r __ ST ROOM has provided a rest roomf furnished, well lighted, ar .s for writing or studying, azines and newspapers. Vi; Liberty at Mi : PRIYILE0SS oFflWMEN or IN UNION PRESCRIBED as! Priv~ileges of women. In the Union sit building are provided in the. new rules as follows: Women escorted at the time by a member of the Union, or by a guest Ncti or the holder of an admission card, leave by the north entrance. Admitedto Certain Parts IExcept on special occasions under directions of the house committee, raynard wonmen will be admitted only to cer- tain parts of the building, viz.: the ''north entrance on the main floor, the adjoining waiting room and the wom- en's dining room. On dance nights, the' elevator, reception room,assembly hall, and connecting corridor will be open to women. lga1eu1- 1 Must Remove Rats )ne to I Women shallh remove 'their hats at dances in the building. Dining rooms 316 and 318 on the ppoint. third floor are set aside -on special oe- casionis for use by parties which in.. elude women, [(. W ~omn i -.. ., 3 NOTICE Sitting for Mlchi ' sian made from( Eight P. M The Women's league will eatertiIn~ jwith a play, tea, and dancing, at , o'clock this afternoon in Sarah Cas- well Angell hall. There will be no ,volunteer social service work at the University hospital until further notice due to the quar- antine now on. Girls' Reserve club meetings at the city Y. W. C. A. will be held as usual. The board of representatives of the Women's league will meet at 9 o'clock Saturday morning in Barbour gym- nasium. The president requests that the members send substitutes aif, not able to attend in person, as the, meet- ing is important. All girls writing music for the",Jun- dior Girls' play must hand! in manu- scripts to Mrs. Bacher at the Univer- sity School of Music by Friday night, unless arrangements have been made, for an extension of time. MTs. Bacher will be in her office from 3 until 5 to'clock Thursday and Friday after'- uoons. Try-outs for the Junior Girls' play will, be held at 3 o'clock Friday aft- ernoon and at 9 o'clock Saturday morning in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. The commnittee urges all juniors to' come out, for a great deal of dramatic material will be needed. Members of the vocational confer- ence committee of the Women's league are asked by the chairman to attend a meeting at..3 o'clock Friday after- noon, in Barbotir gymnasium. igan Daily.-Adv. I i. A. w ,of her health, and will be gone at ! Sc least a year. Miss Sweeney is a' mem- ber. of the Girls' Engineering soity Fot C pC4ew1ra a: LAST' 4S TODAY Tom Moore "TOBY'S BOW" the Mtkh- Mornings by ment only ; North Univ. q : L TODAY CU. THE 73 CLASS Miss Moses, Iby Mr. and ONION ANNEX ;e Men-andWoe MMay Shew Women Rullding Between the, hours of 10:30 and 12 o'clock on Saturday mornings women, escorted by members or guests, may be shown through all of the building, ex- cept the., swim'ming pool. 'Members accompanied by non-resident women will, on 'application at the main desk, be 'pex'mtted,,to escort; such, women through thie .lhul~ding between 10:30 o'clock and 'noon on other days of the week. A noun-transferable .admission card, good until the close' of the fiscal year. is granted upon written application of a member of the, Union to one of his imnmediate' fa'mily, Issue Temporai~y Card An admission-~card, limited to one week, but renewable at the discretion of the house committee, may be issued to a woman who. may be occupying sleeping rooms in.1 the building, or to One who resides, not 2 less than 30 miles from' Ann Arbor. The admis- sion card of any woman who shall re- peatedly violate, the rules may be can. celled at the discretion of the house committee. . Sleeplag Quarters Rese~ed The fourth floor of ..the building is devoted to. sleeping room and is so arranged that a few of those rooms, which may be segregated from the re- mainder, may, on written application of a member at the main desk, be en- gaged for' use by married couples or Ewomen only. :A-"member of the Union may, for a 3im ~ti n ti'age a room for him- ' self and"wife, _ or .for, bis father and mother, his mother,'br~is mother and sister; and