Ffinger Scr r j A.. THE MAUESTIC VIVIAN MARTIN "LOUISIANA" 0DADE. [ ~ l[ u.Be. , 3ti-Y 7--Owen tMoore n in"Pic- Star Comedy, "Tick Tick Quibbling,' trick excuses, and in- sincerity are very seldom met with in the interviews which students have with him regarding- their absences, declAres==tDan John R. Effinger. "I have , found" that the students are pretty square with me,". said Dean Affimger, "and' I think it always pays ,to- believe~ what they tell me. The usual excus.eA' now put forward are that the- students need more time to get home; both in order- to make bet- ter train- connections and to be sure, that- if they miss- their trains on ac-.- count' of the- uncertainties of the pre- sent service, they will arrive, in time to have a vacation of usual length,. "Sickness; marriage of sisters, and maviy of' the usual excuses are always bieing put foriward, and I. believe the students tell me the truth. If anyone does not,-.1I know that he suffers from it more than I do. Perhaps the at- tendance , com-mittee~ may- have some excuss worked- off ou it that are not so-good, but- I -have not met with them Sent from the mountains, where she has spent Sher life, to become' acquaint- ed with civilization at a fashionable summer resort, "Louisana Rogers," played by Vivian Martin today and tomorrow at the Majestic; becomes a party to a joke played by Olivia Fer-' oi on her brother. By wearing Olivia's gowns she makes Laurence Ferol, a young playwrite, believe that she is a belle from New Orleans. As the result of the joke Laurence becomes interested in her, and when Cass Floyd, her mountain lover, ar- rives to investigate, he becomes jeal- ous of his rival. The effects of his intense feeling and the outcome of the romance form the conclusion of the story. Larry Semon in his latest picture "The: Headwaiter" is the comedy at- traction. TODAY and TOMORRC O W EN MOOR I Supported by ZENA KEEFE "PI CCADILLY I From the Satuirday Evening Post Story by P. G. Thestre, 296 I foe ..Ht kfle w THE ARCADE Arthur Ham- mlerstein Presents 'Tomble.Is" 108' STUDENTS PLACED ON WARNED OR PROBATION; LISTS 't be. Typewriting, promptly, "youf accurately done. 0. D. Nickels -Arcay.-Adv. neatly and, Morrilf, 17 f Read the Daily for Campus Now's 41, Letters notifying students that they are. now on the warned or probation :Mists are being mailed from the Rego istrar's offe to- 108 persons, according to Registrar Arthur G..- Hall. Of this number, 79--studenmts have -been placed in the warned class, and 29 on pro- bation. Stuadents receiving one of these not- ices is thereby informed that unless there is a, decided improvement in his work, he may be asked to withdraw from the University at the end of the ;smester. Sometimes students are transferred from the warned' to the probation, list, which is the more serious, before being required to with'- draw. XM&PIXSKI GIVES FIRST OF CURRICULUM TALKS TO FRESH Prof. L. 0. Karpinski of the mathe- matical department, delivered an ad- dres& -gn: te-"Mathem'atical Sciences"' ~yesterday: after!noon- at the talks to freshmen. A- few of' the, ways in which mathe- matics are related to the other sci- ences were told by Professor Karpin'- ski. -Dean -J: R. Effinger, in' introducing Professor Karpinski, announced that this would be the first of a series of talks on the main divisions of study in the curriculum, and that Prof. S. 4. Bfgelow of the chemistry depart- ment; would speak at the next meet- ing; on the "Chemical Sciences."- E. C. Edsill ]Fisher's Pharmaecy~ Sugden Drtg-C6MMp~Y John A. Tice Tuttle Lwnch Room I Ingeniuity" in screen craftsmanship htas been employed in P., . Wed- house's "Piccadilly dim;" showing Owen Moore in hisfrst Sezick pro- duetion today and tomorl'ow at the Arcade. N4umerous views of New York life have been taken, including Pic- tures taken from the elevated and scenes from the - great"Wite Way. F renst% in the comedy is the in- cident whei'e Owen Moore in hs hap- py-go-lucky manner, devours peanuts and throws' the " hulls into the lap-I of a dignified and prominent banker. ICERCLE FRANC IS TO HOLD CONTEST Anp annual""French' essay contest, opten-to students in all 'departmnents of" the University, will be - established. by-' t'he-Cerele- Forancas this'year. ues o theS' contest