THE MICHIGAN .DAILY > Are Going Christmas t I 'xa om e r ii E o show their people what rn" they go to school in- 2st by bringing them gifts )m Hutzel's-with notes e this attached: "This comes from a clever little shop we have here in Ann .Arbor! Isn't it New Yorkish?" . re are hundreds of feminine to choose from here-and we'd advise you to shop early, be- the best of them will go first, of All girls expecting to remain here during vacation, are asked to sign up at Barbour gymnasium so that the Women's' league can reach them as there will be no Daily to announce any activties. They are requested to leave their name. address, and tele- phone number either in)-the bluebook in the league rooms or in the one left with Louise Potter, '16, in Dean Myra B. Jordan's office. The board of representatives of the Women's league will meet at 9 o'clock Saturday morning in Barbour gym- nasium. A rehearsal for "Dolls" will be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The dress rehearsal will be at 7 o'clock Thurs- day evening in Sarah 'Caswell Angell hall. Freshman Girls' Glee club will meet at 7 o'clock Thursday evening in Sar- ah Caswell Angell hall for practice with Masques. The president requests that all members be present. Prof. John C.Parker, head' of the electrical engineering department, will speak at Y.W. C. A. vesper serv- ices at 4:30 Wednesday afternoon at Newberry hall. The Girls' Glee club will sing Christmas carols, and an informal tea will follow the devotion- al service. There will be a short meeting of the Girls' Reserve club leaders at 7 o'clock Thursday evening. Plans will be dis- cussed for a club of club leaders. HOLIDAY PROFITEERING? Dolls Troubles Stage Committee "Dolls," the Christmas play to be given by Masques next Friday after- noon at 4:15 o'clock before the Wom- an's League, presents some interest- ing and unique problems for the prop- erty committee. Doll boxes large enough' to accommodate the doll act- ors and a doll house large in propor- tion are among the properties that have taxed the ingenuity of the prop- erty chairman. The stage in the second scene is so arranged as to represent, on an en- larged scale, the top of the table which stood at the rear of the stage in the first scene loaded with Christ- mas gifts for the Little Girl. The au- dience seems to be looking at this. Christmas table through a powerful magnifying glass. Although the dolls move like marionettes, they prove to be human enough in the clash of mo- tives, and opinions. Another feature of the afternoon's program will be numbers, by the Freshman Girls' Glee club. The per- formance is open not only to the mem- bers of the Woman's League but to any other women of the University who are interested. T. F. McCoy, '14L, of Detroit visited friends here Sunday and Monday. All-Weather Shoe - et er ~ - There are two big reasons why you will like this model. First, it is a brogue, and handsomely decorated brogues are what's-what today. Second, it is an every-kind-of-weather shoe. TOP GRADE $16-00 ~mb3 Our Stylish AT TIW 6 0 Tom" MARK s m I. r BOOT SHOP 115 So. Main St. Hutzel's MAIN AND LIBERTY STREETS Renew your subscriptions at Wahr's4 Bookstores.-Adv. PHONE M ORDERS ORD PRO MPTLY "PROMY FILLED FIL ESTABLISHED 1857 ANN ARBOR WRITER SAYS'! OVEMENT FOOT TO CUARGE FULL RENT DURING VACATION IS ON ROOM. a 11E IN( tugv Cepy at 4Tf ad Ths fth ND WANTED 't LOST-A black leather bill fold con- taining bills and driver's; license in Hill Auditorium Friday evening. Re- turn to D. A. Stone, 825 E.' Univer- sity or call 1656-J. Reward. LOST-A pair of dark brown fur lined gloves last Thursday in Union or between' Packard St. and Union. Notify 1365-R, 929 Church St. Re- ward. LOST-A blue .leather pocket-book on State St., Sunday noon. Two cards, Mrs. William A. Jiffers. Finder may keep money as reward. Please call 2578-J. WOST-A string of pearl beads be- tween Busy Bee and Delta on State St. Finder please call 740-M. LOST-Lady's wrist watch near Inter- urban Station, Saturday about 4 P. M. Reward. Call 348-R. LOST- Parker fountain pen. Call Bob DFake, 831-M. Reward. FOR RENT POR RENT-Suite of two rooms, three doors from campus. Best of condi- ions for study. Price right. Posses- sion after Christmas. Box AB. OR RENT- Large front room for two, corner of Ashley and W. Mad- ison, '2694-J. FOR SALE OR SALE--Hand made banners, pil- lows and pennants. 