Wanted for Play are urged to try out Is' play. Tryouts will )ek Friday afternoon : Saturday morning Angell hall. Bring 'nnom n There will'be no volunteer social service work at the University hospital until further notice due to the quar- antine now on. The Y. W. C. A. cabinet meeting wi!l be held at 7 o'clock this evening in Newberry hall. Girls' Reserve club meetings at the 'city Y. W. C. A. will be held as usual. Regular monthly meseting of Girls' Reserve leaders will be held from 7 to 8 o'clock this evening at New- berry hall. Theboard of representatives of the Women's league will meet at 9 o'clock Saturday morniig in Barbour gym- nasium. The president requests that the members send substitutes if not able to attend in:person, as the meet- ing is important. Mortarboard is to hold a meeting -at 7:30 o'clock Thursday evening at Martha Cook. The Judiciary council and the nine mnembers of the board of directors are to have' the Michiganensian picture taken at 12:15 o'clock Thursday aft- ernoon' at. Rentschler's studio, 319 East Huron street. " Order Your Ev fl H' Clothes, Full Dress Suits tailored by this definite asset No, and Tux shop are to any man. Business Suits, y All girls writing music for the Jun- ior Girls' play must hand in manu- scripts to lMrs. Bacher at the Univer- sity School' of Music by Friday night, -uiless arrangements have been made or an extension of time. Mrs. Bacher will be in her office from. 3 until 5 .o'clock Thursday and Friday after- noons. Mortarboard will meet Thursday, Jan. 8, at 8'o'clock in the Martha Cook building. There will be a Y. W. C. A. cabinet meeting at 7 o'clock Thursday eve- D.*E. .. 14 Nickels ,U-I to p I. I 1 -T 1 11- k I ..... was an informal recep- was followed by a pro- s by the members on -dif- s of the subject, "Toys," differences beteen Ger- d those made itt other nd the relation between community. Each mem- it tQ T R fi ded aI gave a am the , SPECIAL F PRICE-QUALITY- have a great deal to do with economy. If you are looking for economy mn frice, here is a boots at a reduction. But price is not the only econonr shoe sale has all the essentials which are necessary to Early selection affords longest wear of styles whi with the advantageous price, you get more pleasure in Dodd trade marks means standard value, correct style, bination and especially happy when at usE LANEOUS -To Investors. Wel capital of a running r of 17 years dura- laws of Michigan. . No controlling earning big money. r large profits. For D Box A-C, Michigan1 Tryouts for Junior Girdl' play will be 'ield at 3 o'clock'on Friday and 9 o'clock on Saturday. All junior, girls are urged to try out at one of these times. According' to Marcella Moon. '21, chairman of the Junior Girls' play committee, these tryouts will not be difficult and the committee is de- sirous thatevery junior girlattend. A few lyrics and the music for oth- ers are still out and should be sent to Mrs. Bacher at the University School of Music before the end of the week. PARENTS ANNOUNCE ENGAGE. ENT OF S. OF M. STUDENT Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Coburn an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Marcia Middleton, to Capt. Theodore Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Williams of Providence, R. I. Miss Coburn is a student in the voice department of the University School of Music. the same time we are running wonderful price reductions. For Tuesday we are offering special' redaiction prices on several styles in our. highest grade shoes. $14.00 Values for $10.95 This is a most attractive brown kid button boot, with full Louis heel, welt sole, and the newest button effects of attractive= attention. $10.00 Values for $1 High grey laid lace boot i heel and turned sole-one models. smohed pearl. These boots are indeed reward for the recov- He is eight and answers Phone Mil- First Floor -r r