ONLY DATE) CE JOYCE In Scene From .1 Vitagraph's EANCE OF DURAND" ith and deceive for revenge the man ual role-as a blonde aid a Urunette. AND SIMPS?" WMENCING SUNDAYt nks f. - IN - CLOVDS ROLL BY" YOU FEAR OPALS? pal ring causes cold shivers to dance from e other and the sight of one of. the rainbow immediate desire in your make-up to run a larly happy if you suddenly discovered that ed opals and insisted on that character of a esent? This is but one of the hundred wor- rbanks in this production. arting at 1:30 3, 4:30, 7 and 8:30 COME EARLY at ~Quarryls and The Delta 'E RT IS I NG* - There will be no volunteer social service work at the' Ljniversity hospital until, further notice due to the quar- .antine now on. Girls' Reserve club meetings at the city Y. W. C. A. will be held as usual. The board of representatives of the Women's league will meet at 9 o'clock Saturday morning in Barbour gym- nasi~m. The president requests that the members send substitutes if not able to attend in person, as the meet- ing is important. Try outs for the Junior Girls play will be held at oclock this morning in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. The committee urges all juniors tol come out, for a great deal of dramatic material' will be needed. More than 100 'women attended the Womens league party yesterday aft ernoonu,, The 'kappa Kappa Gamma girls gave an operetta, "When the Ice Came." Marriage of William Coxson, '20M. to Twila Haims, '19, has been announc- ed. The wedding is reported to have taken place last Nov. 22. The firt series of the freshman girls outdoor ,ports will be given' at 2 o'clock this afternoon in Barbour gym- nasium foA the purpose of acquainting freshman girls with each other. NUMEROUS JUNIORS TRYOUT FOR PLAY Junior Girls' ,play tryouts in great numbers "flitted" and sang before the committee in Sarah Caswell Angell hall Friday afternoon. Prof. John R. Brumm states that this years glass i unusually fortuate in having excellent material both for chorus and solo parts. Girls who failed 'to tryout Friday ujay report at 9 o'clock Saturday morn- ing in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. $12,000 BUDGET ASSURES RECORD SUM4ER SESSION A budget appropriation of $125,000, an increase of $53,000 over that of last year, together with the steadily in- creasing enrollment at each session, promises to make the 1920 Summer school the~"largest and mot su .ess- ful in the history of the Univer ity. The summer session has been gain- ing rapidly in popularity\ during the past few years. The enrollment at Michigan gin the summer of 1919 was 1961, 50 per cent more than the year before and 10 per cent more than any previous summer. The same condition}, was noted throughout the country, 43,00 students being enrolled in 22 of the leading universities. IRENE ELLIS, EX-'22, NOW EDITOR OF COLLEGE PAPER Irene Ellis, ex-22, who reported for The Daily last year, is now editor of "The Lake Erie Record,"'a publica- tion which appears three timesa year at Lake Erie College for Women, Painesville, Ohio. Besides the usual stories and poetry, separate departments are giv- on to "Sports," "Music-Art-Drama," and .to their "Alumnae.' There is 'al- so la section "Verging on Humor," and news of other colleges is# listed under "The Sitchboard." REV. J. M. ,WELLS ADDRESSES MEETING OF CLUB LEADERS The club of Girls' Reserve club lead-- ers Met. Thursday evening at New- berry hall. World fellowship plans for the club work this winter were discussed and Rev. . M. Wells gave a talk on "Religious Education" At the close of the meeting Miss Doris Wardner, of the physical education department of the University, play- ed games with the girls. ALUMNAE RESIDENCE BOARD TO MEET SATURDAY MORNING A meeting of the Board of Govern- ors of Alumnae Residence will be held at 10 o'clock on 'Saturday morn- ing. Mrs. William 13. Cady, of De- troit, Mrs. Leslie C. French, of Tole- do, Mrs. Stuart Baits (f Detroit, Mrs. Joseph M. Markley,,of Ann Arbor, and Dean Myra B. Jordan will be present. /' AJ ESTIC A Mountain Girl Afraid of "Nobody Nor Nbthing" That'. Nia r y FOUR HAPPY STATN /r S undoa DAYS N Pickford America's. Sweetheart in John Fox Jr's. Famous Story of Kentucky v I t i f . x .. ,. a . "0EAIT ' THE HILLS" LAUGHS-- Long and Lingering THRILLS-- Tense and Tingling f A I4 od very desir- meugth ta nrd- ew electric stu- brass finish with it $3.50, will sell 3-W 303 E. Ann ht Piano, newly' hed. Excellent ,ain. H. Seger 3t. Phone 889-J. ,modern com- Slightly used. having Parfoial WANTED WANTED-Names of persons running rooming houses who intend selling out at end of present term. Address: Box D, Daily. WANTED-Student girl to do ho'use- work in faculty member's family for room. Call at 1116 White St. WANTED - By graduate. student, a single room,, south side of campus. Address, R G C, Daily office. WANTED-A roommate for a student. *515 Monroe St. LOST AND FOUND LOST-A large abalone shell pin with silver setting. Call Barbara Baker, 2676. Reward. . LOST-Fountain pen (without ZAp) on State St., somewhere between Cath- erine and Liberty Sts. Call 2516-W. LOST-Gold faced round Gruen wrist watch between Tappan Rd. and Un- iversity Hall. Call 398. MISCELLANEOUS REWARD-Five dollars reward for. information leading to the recov- ery of my collie 'dog. He is eight months old, buff color bad answers to the name of Yankee. Phone Mil- ler, 2497 MISCELuANEOUS-Will person who took dark green overcoat from the ULLon Saturday night please return tne same to the Union desk. t\ FOUR DAYS--COMMENCING Tomorrqw t7 1 / rr x - - -AI wo rooms for Fireplace in light. 429 S. l 'A r g ewpci ' is a genuine novelty. We have come to expect great things from 'Doug Fairbanks; we sometimes wonder where he -ran possibly get any more new ideas from. Yet he comes along with a picture like this and simply carries us off our feet. "When the Clouds Roll By" is so new nd original in story and' action, so far away from anything that h"s been attempted before, that we go on record now with the prediction that every laugh-loving, thrilldoving man, woman and child in town will be talking eabout Fairbanks and Pus picturA before the week is half over. a . //, ent rooms. May mmodate either $4.00 per week. WA) 4 J .e room. Plenty I E. UAiversity. oom, 100 yards -rri i% ----- V;° 'ii i BOARD-$6.00 three meals, out breakfast. 314 E. Phon 2121-M. $5.00 with- William. r W 326, Michigan Union. The constitution lo, 1 and by-laws will be read, and arrange- at, ments for a dance in the near future m ill be made. Sunday shows' commencing at 1:30 3, 4:30, 7 and 8:30 Come Early Adults 35c- Children 15c in roo at th¢ DAILY 9 A.M. to 10 P.? SUNDAY 2 to 5 P,? 725 S;5th Ave,