11 IVEH51 I in Ittee sma. a, _r .{... a in graphjrs 'hale days this week y, make appoint- In 1 1"111u smoker in club Science building. meets in room iciety meets in Lane club' practice interested in the Freshmen n club are requested to Lane hall Wednesday even- o'clock. Unless more inter- hown the club will be dis- 4d. ng of the Chimes board of Shas been postponed for k only from Tuesday, night e!CSI ments for sittings. Seniors have 16 more days In which to make appointments for Michi- ganensians sittings without the extra charge. RABBI WOLSEY WILL GIVE UNION SERVICE ADDRESS (Continued from Page One) in the, services include Rabbi Leo Franklin, head of Jewish Congrega- tions in Detroit, who will offer the prayer, and Dr. S. S. Robins, pastor of the Unitarian church, who is to give the benediction. Rabbi FrankliA is better known on the campus as the supervising Rabbi for the Jewish Stu- dent congregation of the University. Glee Clubs Will Sing Music will shard a large part of the program, being arranged by Mr. Rus- sell Carter, who will lead the sing- ing, with Mr. Frank Taber of the School of Music at the organ. Mem- bers of both men's end women's Uni- versity Glee clubs will join in the rendition of an anthem. Stewart Baxter, '21, managing edi- tor of the Student directory, will be the chairman of the meeting, further details of which will be announced within a few days. ENGINEERS TO HEAR PAVING ' BRICK EXPIRT TODAY An illustarted lecture on the sub- ject, "Modern Methods of Construct- ing Brick Pavements," will be given by William C. Perkins at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday night in room 407, Engineer- ing building. Mr. Perkins is the chief engineer of the Eastern Paving Brick Manufact- urers' association and was formerly division engineer of the New York state highway department. FOR f LCE TREATY TOTE (Continued from Page One) 11, United States reserves right to permit nationals of covenant-break- ing states, residing within our bor- ders, to continue all relations with American nationals.i 12. Nothing in treaty shall be con- strued to abrogate any of the rights of citizens of the United States.. 13. Congress to decide whether United States shall assent to Part XIII of treaty. 14. United States not bound by de- cision of league where any nation has had a plural vote through its colonies' or self-governing dominions or parts' of empire. Democratic Reservations The Democratic reservations men- tioned in the new fourth proposition as a basis for compromise with the Lodge reservations, may be gleaned from the old sixth proposition offered by Minority Leader Gilbert M. Hitch- cock: "A compromise on reservations of such a character as will avoid the danger of defeating ratification while' still making clear that America can only be involved in war by a declara- tion- of congress, that domestic ques- tions and the Monroe Doctrine are en- tirely outside of the jufrisdiction of the league, that plural votes of any men ber are all disqualified in the event of a dispute wherein we are disquali- filed from voting, and that on decid- ing to withdraw we are to be the judge of whether our obligations have been met." league of nations. Plans have been made for a very complete canvass of the situation in representative univer- sities and the results of such a refer- endum will certainly be of impor- tance." "World Orgainzc.f 'n Inevitable"' Dean Henry M. BLes said, "The pro- posed League o" :ations is perhaps the most important political program in the history o t'.e world. The move- ment tpward world organization is inevitable, and the only question can be as to how and when this world or- ganization shall be formed. Upon such a momentous question the ex- pression of opinon by members of the faculty and students in the universi- ties seems very desirable as indicat- ing how intelligent people are think- ing on the subject." Dean Victor C. Vaughan said, "I think every member of the faculty and all students should vote on the treaty. It is a matter of the greatest importance, and intelligent people should express an opinion on it." Prof. Jesse S. Reves: "I hope very much that the faculty will come and vote with the students so that the whole University can be canvassed as a unit. Friday Interested in Vote Prof. David Friday said, "I shall be much interested in the opinon of the University faculty on the treaty and the league, and I believe that a simi- lar interest will be felt by the stu- dents and the people of the state." Prof. J. R. Hayden said, "Michigan bears the reputation of having a fac- ulty whose interests and influence are not confined merely to their own spe- cial portions of the academic field." The Michigan Daily is 44 all-Cm- pus paper.