g z pit 4L IU &U4J DAY AMD NIGHI SERVICE . . { j ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1920. PRICE r. l -; .' - FRID AY FAVORS STAND OF TREASURY OFFICIALS ON EXCESS PROFITS 11 1I { TA~ I Prof. David Friday of the economics 5 1 1 IN- department in an interview analyzed the stand of the treasury officials, who recommend that the excess profits tax be discontinued, as an attempt to sim- plify the administrative burdens of the department and yet raise the huge budget of nearly $5,000,000,000 which is necessary to meet the expenses of the government for the year 1920. Professor Friday explains that the treasury has other sources which will yield fron- three and one-half to four billions *of dollars, and that the offi- cials ask that the remainder be rais- ed, not from the excess profits taxes of the 'coming year but from those which were unsettled from the last two or three ye'ars and which can be col- lected very shortly by a prompt aud- iting of the accounts past due. "This would greatly simplify the work of the treasury department," Professor Friday says, "as. it would clean up tha old accounts and add no new ones on the books. It would also relieve busi- ness of the uncertainty which now ex- ists as to the amounts of these back' taxes.". * Like Plan Proposed iI "But I also favor the tax because I believe it is the tax that least im- pedes enterprise and business activi- ty. Indeed I should like to see the excess profits tax substituted for all other taxes, except' the tax on land. Modern business is fraught with a high degree of uncertainty and ripk. The state-should apportion the burden of taxation so as to minimize this risk as much as possible. I believe 'that this can best be- done- by requiring people to pay taxes only in years when they have unusually high profits and to relieve them of as much of the burden of taxation as possible in oth- er years. Even in the year , 1917, there were 8,400 corporations whose returns to the commissioner bf in- ternal revenue showed no net income and in most cases an actual defieit. These corporations had paid state and local taxes amounting to $115,000,000. It is' my opinion that it would have been both wise and more just to col- egiate vote i the peace ions will, I ffect in. the s policy in aid Prof. J. science de- t treaty of .c;+,r U-11 iy ball. As to the future, the treasury de- partment proposes to levy a special his belief tax on undistributed profits of cor- b only rep- porations. This would amount to practically the same thing, Friday as- y% of our serts and would be simpler for both present a the taxpayer and the government. The, he thought rest of the taxes would be collected in the usual way, by corporation income tae persona ana taxes. ch their parents t in the country's rs, who will decide aty, have b'y their shown the- weight final settlement of :ance is attached' rofessor Hayden only -the right, student and fac- gan to first fully the situation and ligent vote next. .Professor Friday has always advo- cated very highly the retention of some tax on differential profits and at a recent annual meeting of the American Economics association he discussed the tax and the reasons for its retention. There he said, "I be- lieve that a- full and honest discosure of the facts of business profits will bring about a popular demand for the retention of the tax. "We had long suspected that the workings of the price system played queer pranks when it came to the dis- tribution of income and wealth. In an industrial society so complex as ours, subject to the effects of wind and weather, of wars and rumors o wars, and of the business cycle, the results of the price system upon prof- its were suspected to be not uniform and profitable, but probably resulted in profits and incomes that were for- tuitously large or small in individual cases. To correct this accidental by- product of the workings of markets, competitive-and otherwise, many-of us favored an excess profits tax. It is for this reason that I favor the con-' tinuance of the tax today. lect this amount from those corpora- tions which showed an income two;.and one-half times as large as in the pre- war deficit. "Practical considerations will .force the retention of some form of special tax on business profits. No matter how keenly the republican leader's de- sire to limit themselves to pre-war methods of taxation, these aethods simply -will not yield the necessary revenues. The alternatives are con-e sumpti6n taxes and taxes on profits. Of the two the latter is the lesser evil." OVER 500 'JUNIO'RS SIGN UP FOR HOP Eight hundred ninety-two University' students, over 350 more than present plans will accommodate, had signi- fled their desire to attend the J-Hop when the preliminary fegistration was terminated at 5:45 yesterday after-. noon. Incomplete reports indicate that at least 500 of these are Juhiors. In the distribution of the tickets Ju- niors will be served first. If any are left after they have secured their tick- ets, preference will be given to other students according to the number of years they .have been on the campus. It is expected that the tickets wili, be placed on sale within a week. Plans for decorations and other Hop features are reported to be progress- ing rapidly. Rise Against Japs In Korea, London, Jan. 9.