II DAY A ) AV ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1920. PRICE STOUFFER INJURED IN MOTOR ACCIDENT "I Ii111- minim REGISTERING FOR IIanRAnI;S REPRESENTI WRIT flF HOP STARTS TODAY*m~u ID rs of Ian Ift- the on. ion dy Dr. C. 13. Stouffer, Homoeopathic physician to the; University Health IN 0' TW NiIO service, while visiting Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Jordan Detroit, Monday Dec. car crashed into the automobile in which he was riding. Dr. Stouffer's left eye was seriously WATERMAN GYM TOO SMALL FOR injured by having the upper lid sever- BASKETBALL ENTHU- ed from the bony vault beneath the SIASTS brow and at one time. it was thought that the eye was detroyed. The nerve FAVORED PLAN ALLOWS running up,.over the head was also CHOICE IN /CONTESTS Cut rendering that part of the scalp paralyzed. His entire left shoulder and side Rere badly crushed togeth- Athletic Board &nd Student Council er with the upper right chest. The Worklng on eaus of Settling odoctor was able to be removed to his Problem home Saturday and is now under the care of Dr. D). W. Meyers and Dr. W. In order to alleviate the difficulty S. Mills. Dr. Myers stated Wednesday caused by the shortage of space in that the eye could be saved if no furth- WAterman gymnasium, the executive er complications result. committee of the Board In Control of It is not expected that Dr. Stouffer Athletcs afid the Student council are will be able to resume his work at trying to arrange a plan whereby the the Health service before eight weeks. students of the University will be giv. During his absence from duty, Dr. en the best opportunity to see the Ritter will act in his place at the basketball games this year. Health service. There is at present space for only 2;200 students to see the games. As there are about 7,400 students in the University who have coupon books, it means that all the students will not Ae able to see every game. ~Suggestions Discussed Many suggestions have been discuss- ed as to the best way to handle the - tickets. It has been suggested that To Take Referendum Ballet in Con- the first 2,200'"students to arrive at the junction with Other gymnasium be allowed to enter, or that Universities tickets be given out according to classes, or that admission be charged: WILL HOLD INFORMAL DE- to the games, or that a system be worked out whereby students be al- BATE AS PART OF PROGRAM lowed to, pick out their choice of two games. Prof. J. R. Hayden of the political Although the Board in Control of science department will be the'prin- Athletics has the technical right to. charge admission to basketbali games cipal speaker at the treaty of peace as the ruling-of the Bor& ofI. Registration of those who plan to attend the Hop will be held fromt 9:5o'lc NE[W EMQCRACtu to 5:45 o'clock in the lobby of the Union. This will also be continued on Friday in order to give, all studentsATI, &4 opportunity to indicate their inten- tion of coming. t Although this will not be used as the final list from which the tickets SECRETARIES NOTICE will be sold it will be referred to in case the mail orders are too large. Fraternity secretaries in charge Those registering will be asked to of obtaining names of prepara- give their name, class and the num- tory school athletes will meet at ber of years that they have been on 4:45 o'clock Thursday afternoon the campus. on the third floor of the Union All fraternities that ,intend having building. It is requested that all house-parties at the time of the J- secretaries be pres nt. Hop are requested by the. Hop com- mittee to make arrangements as soon - - as possible so that the committee may know how pmany there will be. COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC TRACKMET1N00LYT'ISIMAGINARy PROF. SLEATOR . 1 GSAYS PRESENT CAMPAIGN IS RUN FROM WRONG All Men Interested In Cinder Sport ANGLE fxpected to Attend Editor The Michigan Daily: Assembly . Since the Great War we have begun -! to realize that the conscription of pub- FARRELL URGES CANDIDATES lie opinon, which limited discussion TO START WORM IMMEDIATELY and gave an apparent unanimity to our - support of the policies of government; __has not been altogether a good thing. It has left us without any general VARSITY TRACK SCHEDULE grasp of the issues of the peace, and, at a time when popular opinon might , Indoor? again be an effective force in. the de- March 6--Iinots rela st Ur- termination of events, without good h"'- a Ibasis for its formation. In the face of March 14.-hicagi at Ann Ar this realization it may be. suggested bor. that, if the athletic situation at Micht- March. 