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December 10, 1919 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1919-12-10

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'4hp A





;y /men
a~iis brot]
s -now bE
pices of
d Y.W.
,ked -o ad
'y, outfit

ciety, held their annual fall initia- C M 9GN S 9 T leged to have forecasted the end of F IS T r
tion banquet Wednesday night at the th e ctworld, .Dec. 17, is not and never M N IS ' 01N F 1[ O 9[
Union. The new members who were nr ascnetdwith the faculty of the
wloeinotecbwee WS, UFF University of Michigan as press re-A
Tower, P. Van Boven, C. Mason, P. po ts would have it, officials of the
Van Brut, nd E Crss.University declared last night.
JES W. W. Hinshaw was toastmaster, and EXCELLENT SHOWING MADE ON President Harry ]§. Hutchins told CO M T EE S T OFFICIALS ADJOI
the speakers for the evening were OPENING DAY OF interviewers last night that he had , HETEIDBA
Dean J. R. Effiniger, Prof. A. L. Cross, DIVE never heard of Porto before seeing hisDA E F R HO OUT ACTIN
Prof. M. P. Tilly, C. R. Osius, Jr., M. - name' mentioned in press dispatches.--
Toe~ n .P.Hr.KHUEN'S TEAM LEADS"Tthbetofmykwldeeha Friday, Feb. 13, 1920, is the date se- CHIEF EXECUTI
never 'been here," President Hutchlited by the J-Hop committee for the TMP RA V
WITH67 IGNE CA DS Is sid.hop to be given by the class of 1921,
Prof essor Hassiey of the astron- as. it was officially accepted by the
Chaut LI IER AD Y FACU IY B. E. 'Schumacher, '22, and Wlllim uomlhcal department, also deniled having committee at the -meeting held Tues- Proposes 14 Per Cent
Aft all 12, Ti fo Inividal terknow Pota.He also discount- day evening in the Michigan Union. Final AdJustmaent C
AP R V S HHNII al 2E i on diiulshoy R. P. Dillon, general chairman-, has
t tt t. .,announced the following committees (yAscae
aHihl favorable ," was the reply Tl r for the hop; music and feature corn- IndiAnapociaed
VesOpening of Election of -Mlitary Sei. ofHDonldyotr '21, chairman of the IViIL mittee, R. Marshall, and H. 0. Er- IniaplsDc9
of ence to Students ofTa Union life membership campaign, N REPLIES bland; program, R. Khuen, R. Mc- o mi eetgheie
eing College Favored when' questioned as to vesults of the -llKean, and G. Roderick; refreshments, PeietWlo' r
th is a fthe die C. J. Lenp and 3. D. Watts, and deco- ofesAmert ica 'sr
BOARD OFREET'SNTO frsda'othdrv."ngtesrkofbum
C. EET'SNTO There had been 475 signed cards -raiiIIition, H. French, T. Kingsford, and adnguth etonigtm
NEESR EOEADOPTION ers, adjourndStonigh
dopt NCSAYBFR turned in by 11 o'clock Tuesday even- -, F ht. without reaching an a,
the ing, which is. almost one-fourth of the History. Professor Defends His Bosh, M . E McGowan is the secretary and committee will meet a
,r to Favorable action on the question of total number of new members desir-" "Ireland Anld England," treasurer. All the. committee mem- morning at 9:30 o'cloc
stereouenin the elec Tio Coftmilitra- %ed. This. is .co sidered excellenit\by Against Critics bers" have been chosen except a repre- The miners had beer
ri ec udrth s . .C t e- those in charge, as ak small* showing ---- sentative of the junior medic class. session since 2 o'clock
ary students was taken' at a meetingwaexetdo'tefrtdyThcomtesilmetvryus- hn
nor of the faculty of the literary college wsepce ntefrtdy TRIED TO GIVE IM1PARTIALThcomteswlmetvryTs- he John L. Lewis, a
Lrnlast 'night. This action 'on the part Khuen Lreadsl DISCUSSION OF SITUATION day evening to develop the plans. of the mine workers a
