w JL&VF Prices T n Wge THE WHITNEY d/ F, R. Corm The II Last Tignes Today WASHBURN In "Love Insurance" is ARCADE Shows at 3;00;7:00, 8:30 Phones , - Theatre, 295-M( Mgr's Re.s~ 3x6-M An army retail store was opened 'yesterday morning by the U. S. Quar- termaster corps at 213 North Fourth ayenue with Mayor E. M. Wurster temporarily in charge. At the present time the store has a stock of 'two carloads of general merchandise, food, and canned goods for sale at lower prices than can be found at any other places. The prices are fixed by the govern- ment and as there is no overhead ex- pense the prices are low. Mayor Wur-' ster stated that the goods are sold at these stores to insure equal distribu- tion. The articles purchased are not wrapped nor are any deliveries made. There is such a demand for the goods that nothing will be reserved and for this reason purchasers are asked to. come prepared to take their purchas- es away with them. Everything is to be sold and taken away just as It stands. Musical talent has been mustered together in aniunusual degree in "Red Feather" which will be repeated for the last time at the -Whitney this after- noon. The vioce of.the principals and choruses show quality not commonly. found in the amateur opera. Aside from the singing .itself, the songs by Reginald Deloven are var- ied and catchy. Among the numbers which stand out most are "The Little Milliner," "To Call Thee Mine," and the well known waltz, "The Garden of Dreams.".e "The Little Milliner," as sung by. Evelyn Rockwell and her chorus of milliners, is one of the hits in the opera. Two of. the-principals, Pearl McGeoch-Walcott, who has the-role of "Red Feather," and James Hamilton, playing. the part of Captain Trevor, -attain perfection in shading and harm- ony. in "To Call Thee Mine." 'Another of the best numbers is Marion Tre- .leaven's interpretation of. "The Garden of Dreams." Robert Dieterle, Michigan opera and May Festival singer, sings in a man- ner that causes listeners. to wish that more musical work had been assign- ed to him. VAN'S LUNG Where They All G .For Service and Quality lye Thomas in "The and Charlie Chaplin in r." (Ret.) ' - -Will Rogers in " Ju- Comedy, "His Master's Monologue. 1116 S. UNIVERSITY iazz r A ,, Newark Club Banquets Tonight Initiates to the Newark, N. J., club will be tendered a banquet at 7 o'clock- Saturday evenink in the Union. All .members of the club will be expect- ed to be present at the gathering. A program has been arranged 'for the 'evening.- Patronize the Daily Advertisers. The Screen LA6 ES New Fancy Shirts with collars to match I Fine 4. Neckwear r RN " THE MAJESTIC Betting against cupid is uncertain in .any case as the insurance company in "Love' Insurance," featuring- Bry- ant Washburn again today at the Ma- jestic, discover. Washburn is sent to make sure that a client's marriage takes place, but weakening, he- falls in love with the girl whose marriage he has been instructed to bring about. THE ARCADE Social barriers are temporarily overlooked in the English "point to point" race which is a pivotal incid- ent in "The. Glorious Lady," featur- ing Olive Thomas in the part of 'a peasant girl, for the last times today at the Arcade. Rich. and poo'r alike shire their enthusism for the sport ,and while attending the race the Duke of Loame becomes aware of the charms of a girl far-below himin rank. Following his impulses he mar- ries her but afterwards decides that ,he has made a serious mistake. This Is the situation which 'confronts his bride. How she wins back his love forms the conclusion of the -story. Special sale of greeting cards' and fine Christmas stationery. 0. D. Mor- ril, 17 Nickels Arcade.-Adv. eee- .... . GLORIOVS LA O L IV E T H 4 Supported by MATT - in- I at - DRAMA III ANCE" Varsity Toggery a half-nelson on a roll that use his power he found that had bet that the girl would t the company won the bet. Shop, per cent new. Don't miss it! . 1107 South University'Ave. .. SHOWS START 2:00-3:30 7:00-.8:30 FOR CHRISTMAS You haven't seen the most glorious Olive Thomas in "The Glor -C-Also- CIIAVLI E CI -. in- )AY ? j Calendars for picture-inserts, Christ- mas Cards and Albums make ideal gifts. 441he FLOOR .NITA STEWART Comedy-Drama of Life "Behind the Wings" ) THE PAINT-GIRL" a chorus girl got her name in electric lights in front of the theatre r I Tomorrow and Monday P- ! Lyndon and Company 719 North University Headquarters for Eastman Kodaks and Supplies WK ,ILL KOG EWS and his sunny smile in J a VBI LO ' ' From the Saturday Evening Post Story of the r E _, , _..... _. Select Your CHRISTMAS Early. GIFTS I; Weha LINE-A-DAY BRIEF CASES COLLEGE JEWELRY CHRISTMAS CARDS PILLOW COVERS ave a complete stock of the followi EVERSHARP PENCILS MICHIGAN BLANKETS ng articles: FOUNTAIN PENS MEMORY BOOKS FANCY BOX STATIONERY NARCISSUS BULBS "M" BOOK RACKS DESK SETS rra. - r- - - . A a a r- -r r ea. . rk / tT a "- # ALL THE LATEST BOOKS Ox HUN THE SLATER BOOK SHOP 334 _ U.