.0~ I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY. DECEMRER 19. 1919 1.7y 10 LM yy F RI 1 TAKE MICHIGAN WITH YOU By tomorrow night the last stragglers of/ the great homeward- bo'und host will have left Ann Arbor, leaving only a deserted cam- ,pus behind. There will be a noticable dwindling of that intangible but supreme factor in the University cosmos which we call Michi- gan spirit.-What will have become of it? If, as we believe, that spirit is immortal, it cannot vanish into thin space with the exodus of students. Rather, there will have been a mere shifting of its locale. Instead of flourishing on the Michigan campus, it will have spread out into a vast system ex- tending into every corner of the country to which Michigan men have penetrated. What finer oppor'tunit to carry the spirit of Michigan to the men who need it, could present itself? What finer' opportunity could we possess to inspire the right men with an admiration for Michigan that will bring them here in the fall? And Michigan needs good men. She needs mostly athletes of promising ability who can help her retrieve her lost fortunes. But she, also needs promising material in other fields of endeavor. It is .the duty of the Christmas holidays to help her secure these needs., Take Michigan with you to your part of the country. Make the ' "folks at home" realize thaj yours is one of the greatest schools s in the land. And when you come back, come with the feeling that e you have done your share in the solving of a Michigan problem!. n And incidentally-The Daily is wishing every Michigan man a e truly Merry Christmas as well as a most prosperous New Year! POLLOCK FINDS I. W. W. CULPRITS BULLETIN Kansas City, Dec. 1.-F'ederal Judge Pollock late today passed sentence on 27 members of the Industrial Workers of the World, found guilty by a jury in the Federal District Court of Kan- sas City, for conspiracy against the government. The sentences ranged from three and one-half to nine and one-half years in the federal peniten- tiary at Leavenworth. GENERAL INFORMATIO'N TO PEEEBf UNIVERSITY ON , MICHIGAN DOWNSl ST, MARY'S 34-22 Wolverines Get Jump on Poles in First Minute of Game With To Field Baskets s PLAY OF VARSITY IMPROVED BUT STILL RATHER ERRATIC Taking the lead in the opening O nute of play with two field baskets by Henderson and. Rea, the Michigan quintet won from St Mary's college 34 to 22, in an in and out game Thurs- day night The play of both teams at times was brilliant, and atiothers was extremely erratic The lead that Michigan took at the start was never threatened by the Polish team, but there was not a mo ALL COLLEGES OF COUNTRY COMBINE IN EXP STUDENT COUNCIL AND UNION TO AND PRELIMINARY FORUM 'DISCUSSION CERTAIN TO BE OF Ir REAL VALUE," DECLARES PRESIJ Connell Committee to Place Ballot Boxes on All ( 13; General Mass Meeting, Friday, Jan, 9, ? of Informative Sessions US FOR UNION OPERA UNSATISFACTORYCRADES CHOSEN BY COMMITTEE EXPECTED BY{4FFINGER1 RODERICK AND GARLINGHOUSE DELINQUENCIES CAN BE REMOVED AMONG THE SONG BY HIGH MARKS ON WRITERS FINALS Under the direction of the Student council, the Michigan Unik Daily, the plan for a student and faculty referendum vote on t of Peace is to be set in motion immediately after Christmas vaca a campaign of information, debate, and public speaking meetin up to the final ballot on Jan. 13. Endorsed by the presidents of Yale, Harvard, Princeton, and' the plan has rapidly been extended to include in its scope of g -erendum of 'all college and university bodies Jn the country. Th form the committee now circulating the idea, are the editors-in-c college papers at the above-named institutions. Differing widel own interpretations of 'the treaty, these ,men undertook to proi oral expression of college opinion throughout the country, in ' to obtain the valuable and accurate data as to the sentiment of men; and, second, to secure the educational results which are be stirred up by the discussions in the various, college commun Telegram Explains Plan The general scope of the plan is indicated in the' following e: ftelegram, similar to that sent out by rts promoterq to all college bodies President Hutchins A in the country: President Harry B. Hut Secretary of Michigan University:. received a separate telegrar T7C2t .r .. ,, ,.:. A-1^^~~-"^ - -A - :i I' ~ 'T4 ern a . p AI'iwz 1. fn*, A3#1m w i'n 4, I O VV 1RLAI A SU UI. and select the best pieces for the Michigan Union Opera because of the extremely meritorious character of the various' selections turned in to the committee," was the statement of Louis J. Schindler, '20E1. "The tune- ful yariety of selections will insure a catchy :score." The songs of Sher- man, '22, Otto, '22, Garlinghouse, '20, Roderick, '21t, and Glover, '22, were those the committee finally accepted. were ics that Barnes, by h1 The songs of Thomas, '22, Wolner, e '23, McKahn, '20, P. Rhodes; '21, and r .Du Bois, '20, are being held for fur- n ther consideration by the Union com- ( "While reports of unsatisfactory ment in which the visiting five did no', work are still being received, it does look dangerous The Wolverines had not seem that when the