-Adv. J-Hop Dresses! Isn't that an ex- citing subject? Many girls of many minds, many gowns of many kinds. In the first place, taffetas and sil- evercloths seem to be the leading ma- terials, with tulle as the prevailing overdraping. Many dresses are made with overskirts supported by tiny hoops or caught up ny artificial or French-made flowers. Harem skirts continue to hold their vogue-the modified form, you know. Panne vel- vets are considered vpry stylish but "rather impractical owing to the late- ness of the season. There is a tendency toward less fuss and more simplicity this season. Ost- rich feathers seem to be losing their popularity and sequins are not being used so much due to the fact that they must be imported this year and are "simply out of sight" in price All of this information was glean- ed from one of Ann Arbor's fashionable modistes who says that there seems to be no trouble about deciding upon the dress, once the need of it is as- .sured, ahd urges that the young men be more prompt with their invitations to keep the creators of the abode de- scribed gowns from having to burn the well known midnight oil on the last week before the festive occasion. Moral-Help Heaven protect the work- ing girl. 1Vool Ribbed Hose, heather mix- tures at $1.00. Wild & Co., 311 So. State St.-Adv. The Daily contains the latest Asso- clated Press News: -Adv. for FULL tailor Dress TING buy. - . Mom k Malcolm Block R. E. McKean wrote today's Rand- all Studio ad. Roscoe R. Rnu's ad will appear Thursday.-Adv. CREOLE PRALINES at Tice3' Drug Store, 117 S. Main St.-Adv. G. L.CHAPMAN( JEWELER OPTOMETRIST Any Lenses Duplicated RBOR PRESS Press Bldg. Maynard St. Michigan's Campaign The entire University of Michigan campaign of information and plans for the ballot has been placed by the Student council in the hands of a committee of which Fred J. Petty, '21, is chairman, composed of the follow Ing members: C. E. Bottum, '20E, W. W. Hinshaw, ,20, Pierce MLouth, '21E, and David Nash, '20. The com- mittee has received at all times the co-operation of George Hurley, -gen- eral secretary of the Union, who has offered the services of the building for the use'of the committee and for informal discussion meetings on the treaty. Ballots for the faculty will be mark- ed "faculty" In red penci, and will be deposited in the regular ballot box- es. Each student and faculty member will sign his ballot. The four propositions on the new ballot were substituted for the old issues after leaders of both sides in the treaty fight in the senate had con- sulted in their framing, in order to present the case fairly. Below will be found a summary of the Lodge and Democratic reservations mentioned in the new ballot. Results of the Michigan ballot will be announced in Wednesday's issue of The Daily, and the national results will be published as soon as they are compiled i New York from returns sent in by 700 calleges and universi- ties of the country. .Question Stirs Campus No question of national importance since that of America's entry into the European war has so stirred campus opinion as the discussion of the refer- endum whih will be balloted upon to- day. The instructive mass meetin' held0. in University al Friday nigi t; the great number of eommunicatkls re-eMved by The Daily from students and faculty relative to varloits pia es of the treat rght; individual disgs- sions held in eve Iace where s- dents congregate; the' demnd forin- formation on treaty pointss,,in creased reading at the library on 1u 4 matters; classroom discussions l*d by professors, or' statements of opinion included in their lectures-all theft indications show how the University has caught the spirit and responded to a patriotic desire to interest itself in this greatest of foreign relations problems, and to express its truly rep- resentative opinion on the subject. Faculty Makes Statement That the faculty is solidly behind this effort to secure University opin- ion is shown by the following state- ments given by President Hutchins, the deans of three colleges ( and three influential professors, urging both students and faculty to cast their bal- lots, and advocating a 100 per cent faculty vote, President Hutchins said, "I hearti- ly approve the Intercollegiate Peace Treaty referendum. I believe that the declaration of the views of students and faculty members will be of in- terest and of real value. I trust that those in charge of the movement will have the hearty co-operation 'of the entire University community." Dean John R. Effinger said, "I con- sider it very important that 'the mem- bers of the faculty as well as mem- bers of the student body should take' Tuttls Lunches Nunnailly a Candy ADVANCED Dancing Class STARTS TONIGHT 7:15 p. m, in the Michigan Union Ainnx Under the direction and man- agement of Mr. and Miss Moses, RESERVE ' JANUARY 28th -FOR- Courteonis and eattsfactor, TREATMENT to every tistom- er, whether the sccoun he large or small. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Csplt4l atd Surplus, $W .0011.00 I Northwest Cpr. g in &Huron 707 North University A ve. Lunches Sodas CAidies SUGARBOWS, 109 S.MANST Branch Nickels Arcade I SIT BY- ny inquiries regarding our lendar, that we wish to tell [920 Calendar will be issu- ibilty to get all the correct lar and issue same by Jan. )pe to send you your copy THE- FIRE" Suit Pressed while you waft. *"1 .. :.., I-A 4 N INFLCTED THROATS ARE~ /. 15. Not yours- if you use the new Throat Wash 1, / Made At ARBOR PRESS. Press Bldg. Maynard St. Quarry Drug C s Prescriptiop Store So. State and N. University Ave.