IrnTeam nine, captained by Richardsntdheproalf
tcal a of the faltyfs subectstoth a ' K huen, '21, is leading with 67 cards,. Prof. E..dward Raymond Turner, of iinn ri 1r 1 son to end the strik(
icRa fteBommard ogns.Made eam.'seven, with -Earl Juers, '21," ac the history department, when inter- rIi11 L RED RUMi't more than five weeks aI
;ves The mai eaes f t hen5 ecom-aptalut, is second, while team 1J7' viewed with respect to his work on *i et~
medtin hihfb i captained by 'red Storrer, '210, is the Irieh question, made the follow- "I.havInothig to s
L taoa e hr. ing statemeuts regarding the purpose BEENUILIl i LLIIt President Lewis, ae
that was taken are as follows: Students Iniiulhnrfoth-rs Ayowrtn thbok,"eadadme,"xcptat e
ven of the liter~ry college may elect arInadivdual E.,, r chfor the rt 'ortigteok "rlndw - .-mater nectnhatder
ricourses in R. 0. T. C. work on condi-arshedbB.. cum hr.'2 England," and the authorities for his ELEVENTH HOUR CHANGES MADE'meagnat93O(
. to tion that his work does not interferean Wila Hl,'2Eeahmns-seros. uc opposition has been IN PRODUCTION'S mong"
an ihterglr~ael ceue.curing 16 pledges. Lloyd Johnson, taken to" this 'book by the, Sinn Feiu onn.
an ihtergua cdmcsceue.CS
- One recitation hour a week during 122E, is second with 14 cards signed'. element in this country, who call for AfeASTmies d
the freshm'a~n and sophomore years~ A mis-sta.tement was made in Tues- Professor Turner's dismissal from the reported, that a big fa
dewl erqie adtorctto ay's Daily, which said that the pay University o h rud ffle Finishing touches will be put on the tion to acceptance of
of be usdrlgtmeuin n eno ts could be made at any time the hocol and prejudice, cast of "Red Feather" at the final proposal was the blie
ti years. Students will receive one hour person signing the cardis wished.. This "I wrote my book, Ireland and Eng- dress rehearsal of the production to- of many miners that It
thoedi e eetrfreeyhu is true, but the time' that the pay- land," stated Professor Turner, "for night, The costumes have. arrived another slession of thi
~ ecttto, ,e~ ha tuetseec-ments are to be made must be deter-' the purpose' of givin afistem t from Van BHekn:.of' Philadelphia. vention1 of the United,
the ing the course this year slhall be gly- mined by the timpe of signing, which about the Irish question and iu, order. Several last mninute changes, have of, America. to mae v
~en credit only for the ascend semester. time must. be written on, the crds.to make possle-a better understand:, been-~made'Iifu'the' cast. The part 'of nment toenkte-strikd:
and SuetelcngR0.TC.wr'Drive to End Thursday lgo ti hscuty "Baron Blumerstorms" will be taken It was pointed out th
.wl eifre hti utb o- The present plan is to end the cam- rtsn Minom by Milton Fehig, '20, instead of by eral convention held
tall lowed for two years and, becomes a palgn Thursday evening, if the pros- "Heretofore, most of the information Joseph Avery, '21, as was first an- formulated the demaon
4vtoprerequisite for graduation upon elec- ent quota of 2,000 Is reached by that given teIn the a nnited Statesfuns about m Irish nounced, sund the character of "Fifine," sented the operatorsi
ti§ mtters hareeiurihe@ym the little milliner, will be played by in the evenht they were
tlee ti n nv il FlofWnrk-~ Comnmitteemen are urged by 11t4hose A a~ts~n n taiaawihEvelyn' Rockwell,' '22. A number of strike should be' caller

