MHAT'S GOING ONI 11 I A SATURDAY I I n cordoroys trousers in your size. only a limited number. ned and leather coats-better look 1:00-Union Service committee meets in Lane hall.. 1:15-Iota Sigma Pi meets in room 303 Chemistry building. 6:45-Menorah society board of di- rectors meet in Lane hall. 7:00-Upper Room Bible elass meets at 444 S. State street. 7:30-Student Volunteers meet in Lane hall. Dr. Lerrigo speaks. 7 :30-Bayonne, N. J., club meets in Lane hall. / 73 --Varsity basketball game. Mich- igan vs. Kalamazoo College in Wat- erman gymnasium. SUNDAY S:00-Scalp and Blade meets In room 206 of Union, 6:30-Baptist guild meeting. Lee B.- nar leads. 6:30--Unitarian guild forum. Mr. Lewis Eich will read "The Other Wise Man." MONDAY 7:30-New England club meets in Lane hall. Dean Effinger speaks. 7:30-Senior society meets at Martha Cook. 8:00-New York Chamler Music so- ciety gives concert in Hill auditor- ium.: coIm Makolr Block ING PLANTS Telegraph Delivery IM2 S. Univ. TUESDAY 7:15-Athena Literary society open meeting. Prof. I. Leot man speaks. holds Sharf- U-NOTICES Proofs of group photographs taken of University organizations for the 1920 Michiganensian must be approv-' ed and selected- before Christmas, vacation as they are to be sent away for engravings during the holidays. Prof. Blanehard Spoke at Convention Prof. Arth(ur H. Blanchard of the department of civil engineering, de- livered an address upon "The Neces- sity of and Suggestions for groper Co-operation between Adjoining States for the Purpose of Keeping, the Cost of Materials and Construction within Fair Limits," at the convention of the American Association of State High- way Officials, held at Louisville, Ky.- last Monday. . Cmmucationsj Editor, The Michigan Daily:- I am unaware whether "Medic '21" intended his letter, printed in your is- sue of the 12th inst., to be witty or impertinent. It is not witty, it is be- side the point. On general principles, it would seem advisable that, ere rush- ing into print, correspondents should take pains to acquaint themselves with the facts. The facts as to occa sional lectures presented officially by the University of Michigan, are as fol- lows: Some years ago, at the re- quest of several members of the staff, the Regents placed in th2ehands of the President a sum of $1,000 per anndm, to be expended for the purpose of bringing to the University distinguish- ed scholars or investigators who hap- pened to be in the vicinity of Ann Ar- bor. Grants varying from $50 to $150 are drawn from this fund on the recom- mendation of local representatives of the subject in whichthe proposed lec- turer has achieved eminence. The ar- rangements lae made with the lectur- ers inivdidually, not with professional bureaux. As a result, many eminent men have appeare4 on our platform. A superficial examination of. the list would suffice to reveal that no inquiry was made concerning their political views. The concern has been their contribution to knowledge or to prac- tical affairs. As to Lord Dunany, I am unaware what his terms may have been. I am aware that he was brought to Detroit by a bureau-taking the usual commis- sion, no doubt. I am unaware wheth- er M. Maeterlinck was' "handled" by a bureau, but I happen t'know that his terms were $750 for a single lec-- ture. Udder such circumstances, it Is per- fectly obvious that arrangements and risks must be undertaken by a non- official organization. In any case, the University has no funds to contribute to a professional venture for private gain. The fees paid now to scholars and investigators are not in the na- ture of compensation, they constitute merely a honorarium, to cover inci- dental expenses. R. M. WENLEY, Professor of Philosophy. BURKHOLDER RUNS SPEEDY HALF MILE The season's fastest time in distance running was made Friday by- Burk- holder, of last year's varsity, when he did the 880 yard run in 2;05. At Waterman gym, yesterday, it seemed as though every piece of appa- ratus was being used to its utmost value by some member of Coach Steve Farrell's track squad. The distance men are showing more speed as is evidenced by Burkholder's running. Joiner, a sophomore, gives much prom- Ise in the 440 yard dash and, with coaching, should develop Into a de- pendable runner. Wesbrook is con- tinuing to have good form in the pole vault. Johnson was out Friday and gave evidence of his ability to get over the hurdles in his old time form. The way Johnson is coming into shape is a source of much sdtisfaction to those who have high hopes for Michigan this year. N. E. Club to Hear Dean Effinger Dean J. R. Iffinger of the literary college, will address the New Eng- land club at 7:30 o'clock Monday night at Lane hall. A large attend- ance is desired as important business matters will be discussed. Typewriting 'promptly, and neatly done. O. D. Morrill, ii Nickels Ar- cade.-Adv. L. C. Smith, Corona and second- hand typewriters. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade.-Adv. Gilberts and Webers Chocolates in. any size for Xmas at CUSHINOS PHARMACY.-Adv. - AS US- Phone 87 for Single and Double Cut- ters. Special attention to pleasure parties. We can take you in the coun- try where supper will be served. -Mul- lison Riding S.tables.-Adv. If you aren't satisfed, we can't be. We make "Portraits that Please" you at Derr Studio.-Adv. Fine line of M and Numeral pipes at CUSHING'S PHARMACY.-Adv. FARMER$ & MECHANICS 101-106 SOUTH MAIN STREET 830 sou' Stemanda Our J. L. CHA JEWEL For Reliability 1 G I T Sl IFTS I NCLUDE LOWERS ABLE PLANTS Fr raveling Anywhere YOU WILL ENJOY RJSING: A. B. A. Travelers' Checks as issued by ti come in denominations of $10, $20, $50 and $ by Banks, Hotels, Railroads, etc., without id PLENDID POTTERY SBluMaize Blossom Nickels Arcade Visit our Store for Christmas Gif for we have Rebuilt Multiplex Hammond .'type- writers, $50.00 upwards. O. D. Mor- rill, 17 Nickels Arcade.-Adv. "CREOLE PRALINES," Tice's Drug Store, 117 S. Main St.-Adv. PLACE YOUR ORDERS NOW if you want Mac Diamids Candies for Xmas ('gifts at Cushing's Pharmacy.Adv. The last full meeting of the Upper. ,Room Bible Class before the Christ- gnas vacation this evening at 7 o'clock. *11 University men cordially invited. 4pecial music, by Bertrand Bronson. 444 South' State Street.--Adv' taste of the most, exacting We carry a line of mei's iwear designed to suit the men. BOOK SHOP 354 So. Stat. St. .J. F. Wuerth Co.'s store enables you to select your CHRISTMAS GIFTS from a wide variety of suit- able articles including the tasty and beautiful. Exclusive Agents in Ann Arbor for Society Brand Suits and Overcoats. LADIES! 6 *o rtttg Unub Q lutjrs / Xmas Ties For The est Man In The World --eagle Shirts -Young Hats -Cooper's Underwear DUOFOLD HEALTH UNDERWEAR FOR] WOMEN AND CHILDREN .f. uertA . 'I' f There are rich durable brocades, French moires and striped and figured patterns. Priced at 85c to $5.00. SOCIE TY-BRAND CLO THES STYLE HEADQUARTERS WHERE 322-324 So. Main ARE SOLD / - - L y ~ II I XMAS GIFTS IF Cranes Fine Statlonery. Conklin or Waterman Foun- tai Pens, Postcards. Booklets, Morse.&.Gil.berts Candy (Just Received) Tailoring wiuqC . .$11 Fine Furnishings FIND THEM AT THE ONLY Students Supply Store 1111 SO ,UNIVERSITY Evrythrng a Student Needs PHONE 11601 A - kw we 'w IC SHOP EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL 202 E. l