-Ax. anti-Japanese rising has broken out in Korea, act; cording to a Bolshevik wireless com- munication received here tonight from Moscow. POAREXPLO)RER1 SPEAKS TONIHT Prof. Hobbs Tells Place Stefansson iolds In Scientific World STEFAlSSON DISCOVERER OF REMEDY FOR ARCTIC SCURVY Regarding Vilhjalmur Stefansson, arctic explorer, who is to lecture at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium, Prof. William H. Hobbs sd the fol- lowing: Mr. Stefansson, who is, to lecture in Hill auditorium Saturday evening un- dler the auspices of the University Oratorical association, is not only a great explorer but a well known au- thority in science. His chief spec- ialty is anthropology, though geo- 'graphy and geology are close seconds In his esteem, I'nd he has lately be- 'cam well known as a dietician through his discovery of a remedy for scurvy, the bane of all earlier polar expeditions. Went Without Salt While in the arctic Mr. Stefansson eats no salt whatever, and it is per- haps nt generally known that this is characteristic also of the Eskimo gen- erally. In some of their dialects the same word is used for "salt" -as for "bad taste." In fact, on one occasion when Eskimos thronged about his camp and threatened to "eat him out of house and home," the sprinkling in the food of a little salt which Stef- ansson happened to have at the time served to remove the undesirable vis-. Itors. Mr. Stefansson holds the view that a balanced dietary is far less im- portant - than is generally supposed, and he cites the health of widely dif- ferent peoples living upon different rations, some not balanced at all. His own experience is, however, the strong basis for his belief. Palate Poor Qude During the war, we in America heard something of the starvation, or near starvation, which was prevalent in Germany because of the lack of fats. This condition has been well -exem- plified by Mr. Stefansson's own ex- perience. At one time when forced to live on lean caribou meat, the party was gorging itself until the stomachs, were greatly distended, bt without getting rid, of the pangs of hunger. Attempts to remedy the situation by a liberal use of seal oil were at first un- successful because the stomach would reject the pure oil.- A mixture of ptarmigan feathers with the oil did not greatly improve the product, though chopped hair mixed in it was found to solve the difficulty. Mr. Stef- ansson believes, as one easily realizes after learning of this Incident, that the palate Is not always the best guide- to the'needs of the stomach.- Mr..Stefansson is an extremely in. teresting talker, and the story which he has to tell is one of the most re- markable in thA long bistory of polar exploration. - LATE WIRE BRIEFS Cleveland, Jan. 9.-Abandonment of the communist party of Cleveland un- der any central organization, closing of Its offices and discontinuaxlce of the official weekly publication were an- nounced today. Discontinuance ofthe organization was decided upon because of the heavy expense incurred in bonding members held for deportation' and defending members in court, party leaders declared. Papis, Jan. 9.-The University of Paris has organized a series of lec- tures covering four months for Amer- icans. The lectures, which will run from March 1 to July 1, will be by distinguished scholars, and will be given for the purpose of giving a; general idea of French literature, his- tory and art. L Moscow, Jan. 9.-More tpan 2,000,- 000 civilians have died since the out- break of the war and 20 per cent of the country's population of 20,000,000 are refuges according to figures made public here by .the American Red Cross. New York, Jan. -9.-A, threatened strike of'teachers in New 'York public schools was averted today when the board of aldermen was authorized to issue revenue bonds to the amount of $620,000 in order to pay teachers' sal- aries for December. In order to bring about a bet- ter understanding, of the Peace Treaty and the League of Na- tions among the students and faculty, so that they will be more able to give an intelligent vote 'next Tuesday, the Union officials have o'ffered the use of rooms in the Union to any group I or groups iwho wish to have eth- er a public or private discussion -on the treaty at any time up to' the time of the vote. Persons wishing o take advantage of this offer should go to the man- ager's office in the south wing of the first floor and arrange- ments will be made. - I BASKETBALL TICKET S TO BE OUT NEXT WEEK Admission cards to the six Confer ence basketball games to be played in Ann Arbor will be distributed in the main corridor of University hall next week. Each -' student in the Univer- sity will be given. an