. $8. 429 N. Division St. Phone 120. FOR.nRENT-Student Rooms. 303 E. Ann St. MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS - Stamps and stamp collections bought, sold or ex- This Sale Is Now Going On at the Big Store of Reulle, Conlin, Fie gel&FrCo. Ili THE HOME OF HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES "1 Southwest Corner of Main and Washi I ... .... .. ..