I)I VIII -I P, i Representatives of Michigan were given an opportunity to show their superiority in competition at the Chin- ese Students' conference of the middle west section held at Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 1 to 10. Of the 130 delegates at the conference, 13 represented Mich- igan and the latter were able to cap- ture first honors in track, oratory, and singing. The track championship was won by the Maize and Blue delagation, F. C. Liu, Tsai, Wu, and Liang carrying off first honors in the relay. A silver cup was awarded for each event. H. C. Tung was awarded first and second prizes in the English, and Chin- .ese oratorical contests, respectively, thus completing the local achieve- ments. As a result of the interest shown among the local men the conference will almost certainly be held at Ann Arbor next year. Among other hap- penings during the convention was the formation of a prohibition league of Chinese students with H. C. Tung of Michigan, as chairman. ANNOUNCES FIRST CHORAL REHEARSAL Prof. Albert A. Stanley announces that the first regular rehearsal of the University Choral union will take place at 7 o'clock Tuesday evening in Frieze hall of the School of Music. All form. er members must register at that time if they wish to retain their places. Verdi% oratorio, "Requiem," and the opera, "The 1amnation of Faust," by Berloiz will probably be * offered at this year's May Festival which will take place in the middle of May. The Choral union consists of approximate. ly. 400 voices picked from the Univer, sity students and the townsfolk of Ann Arbqr. Professor Stanley is holding daily try-outs from 1 to 2 o'clock every day in the Shonl of Music. All voices Michigan handbooks for freshma4 girls and women entering the Uni- versity for the first time this year, may be obtained by calling at New- berry hall, the Y. W. C. A. of the campus. These handbooks contain all sorts of information necessary to wom- en beginning life on the campus. Dean Myra B. Jordan will be at home to University women from 3:30 to 6 o'clock Nov. 4, and every Tues- day after that date at 1215 Hill street. Sophomore sport signs will be found pasted up this morning in Barbour gymnasium. Girls in this class should sign up at once. INCREASE VARSITY BAND TO 75; MORE THAN 100 TRY OUT Men to Make Their First Appearanoe .At Case Game Next Sat- urday More than a hundred candidates, the largest turnout in Varsity band his- tory, reported last night for the first rehearsal. Wilfred Wilson, director, was nleased with the showing and'has decided to increase the band to 75 pieces. Students will have their first chance to hear the band in action Saturday, when it makes its debut at the Cash game, fifty-five strong. The increase to 75 will be made in time for the big games. Whitney Theatre Wednesday Oct 8, PHONE ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED Fascinating New Blouses 4 With her tiny to of arte h4 thei and Br 6W of gratis by the ( Rehearsals are held from 7 to 8 o'clock every Tuesday evening throughout the year, regular attend- ance beirng compulsory. Martha Washington Candies, fresh By Wam Le Baron every Friday. Ticd's, 117 So. Main B "TT O TAEi'''' St.-Adv. ii I S. last for $55. Calkinis Drug Co. $ t '... 4 Of course You will come to one of our drug stores. 11, Most of the fellows do- for fountain pens, Kodaks and Soda water as well as for drug's. -I ftI ly state ward if returned to Purchasing Dept. n Daily. office, University. Hall. nan for LOST-A black leather notebook with house. name, "Clayton Alban,' on cover. ne 394. Please return to Ann Arbor Press assist office and receive reward. and and 1633-M. LOST- Chemistry laboratory coupon bearing owner's signature. Finder h posi- please call 2322-J. k. Box LOST-Envelope containing transcript of credits and tuition receipt. C. W. - corner Phone Frederick, 614 Monroe. - FOR RENT :s fore- work. FOR RENT-Suite of three large first floor rooms with bath, steam heat 11 trade and electric lights, well furnished. al 1316 Suitable for three, four, or five men. Apply to Mrs. Ferguson, 522 Monroe. Phone 990-J. ts, size FOR RENT--Persons who desire to w. 608 rent the use of their liano to School of Music pupils for practice please Banjo. notify School of Music. Phone 137. St. FOR RENT-Three room suite, half block from campus, ideal for three young or four boys. 219 S. Ingalls. 's gold ront of FOR RENT-Rooms for two. Three please b 0+ - blocks from campus. Annly 410 5. 324 Soulth. State St. Ea, & So. University Ave. 711 Packard St. G _ t ___________________________________ < JEWS' MOST SACRED PERIOD TO BE OBSERVED SATURDAY Saturday, Oct. 4, is Atonement Day, the most sacred period in the Jewish calendar, and it will be observed all over the world by fasting and praying. It is a day of repentance and holy worship founded on a fundamental law" of Judaism,- the doctrine of repentance. The development of the latter, the Jews believe, marks a turning point in the history of the human race. Fasting and' praying will begin at sunset, Friday night, Oct. 3, and end at sundown on the following day. Adelphi Debaters Hold First Meeting Adelphi House of Representatives campus debating society, held its first meeting of the year Tuesday evening. Plans for debating and oratorical ac- tivities were discussed. Lab. Supplies, coats, aprons, etc., etc., at Wahr's-?' State St.-Adv. JUST A MINUTE, PLEA For all Magazines at the best. prices and clubs. As special rate to students for the school fal to see the magazine man- JOHN P. SLOAN (THE ORIGINATOR OF Phone 1412