cil holds its next meeting Mon- y 5, 1920. Will, the report of ittee at that time be such that dance with the dictates of pub- Offioil Mi day during the Univer- !nt Publications. TED PRESS entitled to the use for d to it or not otherwise published therein. >r, Michigan, as second lic health? ga "8s'tree., ig- Of ,...e...,. Managing Editor ..Business Manager 2738 .Asst. Managing Editor --.-.- - City-. Eaitor ...... Sports Editor -.... --. . W omen's Editor .........Telegraph FEditor WHY NOT.A HOCKEY TEAM? There are many reasons Why Michigan should have'a hockey team. We are a northern university beset-with a long winter. Why not make winter an asset, filling the time with competition in winter sports as do McGill and Dartmouth? Why not have, intercollegiate ski, hockey and snowshoe meets along with Williams, Colgate and Middlebury? The first step to be taken is the establishment of a hockey team from the valuable material at pres- ent idle upon Michigan's campus. A skating rink could be readily prepared on a vacant field, and the general expense involved in its care would include only such minor items as cleaning off the snow. An outdoor activity of unquestionable popularity, as well as a factor uniting and solidifying university spirit through,,the tedious winter months would re- sult. Awakened nental activity as well as increased physical endurance results from winter sports more, perhaps, than from all others. Among the traditions prevalent today are some that are fast decaying, some new but sure to en- dure. Any movement that promotes a'concentrated student body bound by the patriotic zeal of compe- tition is the best constructive force at home as well_ as the best advertiser abroad. . Dartmouth's fanous Winter Carnival, established not many years back, recently moved one- man. to write: "Dartmouth has found a relief for her long winters at last, and she is making the most of it." We, too, are an isolated community, well able to boast of our beauty in summer but surrounded also, with many natural advantages for winter sports. Why should we not have at least a hockeyteam ? Calender at GRAHAM'S BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK , -DETROIT UNITED LINES (Oct. 26, £919) Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (Eastern. Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cara-6'ro a. and hourly toy :xo -p. m. Jackson Limited and Express Cars-8:48 a. m., and 'every hour to 9:48 p. m.r(Ex- presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.) Local Cars East Bound-6:os a. m., 9:o5 a. m. and' evry two hours to 9:os p. m.,-1o:5o p, va. To Ypsilanti only, t x: R . in., i.:io a . and to Saline, change at psilanti. Ypsilanti. Local Cats West Bound-- :48 a. 'm. and *zo a. " n .. tt li 111111 ii ilin 1111111111111111111 II111 ~The Michigan . Easily the abest eve edition - 75 cents - WAHR'S tmll~iununnnnnl i nl .ulu n nn i ilfr (Y # ICad rI s each. H. Advertis .... . Is, .Ofl Heth r UNIVERSITY --- lams Brewster Campbell John I. Dakin- TAFF .. = Buffet saxophone, B Sat. Tenor low pitch, silver plated satin finish, almost new. Will sell cheap if taken at once. 500 E. William St., or Phone 2743.--Adv. PROF. MITHENTHAL'S DANCING CLASSES AT THE ARMORY will be suspended until FRIDAY, JANUARY 91 1920. A complimentary assembly will be given for all pupils who have attended, his classes and to all those who have taken single les- sons. Also any one who is in-~ terested in Joining the Dancing Class is invited to attend the as- sembly. The professor will give a demonstration of that latest steps. in. da~cing. THE .ARCADE. CAFETERIA f ., Joyce Somerville rt L. Glazer Nickels Arcade Up the Stairs Heath news for has full The old fashioned man who could get up over witnessing "East Lynn" now has college who yawns during the "Follies." wrought a son at as follows: ednesd question of iouses and )aily. Au- as'the city d as argu- Personally, the prospect, of the world coming. to an untimelyend didn't loom up so drear as the pros- pect of spending the next two. weeks here. I* The Telescppe N. B. to I. G. Nutts goes the prize of the cement bicycle together with our heartiest thanks in sug- gesting this new name. Whether its appropriate- ness lies in the .fact that the naked eye will never De -able to discern a joke in this column or in the fact that no one has discovered,why in Heaven they tet a body perpetrate this stuff on a innocent pub- lic, is a matter still open to discussion. And now for the dirty work. Here are the words; you can write your own music: Oswald Knowit garnered the elusive A, None doubted he'd make his mark some day. College over, Oswald prepared to meet And have the world do homage at his feet. Now on the other hand take Al McGee Al's ambition in life was to get a D. To profs Al was all a student shouldn't. be, In other words he was a model of inefficiency. New beginners' class Friday, Jan.