; .Trubey's Dinners. Lunches Confcctionery Ice Cream, Delicious Sodas We Make our own Ice Cream Orders solicited from Fraternities nc Sororities. 218 S. Main Phone 166 Tuttle's Lunches Nunnally's Candy Mayns~ard St. } I' U' e.. 11 El. LAST TIMES TODAY MABEL NORMAND in 1 in "P IN TO", Born and raised on a ranch and never having been out of the state of Arizona, she is sent to New York, to visit Pop Audry, a former cattleman. Here she comes upon creatures of a realm with which she is entirely unfamiliar-girls and women whose only ex- cuse for living is that they are ornamental, and whosechief occupa- tion seems to be trying to make this excuse a legitimate one. EDITH WILLIAMS AND NAN BRYC E WITH DE WOLF HOF "THE BETTER 'OLE," AT THE WHITNEY JAN. PAPER BY PROF. ADAMS ', READ, ATCONETO there, assisted in the joint adm tion with China of its particu road. This brought about thi tion that each railroad was competition to the othersins 1 co-operating with them and SEE HOW MABEL ACTS AMONG THESE PEOPLE- IT'S A "HUMMER" TOMORROW AND FRIDAY, PROF. DAVID FRIDAY GIVES TERESTING TALK FAVOR- ING TAX IN-LT .# TOM MOORE "TOBYS BO" "Our International Investment Policy," was the subject of a paper written by Prof. Henry C. Adams of1 thie economic's department, for pre- sentation at the annual meeting of the American Economics association, held Dec. 28, 29, and 30, in the La Salle hotel, Chicago. Owing to illness, Pro- fessor Adams could not be present in iferson, and Mr. C.-E~, Griffin of the economics faculty, read'the paper for him. Professor Adams argued for the in- ternational control of .the industries, bas-ed on foreign capital, in some o' the economically backwai'd countries. He dealt especially on the situation in China, with whose condition he is familiar because of his former posi- tion as financial adgisor to the Chin- ese republic a few years' ago. Go-operatlon Asked satisfactory system was mai for all. Professor Adams as the pooling of- the capital an administration of all the inve by all the countries concern< whole.' Prof. David Friday discusse per on the excess profits tax it he expressed himself in favor tax. Taussig Reads Paper Prof. Frank Taussig of I and former chairman of the States tariff commission, read the most spectacular papers of tire meeting, according to Mr. He chose as his topic, "The E the War Indemnity on Germ eign .Trade," wherein he stal th~e only way in which German pay her indemnity was by exi that if Germany continues to e rate and for the length of tim sary to pay her debt, she will a firm footholdtduring the 40 payment that the Allies can lodge .her. The field would be ,and south eastern Europe wh effortsu. would be directed, P [Toussig said. A sizzling comedy-drama of New York life and Southern love -Tom Moore at his "smiling best." I IU , --COMING - Douglas Fairbank v s I -l i-L i"W HE N T HE C LO0U-'DS RO0LLE B Y" Foreigntcapital was necessary in that country to build new railroads, and as China's credit at that- time waa not very good, each country investing 'I ,,A The Scr WHITNEY THEATRE r n g i T O-N IG HT, January 7th Do olt Hopper THE MAJESTIC Marmaduke X. Caruthers is star de luxe in "The Goat," to I today and tomorrow at thel He accepts the flowers while McCarth~y does all his stunts tb any element of danger in them such an arrangement has er ing complications when his "The Goat," falls off his hors injured while thrilling bysta Serious discomforture to duke is avoided by quick work part of his director. He is p ambulance and delivered at a before the eyes of his sympati mirers. After the crowd has ed, the real invalid is taker hospital.. There he is visited sweetheart who had quarrel him because' he had allowed to be Marmaduke's cat's-paw of becoming a movie star. Ji 'the two had reached a cordlia standing a $1,000 check arriv the film campany-enough short honeymoon, at least. THE ARCADE -In-- .. / HE BETTER 'N. oLE" With Music and Charming Cirls The Bairnsfather International Success "By long odds Mr. Hopper's best perfor- Ce in many years N.' 'Y" Times es: 75o to $2.00 Attired in chaps, checkered S'I boots, with impressive-looking and wearing her. big sombero business-like angle, Mable No struts through "Pinto," her Goldwyn picture, shown today Arcade for the-last times, with animation that her dynamic litt sonality can muster. Her serioi ments are as convincing as her antics. As the outraged owne pony stolenby Mexicans, Pinto have her cowboys deal with the es in no gentle manner after a captured them. "Pinto" gives Normand a fresh field for her f and she makes good use of the tunities that are offered. If you aren't satisfied, we ca We make "Portraits that Pleas at Derr Studio.-Adv. ' CaN 480 for Reservations, a a in