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December 09, 1919 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1919-12-09

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Possible Loss Of R. O. T. C. Here
Lamented IBy University Professors







In the opinion of Prof. J. R. Hay-
d'en, of the political science depart-
ment, the prestige of the University is.
at stake in the support which the R.
0. T. C. unit is shown by University
Cites Reasons for Training
Professor Hayden pointed out the
following, three reasons why Univer-
sityTstudents should support the R.
O. T. C.:
"First, because they owe It to their
country and to themselves to, prepare
d in the most efficient manner possible
for army service; that in case of war,
should West Point not be able to sup-
ply adequate officer material, the ma-
jority of the officers must come from
- university men. It is the duty of the
p men in the university to supply this.
e "Second, it has been demonstrated
S both during and since the war, that in
h many cases a man's efficiency and
value in business are greatly increas-
d ed by army experience.
"Third, university students should
consider their joining of the R. 0.
T. C. from the standpoint of personal
pride anid satisfaction, because the man

"It seems to me that more students
should avail themselves of the oppor-
tunities offered by the R. O. T. C.,"
stated Prof. S. L. Bigelow, of the
chemistry department, when asked
concerning the possible loss of the
R. 0. T. C. from the University.
"I do not believe that we should
allow this -country to again decline
to such a state of unpreparedness as
was witnessed in the "recent world
war. One of the best ways to offset
tjiis unpreparedness is to have a large
number of trained officers. If we have
capable officer material we can build
up an army in a short time. It would:
seem to me," he continued, "that men
who Lave already had some training
in the ranks could use their knowl-
edge gained in this way to become of-
ficers through the R. O. T. C."
Professor .Bigelow concluded by
saying that he believed that the R. O.
T. C. offered great opportunities for
students to obtain the theoretical end
of the requisites of an officer.'


(By Associated Press)
Indianapolis, Dec. 8.-Follow-
ing a conference of more than
two hours during tonight, rep-
resentatives of the department
of justice headed by Attorney
General Palmer with United
States District Judge Anderson,
Mr. Palmer declared that there
would be no announcement on
the coal situation before tomor-
row morning.


Country to Be Darkened by Lack of
Fuel in 'Effort to Save Supply
for Absolute Necessities




Fuel on Hand Will H
Buildings for Qi

ery committee
en an appoint
fe membershi'
t night at th

(By Associated Press)w
Washington, Dec. 8.-Viewing with
alarm the teadily dwindling bitumin-
ous coal supply due to the miners'
strike, Fuel Administrator Garfield bya
an order tonight restored for the en- Carranza Charged With Being Impli-
tire nation most of the drastic re- sated in Attempt to Seize Bord-
strictions on lighting and heating er States of U. S.
which were in effect during the coal -
shortage of 1917. FALL HAS DOCUMENTARY .
The limitations which are applica- EVIDENCE ON MEXICANS
ble to consumers of bituminous coal
and coke, were made effective tolight 1 (By Associated Press)
with, issuance of the order and was Washington, Dec.-8.-Evidence that
to be enforced by the railroad admin- radicals in Mexico with the kn ledge
istration, Consumers of anthraciterailsiMecowtthkoldg
coal, gas and other fuels are not af- and support of President Carranza
fected by the order. plotted to instigate a revolution in the
Cat Lighting Again United States and to seize tha border
All street lighting,'other than that states acquired by the American goV-
necessary for the safety of the pub- ernme:t :n 1848 is contained in a
lic, must be curtailed, and stores, of- memoranda presented to President
flce buildings and industrial plants W11hnn hv Snatnr 1'AI nf NAW MATI-

The local coal situation
so acute that it was founi
at a meeting of represent
ness men and citA official
night, to institute drastic r
an effort to alleviate the sit
The University, howeve
as yet been affected by tt
of fuel, due to foresight c
of University officials to F
University with a sufficie

is a better man, physi-
ly, and socially.
hundreds of men, in the
ho have had training in
tals which are necessary
officer material. TJhese
the R. O. T. C., can use
e-to become commission-

Composition Is First Student
in Years; Name not
Announced .


that mc
at any tin

Drill Here Aided Naval Men
Professor Hayden cited as an exam-
ple of the value of a university and
army training , the 7th and 8th divi-
sions of the Michigan naval unit, of
which he was senior commander.
These units were enlisted here during*
1916 and the early -part of'1917, and
were composed of about 160 men.
When these men left Ann Arbor they
were all enlisted men, with no train-
ing but the naval training received
in the University. At the end of the
war, approximately 100 of these men:
had gained commissions. "This clear-
ly demonstrates that u1uiversity ;nen'
are officer material," said Professor

ife members for 1
is of their fees,
completion of t
other parts of t

an application - -
)ut paying the tenant
price of a life of one
ts has been set which
lar student fee Hun.