opportunity to secure tickets to two games, building? regulations mlaking it impossib to admit more than 2,200 persons t any one contest in Waterman gymnasium. Students "holding athletic -books whose numbers end in "0" or "1" will be given first choice, and will be given their tickets Monday, Jan. 12, in' Uni- versity hall. /The tiek4 desk will be open from 9 to 12 o'clock in the1 morning, and from 1:45 to 5:15 o'clck in the afternoon. Tuesday, during the -same hours,. all students whose book numbers end in1 "s' 'or "3" "will choose their tickets. Wednesday all whose numbers end in "4" or "5" will take their turn, Thurs- d-ay those whose numbers end in 6' or "7," and Friday those whose nim- bers end in "8" or "VP The six games in Wa'erman gym- nttsium are paired, equally in impor-i tance in the following three combina- one of the following three combina-i tions: the Iniana and' Illinois games, Saturday, Jan. 17, and Monday, March 1, respectively; the Ohio' State and Minnesota games, Saturday, Jan. 31,i and Monday, March 8, respectively; and the Chicago and Wisconsin games, Saturday, Feb. 21, and -Saturday, March 6, respectively. Dates :for Final Exams GivenOu t3 Dates for final examinations in the literary college for this semester have been decided on and the tesns will be-i gin Monday, Feb.2, extending thrToug11 Thursday, Feb. 12. The time of thei first lecture in each course will de- cide the hours during -which the es . amination will be held. A lxamina- ' tions must be held according to the schedule unbss the faculty takes spe- cial action. Special ours have beeni assigned for severl courses and for e conflicts. Classes will be examined according to the hour and day of the week of their first meeting as stated in the following schedule - Monday, at 8, second Monday 9-1-2; at 9, first Tues- day 9-12; at 10; second Tuesday, 9- 12; at 11 first Monday 9-12; 'at 1, sec- ond Wednesday, 9-12-rat 2, first Fri- day 9-12; at 3, first Thursday, 25- Tuesday, at 8, first Saturday, 9-12; at 9, first Thursday 9-12 at 10, first Mon- day 2-5; at 11, first Saturday 2-5; at 1, second Wednesday 2-5; at 2, sec- ond Thursday 9-12; at 3, first Wed- nesday 9-12. These courses have special dates assigned; all sections of French 1, 2, 3, and 4, second Monday 2-5; all sec- tions of Spanish 1, 2, 3, and 4, second Tuesday 2-5; all sections of rhetoric 1, first Thursday 2-5; history 1, la, and lb, first Wednesday 2-5; Econom- ics 1, first Tuesday 2-5; Psychology- 7, first Wednesday 9-12; all sections of Mathematics A, C, 1, and 51, first Friday '2-5; and Chemistry 2b, first Tuesday 2-5. Conflicts will be examined the first Wednesday 9-12; the first Wednesday 2-5; the first Friday 2-5; the second Monday 2-5; the second Tuesday 2- 5; and the second Thursday 2-5. It is expected that the engineer- TREATY DISCUSSIONS RENEWED EFFOR PACTATTEMPI SPLIT IN DEMOCRATIC R. LEADS REPUBLICANS TO ACT HITCHCOCK PREDICT RATIFICATION S( Senator Lodge 'Deelares G. 0. P4 "Cordially Welcome" Treat Political Issue - (By Associated Press) Washington, Jan. 9.-The fortu the treaty of ,Versailles became more unsettled today when on t President Wilson's Jackson day nouncement for taking the qu to the people, in the political cam and William Jennings Bryan's sition to. such a course, Demo and Republican friends of. the I in the senate renewed their effo1 secure a compromise ratification. Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska acting Democratic leader, said b not regard the president's- decla as calculated to cut off any re able compromise and predicted : c4tion before the campaign was way. Expect Ratifeation The mild reservation group o publicans took much the same and in tle group of Demqcrats have been urgent in their demar a compromise declared their po was in no way altered. - Discussion of compromise re tions accordingly went forward tivly' as before, a, conference beit ranged on the Repu'blican side t up in detail the set of reserv submitted recently \y Senator drick of Wyoming and other I crats. It was said '-a counter pry might be drawn up within a few and all the parties to the negot: seemed hopeful that an agreeme timately would be reached. / Definitely in Campaign Among the treaty's irreconc foes, however, the president's . and the statement last night of ator Lodge of Massachusetts, th publican senate leader, that he "most cordially welcoAe the treE a political issue were hailed as ing definitely put the question inI campaign. This group consisi has predicted failure for the coi mise negotiations and/they wi e positive today than ever that would be no-agreement. The cabinet met in its regula sion today but if -the, members cussed the split between' the : dent or Mr. Bryan on the trea sue, or M. Wilson's stand they not admit it. - F Democrats Expect Stir Democrat leaders -did not at however, to minimize the split be the president and his former sec of state which might have injuret at the convention and the polls i vember if it should be carried far. They recalled the dominan Mr. Bryan played at the Balt gathering when Mr. Wilson firs nominated and while the conv time was yet in the distance so them at least look forward to st events in San Francisco. G.O.P. FEARS EFFEC OF RED EXPULSI J New York, Jan. 9.