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January 08, 1920 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-01-08

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g except Monday during the Univer-
ontrol of Student Publications.
s exclusively entitled to the use for
patches credited to it or not otherwise
he local news published therein.
eat Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
or mail, $3.50.
ss building, Maynard street.
E~ditorial, 2414.
exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig-
pear in print, but as an evidence of.
will be published in The Daily at the
left at or' mailed to The Daily office.
11l receive no consideration. No man-
ess the writer incloses postage.
°cessarily endorse the sertiments ex-

The most subtle argument against fair play is
pies icied in the common propensity' of having- fav'-
orites. Regardless of mer-it or speciA.1 ability the
fad' of advancing favorites "above xi1Ten genuinely,-
qualified is as old as civilization. Leaders, 'other-
_ wise flawless. in: every .matter. of, j.udginqnt. QTr deci-.;
sion, will often succumb to personal. influence: and
yield- the balance of power. to' personal, favorites.
"If neither foes nor friends- can hurt you"- in-
sists Kipling,"I f all men count withi you, but nione
too much."' . He knew that certain' reserve and rc-
straint is -as necessary in a great man as is execu-
tive ability and the power of getting along well with
all men. He knew that favorites are too often of
the type that strip all personal honors= possible f romx
their superior and then leave him when. cold w inds".
blow. He saw the fallacy of depending up'on either r
f riends -or f oes, f or f oes usually come around some
time or other and help the m~an in power moire than.
they ever hurt him, while'. f riends entrusted with
responsibilities or confidences often .grow .weary' of
what may become a burden- rather than a, privi
lege. -
Eavoritisni is a" quality belonging° to the days of
kings and queens',' not to a twentieth century civili-
zation. _In the hot democracy of American thiought
the man of the hou~r is always he who, measures
-worth-'by deeds, by .evinced' atilivy.nd nothin~g else..
Anid he is heartlessk i his d.ealings with safellites..


Complete Line o'
Diaries at




Carey ..................... .... Managing Editor
Phone 2414 or ioi6 -
iolette, Jr. .............Business Manager
Phone 96o or 2738
ilbert ......~...,............... Asst. Managing Editor
... Sports Editor
Clark ..,.... ....... Women's Editor
Bernstein ........................Telegraph Editor
inkman H. Hardy Heth
ovelI ......... ......... Issue Manager
ing ............... Office Manager
iehs ........~................. Publication Manager
hneider ......... .Circulation Manager
'an...... ....................Subscription Manager
.........Music Editor.
ane.............................. Literary Editor
Mialdo ................Exchange Editor
hcock ..........'.''..Campaign Editor
rwood: .... . . .........,... Efficiency Editor

Jr. Thomas I. Adams
Gearge Brophy

Brewster Campbell
John 1. Dakin .-

G. E. Clarke
R. W. Wrobleski
Samuel Lamport
Anna McGurk
Winefred Biethan

Dorothy Monfort
Minnie Muskatt
Robert C. Angell
Robert D. Sage
Thomas j. lWhinery'

The Telscop
fEditor-s Note -- Below _we reprint the last effort
'of a 'bard who passed to his reward immediately
u~pon penning the,, following~. The coronter's in-
quest brought, out the fact --that his death 'Was di--
rectly traceable to some great fear, but whether
this fear was occasioned by the prospect of spend-
ing the Christmas vacaf6i n in Ann Arbor or by the
possible results which- might attend the pablishink
of his verse' is' not' known.


