xclusively entitled to the use for ches credited to it or not otherwise local news published therein, Lt Ann Arbor, Michigain, as second nard street. rds, if signed, the sig- but as an evidence of d in The Daily at the d to The Daily office. onsideration. No man incloses postage. .se the sentiments ex- ......'Managing Editor Phone z414 or roz6 r. .... ......Business Manager Phone g6o or 2738 , .t.. ....Ast Managing Editor ................... Sports Editor ........................... Women's Editor .... ...........Telegraph Editor EDITORIAL BOARD H. Hardy Heth Jr. ................... Advertising Manager . . Issue Manager .Office Managepr ......................Publication Manager . Circulation Manager .... Subscription Manager ... . . . . . . . . . .Guillotine . Music ..Literary .~xchange ............ Campaign ...... ....... Efficiency Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor RS ns Brewster Campbell John I. Dakin STAFF Dorothy Monfort leski Minnie Muskt port Robert C. Angell -k Robert D. Sage ethan Thomas J. Whinery. censure the coach when they do not make the v r- sity squad; the judges when they lose out on the debating: team.; the boarding hoise. because they do not like, the cooking, and everybody; but them- selves because they are not popular. It- is hoped he didn't know that all are candidating for front row places in the chorus. Al says'he was down and out once himself, that is, once in particular. He was a fourth rate vaude- ville actor whose jokes drew ,nothing but horse laughs. He wanted to go into the garden and' eat worms, but they were. not plentiful in the Winter Garden. He thought perhaps he would like- to die. But after all Al was a comedian and he realized that the joke was on himself. His name was AL but- he had something in hini that was balled Will and he took it for an outing and told it a few things. Al told Will that: If you can weep for yourself you don't need-any help; If you think that by weeping you'll get sympa- thy, you will once; If you try it again, the other fellow will yawn; reach down under his seat fior his hat; aid walk out; If people don't appreciate you-make them, do.a better job. Al practiced what he told Will; and today he is a leading man in his profession. He didn't know about the, poor complaiing individuals whom Uni- versity fellow students tolerate; but his philosophy goes marching on. "If folks won't appreciate you-make them. -Do a better job."-Daily Iowan. TheGuillotnee Winter Song Woe is me! Woe is me! The wild wind hurleth o'er the frozen mead and> the icicle bloometh upon the Boetian slope. The young instfuctor from the Economics depatt- ments holdeth - consolation hours with. himself and' William covereth the carpet slippers with galoshes and gamboleth att the festive Union dance. The famous free hand drawer girdeth his neck with a boile collar 'and hieth himself with trembling fotsteps to study Criminology with Fanny on the velvet. He consumeth all the radiant glory of the furnace but shivereth-and shivereth anon because his nose as cold. The parlor champion worketh on a shift and from the rosy depths there cometh a chattering of voices but from the' porch there cometh a chattering of teeth. Archie lineth the mattress with the Michigan Daily and drapeth himself with three bathrobes and a sailor suit for the night is chill and cold and all the children of Benjamin must sleep. Constance goeti to skii on the boulevard anid slid- eth 'dwn the hill with loss of dignity and re- ligiod and then prayeth later for the liniment of Doctor Sloane. The' rustic no longer spendeth the- Sundae evening at the sody fountain but watcheth grandma breweth the mustard plaster on the gas range and museth all the while o'er the shortage in the raisin market. j 1 1,920' A ASWitlh L; SWar M To the students of The University of Michigan who take advantage of this We bster's New In R A'S Calender Official s DETROIT UNITED LINES (Oct. 26, 191) Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (Eastern Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6:ro a. m., and hourilyto 9:to p. in. Jackson Limited and Express Cars-8:48 a. in., and every hour to 9:48 p. in. (Ex- presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.) Local Cars East Bound-6: 05 a.