III A -I ,, r . ,i r= : t tn t Al FA DAY AND N101 SERVIC] ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1919. PRICE _ t,. L_ S EDGE I1 VIC. Hurl Icago; ce Loses 7 8 9-R.H.E. 2 0 0- 2 9 1 0 0 x- 4 4 2 ciated Press) 2.-The Cincinnati heir grasp on the today by defeating e Sox 4 to 2. ' They >r'e games to win the 'eloped in the eries a habit of rth. There is at it, for in this e fourth's means RooIn Campaign 'rings Results Already definite results are being produced by the, campaign that has been launched Jointly by the Union and The Daily against the profiteer- ing landlady as indicated by the drop in rent of many of the rooms that are on file at the Union, andit is expect- ed that the force of public opinion that has been created by the efforts of the two organizations will force many more of thetrooming house mis- tresses to bring the rent of their rooms within the reach of the aver- age student. ' Prices Readjusted k Since the opening of the cam- paign many people, who have rooms to rent have come to the Union for the purpose of ascertaining from Mr. Hurley what was a 'air charge to make, and since he is well informed on both the students and the landla- dies side of the question there has been, a readjustment of prices that will create a better feeling between the student (body and the room own- ers., Supply Greater The canvass which so thoroughly combed the city ofall its spare room- ing accommodations produced a list of rooms so large that the supply now is much greater than the demand, and with this added influence the next few days will see a general lowering of rent by those who have so far held their prices. beyond the means of many of the students. It is Mr. Hurley's belief that with- in the next few days there will be labout 200 answers to his offer to help those In need of cheaper quar- ters. Alderman Killed D."uring Race it (By Associated Press) Helena, Ark., Oct. 2.-With federal' troops controlling the village of Elaine detachlnents on duty at Melwood and other cities of population in the south part of Phillips county and a company of soldiers stationed in Helena as a precautioary measure, the situation due to race rioting in the vicinity of Elaine was intensified today by the killing of 0. R. Lilly a member of the board of aldermen of this city, was believed to be well in hand tonight. The killing of Mr. LillyJwho was shot to death by one of four negroes who had lbeen taken prisoner and whom he was guarding in an automo- bile in route to Helena, and the death of- a soldier who was shot today in- creased the number of white dead as a result of the disorder to five. Eleven negroes are known to have been killed and several others are reported to have lost their lives but their bodies have not been located.i 0' Brien Issues List f l on'ts MICHIGAN NEEDS FOOTBALL MEN! Frew Answer Call For Yell-Ataster Over-optimism combined with a gross misconception of Michi- gan's present situation seems the sole excuse for the undersized squad out of which Coach Yost is expected to make a champion- ship team. Spring forecasts showed prospects of an unbeatable eleven but those prospects have failed to materialize. For various reas- ons at least 14 of Yost's best men are unable to participate. Out of 52 gridiron men who yere counted on last spring, 20 are now work- ing on Ferry field. The coach has stated that spring paper prospects cannot win fall games. When the campus realizes this fact and furnishes a representative amount of football material Michigan's chances will again approach the - championship variety.' At the .first Ohio State practice 50 men reported, out of which 21 were letter men. Other Big Ten competitors are turning in similar statistics. At the end of three weeks Michigan boasts a squad av- ering around 35. The largest enrollment the University has ever wit- nessed not only falls hopelessly below the post-war mark set by rival institutions but furnishes one of the smallest aggregations which Michigan itself has ever knowif. This negilgence on the part of the campus has not escaped no-. tice of the men who in uniform are doing double duty to make a team possible. They want spectators at practices and they need the ' stimulus of cheers, but what they want most keenly and have a right to expect is support on the field-men who will sacrifice their afternoon leisure to stop live opponents in actual games. "Let every man who knows an athlete who is not out, make it his 