Profs. .Clifton 0. Carey and Hugh'
Brodie, cif the engineering college, will
return to the United States from their
leave of absence in China about, Jan.
14. They will return immediately to
the University.
In China their work consisted in i
making fundamental' plans for the
restoration of the Yellow river. They,
surveyed extensively the low countries,
about the river iii'order to .formulate
plans. for the irrigation, drainage,'
eater . iower dev'ilopme it, and means
.for t'h'e prvetion 'of, floods in- this'
egion "
Amoing the Michigan men who are
assisting in' the 'work are 'Prof.
HowArd B. Mdirck, R1-alph Goodrich,
'0,and Joseph "Ripley, '76. The leave
of-absence of Professor Merrick' was
extended so that he might continue
hi~ work.
.Alumwni' Writing Musik 1 ShoW
AL Weeks, '12, and David' Simons,
'161,, ai'e5 to collaborate in writing' a
musical shove for Nora Bay es. One
of the songs resultant from this com-
bination Is' 'I'll Tell the World,", which
Miss Bayes is now singin i'gn iChicago.,
-Excellent CHOP SUET from
11:00 a. 1n. to midnighit
,.Steaks and= Chops;, $14 '. State

Isabelle Farnum D. P. Joyce
Agnes Holmquist Robt. Somerville
IV9ay nard Newton Arthur L. Glazer
J.Gordon Hill F. M. Heath
W' secure information concerning news for
aill' should see the issue editor,. who has full
:o be printed that night.
tors for the week. are as follows:
,Monday night ; J. Edwin John-
ight ; Brewster P. Campbell, Wed-
George Brophy, Thursday - night ;
Friday night ; Thornton Sargent;

h±~e~ers ouSSs &Hall .-
Membrs.Florlst~ Telegraph Delivery
phone 15 &.1002 S. Univ.

fThe iMichigan Daily, the only morn-;
ing paper-in Ann Arbor, 'contains all
the' latest 'Campus, City and 'World
(Oct. 26,, 1919)
Betwen Detroit, Ann, Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6 : io a.
Vn., a'nd hourly to 9:10 p,.in.
Jackson Limited and 'Express" Cars--8:48
a. in., and every 'hour to 9:48 p; . M lx,-
presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.)
Local Cars East Bound-6 :o A. in., 9:60sa:
x& and every two fours to 9:05 p._in., 1o:so
t,. m. To, Ypsilanti' only, xi :4pp. in., t :ro
a. in., and to Saline, change at psilanti.
Local Cars West Bound--7:48 a. m~. and
tz~zo a-. m;

,L'ORM-- rIT
CLUETa.PEABODY&Cal c-, *~tel

-'My life is void * **' No longer,.hath the wordly
-things enchantment!"
-I grieve heartily* * * My soul cryeth* *
I lam sad.a
I sit and thinketh loud. and, long*** I wonder,
h ack,.
..Back again to those Arcadian, joyous childhood
K- days.-- 1 . ..
AanI iwande'r on Assyria plains *- **But'
ever and'anon-
Return Wh again more bitter thoughts* * *' They
- conquer me. :.. ~- .~
M'y appetite hath fled and in its stead cometh-.dis-
The W'orst c~ometh * * ' Hades hath rio terror;
, My frame 0~etlt * '* The time arriveth-* k





4 "


the 'season,

hat, j ,

nth in. Anni Arbor
* My life is



regret in the


wound ~Ut6-
oo-fs oa

I ip


Elecric monora Osn ; otor-generator set me

bunted on crane
lifting imagnet.

track mass meeting is
ck this evening. If you
line, be there and helps

scheduled f or'
have any -Ability.
Michigan's track

Dear' Noah:
..Recently in a 'fit of jealousy Il
Wvhat do you think I 'Will get?

killed my husband.