essor Hayden, who was a lieu-
in, the navy, was in command
of the 14-inch naval guns
proved so disastrous to the

nt during the final year
e at the University. This'
so, men who expect to leave
it before their senior
,y Pay at Any Time
s on the IN tmemberships,
lared, need not be made un-
licant desires. .The pledges,
will be in the possession of
in order that they may be
acurity for proposed loans.
xplained further that a man
e a senior to be in his final
sidence at the 'University.
r of residence," he ex-
s the last year spent at the
.by the applicant."
Wednesday and Thursday
set as the' only days this
the .campaign. During the
ays, the committeemen will
in districts assigned to
e on the third day, a final
Il be held -when any com-
will be at liberty to work
pn' the cmpus.
r is Prize of Winners
dinner has been set by the
als as the prize to be award-

With an impartial analysis of Mich-
igan's athletic situation as one of its
topics of discussion in "The Knees
of the Gods," the December issue of
the Michigan Chimes appeared yester-
day on the 'campus.
"The- Word of the Lord to Moab,"
is a tale of scripture and football,
while Martha Guernsey, '19, takes up'
the question of "An Outing Club for
Women," with the asim of encourag-
ing University women to spend more
of their spare time in the open air.
Some people may have the same
ideas concerning the four types of
"A Michigan Man," as the aithor of
the article of the same name, but
some might say that thg words, "By
a Michigan Woman" are ' nnecespary.
The history of The Daily and its re-
lation to the campue in general are
set forth in the "Know Your Campus"
The coming basletball season is
taken up by Captain Rychener, '20, and
something is told about the record of
the new coach, Edward Mather.
A suggestion for a board in control
of musical organizations is made by
Brewster P. Campbell, '22, under the
"Organized Music and Drama" head,
and "We Women," (as un3derstood by
a 16-year-old girl) gives one an in-

Russel Barnes, '20, is the author of
the 1920 Union opera book, which was
accepted by the book committee at a
meeting held Sunday evening. Many
of the lyrics, for which the music was
written, were also composed by him.
This is the first time in some years
that a student has written the opera
book, the last few being by alumni
Opera Not Named Yet
As yet no name for the opera has
been selected, and it' will undoubted-
ly not be announced until a short
time before the production is staged, ,
which will be March, 31 and April 1,1
2, and 3 at the Whitney theater.
E. Mortimer Shuter, director of
"Red Feather" and of last' year's
opera, has again been engaged to take
charge of this year's opera. Try-outs
will probably not be held until about
Feb. 1.
'20 Book of Different Type
Barnes' book, according to William
Leitzinger, '20, chairman of the opera
committee, will be different from any
previous productions, and promises to
be one of the best in years. Earl V.
Moore, who has charge of selecting the
music for the lyrics, stated that the
compositions received so far surpass
anything written in some time..
At the same meeting the book com-
mittee set May 1, 1920, as the latest
date on which books for the 1921 opera
may be handed in and considered. It
was also suggested that students, de,-
siring to undertake writing such a
book, shQult study the development of
the plot in "Red Feather," which is
considered $chnically to be one of the
best peas ever written.
Soph lits will hold a business meet-
ing at 3 o'clock Tuesday in University
Hall. '
President Eades requests that all
sophomores be present as there are
several matters of importance to be
taken up. He would like to see J. M.
Barnes, Maynard Newton, . Jerome
Dunne, Hugh Wilson, William Hender-
son, J. I. Dakin, L. P. Rennalt, Robt.
Gillette, Leon Pearman, Frank Steke-
tee, L. W. Fuess, Walter B. Rea, Chas.
0. Merkle, Curt Schneider, David L.
Beers, L. M. Cameron, and N. K. Foley,,
f and also members of the social com-