'business to get that player out. Likewise let every athlete who is hidden -among the four or five thousand eligible men, forget the comforts of that motor car or that comfortable chair and report to the club house." These are the remedies advocated: by Coach Yost which suggest a duty to every real Michigan man. Our season starts tomorrow. It is not too late. If you cannot play yourmelf, find a man who can and see that he gets out! "Wher don't I go out for football?" Have you ever asked your- self that question? Many will find it hard to answer. Michigan needs just that many! CUBS WILL GET PRHLCTIlCAL WO RK REPORTS INDICATE 9,000 ENROLLMENT as safely and 'when the fans of an -en- responded took the ntly was School of Journalism Arranges to operate with Ann Arbor ; Times-News Co. I Registration Totals Show Increase) will Be Proportional in All Colleges I e. They r times, always tonight Friday, ested tonight ler one of the pitching staff Supporters of that Manager ;k Kerr a left n an effort to Both Aces 'an was jubilant to- Red second victory. aten Cicotte and Wil- e nothing to fear from tchers of Gleason's er of the Reds said. "I t the victory was a t we got the bettcr of winning ball games is at give players confi- h two games to our ers are brimming over ig, will stop them from world's series." )N URGED To start the scholastic year off right with some reminders that if followed fairly faithfully will make for less trouble in his department \and re- quire little effokt on the part of others,. Chief of Police Thomas O'Brien, has issued his annual "don'ts," the major- .ty dealing with traffic regulations. iT z chief announces his "don'ts," he says, "in a spirit of friendliness," stating yesterday that he hal no spec- ific cause of complaint. The "don'ts" announced yesterday by the chief are: "Don't break ordinances. Don't play gn the streets. (Side- walks are a part of the streets.) Don't ride bicycles on sidewalks. Don't drive automobiles without state drivers' licenses. Don't drive faster than 12 miles per hour. Don't have your muffler open within city limits. Don't keep a dog without a license. Don't post notices on telegraph and telephone poles. Don'tbreak fL state law or city .or- dinance and expect to get off without paying the penalty. Bull dogs are to be kept muzzled at all times," -Russell D'0oge In Town Yesterday Russell D'Ooge, '18, Grand Rapids, a former member of the Gargoyle staff, was in Ann Arbor yesterday, ac- companied by John H. Belknap, ex- FIELD FOR EXPERIENCE OEN TO JOURNALISTIC STUDENTS AS a result of the conference, held Thursday morning between Prof. Fred N. Scott, Prof. John R. Brumm, and President Ralph H. Booth of the Booth Publishing company, purchas- ers of the Ann Arbor Times-News,' students of journalism will be able to avail themselves immediately of a chance for practical work and study on a professionally operated newspa- per, run on business principles with full leased-wire service and a circu- lation large enough to insure influ- ence. Qo-operation Arranged ,Mr. Booth at once put it into the hands of the journalism department to arrange to make the Times-News a real seminary in practical newspa- per study. "Michigan, in possssing this prac- tical field for extending the experi- ence of its students of journalism is securing a great advantage over other journalistic schools of the coun- try," said Professor Brumm Tpurs- day. It was the opinion of both 'Professor -'Brumm and Professor Scott that the most difficult problem in the teaching of newspaper pro- ficiency was the 'lack of combination of practice and theory. This need in great measure will be filled through the offer of the Times-News. Good Work a Reqluirement Students will be required, of course, to qualify by good work in the jour- nalism classes for the more advanc- ed part of the work on the Times- News. However, every student in the newspaper courses will be able to. secure some of the practical train- ing offered. The present 'planof the \department calls for a beginning to be made within a few days in the form of a cloumn to be supplied from the work of the -classes of journalism. This will include assignments to stories of actual news value, which will be carefully edited and criticised before printing. Assignmunts to Be Given As time goes on, students will be given actal assignments phoned in from the newspaper office, ana will be graded on the way they satisfy the requirements -of a real