lY L a. ly S the philosophy department, in an ad- Freshmen Talks during the past few ESHMEN dress before freshmen, Monday after- weeks by Professor Wenley on the noon. general subject of "The Development gg out of Professor Wenley ,emphasized the of the University." Prof. S. L. Bige- faet that absolute silence must reign low, of the chemistry department, will . to love in the successful library. The ad-k speak to the Freshmen next Mon- enley, of dress concluded a series given at day. . w u w .rrrrr .r..r.r i WHAT'S GOING OW' i- iC for Chris ink that music is an e rit? Wesdo. Andtha home this Christmas,' 1 your II~ t1ri11t 11tiIt 11111lt1l1 #111[1111ililpi tmas - ssential element of t music may not be ,we are going to n Detroit), "Angel - 1w York shows-= a Melody," "Sweet rce Charming," "The. ch we have a full eat American Desert. WEDNESDAY 7:00--Saginaw club meets In room 32 of Union. All men from Sagina should be present. 7:00-Fresh .Mandolin club practice i Lane hall. 7:30--Zionist society meets in Lan hall. Mr. Slomotivitz, of Detrol speaks. 7:30-Culver club smoker in rooi 306 of Union. 7:30-Classical club meeting in rool A, Alumni hall. Professor Brumt speaks. 7:45--A. S. M. E. holds "t-togethe in tap room of Union for junior an senior mechanical engineers. 8:00-Homoeopathic smoker for me ical and pre-medical students i Union. THURSDAY 10:00 A. M.-Soph engineers assemb ly in room 348, Engineering build ing. 6:00- Ex'18 engineers hold dinner a Union. All members of this clas are asked to sign up for this dinne in the room of the Engineering so ciety. 7:00-Chemical engineers meet i room 303, Chemical building to re organize) chemical branch Engineer ing society. 7 :I0-Pi Delta Epsilon meets on thir floor of Union. R :00-"Red Feather" opera in Whitne theater. uMr 5 ,J1 the beitr In e t ,E m m' n Footwear'< Quality am Distinction d if in .r -Alf t Chicago s 60-62 "Washi Fr r-x , 0f ad 11 Make Your Christmas Vacation More Enjoyable By Wearing Ruby Shoes. 1. 0.. 0"e* A ie"'Follies" (now playing i What a Girl" and other Ne !rrb 31. ittbr 3ur. "Tulip Time," "A Pretty Grl Is "I Might Be Your Once-in-a-While," hrough the Trees," and many others. Like "Pri , Ill.. ngton St. Ann Arbor Detroit Nickels Arcade 101 Washington Bivd latest popular hits, of whi a - " "Ymu'd Be Surcris " "The Gre qJGINEERS!, p 1 ui Ca)I1.C., 1iGL GC L-1v %u & ,Fa%.r ting Place of the Bluebird," "Hindu Rose," "Bangalore," 4y Gal," "Tears Tell," "Maybe."} y li abers or/Christmas Carols -from our'unusually nes. - 1 you do your Christmas buying early? Mr.. . lou1it 601-115 Eastlotltum tret BUY YOUR CANDY AT THE SUGAR BOWL / / istm as CANDY CANDY FRIDAY 12:15-Cabinet club has Milichiganen- "ian picture at Rentschler's studio. 5:00-"Red Feather" opera in'Whitney theater. U-NOTICES A representative from each of the fol. lowing organizations should be sent to the Michiganensian offices be- tween the hours of 1 and 5 o'clock for the purpose of identifying mem- bers in group" photographs.' Alpha Phi, Gamma Phi Beta, korestry club, and T-Square .society. Alpha Phi Alpha and Phi Alpha Gam- ma are asked t6 send a representa- tive to the-' Michiganensian offices before Friday, Dec. 13. All senior-engineers graduating at the close of the next Summer session or the following February leave their. dames in the Engineering society room for the purpose of organiza- tion. PROFESSOR TURNER REPLIES TO SINN FEIN STATEMENTS (Continued from Page One) the war I have made on what I be- lieve to be good authority. Let them submit, i they so desire, the sen- tences to which they object to Ad- miral Sims, whom they recently stated as denying the authority of my asser- tions. Van Tyne Supports Turner To prove that the complaints against Professor Turner's publica- tion are without grounds, Prof. C. H. Van Tyne, head of the history, depart- met, makes the "following remarks: "Professor Turner in my opinion has written a scholarly.,and courageous book on a very delicate subject. It is, the only fair and unbiased study of the question in my mind. It forms a very proper antidote to rabid and un- scholarly books like those by George Creel, former head of the United States Censor bureau, and by Norman. Hackett, books which were written as propaganda and without the least desire to tell the truth. Professor Turner has every reason to feel proud of his splendid book and all of his colleagues in the history department feel that it is a credit to him and to the department. "The suggestion from the Irish bureau that the Michigan legislature discharge Professor Turner is ridicu- Tus. Of course nothing of the kind could possibly happen and the au- thorities of this University would de- fend Professor Turner in his honest scholarly endeavor to the utmost. No iman in a great University ever need fear in these days to be punished for an 'houest effort to tell the truth." ik , We have a large stock with many varieties of choice candies MADE IN OUR OWN KITCHEN. Come one--come all-our supply is almost un- limited. We have both colors in cordoroys trousers in your size. Come in at once as we have only a limited number. We still have a few sheep lined and leather coats-better look them over. ^I Karl alolm 604 Liberty Street, East / Malcolm Bloch Seat Sale Now On For Re d Feather" at the WHITNEY THEATER PERFORMANCES Thursday Eve. Friday Eve. Sat. Afternoon Our Varieties French Mixtures Bon Bons of All Descriptions Candies Ribbon Candies All Kinds of Other Mixtures Chocolatesr FOR. CHRISTMAS :x,/ Gift Boxes' display contains the most attractive boxes, from the small boxes of modest design to the Calendars for picture-inserts, Christ! Cards and Albums make Ideal gifts. Lyndon and Company rich and elaborate, but not'too extreme. We have the finest boxes you ever looked at. 1 719 North University t Rebuilt M4ltiplex Hammond writers, $50,00 upwards. O. D. rill, 17 Nickels Arcadte.-Adv. type- Mor- Heapquarters for Eastman Kodaks and Supplies # Arbor Sugar 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET Bowl Watch us for your XMAS . GIFTS Stationery,Post Cards, Booklets, At. Books, Jlichigan Souvenirs BIND THEM AT THE ONLY - _ BUY YOUR ICANDY AT THE SUGAR BOWL Students S 1111 SO. UNIVERSITY Enythi it aft'i