1I LI EST - More tryouts for assistant track manager are needed. All sophomores and juniors that wish to come out are requested report to Manager Parsons from 3 to 5 o'clock on Monday or Tuesday at Waterman gymnas- ium. -' 10 11i U IUI IIlil 'ARE FOR OPENERS Billiard Expert Outlines Points 46. This Al Taylor, in charge of the Union ,ny con- billiard room, has compiled 14 points ays that of play fqr three-cushion billiards. orah al- Mr. Taylor has been playing profes- 19 suc- sional billiards for over 16 years. He played ' in Paris with H{oppe, Suttofi, Slawson, Schaeffer and other ,Ameri- can players at the Academie L'Olym- hung up pia in an exhibition match. o0 shots Title Contender h Wells In 1912 he played in a tournament. ers for at the Hotel Astor, New York, for school. the world's championship, at 18.2 L chane- balk-line billiards, with Hoppe, Sut-, nd South ton, and Morningstar. Mr. Taylor has he same also been on exhibition tours with . In 12, Willie Hoppe and Jacob Schaeffer. e' est- " His record run at balk-line billiards is 286, against the World's record, bts, and which is 325 'The best run he has inn ' ever made at straight rail has been r Cress 500. Before coming to the Univer- d Petti- 1 sity in September, Mr. Taylor owned Lorah a billiard hall in Milwaukee, Wis. His 14 points are very helpful to any bil- 1. low. bla 14 Points Hold letf hand tight, right and Hold cue parallel to bed of ta- UA. the 2. Strike first object ball half full, rst. with extreme english for the great majority of shots. at 3. Stand close to the table and th swing body -back so that weight is, resting on the feet and not the left the hand. ght 4. Use a six inch bridge It is es, long enough for even "twice around."' ous 5. Beware of bank shots unless they ear are "naturals." ea 6. Avoid long angles whenever pose retpossible. s s7. Drop on the red ball for "safe- °om ty" unless the shot is a "natural." Extreme English Best 8. Use extreme english - slight AMf english is usually worse than none. 9. Play a "top ball" above center), whenever possible. The 10 Safety play is half of three-cush- of ion billiards. nc- 11. Use "naturals," they are easier en- 'and more certain. ade 12. Use the four corners as guides ard for nearly all shots. and 13. Never use a "slow ball." Make a rit- quick, but not hard, stroke ge, 14. Dont' play too fast and don't kick about the cues and balls., WEDNESDAY NAMED AS LIMIT FOR DELAYED SOCIETY ENTRIES Preparation for the basketball games that will be played during the week filled th Waterman gym with fra- ternit teams at all available hours Saturday. Many of the teams that will take the floor Monday n'ight spent the entire-day' in the gymnasium practic- ing for the opening light. Three Games Monday Three games are down for Mon- day night, Theta XI vs. Zeta Beta Tau; -Phi Kappa Sigma vs. Delta Tau Delta; Beta Theta Pi vs. Alpha Sigm Phi. On Tuesday night there will be four games, Sinfona vs. Nu Sigma Nu; Theta Delta Phi vs. Monks; Al- pha Delta Phi vs. Phi Chi; and Del- ta Upsilon vs. Alpha Sigma Phi. Most of the games will be on Wed- nesday night, as the Varsity will not use the floor. Twelve games will be played starting at 7 o'clock. The games on Monday and Tuesday 'nights must be played between 8:30 and 9:30 o'clock. Fifteen minute halves will be used, witfi one minute between quarters.' Only six entries have as yet been received for the society league, and representatives of teams are urged to' hurry as all entries must be in the hands of Director Mitchell by Wednes- day night.\ Any Group Eligible In the departmental league any group of men that are in the same course may organize a team, regard- less of class. More than one team from a depaitaent can be entered, as the idea of the league is to get out all the material possible. 4+'organizing the three leagues, Di- rector Mitchell planned to have a large, number of men play, so that when the teams were picked for the class teams they would be composed of the best material on the campus. Any mart can play in two of the three leagues. HOCKEY PRACTICE HOURS ANNOUNCED Practice hours for class hockey teams have been arrandd with the managers of the Coliseum, and all men that intend tgo tryout for any of the teams can report- there at the fol- lowing hours: Monday and Thursday, senior and junior lits-4:30 to 5:15 o'clock. Se- nior and junior engineers-5:15 to 6 o'clock. Tuesday and Frida9, sophomore and .freshman lits-4:3Q to 5:15 o'clock. Sophomore and freshman engineers- 5:15 to 6 o'clock. Wednesday, Laws and Dents-4:30 to 6 o'clock. Admittance- Free Men out for the teams will be given tickets admitting them free to the rink, by their team managers at the dor. In this way the candidates will- not have to pay while practicing for the team. The schedule of the league, which starts Monday, Jan. 20, will be drawn up and printed this week. Ten teams have entered. As in the interclass football series, each team will have two chances be- fore dropping out of the race. Jer- seys will be given to the members of the teams running first and second. Managers Selected Team managers, for the various classes are as follows: junior lits, Di7 dier; sophomore lits, Kerr; freshman lits, Dallavo; senior engineers, Wes- ton; junior engineers, Reilly; sopho- mo.re and freshman engineers, to be ,aniounced later. Law, Long; and dents, Cannon.1 No senior, lit manager has been appointed, and anyone that wishes to manage the team may call the Ath- letic office to be put in touch with his players. UNITED STATES OLYMPIC TEAM LACKS EXPER.IENCED ATHLETES' On account of the fact that no Olympic games were held in 1916, the United States . delegation will go to Antwerp next summer, with hardly a half dozen men who have had previ- ous Olympic game experience. Nearly all the men who aided 'in scoring America's great victory at Stockholm in 1912 have given up competition al- together. This is true of all but three of the champions. The only men who are now in active competition are some of the younger men who were just beginning to develop in 1912 and three of New York's policeman weight throwers. Cow track Pro sity s the h nelly, the re record a - 1 ---- - ~ wwnu a'.u inJ 'uJuJ - n I - UI FOR FAST SEASON JEWELERS M~ID~f A SYF~f- of - keeping his Quality and Service ch Steve Farrell-is kpg113 . Liberty St. candidates busy. Amn Arbor, Mich. f. Carver, a member of the Var- ix years ago, is working out with. alf milers and milers. Red Don- former captain and member of lay team which broke tle world's d at Clf,,Vl sOm~ ~ars a a 11:30 a. m. to midnigl Steaks and Chops 314 S. I 1,%I Ut , yi g, , N U s assisting -the 440 and dash men. Cross, '17, one of the best weight men Coach Farrell had, is at the gym- nasium every day helping the shot put- ters. Single Weight Veteran Baker is the only Varsity man in the weights who is back this year. A number of new nien were working out with theshot on Friday. With coach- ing, Johnson, of the football team, is expcted to develop into a good weightI man. Bob Cook was out for the first time last week. He suffered an injury to his foot this last summer but it is expected that he will be able to sprint with his old form In many of the dual meets last fear Johnson, Cook, and Losch scored slams in the dash- es. In the- mile Earle has been show- ing up favorably for early season work. Few other men have done much in this line. The .need "for distance men is keenly felt. The spirit which prevails among the track candidates at Waterman gymna- sium is one of hard work. It has been many years since the Athletic. author- ities have arranged such an excellent schedule. The competition is the strongest and best. - Meets at which the strongest teams in the country will compete have been arranged for the Varsity. i Trips Numerous Trips for the team are numerous and it will oppose the best track out- fits in the country. The "cinder class- ic of the West," namely, the Confer- ence outdoor meet, is scheduled to take place at Ann Arbor. This is the first time that this great track event has been held here at Michigan In the words of Con Church, "all Detroit and this section of Michigan is expected to move right out to Ann Arbor for this meet." Additional Sports on Page Eight Sport Shop 711 N. Univ. A d, T P .. f .. . \ f . r a ^ .r " t1 4 4 v 4 k (*lji;- M 4 J II Sus DOW OLD ARE YOU T NO MATTER!I PLAY BILLIARDSI No matter how many years you have tarried on earth, you are young if you like to PLAY. And PLAYING helps to keep that yo feeling and youthful look in men who are of mature years. 1 of the GREAT men of the world-authors, senators, lawyers, pr ministers-find in BILLIARDS a most joyous relaxation and re tion. Make HLTSTON BROS. your "club." Make this a regular m ing place for yourself and friends. You will find just the right ati phere here to make your evenings enjoyable. GE'O. .J. MOEh HUSTON BROS. BILLIARDS AND BOWLING, CIGARS AND CANDIES CIGARETTES AND PIPES "We try to treet you Right" . . I-, It nes a ,ve wr colle have to m lman for pr Four Days -- Douglas Commencing Today -FaIN .b ks eet has Os- nt ON Have you arranged with the Sped- ding Studio for your Michiganensian sitting? Sittings must be *aade be- forq Feb. 1.-Adv. Patronize our Advertisers.---Adv. BEGINNERS' CLASSI With a large number already enroll- ed for the Beginners' Dancing Class, the first lesson will be held Monday' evening from 7:15 to 8:15 p. m. in the Michigan Union Annev. Those wishing to Join this class should come at seven, as'the class will start promptly at 7:15. The advanced class starts Tuesday night. HIS SECOND UNfED ARTISTS' PRODUCTION When The Clouds Roll By" THE LATEST FAIRBANKS FROLIC SIX REELS OF PEP AND ACTION p D'cha ever A PS - -/ Better Prices DOUG. -at DID!' have the night- mare? ORE YS for "Good Eats" Ask him how it feels to "float" through the air and run around on the ceiling! D'cha ever se the interior of stomach? SEE DOUG'S after a heavy dinner at mid night-with lobster, welsh rarebit, mince pie, etc., per- forming gymnastics. , 1121.South university Ave, y Ave.- ~ " Trubey's_ Lunches Confectionery Cream, Delicious Sodas Maike our own Ice Cream solicited from Fraternities and s. 218 S. Main Phone 166 IT'S UPROAR- IOUS! You'll ghyourbead offT s - - - - - how tunny it is Sunday Shows commencing at 1 :30, 3, 4:30, 7 and 8:30 COME EARLY! Additional Sports on Page Eight ADULTS 35 CENTS CHILDREN 15 - . rw