large i- a lead 'of six points before Sobiecki crease of students' enrolled is con- tossed the first/ points for his team, sidered, the number of men reported from the foul line Kronke, visiting is unduly great," said Dean John lt. forward, threw the only two field Effinger of the literary college yeste- baskets that his team was able to se- day in speaking of replies to 'letters cure in the first half sent. out requesting information of lit- Five Man Defense erary students who are doing poor - Both teams started well, the five work. man defense holding the scores down "As a matter of fact," continued the considerably There .was a tendency dean,- "this office expected a larger on the part of the players on each n'umber of unsatisfactory reports in team to let down at times, slowing! view,.of the ft; tht .such a large the game for'short periods. Part of majority of the freshma'n class is com- the game was an exhibition of bril- posed of men who have been in serv- liant basketball, the rest not as good, ice and consequently have been long- the, passing' was poorer, and basket er away from academic influences. shots went wild. This unusual condition was expected Michigan's playing-.indicates a re- to account for a great many more re- markable improvement: over the game' ports than were actually received." with Kalamazoo college. After the Only Semester Grades Count engagement with Western Normal to- In the opinion of Dean Effinger it night; and 'the Christmas' trip, the should be clearly stated that all rec- team should be in good condition for ords of pnsatisfactory work received the Conference schedule, Jf the same thus far are merely approximate or 'Iniprovement is continued. Much of tentative. It is the real semester the wild passing was eliminated, and grades that are given out only after though there were a few wild shots at the final examinations which are con- the basket, this department of the sidered definite, according to the dean, game was especially good. The Mich- It is his belief that students who igan team' work was good, in the ear- haveSo far failed to make the most ly part of the game the Varsity work- of the opportunities ,whieh the first .ed the ball up the field well, and part of the semester has offered, blocked the St. Mary passes with reg-. should be given to understand that.be- ularity. As a team Michigan is far tween now and the end of the present better. than in the opening' game, semester many chances for improve- showing improvement in every line. ment in academic work will be offer- Rea Cages 7 Shots ed which should not be neglected. Rea and -Henderson were responsi- "It may be that some students will ble for the majority- of the. Wolverine see the advisability, of - spending a points and Henderson played well on part of each'day of vacation in bring- the defense. Rea was the high scor- ing up to a better standard any un- er of the game, dropping in seven field satisfactory work,", said Dean'}Effin- baskets, while Dunne and Henderson ger. f (Continued on Page Eight) In explaining the policy of the lit- f : ti plans to through societies Will you kindly deliver the follow- ing message to the editor of the lead- Ing college publication or to the head ,of the most representative student or- gonizaion in your institution? "We, the undersigned, have under- taken to promote a referendum of col- lege sentiment of the country con- '-cerning the peace treaty.. It is real- of The opening and final songs are be- ing written 'by Barnes ald 'will be ready for publication after the holi- days. It is expected that am number. of new songs will be composed be- tween now and the time of' the pro- duction of the opera. Song Titles Uncertain "As yet the opera has 'not pro- gressed far enough to make the ti- tles of the songs certain,. so their lpublication will have to be deferred to some future date," said Schin- dier, "but the opera is coming in fine style and the managers could not hope for better results than they have obtained," no opportunity to obtain an accurate ,and comparative expression of the in- tercollegiate point of view. "The plan is that on Jan. 13 every '.college and 'university in the country will be asked to take a vote of its faculty on the one hand and its stu- dent body on the other, in which each member of the college community will be asked to declare himself 'yes' or no on the following propostions: Propositions to Be Voted On "I. I favor the ratification of the league-'and treaty without amend-j ments or reservations. "Ir. I am opposed to the ratifica- tion of the league and the treaty in any form. "III. I am in favor of the ratifica-, tion- of the treaty ,and the league but only with the specific reservations ast voted by the majority of the senate. a "IV. I -favor any compromise onX the reservations which will ,ake pos- sible immediate ratification of thed league. Instructions Given Later' * Proposit'on, VI. I fav mise of the reservationi character as will avoid I defeating ratification wh ing clear that America involved in war by a d congress, that domestic c the Monroe Doctrine are side of the jurisdiction o; that plural votes of'any