1341 Wilmont St., or Phone 2384-M. OR SALE-Three' tickets for extra concert series. $3.50 seats for $3.00. Call Ives, 231. WANTED--Place to live, for my wife. and myself-furnished housekeep. ing 'apartment or living room and bedroom. Rubin Sleight. Tel. 264-W. 334 S. State. Michigan Public Util-. ities Commission. WANTED-By Dec. 20. Three desir- able furnished- rooms - for light housekeeping. Student and wife with small child. Address*Box 0, Mfchigan Daily. WANTED - Medium sized suite of rooms or small apartment, prefer- ably latter by two upperclass men. Box A B C., Daily. -WANTED-A suite of rooms near campus. For University, students. Phone 373-M. William Bonham. WANTED-Single room near ;Campus, to move in before Dec. 20. Write Daily, care Box A. C. FOR SALE FOR SALE-1917 Dodge touring car, summer and winter tops, exhaust heater, five over-sized tires, spot- light, etc. A good buy at $850. Professor Whipple, Tappan Hall, or 624 Church St. FOR SALE-A railroad ticket to Bos- ton, Mass. Good until Jan. 10. $151 if taken at once. Call at 1210 Wash- tenaw after seven any night. FOR SALE- Wurlitzer guitar with case.' A bargain if sold at once.1 Call at 624 Tappan or, phone 1119-R. Women's Editor, The Michigan Daily: I wish to call attentions to the stand some of the landladies are taking in regard to room rent for the Christmas holidays. .There seems to be a move- ment on among the landladies to de- mand full rent for rooms which will be vacant for 17 days. According to former contracts between lessees and lessors, only one half of the usual %mount was exacted, when the lesses were absent for a period of more than 10 days. Michigan is behind Indiana university in this respect, for there no rent is charged for rooms which are vacant during Christmas and Easter vacations. I know of one house where there are 14 students, whose rent each month amounts to $150. I also know that the laundry "bill is $7, the electricity bill is $8, the cleaning amounts to $10, and the heating would be approximately $12. These *expenses amount to $37, but for the 17 days of vacation they would be only half that much. The landlady then would have $75 from room rent to meet expenses of $18.50. I believe this demand is unjust and exorbitant, and these students should be supported in their refusal to meet the' demands of such mercenary land- ladies. - Many students live outside of the state of Michigan and have to pay a considerable sum for railroad' fare when they go home for the holi- days, and they should not be burden- ed with this extra, unfair, financial burden. .reA SENIOR Louisiana Has Girl Cheer Leaders - Louisiana university sent two girls as yell-leaders and mascots to the football team when they played Tu- lane university at New Orleans. To lead the yells the girls were dressed in clown eostumes, one in gold, the other in purple, and the latter fea- tured aesthetic dancing., This was the same day Michigan played Minne- sota. Betty Valentine, '17, of Detroit, was the guest of friends in Ann Arbor for a few days. - 40) 6 A Season of Lxquisite Blouses You can easily turn your suit into an afternoon dress by Wearing. one of the season' exquisite dress blouses. These are bedecked with lace and embroidery of all kinds and are it many bewtching styles in colors to outdo the rainbow. One of the most attractive of these blouses is a soft tan, embroidered all over with brigli designs. This yarn embroidery combined with the Russian blouse is the winter'ote. Several of the darker blouses have metal embroidery, which Dame Fashion insists o: trying everywhere.' We agree with her on its effectiveness, especially in regard to thes blouses. We have many severe but smart looking tailored blouses, excellent for for street o classroom wear. No woman can be well dressed without a wide assortment of blouses and especially car no woman be well dressd this year without at least one of the season's bright and unusua 'dress blouses. (First Floor) p. . . Don't Go Home This Christmas Till you have ordered MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS as Gifts for the Folks at Home A TTRACTIVE 'IFT CARDS FURNISHED M NEWS STAND, 110 E.nA Washington