, rg the address smokes. ,e will be WI SUGAR BOWL from the "Merchant given by the students C. Trueblood's Shake- ig class last night in in hall. hosen for production ating ones of the play, . scene twos ,In each bers of the class had ,tern to portray' to al- idistribution of mem- igive each student the interpreting different part were: Elsie Ab- nabel Adriance, '20; ~'21; Joana Graham, son, '22; Hazel Hoff- ost, '21; Marion Moon, vens, '21; Gwendolyn BEglS TO D)EBATE [0ONAL DEPAWLITENT 3x~ society will meet tonight:'.on the fourth Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of the en- gineering college has returned from New York.' There, he attended the conferences of the American Society of mechanical 'engineers. He is the retiring president of that organiza- tion. Mr. Howard E. Coffin, '03E, spoke at the. junior assembly held at 10 o'clock Monday in the Engineering building on the subject, "Industrial Relations and Social Aspects of Engineering." Mr. Howard was the chairman during the war of ,the Aircraft Production board. Prof. A. H. White has been. in'Wied, to 'speak at. a meeting of the chemi- cal engineers to be held Thursday, Dec. 11, in room 303 Chemical-build- ing. The purpose of the meeting will be to reorgan~ize the Chemical branch of the Engineering society. Besides Sophomore engineers will hold, their assembly at 11 o'clock Thursday, Dec. 11, in room 348, Engineering building. A program. is being made out, which will include aarrangenents for a speaker. Phil Carroll, 18E, who was presi- dent of the 1918 senior engineering class, is visiting the University for about a week. He is employed by the Westinighouse company and is here. to explain to electrical engineers pos- sible prospects in the Westinghouse plant. PARTY FOR DANCING CLASS The last lesson 'of the advanced dancing course given in the Union An- nex will be held tonight. A party is being; given SaturdayT night for mem- bers 'oEf' the Class, tickets for which will be given out tonight.-Adv. The Home Mahufactui House. All Candies m; ring nade meG in our kitchen. F' ancy boxes Sin large and small sizes.. a - 109 S. MAIN ST. _ :~1111 111 IIIII IIIIii 1 11111111111111111111111 i ? Capital ant Resources I 1, ubject of the debate will be. ed'That a National I4ureau of pu l e Granted.' Independent of artment 0of the Interior, which e Represe n;ed by a Secret ary Efxecutive's Cabvmie." Affirm- uphemia Carnahan, '22; Gladys n, '22, and Winifred O'Connor, gative: Blanche Blynn, '20; Mowry. '22. and V. a Lane,' e critic will be Vi a Adams, d the~b parliaani.' tarian. Gladys Closing Out Sale of Winter,1111llinery at Parlors of "Stevens and Persh- ing. Everything must go regardless of cost'~ STEVENS&'PE.RING 618 PACKARD Near State PHONE 1028-IT c a package, .before 6 c a package U during ALL .,a these well-known ORE CHRISTMIAS, FRIDAY t Women's league party be- ion,., w~ill begint at 4 o'clock ay afternoon in Barbour mm. Masques wil present ,nd Phil Diamond's orches- play for dancing. Tea will Sthe Woz .n's leag~ue d candy and popcorn will be be }high school giil"reserves y Y'. W. C. A., Thy. roceeds >d to dres~s some. riistmas children in the hdsitajs. Ann Arbor dealers sell NUNNALLY'S 5c a oackase NOW THE FLAVOR LA SO, DOES THE PRI the famous Gandy of the South, 5 4 :IV HIUiPAY Jordan rece on' Monday f iation of.,.. that they ar party for N La 'E. C.Edsill Fisher's Pharmacy Standen' Drug Company John A. Tic. TIuttle Lunch Room i "I 1f6,m* THE CAN~DY OFTHE SOUTH OUJSES FL. MBERS OF. 4' K "I V. ,-,t t. t a .., + ling 9 tea, to be -giv( faculty from 4 to ay afternoonl in Ba these houses is urging all to attend, since this is one of the few ways that women who are living in University houses lave, of meeting members of the f~culty. Professor Parker to Talk at Vespers Prof. John C. Parker, head of the electrical engineering, department, will speak at' vesper services~ at 4:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in News- berry hall.' An informal tea will 'fol-' No York Cha.mber I. IN EXTRA CONCERT SE HLL': AUDITORIUM, DEC. 15, 8 P. ELEVEN RENOWNED "STARS" IN AN UNIQUE PI GRAM OF ENSEMBLE MUSIC. 5.. C AROLYN BEEBE, 'Pianist and Director. II. A. PIERRE. HENRIOTTE and HERBERT SOMAN, Violinists SAMUEL, LIFSGHEY, Viola WANJTED. i WANTED-Place to live, for my wife ;y and myself-furnished housekeep- Ling apartment or living room and ie bedroom. Rubin Sleight. Tel. 264-W. 334 S. State. Michigan 'Public U.til- Sities Commission. if WANTED-A young roan to do work about the..house. Apply Mack and ri Co. . FOR,,SALE , PAUL KEFER, 'Cello EMIL MIX, Double GUSTAVE LANGENUS, Clarinet I WILLIAM KINCAID, Flute HENRI DE BOSSCHER, Oboe UGO SAVOLINI, Bassoon watch call St FOR SALE--1917 Dodge touring car, summer and winter tops, exhaurst all ,heater, five over-sized tires, spot- light, etc. " A good buy at $850.1 - Professor 'Whipple, Tappan Hall;- or fob, 624 Church St.J 'FOR SALE-Hand made banners, pil- - lows and pennants. Phone 2384-M. ^h - . - in- war -11 COURSE TICKETS,: includiing MISCHA LEVITZKI (Jan. 23) ; LAZZARI, Metropolitan Opera Primma Donna (Feb. 28) ; TRIO DE LUTEC: BARRERE, Flute, CARLOS SALZEDO, Harp, PAUL KEFER, 'Cello $2.010; $2.50, $3.00, $3.50; Single .Concerts-$1 .00, $1.50, $2.00. On Sale 'Music. JOSEPH', FRANZL, French Horn." CAROLYN BEEBE