-9, 1920, 'at 7:00. Ladies' 8' lessons $3.00; single lesson 50c. Gentlemen' 8 lessons $8.00 or 4 lessons $4.50. Single lessons $1.25. Advanced pupils 8 les- sons $6.00 or single lesson $1.00." Wanted, twenty ladies to assist Prom 7 to 8:30. Hey Boy! Have You Tasted The Good Food At The ARCADE? Purp foods at low prices, prepared by experts. Everything, displayed on our forty-foot. steam and serving tables. Select just .what appeals to your . own individual appetite. Bakery goods fresh from our own ovens. Delicious coffee with rich Jersey cream. Kindness, courtesy, and good service prevail here. U - I s of certain boarding house operators. rotest arose from certain of the latter :ially when it was pointed out a week ne 95 per cent of the milk being used >r was pasteurized, the five per cent senting -boarding. house consumption, city health officer adivocated pasteuri- :ertified milk as a possible alternatieve. Arbor common council had meanwhile question and, 'this body apparently be nedium through which pasteurized milk le the rule in this city, the matter ed to an ignominious'"fade-out." But )ctober 29, came the statement of Dean aughan of the medical school taking "unconditionalpasteurization" and ad- t the city health officer see that "all urized and examined every day." tion on the part of the five per-cent- )mmon (council's ordinance committee er in hand but held it up pending the ion of the health officer who, in turn, for the resolution to be acted upon by e. The cry. had meanwhile arisen that zedI milk was safe enough for patients rsity hospitals, it was safe enough for iduals. This triumph, however, was or close upon it came the revelation zed milk had not been considered safe' atients in' the University hospitals and, ie pasteurized product had been in use reek. time for action by the University and the medical faculty presented a reso- Board of Regents recommending the a of all milk consumed by students. The he appointment of a committee com- sident Harry B. Hutchins, Dean Vic- ian, Dr. C. G. Parnall, head of the >spital, and Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, University health service. This com- red with the city health authorities and was introduced in the council. The s referred to the ordinance committee ds it now rests.' ents favoring the pasteurization of use are too well known to require re- 'ey have been reduced to an issue be- e of pasteurization and the loss of life epidemics as have' appeared on the e past and have been traced directly an milk. Every medical'authority ap- 4rtstma s .0 1 fl 11 Oswald'and Al together got their degrees, Tho' how Al did it is one of life's mysteries. And now, tho' to say it we know isn't nice, Al owns a bank, while Osald delivers ice. That Is* Their Idea of Excess Baggage The physician had sawed off the top of the stu- dent's head and had removed his brains. Just then the hospital caught on fire and in the excitement the patient escaped. The doctor meeting him some time later remarked, "Come up to the hospital and I'll put your brains back.' "No thanks, Doctor, said the student, "I'm working on the Gargoyle now and I couldn't use them anyway." With the Yuletide comes the pleasure of extend- ng to our many friends and patrons the (! rr~t~n~iof 4 rtsn I Heard at a Freshmen "Gym" Class Dr. May-Lie on your back, raise your legs in the air and move them as though you were riding a bicycle." Then observing one of them not }going. through the exercise, "Well, what's de matter wid youse ?" Frosh-Please, sir, I-I * I'm coasting. May the holidays make happy the closing of 1919 and usher in a joyous New Year, brimful of 4, opportunity for service, for happiness : This one was generally pulled by two six foot huskies who were "doing their bit" by amusing the' boys at the cantonments. First Ham-Hear you've got a new boy at your house. What: do you call him? Second Ditto-Weatherstrip. You see he kept me out of the draft. Pamous Closing Lines "How do you get that way?" said the audience as the contortionist draped his leg around his neck. LQUIS XVI. and for success 1 Farmers-&, Mechanics Bank I