Y .. rroathy at is the reason jusuce muuan de- clared that ,some of the "best women in the coun- try and in the world smoke cigarets-This isn't Hickville out in the center of the farmi country." People of the middle west may resent being re- ferred to as hicks, They believe their homely cul- ture on a par -with 'the east and- if the recent de cision passed by the judge is a sample of eastern morals, the middle west should be proud of its po- sition. True, a few women have acquired the habit in the middle. west. Even university women of the west have, been accused of the habit, but it is a practice which they are not proud of and which they do not practice;in public. Decisions by the court cannot chanke tradition with one sweep of the wand. It is no Worse for' woman to smoke than for man but the double stand- ard of morals is entrenched so strongly that so- ciety has decreed it bad taste for women to "roll their own." It may be customary in the next cen- tury but in this age it is considered unladylike and When You I Think of . Graham r- I Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk ex. I DETROIT UNITED LINES It1llh ill IIIIllI lllilIIIllljIItlllllillitiiiliiiii (Oct. 26. xgT9)-- Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson f DIA RI(rdA N [ (Eastern standard Time) 'H-N Detroit Limited and Express Cars--6:ro a. IT)., and hourly to y : io p. m. Jaksn imited and Express Cars-8:48,' D ESK C A L a. m., and every hour to 9:4DKP. m. (Ax presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.) Local Cars East Bound-6:o5 a. m., 9:os a.' M. and every two hours to 9:os p.m., 10:50 u. m. To Ypsilanti only, 11 :4Yp.sinp ., 1 :1oa a. m., and to Saline, change at Yslanti. Local Cabs West Bound--7 4$ a. M. and 12:20 a. in.. Illlll'111 111[1111111lillti1111111111111111111i 111'1lli D H If it takes a "hick" t1 maintain morals, the people of the western object to the name.-Daily Iowan. the standard of plains may not UNIVERSI IBOOKSTO TY .Efficiency Editor ,ster Campbell Due'to a misprint, the editoroal entitled "We Have Real Michigan Men and-," which appeared in Sunday's Daily, stated "It is time that these of- ficials be brought 1p 'before the House committee' of the Union and if'found guilty be dismissed from Union membership and publication be made of the names." The word "offenders" should have been used in place of the word "officials." That Hillsdale basketball game certainly gives promise of some lively tilts on the floor of Water- man gymnasium before the season is over. Send in your service record now. The Telescope An Epitaph Here lies the body of Ezra Tank Who answered the last Great Call He got up in the dark and drank A full bottle of wood alcohol. ---- ---------------------- NO EXAMINATION SCHEDULE ' schedule for examinations of the eng- place of each examination will ANNOUNCED FOR ENGINEERS ineering college no schedule will ,be nounced by the instructor of published in the columns of The Daily. class. All such announcement Due to the irregularities of the instead, the exact time, date, ane be made on or befoare next Mon ------------- -------- 7 news for ho has full SAdvanced Dancing Class STARTS TONIGHT Those unacquainted with the nature of the. advanced dancing classes which have been held this semester in the Michigan Union Annex under the direc- tion and management of Mr. and Miss Moses, are invited to at- tend the first lesson of the new term, tonight from 7:15 to 8:15 o'clock. Those wishing to con- tinue the course may enroll af- ter the lesson. This is a mixed class and ex- clusively for University men and women. Last term's enrollment was fifty-seven men and fifty- seven women, but this term the number will 'be limited to fifty of each. . The lesson will start promptly at 7:15 p. m. AT ONCE /' All students who were in Military Service dur European War and who have not already sent in rec the Alumni Catalogue, Office, Memorial--Hall, are re( to call at this office at soon as they can and fill out r blanks. The University will publish soon a complete,.and c account of MICHIGAN'S part in the world war, at desired that every one s name be included. H. L. SENSEMAN N. Secretary of the War Record Con ATTENTION! EX-SERVICE MEN and WOMEN Your Military Records are Wanted Zorton ;:......$. r.. y' editorial urI the one may be to' should be an loting. There faculty 'mem- ould not have: regard to the If She Smiles sweetly when you step all over.her new shoes .at the dance Or laughs very heartily at that joke which you have now sprung for the eleventh time And gives you those soulful, worshipful looks _.T Don't be-sure that you have "knocked her dead." It may be that she hasn't a bid for the J-Hop yet, and that you're her last hope. Dear Noah:- Can you suggest anything which I can really help in the conserving of food? Newlywed. You might try engaging a cook that doesn't keep company with a cop. A Red Hot Meeting Mrs. J. T.'Miller read an articles on "Personal Devils." There were 17 present.