e you ever begun thinking in the middle of
ass on the fourth floor of Mason hall .what
)uld do if the building suddenly took fire?
a pleasant subject for meditation, you say.
thoughts were confined to pleasant subjects
,vould doubtless be few left to do the think-
mnd the old parable of the horse and the barn.
far- fronm old-fashioned..
qfuestion of adequate fire protection for Uni-
buildings has recurred. with perennial for'-
for the last several years and it was not with-
,pes that 1919 would end its existence tha~t
stituents introduced it last year. But coed;-
'emain unchanged.-Indeed, they are wors,
~buildings in question have added one more
)their already venerable ages and brought
elves proportionately closer to their "respec-
den floors, narro'w wooden stairways, no
Lions between' corridors, and seasoned age
t, in themselves, factors designed to fore-
e. And when these items are combined with
ect disregard for such safeguards as fire-es-
then, indeed, may we look for such verdicts
unofficially expressed last year by a fire in-
e expert who characterized the situation as
)ad risk" from the finacial standpoint of~ the
suranc-- companiy is a dangerous risk from
.ndpoi-nt of the people concerned. There
be no reason for the assumption of such
the part of the University.
)20 will witness the death of the fire-escape
n, it may well be' considered a year of at
ne accomplishment.

will -get

- Remiorseful
offhand we should say that the leas't you
would be ten weeks in' va'udeville.

-- Where Money Talks
"Waiter, biring.-me everything' you've gat fo'4
$2.00." . .' -
"Boss, you said' a mouthful."
-Our Daily Novelette;
The villain continued his restless pacing up and
down the room. Occasionall he spat forth a re-
volting and- blood-curdling imprecation. His "cruel
grey eyes shone with suppressed fury. Once again
jhe had been 'foiled. He . muttered incoherently to
himself as. he thought of- the years "he had. spent.
only to be' circumvenited at every turn of the- road.
Ahi! Some day his. turn would come; some day
Dame. Fortune 'which had turned her face from
him 'for so long would Beam on him once more.
Yes. Some dlay he would get her and. when 'he
did-he ground his teeth in impotent rage-his fini-
-gers opened:..and closed spasmodically. He would
make one more attempt to get her. He entered the
booth. -A few moments 'later~ he emerged. Once
again he 'had failed. The fire' of passion had died_
down-but still the determination, to get her sone
time burned as brightly. as' ever .in his. eyes. "I'll
get' you yet, even though the service in Ann Arbor
is rotten," hee bad 'muttered .to himself as he drop-
ped thie receiver. g ~ J. W.. K.
Why We Didn't 'Get a Bid
"Tile Tappa'Kegs ae'giving an awfully,exclu-
sive dance tonight. Are you going?"
"Nei. I think I'll go down to the Labor' Temple.
it wvot't be so crowded.

Ekctrically ega glues
are 4sid in ° shops P&MM (W




machhine, open
.±ec3,by a twc*.
+t04, separates
3M fro aro n a:

the Master Force in.Manufacturing
TSHE marvels of electricity have revolutionized our manu-
facturing industries. With belts and pulleys replaced
by electric .motors operating automatic-almost human-,
*machines, many a slow and tedious process has been elimi-
nated. The - factory worker's task of yesterday is made
pleasant by his command of this magic power.
SThe Crane Company's plant at Chicago-electrical through-
~'out-is a model ;of industrial efficiency. Its 10,000 horse-
power of driving energy is brought 'by three sm~all wires
from a distant power plant. Then electricity drives the
machinery which handles the coal for heating, cuts the steel,
sif ts the sand and sortsjthe material-in fact does everything
from, scrubbing the floor to winding the clock.
Such an institution is marvelous--superhuman-made thus
by the man-multiplying force of electricity. The General
Electric Company has been instrumental ' in effecting thi?
evolution.. First, 'by developing successful electric, gener-
ating and transmission apparatus to furnish economically
this modern form of pkower. Secondly, through many years
of, active ;co.-operation, with hun~dreds of manufacturers, it
has mastered the art of applying the use of electrical eniergy
to a- multitude of needs. And finally, through branc~h
offices and other distributing channels, its products are
made accessiiIe to all.
General Office S anlargfe cities.,



.t with you, but none too much"--..

FaIIoils Closing Lines .
"I shall never forget your kindness," he moaned
fter_ having smoked" one of the cigars she had
iven him for' Christmas.

Machine operaed by incos
I attached to lamp'i4
ssx~he flargr



byelric.a tomobile motors.



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