-Republican ers from all parts of the state informal conferepces here todE the assembly's summary suspe of its socialist members and ti sultant probable effect on the torate of the state. Meanwhile five suspended assemblymen plans for bitter fight for- rein ment. '20, was ij charge of' evening. George Hur- i1 secretary of the ery student to make o make an intelligent stion. Earl W. Dunn, nner, '20, and James held a debate on thg aken on the treaty. ! C, ADARMS FROWNS ON SHANTUNGC PRDViSION students and next Tuesday e treaty ballot Mercantilism an Influence the peace table the nations' represent- We are not so much concerned with ed seemed to return to the old point, the immediate 'results of Japanese di- of view. They seemed to forget their, he most disputed points plomacy as with the ultimate influence vision of an international world with discussion, The waily of that mercantilistic point of view of an established standard for interna- and Sundays issues ar- which that diplomacy is the most re- tional trade. I do not wish to be too f. Henry Carter Adams cent expression. What the world severe, but the situation callsto mind nits department, on the wants (or rather what the world must the 22nd verse of the second chapter e, and by Prof. Edward learn to want before- we can have of the second epistle of Peter.. the History- department, peace) is the annihilation of mercan- But thie question Issue is a very of Nations. tilism, which, in its modern garb, is practical and pressing one. Shall we Adatis' article appears the use of. political power for com- vote for or against the treaty? To my res a summing up cif his mercial ends, the passing of national mind. this question may be resolved Shantung provision, fol- political economy as exercised in the into the following. ' Is there greater eneral consideration of field of foreign trade; the effective hope. for a readjustment of trading economic phase of the divorce of industry and army. relations that shall guarantee the mu- light of trading rela- There was a-rood deal of talk along tual rights of trading countries, if sor Adams," as one of these lines during the last year of the the- treaty be accepted, or shall we ding economics, is par- war, but at the peace table no nation say, because the treaty in this matter: fled to treat this aspect seemed willing to pay the price of an of international trading is on the n. The, article follows: enduring peace. - wrong track, that greater hope lies in ist at present, is the It is with this background that the the rejection of the treaty, reliance )'f the oriental situation. Shantung episode should be regarded. being placed on the expectation that the peace treaty brings That clause of the treaty which gives this rejection will force a re-consider-- latest of those efforts to Japan a preferential strategic po- ation of the entire situation and tendI ,n made, first by one sition in China is reprehensible, first, to bring about a better-understanding hen by another, to se- because it was secured by secret di- of what the trading world really ial if not exclusive con- plomacy, but second and especially be. needs? He 'assumes a great respon- economic life of some cause it perpetuates by an interna- sibility who undertakes to answer this i of the Chinese people. tional arrangecent that commercial question, but before one can cast. an" is now aiming to do is policy which since the sixteenth cen- intelligent vote on the acceptance or, in its moral character tury,.has been the curse of Europe. 'the rejection of the treaty it must' r influence from what i Ideals Vanished at Table be answered. listic country of Europe ; During the last year of the war we Provision Unacceptable o since the discovery of had a vision of a better trading world, . As the matter appears to me, when about the COpe of Good in which right reason, and a sense of I recognize the historic influence of a rell -to hold this fact in justice should prevail. This was one formal agreement between the leading resentment against what of the promises of the new interna- nations of the world, I am forced to e policy of Japan should tional relations to be established, and conclude that a vote by the United tp the real issue in the one of the reasons why this country States against the treaty is to be pre- rejection of the peace entered the war. Such visions were ferred to an acceptance of a treaty oh t~rrlby A.R ' h.,w,+im'i a Al. ,4that -nn/ine fla4..n~hn....*..z.n Comment by the Republican reserved, but it was intimated t that considerable opposition assembly's program in dealing the socialists had developed. During the day the executive mittee and the socialist party c York issued a statement demz that the assembly immediately j +: