it i Cleo Murtland of the indus- dugational department, will be eaker at the annual vocational nce to be held at 4 o'clock ay afternoon in Barbour gym- , according to announcement at the meeting of the board of ,tatives of the Women's league .ay. She will speak on "The of Selecting Vocations." revised house rules for women w in- the hands of the printers .11 be distributed next Wednes- orning. In the main, they are mne as formerly, but important the changes are thefollowing: aan girls are allowed no mid- lates, They may have three end dates with either girls or Their .afternoon engagements limited, but must end by the din- ur. If a freshman girl is invited r dinner she must be back by ek, or the dinner will be count- an evening engagement. grand march. of the fancy dress led by the board of directors, at 8 o'clock Saturday evening. will be a sfnall admission of 10 Anyone not in costume will be A 11 11 11 COMMITTEE FEBRUARY GRADS The appointment bureau announces the following appointments of Feb- ruary graduates: Anna E. Kunert, English, Munising; Dora C. Osterberg, history and Eng- lish, Ionia; Marie M. Stolz, English, Manchester; Vera M. Lane, English, Dillon, Mont..; M. Helen Hughes, Eng- lish and history, Alma; Elizabe'th Mechem, '18, will teach English in East Lansing. Beginners Class. The next Begin- ners -class to be held in the Michigan Union Annex starts tomorrow. night .at 7:15 o'clock. There are eight' les- . sons in the Beginners course, meeting Monday and 'Wednesday. The one- step, fox trot, and waltz, and some variations will be covered thorough- ly. Those who have not already en- rolled should be there at 7 o'clock as the class will start promptly at 7 :15.-Qdv. j i ,' You 11 tiAL New Year -1 She was an untamed waif of the mountains who could shoot straight. John Fox's famous Kentucky romance of love and laughter provides an ideal vehicle for "America's Sweetheart." There is action and thrills, too; in fact those who have seen it say that it is better than "Daddy Long Legs" and "The-Hoodlum." -Need WE say more? 11 Blossom S hop els Arcade 11 . do& AMP lry P.ackto...rd, - . I ,, I IE Leave Copy at Quarrys and The Delta IN AN ENTIRELY NEW COMEDY CREATION leather :istory ery irk ,eward niversii WANTED r note-WANTED-Student with clean habits outline to share room with sophomore. Splendid room, block from campuq it CA. and convenient to best board in city. y Ae Rent reasonable. Notify Box A. F., Dailyoffice. elm rt the Hills" SHOWS START TODAY 1:30-3:00-4:30-7:00-8:30 11 a (without cap) on ere between Cath- Sts. Call 2516-W. ound Gruen wrist ppan, Rd. and Un- 11 _ :,, WANTED-Names of persons running rooming houses who intend selling out at end of present term. Address Box' D, Daily. Majestic presentation of this exceptional Photoplay includes a special musical interpretation by an augmented orchestra under direction of Louis Killian. ESWTIiC .1 I ae shell pin with Barbara Baker, lord ring, small call H. Kelley, ntain pen, 12:00 >r of Economics k leather case. -M. shoes, Thurs- one 120. WANTED-Advanced engineering stu- dent for profitable week end em- f'ployment. Major Carson. X19 Pack- ard St. (WANTED-Roommate, good room 100 yards from campus. 220 S.*Ingalls. FOR SALE FOR SALE--Apple wood very desir- able for fireplaces. Leugth to ord- er. 'H. L. Thornton, Geddes Road. Phone 7136-F12. FOR SALE - Upright Piano, newly tuned and refinished. Excellent condition. A, bargain. H. Seger Slifer, 310 S. State St. Phone 889-J. S SE N- The Kentucky "Shindig," the Ride of the Clansmen, Mary's First Day in School, Mary and Her Pet Mule, the Laughable Love Scenes Down by the Old Mill Stream. Wednesday, Thursday, Bryant Washburn in"W hy Smith Left OHre ti *1 11 om. 'Plenty University. 'J SALE-- gton typewriter quire 109 N. In- 4