tork e Is IAN ES O TA TIt isthe desire of those in charge T medicigan aily, tme only ~ FhsY a T D N X H N Ethatl,1 debating. societies and theIn paper inAn ror oztil 1 Law school choose their candidates laestCaLpus, O. tt.SZ"worldl news.-~%'. - X:The 'Danish 'University of Copen- as soon as possiblle, the limit being BriyHelh aer-I en has a 'plan for an exchange of{ *eased during 191, college students ,with otker countriessta jn Patronize our Advertisers.--Adv./ e 'opening of the 'to improve tle understanding between TeicesnayDenmrark and the governments of those l~rl~rE11r111111Mi1111it1lrl11111111111E111111111 g icreasedatnd students takting advantage of this op-- poealthsy. Y' = PICTURE FRAMINGWIDWSAE =t dat the~xat - WNDW SADS giving ;hy'sical ext- The exchange or "university pirofes- men entering the ,sors was well under way. before the =,te t e d ua t r bevstysomething new. Much interest was ,y An. lasti clearly created by the planit n England and ! For every thing in "Brighten Up" finishes, best assort-o tive figures of the France where the ministries of eca- ~ 91 ad 91. tonhae skd orpesoalcoie- ent of swing frames, Han -niade picture frames and = .- 93 dispensary'calls ences wit representatives of the Dan- window -shades at lowest prices.- ts.I ,in1919 there jil Student council, which has chlarge tober 1916,.the ban- etter preparation for citizenship by PAINTS LI 1 EaWNhearwds= ;here were 3,250 of. exchange students may be had by ha- -_rJ.L. V* 3 ls. ing a real understanding of other bil~ ea. ou Is New FEeature countries and nations acquired PAINTING & I)ECORATING. avoid that,- anch has been add- "through personal "knowledge. Tae Phone 8 207 E. Liberty s,. r and" has proven plan also 'becomes part of the world stuffy feeing tuorities say, since wide effort" to preserve peace, in. the - pessary to send all fur.If ou ce re f 'the hosiptals tInxformati""au In regard to, lectures,. ' g o attentin could be living expenses, etc., may be had by a$tc hree weeks. About writing to, Sudenterraadet, UiVerf mDWST ACidI'ART -B, If i's' clinic'"*eekly. 'sity} f Copenhagen , 6 tudietraede, AR O SIAtIKDLDTENT'WIE Y is the ootiolian by Copenhagen, K., Denmark,,Europe. ~N~ I N S t. U.S.4ets Extra Rhodes Schtobrshlps !PIANIST'1 IU r, y xgratifying 'to the Three additional American Rhodes ~il htteehsscholar ~ps have been alloted to/the,..tfs utua huJan.05 111 15th odies nteUnited States for this year, tn view s~' Other benefits: to leeth. thle entire year". of the kheen 'competition° for these Saeland scholarships in October.-The appoint- breath. a tte, nerves he increased work mnent 9f the Rhodes scholars-at-large ,w vice h Regents will bbe made the ~ atter ;part of Jyan-' PROGERAM~ Tafs a goodc deal to 'diila ramn uary 'by a special committee of form- ent building to help er" Rhodes scholars. After '1924, 32 Aria--Oh, casto firmopir"fo?"edLhoe.. .Msee "o Aon nil-te men will be annually selected ,from Cade la sera (Shadows f Evening)...........ililotti Ivriycnbidathe;United States.- Star.vicino (only smile, I wll sk nothing more) ........Sltr Rosa __________ Aril............................ ..°....Tosti ~1 cill forathis'tye « A ~ia- ti' r'anni miel" from t"Ernani".......Verdi S a e i b - e tn~ J structure.taie Re-ALHA NTCH OSESTwo'eapl Sogs inad mn.Construe- .ToNeoia tn n haslready coms- _ MID -WET R OU S aela i. ...........................Valente ___Canto per m....................d rts t ye ~arranged for an Alpha.,Nu's' six try-outs for, Mich ' aPloa.....................rde t ,phyician, bring- Igans Mid-vWest debating squad, *ere Un dour lien .....:..................-..,...I....Alfred Debrc Boni urSuzon......................Delibes e upt four men chosen at, a "meetin~g of the organiza- CueoYu.................Frank W4aller, ctr s.. The appint-' tion Friday nsight..They 'are, George, ade as son as ed thel" g'21,Wade I. Connell, '21, Webb Ar*- 4Lrgo~ al fatotifn2 from "Barbiere di Siviglia" ...Rossini Id are copeedd.ark, '21 C. .E. Fitzpatrick, '1, Mil- « ton' Rygil '21, and William Wise, '21. A* STE TO,-DO rThie same number of try-ots will be FT BOILE SCALFE chosen by each of the several debating TICKETSt: $10, $1.60, $2.00a; COURSE TICKETS (nludIng conl- -.oite.ndb ieLw col h crts .by Jsef IRfmanu; the Detroit Symphilony, and $.0 May Festival F ao in the. city' water eliminations will be carried on in ,opn,$.0 60,$.0 60.________ a t~ othe bilers in the 'the same way as "those for theCentraln{3 g pslant to, become debating leagute, eight being eliminat- - . wth a scale rihich' ed at 8 ow6 - tneqxt Saturday, four the v x".. r#x their proper fun c- "following Wek;,and four the week aft= apaaushsben;rthat. This wl lave eight, three =eiy ~ rCn I~ scut a e~~ tated'frequet re- 1for~each 'ide and two substitutes, err4- ," 'a rtes has"beenThe question'"which, is'" to:be de- y ~-li;11 1e1liminate all .suchi bated is: "Resolved,. That ,employ- ted lwaver, :tatees;"a s such,~ in° each corporation . o 'd tental t houldbeallowedsto elect- from their -t ri, s t leas o -third of the board o'd .t ctors, of ch corporation, all n :, " ws 'read the r"Mic- dir'ectors s hae equal "rights 'and Sutsa n privil 'ees." Felosipinolee rNo asleofOdsan ndabtyoTtk yurpcko yu ofitfouihemes urenie tck#t rcemha ma asvigofsvea with good food and whole - dollars to you on1IIl '//fjI come rik. Irce-cold - Ilf'P71 I. Bev- necele aon !~UiSandOvercots bever a i urtyadc BLUE SUITS AND OVERCOATS NOT INCLUDED s healthfuln ess-is most - s k ,aisyng a!adrn°b $35.00 Values $40.00 Values $4.00 Values $0.00 Values $66.0 Values $0.00Ves~ $6.00Vle igeloc raihwt go at go at go at go at goa at foodl that mak es a hap - ° .U $32.00,, $36.00 $40.00 $44.00 $48.0 at200 pier re ast: 5Leathertex Coats Men's Suits& Overcoats TOp Coats 2AHUSr.BUSCH, S. LCOUIS Gun Metal ,and Russet, very fine quality. One Special Lot, broken sizes-all wool. Only about 25 in lot, 11 l sze;alwool Short Lengthts Long Reg. Lengths~ and good values, go at and good vales at° $2.0Values at $30.00 Values at Dicuto:3%t O $ . Itms e$18.75 $22.50is tof3 o5$. 'ceeod - Sheep Lined Coats and Mackinaws at 20 per cent off. Regular prices rang from $3.50 to $25.00 Sindenschmnitt, Apfe&Co i I t I K{ ,