IN ENGLAND I I. Wv l Silk Neckwear Knit Neckwear } Underwear Pajanmas Night Robes Gloves Hats and Caps Silk Shirts Sweaters Co. -cade~ t Cold? k. Pair of Those Lar 4 Buckle Arctics' kapely English, Lasts r Medium Widths (By Associated Press) Carlisle, Eng., Dec.16-A campaign for the nationalization of the manu. facture and sale of intoxicating liquor was inaugurated a few days ago at an Important trade union and labor con- ference here. J. H. Thomas, member of parlia- ment and general secretary of the Union of Railway Men, supported a resolution urging all labor parties and trades Councils to demand the ex- tension of the principle of state own- ership and control -of the liquor trade to the whole country. Drink Evil Dangerous Mr. Thomas said he believed there was no evil like the "drink evi." "Is there any klan or woman," he ask- ed, "who would dare to suggest that our experience during d&e war would justify the state in letting the drink traf'ic and the public house return to the old system?" ProhibitIon Is Alternative Prohibition, lie said, was an alter- native to adoption of the Brewers' bll. It was time, in his opinion, for the governmentI to deal boldly and comprehensiVely With the question. - "If you want to keep the 4rink problem free from politics," he de- lared, "if you want to take a vested interest out of the region of poli- tisyou can only do it by taking the drink traffic out of the hands of -pri- vate ownership." DISPUTE OVER HIGH SCHOOL GRID TITLE COX"ENCES AGAIN (B'y Associated Press) Escanaba, Dec. 16.-,The, annual dis- pute over the high school football championship of \Michigan is again to the fore., Lajising, by defeAng all opponents in the southern porton of the state, has laid claim to the cham- pionship. Lansing's lst game was won at Detroit from Detroit Central high school, 47 to O. But in the upper peninsula e"re' are two .teams, Escanaba and Calu- met high shooi elevens, which dis- pute Lansing's "title." Clumet and Escanaba each defeated all opponents excepting each other and in the game between these two aggregations for the peninsula championship and what- ever state honors accrue through such championship a tied score, 7 to 7, resulted. The two teams battled on, after the regular periods, to de- cide the game :ahid the contest, which was played at Escapaba, was ended only when it became so dark the play- ers .could no longer see the ball. Both teams have taken into camp all the other school teams of the peninsula and such Wisconsin teams as they could indue to play. Paris Offiials Demand Salary Boest Paris, Dec. 16.-Dissatisfied with the salary they are redeving which they claim is lower thanthat of the street .sweepers in Paris, the justices of the peace have addressed a memo- randum to the minister of justice askr ing for a substantial increase. Fail- ure of the government to coply will bring about a strike the representa- tives: of Law and Order ;say. The minster of justice is examining the claims of the justices of the peace and will give his decision after he pas disposedin .consultation with the minister of labor of the various strikes now in progress. The Michigan, Daily is an all-Cam pus paper.-Adv. WHAT'S GOING ON WEDNESDAY 4:00-Ferris Institute club meets in room 306 University hall. This meeting was postponed from Iues- day. 7 :00-Zionist society meets in Lane hall. 7:00-Sigma Delta Chiimeets on third; floor of Union. 7:15-Commerce club mets in room 102 Economics building., 7:80-=Students from New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Ida- ho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Califor- nia, Oregon, and Washington are invited to, attend the organization meeting of the Western club in room 325,of Union. 7:20-Classical club holds Christmas party in room A Memorial hall. 7:30-Forestry club meeting in rooms in Natural Science building. Profes- sor Roth speaks. THURSDAY - 5:04-Michlganenslan editorial and business stafrs meet on the skond floor of the Press building. 7:1-Cooley club meets in practice court room of Law building. .7:30-Christian Science society meets in Lane hall. U-NOTICES Proofs of group photographs taken of University organizations for the 1920 Michiganensian must be approv- ed and selected before Christmas vacation as they are to be sent away for engravings during the holidays. Organizations which have failed to have group photographs taken for the Michiganesian may, with permis- sion off the editors, make appoint- ments with the photographers for pictures to be taken during the first seven days after Christmas vacation. All students making drawings for the 1920 Michiganensian are asked to bring them to the art edi'tor's offices on the second floor of the. Press building between 3 and 5 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Michigan Song Books, Memory .Books, Jewelery, Pillows, etc., etc., at Wahr's University Bookstores.-Adv. Branch Nickels.Arcade Calkinsm Drug Co. f Last Call Before You. GoHome LiIES Liberty at Maynard Some things can best be bought in Ann Arbor and carried home or sent by mail jf you don't go. WHITMAN'S CANDY. Pick out such a package as will give your friend the greatest pleasure. The Sampler or the Pink of Perfection or the "Fussy" package. More joy to' the cubic inch than in any other packages. BOXES OF CIGARS, Cigarettes or Tobaccos.. Generous packages,of good stuff. Capital Resour4 Take Home a orI i PIPES. B.B.B., W. D. C. or M Pipes. you' want here at 75c to $10.00. You c KODAKS bring happiness all the year. We have t stock from $1.50 up to the Kodak Special. Also accessories for the person who already hasthe Kod AUTO STROP RAZORS. a sharp blade every time1 self stropping. $5.00 up. Every m he shaves. ° I FOUNTAIN PENS. 'Pick out a real good one and home to Dad or Mother. 'Twill be appreciated time it is used. EVER SHARP PENCILS are good too, $1.00 to For $5.00. d Womren Many other things can be found I and we are glad to pack them for n ing. .. BOOT SHOP -;, ; ; 4 115 So. Main St. I 324 South State St. Ea. & So. University Ave. 711 Packard St. ywhere Anytime Y USING THE issued by this bank. They 0, $50 and $100, are cashed ., without identification. ' Suits Pressed while you wait. 4I A Merry Xmas to All Before Leaving drop in and see our line of Xmas at the only 'r -ASK US- Gifts REET ANICS BANI T 80 SOUTH STATE STREET (Nickels Arcade) Students SupplyS 1g2o CALENDAR NOW ON SALE 111 SO- UNIVERSITY Eberything a Student Needs w 1 . . , , . I Select Your / I CHRISTMAS GIFTS I Eal -' Weha 4E-A-DAY IEF CASES COLLEGE JEWELRY CHRISTMAS CARDS ,LOW COVERS ave a complete stock of the followi EVERSHARP PENCILS MTCHIGAN BLANKETS DESK SETS ng articles: FOUNTAIN PENS MEMORY BOOKS FANCY BOX STATIONERY NARCISSUS BULBS "M" BOOK RACKS ALL THE LATEST BOOKS OF FICTION SLATER BOOK