Arcade} Ditro ; Premier U. S. Ace MARIE "TILLIE' IXR IN LMARE>> "Tuttle'"s 2i '"EAKERS AND, PRESSER& boo c. w s a iroro . ,1 . < i ne 6 i I I " k Suits Pre&wd °while 'you 'wait. Lunches Nunnally 's Candy Maynard St. Plans were formulated ley the so- cial committee of the, sophomore lies yesterday for a coming smoker and, get-together which will mark the open-. ing of the social life of the class of 22. The tenative date of Tuesday, Jan. 20, was decided upon' as the most- feasible, but definite announcement will be made later. IG. L. CHAPMAN. jJEWELER OPTOME'TRIS'T Any Lenses D)UPi~~te .AN~N ARBOR CHOP SUE! Excellent eIIOP SUET from 11:30 a in. to midnight Steaks and Chops 314 S. State, Among the speakers will be "Eddie" Rickenbacker, who will appear if his absence from Detroit can be.spar- ed. Music, as usual, will form a large part of the evening's entertainment, ands Chairman Maynard Newton prom- ises the best "campus talent. "Smoles," which, it is rumored, will consist of brands other than the paper packaged varieties, together with cider and doughnuts will provide the re- mainder of the entertainment. IThe Union' was decided. upon as thq best location. Prof ession, l Dancing Lessons and Assemblies every 'Wed., Packard Ac- aclemy. Ladies. 25, men, 75 cents. Conc alone if you like. 0. D. Laschen, De- troit,., Positively :no face dancing, all society, dances also ball-room dances taught.--Adv. Have you arranged- with the Sped- ding Studio for your Michiganensian De W~olf Hopper, actor, singe osopher, and after dinner speaki will reappear as "Old Bill" in Bruce Bairnsfather's musical success Sunday at the Whitni played this part more than 201 and has just completed a tour principal cities of the West a Pacific coast. THE WHITN~(EY The TUIE MAJESTIC I I y THEATRE JANUxARY, 13fath ordls%&ry EATRUE;(. "y sitting? Sittings must be Feb. 1.-Adv. made before rf I 3inal cas and proluction direct f£romna. ~nonth5 run at the Knickerbocker Thea'NeYokECt , 1I. ;r 1! WHITNEY " f RI. IAN. 1,0 . 1I1 Six electricians were cont employed to secure the unusL ing effects in "The Haunted B featuring Enid- Bennett toda- Majestic, Although the strange lights unique devices employed crea markably misterious and weir phere, the unaccountable di ances of the ghost are all sats explained befo~e the concluslc picture. Lloyd Hughes, who plays Ui Ile part opposite Miss Ben new addition to filmdom. Tb play was written by C. Gardi Ivan and directed by Fred N~ der the supervision of Th~omas ." I' 'The and 0.USI 6L COMW -5 Seats on Sale Wed. Mtail Orders N o/v PRICES - 50 -,50 - 2.00 I II THE I. Qu.ena Samtth . Kate PLL11 m an Margaaret E&lwacd.c N4ugh Chilvev" 4aClaton '0rinje DanlWeltj AND A C6401 s, OF A ro. An dreuy' Georg. pierce I4arry A cjtxx SMILEGRS. £ST PPCR9 AND S4NGERR 9 I T ,1d A 1, I Delightful and Exceptio nal In ft's Humor and Mirthfulness. Alice Joyce plays "The Vengeance of will be shown in a re, today at the Arcade. both Marion, the ui Durand, and Beatrice daughter. The formes an who lives in const Is blindly loves and hates ti father does. The story di sparkling life of Paris, tb ital of the world, before EMINENT HIST HERE WEDr ,at }PRICES Lower Floor 2.50 Miw' Gallery 1.00 Balcony 1 50-2.00 Sale Tuesday BELASCO STAGED IT-- That Means Perfection iI . y Moir. WHITNEY THEATRE rReturnM Engagement,. Sunday' Night, January 11 Dr. William Roscoe Thayer, the most eminent living Ameri torians, wlll lecture on James Lowell at 4:15 o'clock nextI 'day afternoon in Sarah Caswe]: hall. Dr. Thawer was a student Lowell when that famous-c a professor at Harvard. His' Cavour," is the standard work great Italian statesmen and h of Theodore Roosevlt and Jo are well known. He has als ten articles for the Atlantic ly. Dr. Thayer is a knight of the Order of the Crown, a member Harvard corporation, ex-press the American Historical asst and former editor of the1 Graduates magazine. The lecture will be open tot Ieral public. M" CLUB TO ME] DETROIT ALL Dc. Wolt Hopper tin I. too Better 'ole " AC Comedy with Music and Cha rming Girls TheBinfte nentoa ucs ,By, long odds Mr.. Hopper's -best performance In many yeA,,""w N. Y. Times4t Representatives, from the " M" will meet with 'the University of igan club of, Detroit on Jan. 17. Subjects relative to the athleti uation will be discussed at this ing, and it is expected that a gation will be appointed at this to represent the two organizatic the next meeting of the board in trol of athletics. This meeting be held some time within the two° months, and it is plani have a representation present fro alumfti associations of New Yorl troit, and Chicago, the "M"' clul Regents, and the Student counc ANCING At the Packard Mondays and j days, 8 to 10 P. M. Dance Hall i open for rental for private part assemblies. Private lessons ever; Phone 1850-F.-Adv. ' There will be the regular mE of the Upper Room Bible Class South State 'Street, Saturday ev at 7 o'clock. The meeting lastc one hour. It i~s for all Univ Men. Special music by Albert Sin.-Adv. Seats Now Selling Phone 48 Id I ICESU 75o to $2.00 0 .30 Catholic Studenfts' --Part'y Phil Diamo. A 4 This-.Afternoon" Union Building 8 Piece, 14d