-Boone News Re- publican. And Now Somebody Else is the Star Boarder Landlady-Is the chowder cold? Boarder-Yes. But not clammy. Where "Silence Would Be Gold in"-Your Pocket "kMae is a fine girl but-". "What's the matter? Is she a co-ed ?" "No. But she has an impediment in her speech." "Impediment in her speech? What do you mean?" "If you ask her out for dinner or for a taxi ride after the show she can't for the life of her say NO." Our Daily Novelette Spring in all its verdant glory had at last come. From the boughs of the mulberry bush the dickie .bird poured forth its sweetest ecstasies. Overhead a silvery moon beamed down upon a world- per- meated with romance. He walked beside her, through- the meadow. Yet strange to relate he made no effo-t to slyly encircle her waist; nor did she on her part send him any of those amorous. glances which are calculated to make ta lover's heart palpitate and quiver like an aspen shaken by a gentle balmy .zephyr. Occasionally. though, she would look- at him with those beautiful eyes of hers-larger trustful eyes which could only be lik- ened to limpid pools of bottomless depths. Could it he that they had quarreled? He opened the gate for her to pass through first, yet no word of thanks issued from her lips. For he was only a farmer boy and she-yes, she was only a Jersey cow. J. W. .K. in famnous Closing Lines "Im in chirge ofa squad of men," said the de- serter as the firing squad marched him to a blank 1920SATLAS With Late War Maps To the students of The University of Michigan who take advantage of this offer now made in conne Words of R tzac, acebarrage. Be We A Complete Reference Library in Dictionary Form-witj, 3,000 pages, and type matter equivalent to a 15-volume E pedia, all in a single volume, in Rich, Full Red Leatf er brary Buckram Binding, can now be secured by read ers Michigan Daily on the following remarkably easy terms: 'he entire work in either binding (with complete 1920 Delivered for $1.00 and easy pay of only a few cents a week (In United States and Canada.). REDUCED ABOUT ONE-HAL (IN THICKNESS AND WEIGHT) p India-Paper Edition-- Printed on thin, opaque, superior India Paper. It excellent printing surface, ing in remarkably clear u; r ,Mxsions- of type and illust. What a satisfaction to o New Merriam Webster in so light and so convenient 7 ~This edition is only aboutt the thickness and weight regular edition. Sizet12 S9 in. z 2 in. Wigt8 New Intern cast a vote .in accordance i a question which so vitally id press articles during the en designed to supply infor- site of a successful referen- for the voters to perform her share towards the suc- this worthy project. Help the polls now and voting! AND WOMEN by woiien has been decreed peme Court Justice Mullan ecision grey out 'of, a sepa unsel' for the husband tried ad been found in the wife's' at this constituted evidence court will not justify the women. Even though"law on not immoral, it cannot . Doubtless most persons. lot 'immoral for women to in. X, lbs. "It is an ever-present and reliable school-master to the whole family's with the new Divided Page, characterized as "A Stroke of Genius." Regular-Paper Edition Printed on strong book papctr o the highest quality. Size 12y in. x 9- in. x 5% in. Weight 15% Ibs.. Over 4000,000 Vocabulary Terms, and'', in addition,*'z2000Biographical Names,, nearly 30,000 geographical Subjects, be-. sides thousands of othtr references. Nea- ly 3,000 Pages. Over 6,00o Illustrations. The only dictionary I-I THE ATLAS Is the 1920 "New Reference Atlas of the World," containing nearly' 200 pages, with 128 pages of maps, beautifully printed in colors, with. marginal reference' indexes, late Census Figures, Parcel-Post Guide, late War Maps, etc., all handsomer ly bound in red cloth, size 10/x13's 0 TO THOSE WHO MAIL THIS COUPON AT ONCE E. Van Allen, 9 Nickels Arcade Please send me free of all obligation or expense a 'copy of "Dictionary Wrinkles," containing an amusing "Test in Pronounciation0(wgit4 key) entitled "The American- ization of Carver"; also "125 Interesting Questions" with reference to their answers, and striking "Facsimile Color Plate" of the new bind np. Please include specimen pages ofIndia and Regular paper with terms of your Michigan Daily free Atlas ofer on Webster's New' International Dictionary. NAME ADDRESS NOAH COUNT.