newspaper in covering the story. Prof. Brumm also intends to bring editorial Awriting 'into the work in such a way as to make it a genuine research study, with a view to bring- ing the importance of editorial influ- ence before the future journalists. ICTUA L NUMBER ON CAMPUS THIS SEMESTER ABOUT 8,900 Conservative estimate places Mich- igan's enrollment at 9,000, including Summer session, according to Regis- trar Hall. Of this number 8,000 will be on the campus for this semester, the extra 1,000 being summer schgol students. Few Appear Paly While enrollrmtont in the lit. college has dropped to a few straggles the daily registration continues to-slight- ly exceed that of correzpoitding days. Ajree years back, Mich .gan's former oanner year. Dr. Hall estimates that Le total registration in the lit college will be 4,100, over 4,050 .of whom are already enrolled. There is a possi- bility that this total will be slightly swelled Monday, when any who may have remained over the extra week should register. The engineering college is holding its own, and will show a total reg- istration of 500 more than in 1916,47. The gain there is proportionally right, the lit college having twice as many students as the engineeriig, and show- ing a gain of about 1,000. 'Excess in All Collegies - All schools and colleges in the Uni- versity show enrollments in excess of former years. In the Medical school freshman enrollments have been clos- ed, there being 148 registrations, all which can be taken care of:. The Saturday classes, held in De- troit, and attended largely by teach- ers who are, however, enrolled in the University, will likewise tend to swell the total registration, but it is unlike ly that the registration will 'exceed 9,000, Registrar Hall's original esti- mate. SENATORS KILL 36 OF 45 AMENDMENTS (By Associated Press) Washington, Oct. 2.-At last reach- ing the state of action in considera- tion of the peace treaty, the Senate swept aside in quick succession, to- day, 36 of the A5 amendments which have been written into the document by the foreign relations committee. Of the -nine amendments yet to be acted upon, six relate to the Cham- paign section, two propose to equal- ize voting power in the league of nations and one would limit Ameri- can representation on' the reparation committee. In the abseice of a defi- nite agreement for disposition for these proposals senate leaders tonight More men are needed to try-out as Varsity cheer leaders. Although the committee in charge of picking cheer leaders is sure that there are at least 150 men in college who have had ex- perience in this line, yesterday's try- outs brought, out but seven men, an altogether insufficient number. Further try-outs will be held from 4:30 to 5 this afternoon on the third floor of the Union. C. 'E. Bottin, '20E, committee. chairman, expressed hopes that at least 25 to 30 men )Al appear at this time. Men will be given good try-outs at the Case game and at the mass meeting before the X. A. C. game. The student body may rest as- sured that there will be competent yell-masters at the Case game, Jfor some of the old men will be back, and will step in in case of pinches. Catholic Chapel To Open Sunday When the new Catholic chapel, o- cated at 504 South State street, opens next Sunday morning, Ann Arbor will have a new addition to its already nu- merous churches and houses of wor- ship.{ In character the chapel will differ materially from anything hitherto. attempted at Ann Arbor. The masses will be read for students only, and in this sense the chapel might be termed a campus institution. This system is already in vogue at several other universities, and has been found highly successful. Building Remodeled The chapel is to be located at the site formerly occupied by the Knights of Columbus. The house originally was used by the Theta Phi Alpha so- rority, but subsequently was taken over by Knights of Columbus when, last winter, it was found to be too cold to have itheir tut on the cam- pus. Upon the dissolution of the S. A. T. C. last December, the house was vacated by the Knights of Colum- bgs and work was begun to trans- form the structure into the chapel, for which purpose it will be used. Father' Burke, at present' located at St. Joseph's Sanitarium, will as- sume complete supervision of ;the chapel. Masses will be read at 7:30 and 10 o'clock in the morning. To 13e Temporary Chapel i It is planned to continue services at the chapel