"ty, with

to give a really men
astide to many child
er enjoyed such an 04
wrill be p~ut into pract


ie commit

lothing, toys, imany&illVV.l' TVir VIVI
distribiftion. It is not. expected that the Regents
r may know 'will offer any opposition to the plan.
to children If it does go through, the R~. 0. T. C.
fts, the Ann unit, which' threatened to go out, of
pmittee will existence because of the lack of suf-
rls who will ficient number of students electing the
course in the engineering college, will
ted the fol- probably remain, as it is expected that
to carry on a large number 'of literary =students
tnitv and so will 'elect the world,

of frateri

and the ca~mpaign for
axton, 'JOE, chairman;
120, Lee 4. Woodruff,
~,'2, W. K. -Robertson,
np, '20, 'C.N. johnson,
Draewall, 22, and l~uw
iann , '
tints Give' Rebate
if a complete outfit for
1should average about
for the rebate which
.ts have promised to
;e a house" is not large
e care of a child by it-
int which~ can be rais-
e turned in to the com-
11 be applied to the gen-,
more than necessary to
individual children will
r to Miss Hulda Ban-
W. C. A. to buy fruits
use in the hospitals.
id candies left over from
celebrations will be
d for this purpose.

All ex-service men of the Vniv r-
city have been invited by the local
br~anch of the American jI~gioan t4
rally to be held at 8 o'clock Wednes-
day evening in the Armory. The get-
together is opotn to all men who were
in service regardless of whether they
are members of 'the American Legion'
,or not. The program will 'include anf
address by the local commander and
a bill of entertainment, including a1
saxaphone quartet, minstrel stunts,1
~wrestling~bouts, and plenty of refresh-
Two dozen or more students g0t-
ered last night in room 305 University
'hall to formu~late ajclub for the stu4{'
of Spanish. A 'constititdi3 for the clIub
was considered, and "La Societe d' ps-
panico' was choseni for the nab of
fhe organ~zat pi.
Following the business m~eeting, 44
informal prpranz was givens. The
pfincipal spea.ker. was Penpr del TPT-A
of the Spanish dep rtrent. 'Thp ne'~t
mneeting will be held Tuesday pypnirg
when the election of of1 ce.§ will takle
Between 86 and 40 students from
~Kentucky met' Tuesday night in the
tap room of the Union and cb~mplet-
ed the reorganization of the Ken-
tucky club. R. F. Mathews was elect-
ed president, F. M. Smith vice-presi-
dent, D. L. Wood secretary, and T. E.

in charge of. the campaign t43 mal~e e-
Daorts of the day's results each night
at the Union. In giving 'tie address
thej home onea, not that In Ann Arbor,
is desired..
"Aside from enforcing the regula-
tions passed at the joint meeting of
the city council and business men
Monda~y, i1ght and Fuel Adminstrator
Garfield's order, I am doing all I can
.to urge people to co-operate in!' the
economy movement," said. W .W. Dou-
glass, recently appointed fuel director
of the Ann Arbor district. "Thy tai
of unnecessary lights shpu li e cur-
tailed in every house."
oal Q Vo~
~The Washteuaw' gas oipaiAY has.
en~ough coal} g n jd to run the plant
12 days, Mr. PDogigj~assstated. There is
more on the roA and there are sev-
Vral earsconsgnd to the cpauy In
the local yaT~ds, but ts reuesed at
the Tote gf onle car q day, akthough
the plant o pn.umeffs 974@E nd to-thirds.
cars per day.
p" C. sl'dqusuperintendent tof,
building and grounds, stated that
there wad no immedlate danger of the
University clqiig on account of the
fuel shocrta e. The present supply
will runi the power house 0'days and
ther O're 60 cars on the way from
the mwines, The Board of Regents will~
probably decide whether or not the
buildings will be closed during the
holidays when theyr meet ,Dec. 19.
X LC. Trains Cut
Train, service on the main line of
the Michigan Central through Ann Ar-
bor has not been curtailed, according
to the local agent,. although it is ex-
pected that parlor. ca~s wil~l be taken
off some of the trains. One train
each way h1as been taken off the Jack
son to Lansing, Detroit to Bay City,
and Lansing to Grand Rapids. branches