all disqualified In the ev for do is II pte wherein we voting, and that draw we are to whether our obli met. MITCHELL SECURES RINK FOR SKATING{ 'r ~Ar jv nAjA tnu IV artt rwarn LLs.U5 UU11 AfbaS'An'a sIngo ' oftma Alk riaM t "The committee will forward' detail- ed suggestions as to how the vote should be carried on. It is urged that e needed, but also men who ons, at the fact, all men lap -elected cap- ll team, also all in their es to come to consider the g athletes'to I- - , aLmwrn.1 Coach E. D. Mitchell announced last quent students, the dean said that night that he had secured part of the such sHtudnts are not asked to with. Weinberg skating rink for the hours draw unless the individual has been I III I between 4 and 6 every afternoon fol- warned put. on probation, and the lowing the holidays for the use of in- necessary 'letters sent his parents. - - ter-class and interfraternity hockey "However, it should be thoroughly (By Associated Press.) teams. One-third of the rink will be understood that qgy student put up- Washington, Dec. 18.-The govern- reserved for the University men be- on the delinquent list may by the ex- ment's anti-trust suit against the five tween those hours. ' cellence of his final grades, remove great packers, begun at President According to present data, there will his name therefrom," said Dean Ef- Wilson's direction last summer as be 20 .fraternity teapis and from 8 to finger. part of the fight- on the high cost of' 10 class teams in the field. living, has compromised under an Speaking of the possibility of a Var- AIRPLANES MAKE LONG DISTANCE agreement b7 which the packers will 1 sity hockey team lat night,. CoachI confine themselves hereafter to the I Mitchell said, "There is excellent ma- FLIGHTS-WITH ]AIL POUCH n meat and hrovision business. terial on the campus and I am strong- p ly in favor of having a Varsity team. * Tokio, Dec. 18.-A long distance; Given'wo Years toComply Of course that is up to the men at mail flight of heavier than air ma- Washington, Dec. 18.-An injunc- the head of the athletics, and We can chiines was conducted the other day tion decree to Mltich the packers have only- hope that rch a team will be when two or three aviators who start- acceded will be entered In the Fed- made possible." , ed from Tokio reached the city of Os- ; eral court to make the agreement -..., aka, a distance of 352 miles carrying - binding. Two years are given in which HAROLD RYE, '$0, IMPROVED; poches of mail. A great crowd at to comply with the decree which af- TO SPEND CHRISTMAS AT HOME Osaka welcomed the airmen. . fects 87 corporations and 49 individ- The flight was held under the au- uals. spices of the Imperial Aviation so-- In 'general and of the courts, At- Harold Rye, '20, Varsity end who cety which is headed by Lieut. Gen. torne nera Pal s oc an- was injured in the Ohio'State football Nagaoka. er prevens game isup nd aroud o cruche ganouncement is, "This decree prevents game, is up and a'round on crutches Ithe defendants from exercising any now. He dan walk and is fast re- PassioA Play Is 'Postponed further control, over the merchanting gaining his strength. Oberammergau, Bavaria, Dec. 18. - fliver stro over pevent t Friends said last night that he The Passion Play, which was to have 'from exercising feoer nr the wouzu I--*eae S.or L.---mein- aui - gtkenplacein1920eha beeepreal between now and Jan. 13, the utmost discussion of the situation should be stimulated in your institution. If pos- sible, public debates and mass meet- ings of the students aad faculty should be held at which the different points of view will be presented. - Ballots to Dif The six propositions s presented to the Michig and faculty at one genei cording to Fred J. Pett man of the Student counc appointed to take charge lot. Faculty and studen will have a different for so that the results may '!It is planned that the vote shall for each. ____. be conducted 'under such safeguards as may be established in each institu- tion to secure secrecy and complete-1 ness, and that the results shall be' made known locally at once and tele- graphed to the headquarters of the committee, where the result for the whole country and for the individual1 colleges will be compiled and made public. - "You will appreiate the value of thet vote in each academic community iff it is as nearly complete as possible. and als the importance of having each college in'the country repre- sented on the complete compilation of the- result. The communication was signed by Frederic P. Benedict, editor-in-chief of the Columbia Spectator; John M. Harlan, chairman of the Daily Prince- tonian; Britton Hadden, chairman of1 "We are counting on lots to 7,700 students ar bers of the faculty," said we expect that the entir, community will take a the est in the matter. Sinc( Hutchins has adopted this University, it is the duty c dent to acquaint himself M pertaining to the referend that the results of the elet truly representative'of the faculty bodies." (Continued on Page NOTICE!. 51 With suspend -ter Chr t . ' . would leave for his home in Sault Ste. taken place in 1920, has been pos .. . . and producE-t's. 't Yale