until the new church, which St. Thomas' parish plans build- ing in the immediate vicinity of the/ campus, is completed. Ths, then, will serve the purpose of the tempor- ary chapel. Fres men Receive Frrst Instruction Freshmen received their first in- troduction to Michigan spirit at the 'Open House" at Lane hall-Thursday evening.. The second floor auditorium was crowded and fnany found 'standing room in the halls and adjoining ante- rooms. Coats were taken off in keep- ing with, the old Michigan tradition that all "pep". meetings must be in shirt sleeves. David Nash, '20, led Michigan songs assisted by his or- chestra. Between songs, an attempt was made 'to teach the (new men some Michigan yells so they will be ready for Saturday's game with Case. The speakers of' the evening were later introduced. Carl T. Hogan, '20E, told the first year men about the Michigan Union, Earl Dunn, '20, gave them some ideas about Michigan men, David Landis, '22L, talked on the University publications, and Captain1 Angus Goetz, '22M, of the football team, told them about Michigan chances at a conference title this year. The meeting was in charge of Er- win Goodwillie, '20E, president of the University Y. M. C. A. Million Bales of Cotton Go to Japan Galveston, Tex., Oct. 2.-Japan will ,use 1,000,000 bales of American cot- ,ton this year and Oriental shippers will route as much of this as possi- ,ble through the port of Galveston, -according to K. Fujita, president of the Texas Gosho company. PRESIDENT MUST E ABSOLUTE REST Expert Physicians' Called I sultatkon; Condition .Less orable, Declared (By Associated Press Washington, Oct. 2. -1 Wilson is "a very sick man condition is less favorable, said by Dr. Gary T. Gray president's physician, in a issued at 10 o'clock tonight White House. The following bulletin w by Dr. Grayson: ."The president is a verys His condition is less favora and he has remained in bed out the day. "After consultation with I Dercum of Philadelphia, D ing Ruffin and A. R. Stitt -ington at which all agreed condition, it was determined solute rest is essential- f time." MANY ,CAMPUS LEAI j WAILL TALLON C Men from every Universit will represent The Michiga: in the publication's campus-y licity and subscrption cam: begin Monday night of ne f Among t ose who will te purposes, possibilities, for plans of the new magazine =gus Goetz, '22M, Varsity captain; Carl T. Hoga, '2 dent of the Union; Thomas M '21L, Student councilman; N. Collins, '20E, chairman Union rooming committee Landis, '22L, former sport The Daily; Carl Johnson, '24 track captain and presiden Student council; Cort Bell, mer Varsity base b" mana bert P. Schafer, '20A, recor retary of the Union; 'Knigh lees; '20E, "Come On Da star; George Hurley, '18L secretary of the.. Union; Pau lette, '20L, business mage Daily; Harry M. Carey; '20 ing editor of The Daily; Ral '1L, president of the1819 council ; Waldo G . Harbe member of last year's J-H mittee; James Mi~lntock, tor of Chimes, and Walter RI former business manager of goyle. Invitations havealready 1 ceived from the various fr and house clubs at which t resentative will speak du dinner hour Monday, Oct. 6. the canvqssing of the"s 'league houses, dormitories, a ing houses are now under V 14 MICHIGAN CITIES HAT 'CITY MANAGER FORM 0 "Fourteen cities in Michij already adopted the city mans of government, and four mor pected to do so before Ch Prof. Robert T. Crane pf the science department, told his municipal government yest _ "VERY SICK' m OFFICIAL BULL SAYS OF IN STATEMENT ISSUED LA NIGHT BY GRA1 SON -classmen are urged by' ificials to complete their tion for membership as possible. Thedesk will for that purpose only a nger. It will be neces- r the Union officials to tting and filing the cards order that committees appcinted, as they intend lt these cards to discov- vith the needed qualifica- OFFICE LACKS .There are over 300 car the index at the Director fices which contain no An :bor addresses or phone bers. Complete data must by Friday, Oct. 3. Of the sectional clubs, o few cards are at hand and urged that these be sent once. Only about three-fo of the fraternity and soro have handed in their card these must be completed by day, Oct. 6. en had register- ght, and this is en in the Uni- Selected class editorials will be grad- thought that the debate might run on ed and passed on to a special student for several days before another roll ,editorial column in the Times-Ne.ws. call is taken.