I e84 to seculre AD'S TANK TEAM Y SW"IMZMERS JBETTER DS AT MEET SAT. IJRDAY fspecial transportation facilities to take the Clevrelanders homne in a body for the Christmas recess. HATS TO WEAK, HOSE Those who desire their' hats clean- ed and rebloeked for going home will Tease ' leave thorn at our shop as soon as possileI so we can have themZf out on time. We do Velour and Borisa- lino hats so, they retain their original fineness of texture and pliability; they are easily ruined by cheap hat clean- ers. We do only, high class hat. work. Factory Hat Store, 617 Packard 'St. Phone 17r92.--Adv. For Cam'pus news read the Mioh-: igan 'Daily.-Adv. I. I I the sea- RVI J I N Coach Drulard Is Ipleased with theI basketball showing made by the student siim- In prepara- wing team against the strong D. A. which are C. squad. Every man on the 'Univer- sity team bettered his previous record 3ve 'Coach for the local tank. The" champion ea of the D). A. C. team was pushed to the limit. e has been Materal Strong tough he In remarking on the 'University lthe play- squad, Coach Matt Mann, who is men- yout, the tor of the Detroit outflt, said, "There nce at' that is some excellent material on the k Ain one of school team With but a little more practice the squad should' compare favorably with the b1tst in the West." trong Pol- The work of Dinwiddie, Hyde, and e here for White drew considerable praise from veining the the veteran coach. He considers these jWestern men corners, who show great promise aazoo. Both of developing into first rate swim- aftairs an~d mere. Incidentally Coach Mann is con- d the cam- sidered the foremost coach in the Un- ithe play- ited States today. His work at the N. Y. A. C., Yale, and the D. A. C. vas not im- has placed him in this exalted post- did show, tioni. ounded his One of the features of , Saturday tale of the night's meet was the race between Landled the Handy of the D. A. C. and Hy'de of tp a strong the University in the first heat of the ot so good '100 yard crawl. Hyde led Handy, the ,e been im- ~fastest man in' the state in the crawl, This is not for four laps. It look~ed as though coach has he would win over his more expeir- defensive 'fenced opponent. I~n the home stretch tg thu~s far. he was still in the lead 'but could not getting the keep the pace. To lack of condition rudiments only is attributed his defeat. Valena- loping 'an tine at the sturdent team also made a day's con- good showing for, him~self. Hisi time e measure- in the 40 yard crawl was only 44 of, empt, a. second behind that of Handy. Break State Record Jack Wii- One state record 'was shattered in ek into the the meet. Paul. Roberts, the 220 yard aid up for breast stroke champion of Canada, dicitis and broke the state record in the 100 Yard but the lat- breast stroke ' event. He climbed oft and it s5 and 2-5 seconds from the former one of' the record time:. He 'established, the re- markable time of 1:17 3-5 for this - event. The exhibitions of Marie Curt- is, Johanna, Lemone, and Betty Jones KR were pleasing. Miss Curtis swam a 64 DR ILL yard crawl and a 40 yard back stroke. Betty Jones, who is the state diving rhad gold champion, displayed good form in a!) nday when her diving. She was ably assisted by nar the bar he team mate, Johanna Lemone. 3t probable e.ar's point MEETING OF CLEVELAN~D M~EN, ne out now T~O ARRANGE ATHLETIC DINNER a unnn rina - 1 _ 5c a p ackage before the war House .Party I Favors 6 c a package during the war I ~Sterling. Silver enameled novelties in Lavender, Pink, c a package u NOW Yellow and Blue. THE FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES, THE PRICE!. .Men's German Slever Fa- vors include Eversharp Pencils; also pocket knives, key chains, cuff links, etc. 44 t 3 I 'I Ir Efficient Senice By Mail 'W E.RIT lit 4 t f t - I ~ AK Mi -~ .... Lo pole- N.E ALLE C.o txyen S Cleveland students, of the ' niver- .city will join the ranks of Michigan, ~athletic boosters at a meeting sclied- 1 ulied for 7: 36 o'clock tonight at the fUnion. C pdividuals of the Ohio city have -made glans for a banquet to be held in Cleveland during the holidays at which 15 or more of the city's best high .school athletes will be 'the guests' of honor.s Alumni of the city are, back- ing the scheme and will co-operate with the undergraduates, in present- ing Michigan's possibilities to the pro- 1' spective Wolverines. f The meeting tonight is open to all Cleveland men and will be devoted S. '0. -Adv. Dl the only, morn- k,'contains al n o ld lI o-9 1A THERE'Sec ings and by d the assurance of Clothes in your in Every garme ing by continueda '(I' the equal of ours' from now.- Prom (r I._. C0C Insist, ,nomy in buying, quality' that you know is the' sense of 'satisfaction that cornes with it. ,quality--quality of the first order; we4 nterest. right. And :hose YTu profit in the material sav- lyou can czome to this store with and assembled Kuppenheimer You'll save if you do On Quality w 1. lent we own is actually worth, more than its price,: market increases'it is safe to-assume that clothes wvill be worth Tconsiderably more in. a few months riinent values now at. and judg- \\ \5 IR . r $45.00 dur- "--Makes Jack -a Dull Boy j" Jack and Tom and 'Harry get to be very dull chaps,' Indeed, if'! they believe in all work' and no play. Men who 'want to keep their minds keen and their *Its sharp,, know that they~must' play tof keep fit for the terrific strain ofmodern life. If your "prof" is wise he will- heartily' approve of your play-.a ing an occasional game of bit-j liards. Come in tonight-get d good cue in your hands again- and ee. how soon your former skill tomen back to you. HUSTON BROS. Billiards and Bowig, Cigars and Candies. Cigarettes &: Pipes. . "We try to treat you 'RfghV" ,1 T[A )therg at $35, $40, $50.41$559 'N. F. Allen 'Coo' The Hfouse ,of-Kuwppenheimer Clothesx in n Arbor I-- 620 East t iberty St. M tj. 01912 T. f ELECTRIC SHOP EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL 202 E. Washii Phone