20-Conference ,meet at gan is to be seriously considered, 1 Evanston4 thereshnuld he no limit.to the discus- !, SAYS BOWKER 5 HELD YESTER NEW STRUCTURE EXtAMPL THIS IDEAL SPEAKER STATES TALK GIVEN BY KAHI BUILDING ARCHIT Program Includes Vocal and Solos In Addition to Speeches "The true spirit of prese dIemocracy in America is more ly emphasized and represented modern library than in any oth of our present institutions," R R. Bowker, of New York, said a cation services of the new g Library, Wednesday afternoon i auditorium. Bowker Chief Speaker The' subject of Mr. Bowker dress was "The Library, Demc and Research," and he brought his speech the close relation of E these to the other-t'wo. "Demo Mr. Bowker stated, "has as its p Mr. Bowker stated, has as its p the well-being of all persons cc ed, and in order to- best brio about, democracy demands the ices of persons best capable t and solve the problems that i the happiness and welfare of mit enefitedl by endum ballet which is to be taken next al required -'e hall re alsd Tuesday in conjunction with all other or, the ere. collegiate institutions in the country- employed, Will ExplalU Proposition ment. Professor Hayden will aim to give rofits on its an explanation of the six propositions f b on the ballet, showing he signifi- ,ded cance of each if adopted by congress. ts sharein He will also give a resume of the investment, action taken so far by congress, with n which in .a discussion of the trend of the sen- procures the ate debates. He ivil aim to prepare securities students and faculty present for the capital. nmore detailed discussion to take place s its return later in the meeting end in the for- uman effort ums to be held at the Union, as well n the three as for the special articles which will ocurds the appear, in The Daily. in addition To Hold Debate 'share of all Earl W. Dunn, '22L, and Claude L. an effect in Benner, '20, will condupt a discussion on. in debate form of the six propositions. tch ' should The arguments for both sides on community, each issue will be presentd, and,, the where, it is the opinion of the majori- ty of the members of the board that it would not be fair to the students to charge admission.. Students Given Choice The plan that seems to meet the most favor with the students Is that one whereby they will be given their choice of tickets to, two games. It seems to be concensus of opinion among the members of the Board in Control of Athletics that if this plan was adopted, the non-transferable ticket rule should be discontinued for the basketball season. This -would mean that if any student had a ticket for a game and if he could not attend, he might give it to some other stu- dent. Games in Pairs - It, is probable that the six Confer- ence games will be paired off so that each student will be given a chance to select one pair out of three. Days will probably be set aside next week for the students to go to the athletic office and secure their tickets. Further announcement as to \the plan to be adopted by the students will be made in The Daily later in the week. CONFERENCE GAMES PLAN APPROVED BY COUNCIL'i Moines. April 24-.-a treWays - atPhil- adelphia. May 8-'1linois at Ann Arbor. May 15-Chicago at Chicago. May 22-Intercollegiate at Bos- ton.. May 29--Eastern Intercollegiate at Boston. Jie 5-Conference meet at Ann Arbor.1 1-1 not preclude popular consideraton, in which no one need participate against his will. Dlsusse Slogan The campaign now conducted by or througli the Daily, and such other agencies as are available, has a fun- damental idea on which rest all iti suggestions for specific action. The idea is that any one who supports -thletics, and in particular advances our prospects of football success, is g serving the University. "Be of serv- t ice" is the slogan of the campaign. ? Now this fundamental dogiha invites a more cateful scrutniy than it has ever e received; for if it be untenable the 4 whole igitation for athletic support a ought to be differently planned. If it As a formal opening of the coming track season, a mass meeting, at which all candidates and those inter ested in track should be present, will b held this evening at 7:15 o'clock in the West Physics lecture hall, for, the purpose of ascertaining what materia will be available and to acquaint the candidates with the plans of the com- ing season, Captain Carl Johnson an Coach Stephen Farrell have arrange this meeting. inventions that Mr. Edison h the world have had a decid for bettering living conditk not be questfioned, Mr. Bowki and it was through untiring s research, not by any magic, Edison was able to perfect h tions. , The completion of Michig, rary is, an excellent exampi inanifestation of the spirit giv the speaker said. It was n sible by the generosity of t which by furinshing the fund ed that it wished its material ity to be turned to intellec vantage, by the architect, wl oped a wonderful building I embodies convenience, art, vision for future growth witt i$ L- d ,a .I be sound the establishment of itsI soundness will be no small contriba- Se evenly di ic and labor." ystem t the measure .1 receive "de- ount in value aders. He is audienqe will be left to decide which ! proposiion is most justified. Both the speakers have had experi- - ence in University debating societies, which guarantees a logical presenta- tion of the points for and gainst the propositions. Carl Johnson, '20, pres- ident of the Student council, will in- troduce the speakers and George -Hur- ley will outline the general plan of the information campaign. of vI of the ECTURE COURSES' OFFERED BY SCOTT A brief course of lectures on the MAY START DISTRIBUTION OF TICKETS NEXT MON. DAY g about our ears," origin of speech is being given by Erelatin to th~e rgn fspehsbegginby adered and "tbt Prof. F. N. Scott as part of the course lly exacted." in the Psychology of Language offered by the department of philosophy, MAKES PLANS - The class meets at 2 o'clock Tues- SOCIAL .EVENTS day and, Thursdays in room 162 of the