hat his company will now be able to end their men over on leave of ab- ence to secure this training, which ill render them available for intel- gent transportation service with the 'a c k a r d p e o p le in m u c h le s s tim e th a n w u d b o s b e o h r i e h s i le spirit of the whole course-co-op- ration with highway men and others iterested outside of the University ,s weU as the undergraduate and raduate student ,body, to provide ained, men for the future needs f greatly expanded highway de- artmeiits. A' new era of ctivity for the highways has begun nid demands trained men-both in the onstruction and traffic ends. course will be the Davis library of highway engineering, located at room 407, Engineringt;'uilding. This is the most complete collection of books on highway engineering and alliedl3 sub- jects in the country and is avilable' to the general public as ,well as the en- tire student body. Her~e all necessary reference books relating to any phase of the course may be located. In addi- tion to this library, thjeUniversity li-" brary and. engineering and chemical libraries ni,, be used .by advanced or graduate students in' highway engi- neerinig. The Screen xAT THE ARCADE E'ugene O'Brien says that being a star is not all it seems. He. feels that he has good, reason to make this statemient, for since it was',announced a short time ago that he had been made a star, things have begun to ha~- pen in 'rapid order. First, his tailor made a fifty per. cent jump in the price of his clothes; then his hotel 'raised the rent, and everyone else began to follow suit. "'The, Perfect Lover," Mr. O'Brien's first starring vrehicle 'will' be shown at the Arcade the last times today. Tomorrow the Arcade will present Hale' Hamilton in "The Four Flush-' Si! Sh! - Si!l- Sh! - Sh! - ,Sit Si! SEi Sb! Sit Sit i :In- the ivu Sil,, SRICTLY S By. 2,355 Husban( Sly Secret is coming 01 Sit. THEATRE an Sb! Sb.! matrimo Sit! e Sil!lR Sit!. STRICTLY Sh! nowib Sit Sh! -- Sit! -Sh! - Sit! - - Sb? - Sh! - St IREAT E CRET! 'I 'rld is bcing kept lCONFIDENTIAL tds in this town. But the Lit soon at the ARCADE nd will cause many a 3nial nightmare, member It's CONFIDENTIAL but Just wait! 1, I sI s' Frances E, Caspari, semester begins Oct. s; l well blk., 20 E.K Huron.' tars call 638.--Adv. vocal teacher, roomn 12 Corn- For particu- I -SI r - Sh! - Slb! - Sit' - Sli !- n... .... . s . STUDENTS 11 -5 :t ll , , f * Last Times Today Eugen~e O9Bb ker IN FOR- YOUR "The Perfect, lover" STUDY LAMPS & ELECTRIC SUPPLIES o Mr. O'Urifen will ifve , espons tor all those uIfe' n 11 who wish. to becorne "'Pterfect Lovers.,, L- r_ d e Tomorrow GO TO THE' s short months 1 I I1-1 ",The In Four Flusher" ,I. J U' Accordlixg to the Metro press sheet, Mr. kfa milton attended the Law Sebhool a.t the Unxi'ersity of Michigea, ard was particularly a~ctive in athea-' ties, especially Frootba.ll. Comrnlrr -"Strictly Corifidehlztial" 1M &dge Kenznedy tells vis to keepW'str-ictly con-i fideuitial", bxxt it's too good to keep. WASHTENAW ELECTRIC SHOP PHONE 273--200 E. WASHINGTON .f .. f ,. .-., , '"Now I r. Today-Tomorrow MAJESTIC Sunday- 3 I'CHARLES RAY Constance Talmadge ii, fJ r 1 _ \ : ' . \' .. I gChester i4 'r ; CHARLES PYa v The. Busher~ Al.- ii /, _ l / ;. y "The Busher" .J... II te Program, "False iComedy and Scenic. 'AIIAN ENTERTAIN- EEK. DURING THIS HJE ADMISSION WILL War Tax Included. mond in "Dangerous ews and Comedy., ?WIS STONE IN HIS N, "MiAN'S DESIRE" COMEDY AND COL- II He's JmadeTy Cobb I lok like arawReruit Aft er he took the'"girls cure," But before that!S Hie keep sending them over and they kept knock-' lug them down so fast that the score keeper got writer's cramp trying to keep trackE of the damage. The umpire got tongue-tied calling "aend safe"t and thin they sent him back to HER a thousand mi- les away THAT'S WHERE THE FUN STARTS!i A TEMPERAMENTAL WIFE She had picked her husbnd fron all the men in the world because he didn't look at another wom- an-- and then soe Aiscovereed his secret-- he had a Stenographer, the brute!i, A PEPPY PLAY ABOUT WIVES AND STENOGS~ Ij1 :, Hrton Holmes Travelogue TOPICAL TIPS 30, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 -2-3-MIABEL NOPMAND in 'Admission, 10c and 20c; Stone in "Johnny Get Your a News and Comedy (ret.). G - Geo. Larkin in "The ii" with a Ford Weekly and I "HSIS .PRIDE and SHAME" SENNETT COMEDY 11111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111 I IIH HII1n1n111111 HI I 'll 11111IHI II 1111111 III In i 1111111111111111111HI I HI'i 111111111111 11L111111111111111 111 111~I ~11"11111111111111111111 II, COMING ""The Valley 6otGiants" WALLACE REID