will be such as tQ, exclude exceptionally qualified 'students, thus encoraging1 gneral articiption by unergradutats. - Fifyt Dllar PISe The subjets, which will# be t~n flonced 6ina few days, will be diverse in- chacter, and will include several designed especially to, attract men who have seen military- service in PFrance.' A gold purse of $50 will be awarded the athobr of the winning essay. Suit- able prizes for'the winners of second andi third places 'will be made, if the essays are of-sufficient merit., Judges of the contest will include Deanohn R. hffinger," Profs. A. 6. Canfield, Mor- itz Levi, H. P. Thieme, and Rene Tala- Mon. 5,000 Words in{Length All essays must be written inFrendh, and must approximate"2000 words in length. Each manuscript - must be signed with a "nom de plume," and must be accompanied by 'a sealed en- yvelope containing the author's real name. Essays for this years com- petition must be ini the offce of" the department of romance languages by April' 5, 1920. Students in all French classes will ,be encouraged to enter the contest. The names of the winners will be an- nounced on the evening of the annual French -play, in the 'latter part of 11April. Pestoffice Positions Filled One hundred and forty-one univer- °sity men have been given work' dur- ing the holidays at the Detroit; post- office, on trains or at the terminal, ac- cording to Postmaster Abbott of the 7Ann Arbor postoffice. Reports from the Detroit office say that at the present time no more men are, needed, but should there be a demand later a notice 'to that effect will be published in The Daily. Small Blaze Damages Fraternity Roof Glowing cinders flling from the chimney started a small blaze on the roof of, the Delta Upsilon house, 1331 Hill street, at 10 oclock this morn- ing.. The fre was extinguished by members of the fraternity before the arrival of the fire department. The onlydamage done was the burning of a large 'hole in the roof. The Michigan Daily, the only morn- ing paper in Ann Arbor, contain all jthe latest Campus, City and World News.-Adv. Owen Moore is seen as the town rounder who becomes implicated in a deep, dark plot to kidnap "Fatty Arbuckle, Jr." for the sole pur- pose of pleasing the girl he loves and thus- terminating a wild and wooly career as a rounder par excellence. -Zena Keefe is seen in the role of Anne Chester who detests "Jim- mie Crocker of gay London" but falls in love with this self-same young man when he journeys to America to8 forget wine, women and song of his native land. . COMEDY RUNS RIOT THROUGHOUT THE FIVE REELS Sora This--Even If you have to miss your dinner-it's worth itl THURSDAY---ONE DAY ONLY RstwuriDais on~ Norma TalImadigo in "61THlE ISLE OF CONQ VEST" 4. OWVEN MOOQF Selznick Picture,,, Pa f our Advertisers.--Adv.1 J SUGAR BOWL- The Home MVanuf acturing House. All Candies ;made in our kitchen. Fancy boxes in' large and small !sizes. 109 S. MAIN ST. ,, ,nom-- , ... w h I ug he'Xmas Rile "ull after home cook-' 446 R .Un- IA Tlittle s Lunches Nunnaly 's Candy Maynard St. STA M ONS 'T 3y mzedical student a neat' campus preferred. be fevw students in Gall 131853. between 7 y staident '-- desirable atmpus. Address P. 0. TED-Two Butte In-house near apus.-Give description and prices. rED-A second hand Canoe. Ad- sss Box 2, Daily,- 'TED--A Pea Coat lSIke 86 desir- Phone 266. r Oiurteous and satusfaoro TREATMENT to every custom- er. whether the accouut be large or small. The Ann Arbor SapnsBank incorporated 186$" Capital-*ad Surlus, $P0,000.00, Uerree ...... ..0000.tlU0i ' Northwest -Cor. Main & Heron.' 107 North_ Universitir Ave. Today, and Tomorrow Vivian Martin "Louiina pecially ength to Geddes trs, pill Wilmont 1 -l MISCELLANEOUS WILL THE person who took the wrong black top .coat, fromt thU'n- ion cloak ro~om °-Priday ,*ntug, re- Iturn -same to 523 Last Madison St. Immdlately. w O Larry Semon, pennants. 1341 ono 2384-M.' Three Airdale Trubey's Dinners. Lunches Confectionery Ice Cream, Delicious Sodas,- W'e Make our own, Ice Cream Orders solicited from FraternOities a nd ;Sororities. 218 Se Main Phone 166 "The Headwaiter"~ 4o s-sift . i N . C Two Great- Pictures Don't Miss Them RENT -- Warm single room, Itly modern; half block from spus. Phone 2677"R. 516 Cheer-