-m., 9:05 a. mn. and every two ho'urs to 9:o5 p. m., 10:5o p,. m. To Ypsilanti only, ii:4 p. in., i:io a. rn.. and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound'-7:48 a. m. and 2*:20 a. -. WA BOTH DIAGONAl A!tlililll11111llllltlllllllllilllllllllillll The Michiga Easily the best e- -edition - 75 cen The Only Grand Prize (Hiae given to dictionaries at the Panama-Pacific Interna- tional Exposition was granted to Webster's New International and the Merriam Series for superiority of educational m~erit, Words of R Anzac, ace, Iaarrage, . Be sheviki, camouflage, Lew my, soviet, tank, war, br from the thousands of fined in this Great Work. i'le lazer ion concerning news for ssue editor, who has full ght. eek are as follows: Thomas H. Adams, >druff, Wednesday rsday night. R 16, 1919. The ie rri A Complete Reference Librar 3,000 pages, and type matter pedia, all in a single volume, brary Buckram Binding, can Michigan Daily on the follow; The entire work in either bi CTIVITIES ually extingu ig along a dif Delivered for thereafter ished, this ferent line The Uni-' :o respond - REDUC (L' .4 7' , vhich 1s primarily ath11i- unfortunates in the same found them, the Univer- T. C. A., has undertaken the Michigan campus to rority houses have agreed to care for ile 22 fraternities have signed up to each. The duty of these organizations ve the child a complete new outfit of m the skin out," giving them also a arty and such other assistance as is open on the campus Dave dressed indred dolls. heeded at the present time for a fund rovide fruit for children in the hps- rder that every Michigan man or feel that he 6r she has taken an active hristmas move, contribution boxes will all University buildings today and to- iis will enable contributions in direct > the ability of the contributor to give, y will be used to purchase fruit for the well as clothing and toys. The city en have made baskets for the fruit rses will present to every hospital pa- ~ - "It Is.an ever-present and reliable .school-master to the whole family" The onlydictionary with the new Divided Page, characterized as "A 'Tis a cold, coldworld and woe is me ! of Genius." h the result s will t this year promises to be Michigan's history. But ievoted interest of a few continues to grow. The give everyone an 'equal a volunteer? DO A BETTER JOB >ur little voice ever heard in this big asks At Jolson in the American magazine. g' put the question the prominent come- ceeds to show that the merchant grumbles don't buy his goods, the artist complains lis pictures will not sell; the writer grouches ople will not read his poems; the hotel disgruntled when his customers patronize s and the actor walks off the stage in his lgeon when his audience sits impassive. n't mention the student factor of "this big of the unappreciated. Maybe he didn't it University women censure their instruc- :n they get E; their I. W. A. A. sisters y do not make the baseball team; the world al when they do not make the women's Our Daily Novelette Once in every man's life comes the Great Temp- tation. To Harold Hollingsworth this- fateful mo- ment had now arrived. He summoned all his will power in an effort to banish that tempter who seemed to be always at his elbow whispering, "Why shouldn't you -have your fling' at life the same as other men?" And yet everything that-was good and fine and noble in his nature revolted at the mere thought of the nefarious deed he contemplated. Beads of cold, clammy perspiration glistened on his forehead like dewdrops turned to diamonds by the morning's rays. He tried to think sanely of Alice, his betrothed. Full well he knew that if he did this act he would quench forever that flame which his very presence never failed to kindle in her lumin- ous orbs. Cut off from the sunshine of her smile. the future loomed before him darker than State street on a moonless night. And what of the rest of the world? Already in fancy he could see him- self despised by decent people--a leprous object whom they feared might contaminate the very air .they breathed. Many times he had seen people try to defy convention this way but the result was al- ways the same--ostracism, a living death. Finally with a pitiful groan he gave up the struggle-he had fought a losing 'fight-he would do' this terrible deed regardless of the circumstances. Full well he knew that he would have to pay the piper. With an assumed air of bravado he called with a reckless laugh, to the waiter, "Bring me a dish of those stewed onions." J. W. K. Famous Closing Lines "I am down in my work," said the carpenter as he slid off the roof. LOUIS XVI. Is the 1919 "New Reference Atlas of the World," containing nearly 200 pages, with 128 pages of maps, beautifully printed in.colors, with marginal reference indexes, late Census Figures, Parcel-Post Guide, late War Maps, etc., all handsome- ly bound in red cloth, size 10O4x13% NAME ADDRESS ._ THE ATLAS .I J. L. CHAPMAN JEWELER FLOWERS TO' R. Van Alle Please send me containing an amnus ization off Crvr".: For Reliability 113 S. Main ANN ARBOR CHOP SUEY Excellent CHOP .SUEY from 11:80 a. m. to midnight Steaks and Chops 314 S. State PROF. MITHENTHAL'S DANCING CLASSES AT THE ARMORY I Members Florists Telegraph D Phone 113 I PERFUMES I very distinctive Christmas I will be suspended until FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1920. A complimentary assembly will be given for all pupils who have attended his classes and to all those who have taken single les- sons. Also any one who is in- terested in joining the Dancing Class is invited to attend the as- sembly. The professor will 'give a demonstration of the latest steps in dancing. i We are ready w the The Eberbach I I