Natural Science building. The lec- ture on Thursday Jane 8, is ' on the events and gath- origin of the "Surpise-gesture" and ain topics of dis- will be illustrated by lantern slides. ag of the Kentucky ht. A committee ake final arrgnge- LYMAN TO SUCCCEED CARSON tucky club dance, IN ENGINEERING COLLEGE nn t o n nni a o ---*- Approval of the plan presented by the Athletic association to pair off the six Conference basketball games and allow each student to see two, was voted at a Meeting of the Student council last night.' If this means of alleviating the con- gestion is adopted it is probable that on Monday all students holding cou- pon books with numbers ending in 0 or 1 will be allowed to make their choice, others' following in order. Due to the fact that the-architect in the council was suspended because of absence from meetings it will be necessary to fill this position in the near future.*" A committee to take over the mat- ter of .class election reforms was ap- pointed. The committee consists of I Carl Ma on, '20, Henry Whiting, '21, Several to Speak ~ Every man on the campus who con- te lates trying out for the team or who is interested in track should be. present at this mass meeting. Speak- ers have been secured to outline and discuss the season. Mr. Bartelme will have something to say about the schedule and Professor Aigler will dis- cuss the eligibility rulings. Coach Farrell and Captain Johnson will talk about this year's outlook. Among the other speakers are Donnelly, a former member of the Varsity, and Professor Carver.. Never before in the history of the University have the athletic author- ities arranged for such an exceptional schedule. There will not be one open week after the season gets under way.' There is a possibility that the year may open as early as Feb. 28. On either this date or March 027 it is very like- ly that a meet will be scheduled. Cor- nell is a possibility. Must Start Now. In preparing for the hard season ahead sit is absolutely essential to start now, according to Coach Farrell. "Right now, at the very beginning, is the time for all candidates to come out. The outlook for the year is bright if the men will start now. We are weak in tire distances, the mile, and the two ncile. There is, a splen- did chance for tryouts to obtain a place op the team in either of these. events. All men who can do any- thing in track are urged to come out' now." 't 1 i 1 f l -t , y t , t i 1 1 1 i "i '{ i , i tion to the campaign. .outlay of money ;and finally by If The Daily should invite contri- co-operation and untiring effort butions from the student body 'In de- they Librarian W. W. Bishop, I fense of the thesis "One who promotes John F. Shepard of the, psycho football success serves his univer- delpartment, the Board of IReg sity" and should print the more co- particularly Regent William L. C herent and effective of the letters re- ents, and the faculty committee ceived, no harm, and possibly some libarary affairs. god, would come of it. And if op. Hutchins Presides portunity for attack were given there The exercises were opened by might ensue a profitable. and perhaps V. Moore, who rendered an o a spirited discussion, provided any solo. President Harry B. Hutc one cared to take what appears the un- presided and introduced Libra popular side. Bishop as the .first sepaker on Defence Explained program. He took the place of The Daily has not yet issued any gent Clements, as the latter was such invitation; but it may not be ill to talk. Dr. Bishop gave a s amiss to point out what any real de- history of the library situation fence of our proposition would seem since the University was establi to require. It mould be necessary and the difficulties under' which first Io make clear what the good of present new building was erected the University means. For example, Albert Kahn of Detroit, archite Mt the advertising value of a winning the Library, next told how a mc team were insisted upon, one might library building was constructed properly question whether or not a all necessary facilities at the cos larger student body is desirable. And 'cubic foot of an average factory b it would be necessary to show conclu- ing. Mr. William Wheeler gave r sively that athletic suc'cess would cal solo, after which Mr. Bo tend to secure the established or ac- spoke. cepted good. with these suggestions .ReceptlIn After Program the present communication might Following the exercises a rece close. But the. writer requests space was held in the Library for the t for the presentation of his own view, ty, alumni, and invited guests, R a presentation which he promises to lasted until 6 o'clock. At that close with a simple and practical rec- the building was thrown open to ommendation. lic inspection. The statement that athletic success Among those here for the dedic benefits the University is incapable of were Miss Olive Jones of the proof and entirely unsound. It has State Library, C. J. Barr, '92, libr always been assumed, but never es- at Yale university, Librarian I tablished. If attempts to prove it, Strahm of Detroit, Librarian Aye such as have been suggested, ever ap- Ithe Garrett Biblical Institute of Claire F. Lyman, '18, has been ap- pointed to succeed Ralph M. Carson, who goes as Rhodes scholar from the University, as instructor in English