THE CHIGAN DAILY Y from ight S. State SCHLANDERER & SEYFRIED Minnesota "Y" IncreasesEnrollment The Y. M. C. A4 membership cam- JEWELERS ' paign at the University of Minnesota r- of- secured more than 700 members. In 18E Qualityband' Service the first five days pledges amounted to An Ar13 E. Liberty St. Ann Arbor,. Mich. $'0 "17 PROESRTRACES METEOR MOVEMENT L " A 1'1 - lye-.- T FIRS! E DAYS INC T 0 I w ++r - w r w w w - 1 w w w w - w w ao w w w s w w w w w w w w w w w. w w w w w - w F w w w a w w w w w w w w r ! 7 r - w a" w ., w w w w w - w wl w w T w T _ 4 at \ wM i IMF: .L w w w w w , w r F y w r w w w e stream and tip a chasm in the .id the girl snug- .. d . w w w e of animals makes them As themselves Comparison Enables. o"rl*l 1 1 AUSSEY MAKES STATEMENT REGARDING PORTA'S THEORY After going over the vicinity of the explosion of the meteor which fell in Western Michigan last Wednesday, Prof. William H. Hobbs of the geology department has announced his conclus- ion as to its landing place. Search Made By comparing observations reported from different parts of Van Buren county Professor Hobbs has located the explosion of the body within a space of a few miles. It passed. be- tween Hartford and Lawrence, two towns in Van Buren county, going northward some miles in the air. It prohably landed not far north of this location. A country-wide search is being conducted by the farmers of the county, and he hopes to find some fragments of the visitor before long. Enlists Aid Professor Hobbs visited the reported locality of the landing of the meteor last week-end and searched as far as possible in the short time he had. is Iting all the local newspapers of that locality, he received reports which gave him the data for his conclusion, and promises of any information or fragments, if found. A report of the trip of Professor Hobbs was printed in the Detroit Free Press last week without information from hic, and he has given out this information to correct any misunder- standing which may have arisen,. Second Find It was stated that he had located a meteor which fell in Wisconsin a few years ago by the same method he used in this case, that of comparing the reports of the seeing the flash and hearing the sound caused by the ex- plosion of the body when it struck the earth, and that the Wisconsin meteor was in the collection in the museum here. The facts of the case are that a plaster cast of the body is here, the greater part of the fragments being at the University of Wisconsin. To Interest Farmers "I am going back Friday to look more closely over the ground and more to the 'north of the place I visited be- fore," said Professor Hobbs. "I will try to interest the farmers of the dis- trict in searching more carefully on their property for pieces of the me- teor." He spoke also about the prophecy of Professor Porta, who has created a sensation by prophecying the end of the world on December 17, saying that the statement was absolutely false and impossible. ' -Explains Phenomenon Prof. William Joseph Hussey, direc- tor of the observatory stated recently that the situation described by Pro- fessor Porta in the relations of the planets has happened many times in the course of human life, probably at least once since the birth of Christ. "It is a perfectly natural occur- rence," said Professor Hussey, "and should not be regarded with any fear or credulence. The scare is of the type the ;people, of the dark ages were frightened-with every few weeks,but has no place inan enlightened world like that of today." "lJack "'Hears Call lrom' Golden West Randall Courteous and satisfactor, TREATMENT to every custom- er, whether the account be large or small. The Ann Arbor Savings Dank Incarporated 1869 Capit and Surplus, $550,W.00 Resourees ........4000,000.00 Northwest Cor. Main & Huron. 707 North University Ave. I Lunches Nunnally's Candy Seniors, make appointments now 121 E. WASHINGTON PHONE Between Flash and Sound Approximate Location To Be Made Maynard St. Tu Xmas Photographs are now in order You can nQw spend your le time in our new up-to-date" ard Room. One block from( pus. at " BILLIARDS :: POCKET BILLIARDS CliARS:: CIGARETTES:: CANDIES 514 East William Street M 1 Studio ALL OF I . t.,., - .. e had seen Dolores come dripping from th( ed forward to seize her. Suddenly from Wks a great bear rose, growling fiercely, ar ed behind it Never A Film Like This- ry of Dolores, the swimming girl of the Canadian wilds, whose lbv friends and protectors from men of prey more heartless than the bea Products Are Made From Scientifically Pasteuriz Cream THE NEW YORK CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY A Tale of Love and Villainy GCK TO GOD'S COUNTRY" from the story of "Wapi, the Walrus" in "Good Housekeeping" by James Oliver Curwood 11 SUPERB MUSICIANS featuring the brilliant and daring swimming star NELL In Hill Auditorium Ann Arbor Monday, December 15 8P.M. PIANO, FIRST AND SECOND VIOLINS, VIOLA, 'CELLO, DOUBLE BASS, FLUTE, CLARINET, OBOE, BASSOON AND FRENCH HORN A Serious, Very Fine and Beautiful Program QUINTET in E flat major (Piano, Oboe, Clarinet, French Horn, Bassoon)........................Beethovy QUINTET 'in B minor (Clarinet, violins, Viola, 'Cello) ....... Brahxa TRIO: "Five Impressions of a Holiday" (Piano, Flute, 'Cello) ........ ............................ Goossel SINFONIA DA CAMARA (all eleven instruments)...... Wolf-Ferra TICKETS-1.00, $1.50, $2.00; for the Course including concerts 1 Mischa Levitzki (Jan. 23), Carolina Lazzari (Feb. 28), and Tr de Lutece, Flute, Harp, and 'Cello (Mar. 30), $2.00, $2.50, $3.0 $3.50, on sale at the University School of Music, Ann Arbor. SPECIAL INTERURBAN CARS FOR YPSILANTI PATRONS 16 Varieties of Wild Animals Winter scenes and Wapr's Dolores' life actually away up in great fight for photographed THE ARCTIC CIRCLE, The Greatest Dog Fight of the Screen BIG EXTRA ADDED FEATURE Railroad Jack has again changed his field of endeavor. Finding the people in the vicinity of Ann Arbor and De- troit unimpressed by his vast know- ledge of history, the human encyclo- pedia recently moved to Dearborn and made the acquaintance of Henry Ford. As it is claimed that Mr. Ford knows little of historical matter, Railroad SJack immediately won. his favor, and was given a lucrative position in the Ford tractor plant. But the close confinement of fac- tory life did not well agree with Jack's wandering spirit, and now he is the proud possessor 'a brand new Ford tractor and intends to make an over- land trip to the'Pacific coast. The Strial trip took place recently with Rail- Sroad Jack sitting proudly at the wheel, -guiding his new machine' as it rumbled and bumped over the road to Wayne. Along the road to the golden west the memory expert expects to stop off in the principal cities and take orders for Mr. Ford. The' citizens- along his route will also have an opportunity of hearing some of his 10,000 historical dates and names. Pd "UNCLE TOM WITHOUT Lyndon and Company -Established1905- M Books, Albums Eastman Kodaks and Supplies Amateurs Finishing and Enlarg We lead while others follow THE CABIN" Including Tax I Shows Start Today at 1:30-3:00-4:30-7:00-8:30 Patronize the Daily Advertisers. Pay your subscrintion-to the D