the result that a vast amount of mis-
understanding of the situation has
been circulated among the American
people. After considerable study of
Irish problems made here and in the
British Isles and after writing several
short studies of the matter, I under-
toq4k to make a large study which
would give. a full and fair account ,of
the: situation and deal with all sidesY
of the question, and which would' do
Justice to all parties concerned, to
the Irish and also the English.
Condemns Misgovernment
"In my book I have dealt 'with the
earlier history of Ireland and strong-
ly condemned the earlier misgovern-
ment of the Island by England. I have
there expressed the. greatest sympa-
thy with Irish' people, but I have alsoa
not failed to try to give a fair and
complete. account, as was pamper, of
the expellent work England has done
in Ireland during the past genera-
"This is what has usually not been
told in the United States. I have given
a full account of the Hume Rule mase-
ment a~d expressed ipy sympathy with
the work of such great Irish- leaders
as john 1Redmou4. 1However, I have
not unsparingly denounced- England
as Sinnt~ 'iers do at present, and no
one who. approved of my book would
buy bonds of the Irish Republic' in
order to separate' Ireland completely
from Great Britain. It is, for 'this
reason I suppose that' my -book has
been attacked by Sin, Feiners in this
Irish Writers Unknown
"The writers for. the Irish National
bureau are 'not known to' me. They;
may, if they care, refer what they
consider mistakes .to scholars of. rec-
ognized standing. I should be Inter-
ested to know in what way they think
I violated the. constitution of the
"United States.
"When I remember that Sinn Fein
extremists have recently hissed Pres-
ident Wilson and asked that Admiral
Sims be dismissed because In 'World's
Work' he told what he.-knew about
them, I feel that the only honor, which
they can do me in their present spirit,
is to give me their, condemnation,
which is a matter ? indifference to
"The statements I have made con-
cerning Sin'Feiner's' conduct during
.'(ontinued on Page Six)

other women have been added to the
personnel of the chorus,
The rehearsals have been goingC
along in first rate fashion. In spite of
the difficulty in getting suich a rof
-duction ready in so short a time, the
director of. the opera, E. Mortimerf
Shuter, is very-"much gratified with
the progress made.., 1
'The scenery, which has been paintedt
by Carl Brummel, is colorful andt
striking in its effects.1
A number of good seats for the per-E
formance to be given Thursday, P'ri-1
day, and Saturday, Dec. 11, 12, and 13,t
are still available, according to Unioni

would have to app
en looking to an
The President's
lie by Attorney G
this afternoon, pi
tion of work by
per cent wage in(
settlement of the
by a commission
the President. Thi
include in its per:
miner and one ac
operator, and wol
the wage questioi
increased cost of]l
just coal prices
advance without a
burden to be place

of a',

*An open forum for the men of the
University faculties will be organized
here Thursday 'when the instructors
of the University meet at the Union.
The organization is to be effected for
the purpose of forming an organiza-
'tion to' talk over matters, formerly
discussed by the University senate,
,which at the present time meets only
four times during the year. All men
of instructional \grade as well as of
professional rank are eligible.
To reorganize the chemical branch
of the Engineering society,' all chemi-
~cal engineers have been asked to at-'
trend the "Chefi E." smoker to be held
at" o'clock Thursday evening in room
303 in the Chemistry building.
Prof. A. H. White of the chemistry
department is scheduled to deliver the
address of the evening. His talk is
expected to deal with the aims of
the proposed reorganized Chemical
branch. " Refreshments will be served.
~A meeting will be held at 7:30
o'clock Saturday evening in the Ar-
cade hall for the purpose of forming a
Soo club. All students who come
from the Sault Ste. Marie high school
are eligible for membership. After the
'formation of the club, a dance will be


That opposition to ac(
the President's plan devo
after the miners' sessici
was. evidenced by scraps
which could be heard outs
in which the' meeting was
The argument during the
was', very heated and clear
'that the attitude of 'some
gates undoubtedly ww f
~final action in favor of
.Will You Dr
Plans are being laid al
C. A. for Christmas work
by the University women
pital patients and poor
the city. Tray cards for
patients were' made for
iug, and visitors to the hoi
children who are still kE
and bring them out to st
friends. The Y. W. C. A.
peat this. treat for theCh
ner, and girls, who are
this work, are requested
Newberry hall for materi
There are also dolls to

pleetlng in
be hpld in,
meeting of
T& atJ2 : T§
er vglil tame
,.at -Which.
udnts anid

letors authorized a'
book committee,
.gate books for the
naon productions. A
the directors was
ek in order that the
be considered, and a


to the Ou
d plains fori

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