a' student member may eni- gage a ronoi for his father and moth- er;: his mother, or b~s sister and muother. ' ANN ARBOR HIGH SCHOOL TO RAVE GIRLS' RESERVE CLUBS I I' Miss Grace Greenwood before the Jimnior College Friday in D~trolk. Strange what direction 4orne pe'ople's ambition takes. Tom Blake's first book caused a sensations. But he wouldn't write another one. UHe was too. busy trying' to make Toby, the dusky-hued servant, .bow to him-that was the pinnacle of his ambition. No, lie a: wasn't Qut of his senses either. A girl?, Now you've a guessed it. But what connection wa~s there between a girl. andi a servant's bow Sounds' interesting,' doesn't it? Well, It IS Interesting. Dart Miss Itl TOMORROW .ALICE JOYCE' "The Vengeance of 1 will speak Girls' club left Thurs- on account COMMENCING SUNDAY Douglas Fairbanks 'IN - "When The Clouds Roll l (RETURJi DATE) Delight Sweeney; '20A, day for Douglas, Arizona, Tc 5 P. M. TODAY ACTIONS 'ST! Price Inc( ADULTS CHILDRI .t- NEWBERRY HALL- ;H. UNION ANN Ex~ 4J9 ry11DB so, n S, The w - R TI S I N 0GI {girls' Reserve clubs are to be 'or- ganized this jweek in the Ann, Arbor FORl RENT .high school. These clubs are under - . I'the auspices of the city Y. W. C. A. Dol- FOR RENT-Suite of two rooms for' University' Y. W. C. A. women who up rent immediately, $8. Fireplace in have, taken a special, course in the to study. Good' heat and light.. 429 S. work. are the leaders. Car Division. Phone 1741-R. Clubs have already been organized em- In the grades and are doing their ' a t C, ( ;1- A'. 4' + 0r ,gin S s , ,,. 0 . ' 0 h 4I " "< a FORu. RElN-Two student rooms. MaY' be equipped to accommodate either one or two students. $4.00 per week. 303 E. Ann St. t!'Ot RENT-Modern suite, conveni- ently located opposite Engineering ,Bldg. 1020 S University FOR RENT--One single room.. Plenty light and heat. 431 E. University., Phione 1478-W. share in Y. W. C. A. work in the city. 'WOMIEN'S .LXAGUE PARTY TO FEATURE VAUDEVILLE SKITS Four , vaudeville acts will be given at 4 o'clock this -'afternoon at the Women's ldague party, in Sarah Cat.. well Angel hall. A stunt will be givr- en by the Chii Omega sorority and KXappa Kappa Gamma girls will give two short sketches and a dance. Tea will be 'served after th~e show and Phil Diamond's orchestra will play' for dancing. 4 y. OR RENT- Good room, 100 from. campus. 220 S. Ingals. yardst MISCELLANEOUS REWARD-Five dollars reward~ for SaaE.Ke,'9toTaher information leaning to' the recov- SrhE en 1,,oTahHr ery of' my collie dog. He is egh Sarah E. Keen, '19, of Jackson has. months old, buff color and answers been engaged by the board 'of educa- to the name of Yankee. Phone Mil- tion. of the Ann Arbor schools to take ter, 2497 j charge of =the open air work in the __________________________Tappan school building. MISCELLANEOUS-Will person who Prior to taking her degree at the tookdar gren vercat romtheUniversity, Miss Kebn acted as prin- -r ion Saturday night please return~ cipal of the Kalkaska normal school 'the same to the Union des?.,'and for three 'years was principal "of' the Menoininee county normal., Haunfsd Bedroi I pry desir- i} h. to ord- es Road. Sherlock Holmes, Liqum and Burns, great man-bounds a 1 1 trailer MEN of fle b, and blood, . .r. LOST AND )FOUND " __________________Dorrance, '18E, Weds Bernie Updike -PhiDelt Phipin nsetwith William. H. Dorrance, '19E, was, mar- fe 'chip diamonds. Finder no Afy ned to Bernie Updike, ex-'20, Jfan. 1Danforth. 502 E. Yadi: Cn St. 3 in the Forest Avenue Presbyterian receive reward. church, Detroit. Dorrance is a mnem- _______________ber of -Theta Chii fraternity and Mrs. -Silver pencil with initials B. Dorrance belongs to Caryatides. ,.,engraved on same. Return to MISCELLANEOUS A, Daily office. Reward. ________________ ,-.-~ jMISCELLANEOUS-Party whxo took -Small gold wrist watch be-~ coat from Carnegie library on Jan. n 545 Thompson and Library. '7, is known and if it is- not returned Buit ]_nt 4Bgett, s 41 UiqWspaper- womwa,tr~ ghonst, 4athinlg of Si and a ether, in Haunted edomf, 44! .r. , EXTRA ADDED "ATTRACTIONS "THlE CITY DUDE" A Briggs Comedy j PATHE Is Next Sunday Mary PIpckford in "Hear ;_..r..,.....