the Univer- ions. is exclusively entitled to the use for patches credited to it or not otherwise the local news published therein. e at Ann Arbor, -Michlgan, as second rd street. 300 words, if signed, the sig- print, but as an evidence of published in The Daily at the r mailed to The Daily office. ,e no consideration. No man writer incloses postage. endorse the sentiments ex- . Phone.2414 oo . Managing Editor Jr- ..............Business Manager Phone 96o or 2738 .Asst. Managing Editor ........City Eaitor ............. ..... Sports Editor -.. ---.-... Women's Editor tein .......................Telegraph Editor EDITORIAL BOARD a H. Hardy Heth ines, Jr................... Advertising Manager ..........*. ...Issue Manage~r .Office Manager ...........Publication Manager .Circulation Manager .Subscription Manager Music Editor ............ ... .. Literary Editor ........ xchaiige Editor .Campaign" Editor . ......i........ .. ...Efficiency Editor ISSUE EDITORS A Jr.G orna B1]. Adams Brewster Campbell Ge')rge~ Brophy * John 1. Dakin EDITORIAL .STAFF I R. W. Wrobleski, Dorothy Monfort Samuel Laimport Minnie Muskatt r Anna"McGurk Robert lk Angell- Win'efred Biethan Robert D. Sage Thomas J. Whinery - The new publication rooms are surely a step in advance.' While these may be appreciated only by ,a limited few, still it can be said with fairness that the benefit is to the entire University as a whole. Efficiency and attractiveness will stimnlate the ac- tivity of Michigan's publications-one of the most important things for Michigan. both at home and abroad. Lookinig at these improvements and then looking ahead we cannot fail to see a brilliant future. As time goes on, and the newness wears away the benefit will, if anything, be more easily discerned. For these things will become traditional--a part of Michigan atmosphere. Incoming men will not re- member the old, but in their own way they will ap- preciate the new, incorporating it into their idea of what Michigan is. Last but not least, Michigan is soon to hail a new executive, a man who will control Michigan policies with all the wisdom and energy of youth. And now they predict an increase of the tuition fee. The old world's pretty much the same every- where. Have you shown that .military experience bene- fited you by sending in your military record? Are you preparing yourself to vote intelligently on the peace treaty questiop Tuesday? Evidently the piece de .resistance of that Jackson dinner was the Wilsoa-Bryan split. Graham When You Both Ends of the Diago nal Walk Think of U. DETROIT UNITED LINES 1iiiii li lnrriar rnrnrru (Oct. 26, 1919)-- Between Detrpit, Ann Arbor and Jackson ' (Eastern StandardTime) cDIAR ES A Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6:io a.= t,, and hourly to g:Fro p. M. Jackson Limited and Express Cars-8:48.. D ESK ,CAL a. m., and, every hour to 9:48 p. M. (Ex presses make.local stops west of Ann Arbor.) Local Cars East Bound-6a:3 a..n., 9:05 a. :m. and every two hours to 9:o5 p. m., io:5o .M. To Ypsilanti only, i::4 m p. i., ,1:1o a. m.. and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti. psilanti. Local Cars West Bound--7:48 a. m. apd D H A, _ UNivER IBOOKST S ITY ,. "Regents appoint an ichthyologist." sound like A pipe course, at that. It looks as though the Junior Hop truly Junior affair this year.' It doesn't STAFF umW1 is to, be a D. P. Joyce Robt. Somerville Arthur L' Glazer F. M. Heath einformation concerning news for see the issue editor, who has full ed that night. - the week are as follows: ay night; J. Edwin Jbhn- -ewster P. Campbell, .Wec1- Brophy, Thursday ' night ; night; Thornton Sargent, NUARY 11, 1920. MEN AND-7- real Michigan the members of the latter class are the who broke the lock and destroyed the door o one of the .balconies of the dance hall chigan Union last Friday night. were three ways-in which the students of ersity could watch the followers of the rean art at the Union dances: by buying a. r watching from one of the 'two balcony or by watching from the third floor hall- few of the students of the University con- e somewhat brilliant idea of breaking open leading to one of the balconies over the 11 in order that they might see the dancers isely. gh the damage will amount to only about fact that these few Michigan students image their own property seems nearly in- Surely they hurt themselves as well as r Michigan Union members. A similar e would be for them to go into their own I break open a door. ffense Friday night is not the first of its has been committed in the Michigan Union by members of the Union. It was only that some of these students (unfortunately call them Michigan students) climbed of the dining room tables, destroying the e lincn on the table. Other offenses have orted to the Union officials. ime that these officials be brought up be- House committee of the Union and if lilty be dismissed from Union membership ication be made of the names of the of- OPTIMISM ng the reasons for optimism at Michigan many, and of such variety that everybody have at least one of his own that in his es- surpasses all others.' mary importance to everyone, however, is library building, recently completed at 'an I cost of between five and six hundred . This will surely set a new era in Mich- ogress, in Michigan's itifluence and even in i's populdrity. is the Michigan Union, founded upon one iggest ideas ever existing, an idea of uni- peal. It will stand not only for' the good' nts but for the enduring welfare of .s well. It will be a large factor in per- Michigan ideals and in perpetuating Mich- T"he Telescope' An Epitaph Here Lie the bones of Silas Gay The durn fool got too smart. He looked into a gun one day To see what made the bullet start. It happened during the Christmas holidays. He had only two weeks to tell her how "big he went" at school so h tarted right in. "Am I popular there at college? Why, say, at the last place I stayed the landldy actually cried when I left." "But I thought you wrote us that those Ann Ar- bor landladies made you pay your room rent in ad- vance." What Higher Education Does for You "The odor from the refuge was repugnant."-- From a Senior essay. "Even love itself is governed by certain scien- tific laws."-Extract from an Eastern professor's speech. Quite right, professor; by applying Boyle's Law' we find the lower the gas the greater the press- ure . Dear Noah:- Is 'it considered poor form to wear jewelry with evening. clothes? Eddie Kett. We are unable to answer this question, never having been able to have our jewelry and evening, clothes at the same time. Union Loses On "Red Feather" Eight hundred dollars was the loss to the Michigan Union management for the production of "Red Feather," a De Koven opera. This is the' first time the Union has met with a financial loss on a production. The Michigan Union opera usually nets about $2,500. Patronize our Advertisers.-Adv. LEARN TO DANCE Don't Be 'Wall Flower PR OF. M1TTENTHAL'S DANCING SCHOOL ARMORY Every Friday Evening 7:00 to 8:30 TERMS:. Gentlemen, 8 lessons.....$8.00 Single lesson.......... 1.25 Ladies, 8 lessons.......3.00 Single lesson ........... .50 Spend your money at the best school and get results. I guar- antee to teach you all the latest steps in less than term and make you a perfect and graceful dancer. New class begins Fri- day, Jan. 16; also advance class same evening. Any person wish- ing to learn the proper way to dance the Fox Trot come to me. I teachrthe right way. Seventy- five per cent of dancers dance with theFox -Trot music but don't dance the Fox Trot the right way-by all means they think they do, but they are cheating themselves, not the or- chestra. Also position as well and cheek dancing is improper and out of place in a Ballroom. it'is not,'taught by any dancing instructor. For deportment and grace attend my school. Don't be backward. Learn now so you can attend the parties. No spectators, strictly private. FLOWERS FLOWERING PLANTS Cousins & Hall, Members Florists Telegraph Delivery phone 115 1002 S. Univ. 3 ~ CIA III T HE ELECTRIC Washing Machine has become a most necessary assistant in the home. It is as essential to good housekeeping as-the kitchen sink. Because of the -high price of household labor it can be purchased and operated at less cost than the expense of a laundress. The washing is far superior to that done by hand. On our display floor you will find a complete line of these machines and we shall be pleased to demonstrate their efficiency. i I I +.r r i m i I rrrrn i iYr r nlliwl .nr lY The Detroit Edison Display Room, Main and William Phone 2300. Co. Sts. n+nr me ----... L U +- We Sure Hope This One Makes a Hit '23D-What's the slide rule? "23E-Feet first if-you expect the baseman give you the right of way. FULL DRESS.SUITS 4 to for the J-HOP I- Why They Hung Out the S. R. O. Sign The first M. E. church will hold a gospel service and church social Wednesday night at the church narlors. The members will study Miss Grace Saxe's outline, after which refreshments will be served.-Tewanna Herald. Our Daily Novelette The hour was midnight. The streets were de- serted. The doctor was aroused from his sound slumbers by the frantic ringing of his doorbell. He thrr'w open the door and a stranger-breathless and dlisheveled-staggered in. "My wife-my wife," he gasped. "Yes, yes, what about her," asked the doctor. "Something terrible has happened to her. Her jaw is set and she cannot utter a single word. In- stantly the doctor was ,galvanized into action. "Just a moment and I'll be with you." Where- upon all hope died out of thde stranger's eyes to be succeeded by a look of dumb anguish. "No, no, Doc," he entreated in a pitiful, heart- rending tone. "That's just what I wanted to see you about. But if you're up my way some time next week you might drop in and see what's wrong with her." J. W. K. Famous C'losing Lines, "Here's where I shine," said the. bootblack as the customer seated himself. NOAH COUNT. We have an exceptionally fine showing of Woolens suitable for Full Dress and Tuxedo tail- ored suits. We tailor these Woolens in styles cor- rect to th. minutest detail. The elegance of the material is an assurance that the suits will retain their shape. Place your order now for your new suit for the J-Hop. I WxU~pn I Leading Merchant Tailors t State Street .