...35c . 40c . 40c ....35c the Huron~ VallIey Bldg. & Savings 'Ass'n. by 150 years, the latter will double your pennies and dollars in ten years, or should you need it before ten years you are assured 5 per cent from date of investment. No taxes. ~Under State supervision. Incoporated 1891. No safer place to invest your money. H. H. .Herbst, Secy. and Atty. 'Savings Bank Bldg.-Adv. If you aren't satisfied, we can't be. We make "Portraits that Please" you at Derr Studio.-Adv. &~e Weber's assortment of fancy clhocolatea ushing's.-Adv'. WUERTH THEATREI -Dorothy Phillips in "The Right to Happiness," with a news and comedy. KENNETH HUGHES, TH.E SEVEN- I I YEAR-OLD BOY ORATOR, ACTOR, I AND,. IMPERSONATOR OF FAMOUS SHTJBERT.0ARRICK, DETROIT. Returning from 18 months' service in France the three principal :char- acters in "The Five' Million,"' one of of this season's comedy hits by Guy Bolton and Frank Mandel, to be pro-' duced by F. Ray Comstock and Morris hest this week at, the Garrick, find things very different than they were when they enthusiastically enlisted. The first of the three returns with a French wife,- the second discovers that his wife has usurped his job and is doing better work than he can, while the third arrives home to dis- cover that during his absence~ his fiancee- has become engaged to a rich young slacker who has bought out his law practice. Ralph Moran, known for his ;acting as one of the' crooks in "Turn to the sRight,' 'heads the New York cast. tHe is supported by Robert McWade; 'Charles Abbe, Purnell Pratt; Mark Smith, Harry Haywood, Beatrice Noyes, Sue MacNanamy, Ralph Stuart, Helen Barnes, and Marjorie Poir. SHUBERT-DETROIT The supporting cast which appeared at the 44t1 Street in' NeW York 'ac- conmpanied the comedians to Detroit. Not one of the New York principals is absent. Ester W41ker stands out prom- inently with rendition of popuar songs and the Misses Vivian Holt and Lillian Rosedale sing several charming num- b ers. The Screen will hold a short meeting of the -' Cabinet club at 10:30 o'clock thjis Special morning in the Union for the purposeJ fine Chrisi of completing arrangemenits for the ril, 17 Nic Mat., Wed., 5Mc to $1.50 Sat. Mat., 50C to O N' C A M P U S lung TIE MAJESTIC Sixteun kinds of wild animals ap- pear in their natural roles, at peace with one another and the world, and fighting each other and man, in "Back to God's C~ountry," the first part of this week at the Majestic. No scenery substitution has been made .for the cold Arctic where the story takes place. When the pictures were being' taken one actor lost his life, and the whole cast suffered pri- vation because of the severe climatic conditions. James Oliver curwood, the natural-' 1st, wrote this story in which animals play such prominent parts. The cen- tral dumb character is a savage dog, "Wapi, the Killer." His conduct en- tirely alters the. outcome of the strug- gle between an unscruplous trader and the girl he covets. MESSRS. LEE and J. J. SHI. McINTYRE, & iSpectacular~ Musical Comedy in T1 Ina ,. "IHello, Four da Admission ;Sunday, Dec. 7. - c; adults 40c, tax led ialisbury in "The with a kinogram comedy, "Perils of -star cast "Break ," with a two-reel Book by Edgar Smith and Emily M. Lyrics by Alfred Bryan Music by With a Supporting Cast of Distinguished Art ESTHER WALKER DAN QUINLAZ LILLIAN ROSEDALE JACK CAGWI1 VIVL&N flOLT EARL RICKAJ GABRIEL GREY BOYLE & BRA JEAN TYNE SIDNEY WILI ROSIE QUINN LARRY CLII 31ABJEL ELAINE JOSEPH IHAM And an Amazing Bevry of Broadway ORPHEUM THEATRE 2:00. 3:30.7:00,8930,10:00 eCruse in "The only picture taken showing a Mutt & cord weekly. ert Ray in "Vaga- th is of a series ith Sterling in "The news and comedy. urn in "A Man in id) ; with a news McIntyre and ' Heath will contiiu'e their characterizations of Alexande'r, 'the happy-go-lucky and always' hun- gry livery-hand, and the apparently .opulept and distinctly optimistic Henry Jones, proprietor of the ""Ever Ready. Minstrels," in "Hello Alexand- er," this week at the Shubert-Detroit. 'The fam~e of these two comedians rest~s as much on their reproduction, of old and widely differing darky types as on their entertaining ability.. Alexander and' Henry Jones are their latest creations, and offer ample'-op- portunity. for humorous interpreta- tiorL _. / THE ARCADE Constan ce' Binney, who recent'ly ap- peared here in "39 'East," as the de- inure young heroine who comes -to New York to become. famous, will be shown in her first' stellar motion piec ture role in "Erstwhile Susan," today, Monday, and Tuesday, at the Arcade. Although Miss Binney became prom- inent on the screen only recently, she ,s ~well known to the followers of both the legitimate and the photo drama. Playing the part of the horse-: ".rainor's daughter who married a young lord,- she won recognition In 'Sporting Life," while~ her work as -John Barrymore's leading lady in "The Test, of Honor," was one of the rea-- sons for this picture's popularity. WILL PROVIDE EXTRA CARS TO HANDLE CHRISTTXAS RUSH Special cars will be attached to all trains leaving Ann Arbor on Friday, Dec. 19, and Saturday, Dec. 20, from both the Michigan Central and Ann. Arbor railroad depots, There will be no special trains. The D. U. R. will ru1 special cars at the* hours' on which regular' cars run. On account of government regula- ~ tions there will be no special trains as there have been at different times in the past. The coal shortage will prevent an~y possibility, of exceptions CARR 11i'1 D irect f~rom four F. RAY COMSTOCK andI Announce thre Season's Bigg, TflE, FIVE I By Guy Bolton and Frank Mandel.- - with - acing. Today. onstance ,Binney, Who made a hit in her stage production "39 East" RALPH M( of "TURN-TO-THE- and the Original Susai" Robert McWade Mark Smith Purnell Pratt Percy Helton Ralph Stuart, Jr. s Abbe Harwa+ Sue M4 to this order. ,rlifllli1111111 1Ut11111111111 ar-famed novel, "Barnabetta"' by Helen Martin HEART A T HOME FOR SAFE-KEEPING A. D. Baehr, {Managing Di-. rector of the Crystal Theatre Detroit, said, after showing Miss \Binneys pidture:. 'In my opin- ion Miss Bin-. ney possesses more natural attribute . to .a 34screen success tha any other. actress.. She is- blessed with a remarkable beauty, a nat- uralness that- makes for sin- cerity in por- traying herx roles, and as charming 'a grace as the hu-, man body. can express. I 'feel fconfident that she will rank with- the great- est of stars.". - . -- 4 =Sunday and Monday ," r w a i s Y w =a , a r ~UP"VI LLIAM r-Y, PRODOT ,, ConVtnce Binneyi TOM- MIX ,,in Christie Comedy, "RENO, ALL CHANGE" and Jazz Monologue EXTRA MATINEE EVERYSUNDAY AT 4:30 ADMISSION 25 CENTS tTHE FEUD". KENNETH Il The Sevei ORA' 'The youngest pear before Pri Admission:' Children, 1lOc%; 'UBERCULOSIS-BUY THEM 35c;