with a few exceptions are put on a
reduced ration as to both lighting ands
heating. .
Another of the restrictions provides
that all manufacturing plants except1
those engaged in making necessary
products shall redace their opera-
tions not to exceed three days in any,
one week.1
Electric railwa-s are required un-
der the fuel ad rxnistrator's orders to
reduce schedules to minimum require-
ments and no heat can be prodided in
electric cars during the rush hours.3
Curtail Store Use
Stores, including retail stores but
excepting stores selling food and
warehouses- must not use light except
safety lights except for' six hours a
day. Manufacturing plants will be al-
lowed to use lights only during the
(Continued on Page Six)
Concentrated practice for "Red
Feather" was carried on last night at
the Whitney theater, to which place
the rehearsals for the opera have
been shifted. Although it was not a
dress rehearsal, it is expected that
one yill be held tonight,
"Tickets are going well but not as
rapidly as the tickets for the regular
Union opera usually go," remarked
Homer Heath, manager of the Union.
As a result many good seats are now
available for the performances to be
given Dec. 11, 12, and 13, he contin-
ued, but due to the - demand -'they
should be secured at once in order to
get the best.
Much comment was created by the,
scenery of "Come On Dad," last year's
Union opera, and that of "Red Feath-
er" is said' to be still better than that'
of the Mimes' production. Part of the
scenery, which is being painted by
Carl Brummell in the Majestic thea-
ter, has been taken down to the Whit-
ney and the work on the remaining
portion is being completed as rapid-
ly as possible.
E. Mortimer Shuter, director of the
opera, stated last evening that there
had been no changes in the cast which
was announced a short time ago, In
speaking of the production he said
that in no sense should it be consid-
ered a "high-brow" thing, but that it
was in every sense a musical comedy.

co, chairman of the sforeign relations
sub-cominmitteo investigating the Mex-
ican situation.
Plans for the proposed revolution
were obtained by the sub-committee1
from the minutes 'o1 the meeting last
October 15, in Mexico City of Lodgej
23, an organization of extreme agita-
tors and members of the Industrial,
Workers of the World. .
Carrana Implicated "
The ' Mexican president is linkedr
both directly and indirectly with the
plot through correspondence in which
he recommends three met4 for spe-
cial consideration because of their
connection "with the plan which they
desire to put into practice in the State
of Texas."
The memorandum which contains
an' abstract of the evidence collected
by the committee was delivered to the
president by Senator Fall Friday and
made public late .today.
The note of the October meeting of
the radical lodge declared there ap-
peared three delegates, two Americans
and one Mexican who had arrived
from the United States, and who
claimed that "the society" would be
able at the first of next November
(that is November, 1919) to call a gen-
eral strike of all miners and metal
workers in the United States; that
they have three million adherents in
that country, where they will be able
to seize one Western and two Atlan-
tic ports; that a large -number of
American soidiers were preparing to
take sides with them and that they,
proposed to establish a capital of the
reformed government of the United
States in Colorado and that later the
state acquired by the United States
in 1848 would be returned to Mexico.
Quote Letter
In a letter supporting the plan Pres-
ident Carranza was quoted as saying
"this plan being,. thoroughly favor-
able for Mexico please aid the three
men designated in every way and give
the necessary instructions in the. fron-
'tier states." .

V saavaa uy aivzawcv} i^ Cilt v 41 o rr " tracnx


fuel as possible by cutting
light to a minimum wasI
way. City officials and rets
agreed to do without elect
play signs as their part in
servation measures, while
the University students to 1
tle light as possible was sa
taneously to the citizens of
The majority of the man
establishments of the city
the Hoover Steel Ball corm
been forced to suspend c
throwing a large number o
of work.

Co-operation Urged
Warning thosle present at' the
ing that if the proper care wa
taken, Ann Arbor would be v
any light whatsoever, Local M
Sylvester, of the Detroit Ediso
zany, urged storekeepers to c
ate, that the program for fuel
may keep away a lightless per
the city.
H. W. Douglass, of the Wal
Gas company, was chosen distr
director for the Ann Arbor
following a long distance phoi
from Regional Fuel Admin
'Finely. Douglass will be I
charge of the situation at once.
.The election of Douglass too]
during the meeting, immediatel
Mayor Wurster had been called
phone by Finely, who asked t
be chosen.
Considerable discussion con
the advisability of the hours fi
ing was entered into by the
chants present in an effort to k
drastic measure from working
(Continued on Page Six
To promote a better acqua
between the students of the d
branches in the engineering
ment, junior and senior mec
engineers will be the guests
University chapter of the A. S
at a smoker to be held at 7:45
Wednesday evening in the Uni
room. Members of the mechai
gineering department faculty
so be invited to attend the
A program of eats, smokes
and stunts has been arranged
M. E. Cooley, of the engineeri
partment, will be the speaker


of su,-
rs mak-
also be.

for the honors," Port-
s expected to be keen
not only work for the

Homoeopathic and pre-medical stu-
dents will hold a smoker at 8 o'clock
Wednesday night in the Union.
Dr. Runnels will be the main speak-
er of the evening, while others will be
called on for extemporaneous speech-
es. Smokes. cider, and songs will al-

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