rest to University Women Faculty Ien Laud Art Of Hampden eChrist w, character who secred .. i HER to an Eng- wish to be oiking mem- ot as a cur-I ciples for which she stood. had used s"what they called my witty responses." She appeals to the newspapers to give her a reputation which will be "helpful to a woman in a position of great responsibility." If you aren't satisfied, we can't be. We make "?ortraits that Please" you at Derr Studio.-Adv. College NotesC Helen Newberry residence will en- tertain the membersofdthe faculty at -a tea on Sunday from 4 to 6 o'clock. Board of directors of the Women's league will meet at 9 o'clock Satur- day at Barbour gymnasium. Walter Hampden is a dramatic ar- tist showing sincerity in production and interest and talent; in classical drama," said Dean Effinger in regard to the play of "Hamlet" Wednesday night given at the Whitney theater. Hampden also appeared last night before a full house at the same the- ater in Shakespeare's "Romeo and Ju- formed and they are beinig taught the liet." "He is an artist; of suppression rath- er than expression," said Prof. J. R. Brumm, "as is seen in his production of 'The Servant in the House' by Ken- nedy." sults in his influence on other peo- ple. The tremendous success of Hamp- den in this production, in the years intervening. between this and his Ann Arbor schedule this year,.as well as his success in "Hamlet" and "Romeo and Juliet" prove him to be one of the greatest artists in the higher dra- matic field. this week end. Alice Weaver, ' been visiting frie Ruth Dailey, ' spending a few d James Timbern of friends here fo I ers PICTURE FRAMING _ o Student Heap For everything in "Brighten U ment of swing frames, Hand-m c window shades at lowest prices WINDOW Put Off Choosing Jur Full Stock Of iese Baskets AND Lnese Boxes * cl Christmas Presents And ack Them With Chocolates Yours' Will Be The Gift sI~. r = Sophomores are asked to pay their" social tax of $1 to the chairman,' Laura Snyder, '22, in University hall, or to Miss Louise Potter at Dean My- ra B. Jordan's office. The tax was due Dec. 1. . The organization of University house heads requests each house head to' collect faculty tea assessments in her house and turn it in either to Miss Potter, secretary to Dean Jordan, or Victoria Adams, 104 South Ingalls as soon as possible. Any girls interested in playing the piano for dancing classes should ap- ply at the office in Barbour gyna- sium. Twelve years ago Hamden came to the University, out of good will for the campus and interest in higher dra- ma, to give "The Servant .in the House" on one Sunday afternoon in the Majestic theater. This was given as a free performance to the Uni- versity. The manuscript is -one which Ham-pden himself brought over from England. The servant, played by Hampden, was a typical character of PAINTS L. E. WENZEL PAINTING & Phone 84 'p" finishes, ade picture s. FOLLOW THE TRACKS To Th iaetc hareSn ;ii~ Swimming classes Barbour .gymnasium. signed up for them the time designated. have begun at Girls who have should report at I Io I' Women who expect to stay in Ann Arbor during the holidays, and who would like to work part of the time, are asked to leave their names with Miss Louise Potter in Dean Jordan's office. All 'undergraduate women are in- vited'to the Freshman Spread which will be held Saturday evening in Bar- bour gymnasium. Owing to the large enrollment this year, some have not received their individual invitations. and the committee takes' this oppor- tunity to invite those women. DOCTOR ADVISES WOMEN TO WEAR CLOTHES THEY LIKE )EN in Miniature with all K tr window for you to be able these upon your table nick Knacks to place one I :so r, Never.a Film An absolute novelty, un -o nm Woman's attire ' has not been the cause of her ill health in the past and is not apt to be in the future, according to the report of Dr. Cope- land, health .commissioner of Detroit, who insists that silk hosiery,,.veils and cosmetics have no lasting and injur- lou effect on the average woman de- spite all of the discussion to the con- trary. He says that during the influenza epidemic it was shown that although the majority of the exponents -of thin 3h hosiery are unmarried women, it was the married women who had the ma- - jority of cases. There are no statis- ties to show that women have more IV 'defective eyesight than men as the decriers of veils would have it. Dr.' Copeland advocates women do- ing as they feel inclined in the mat- 'S ter of dress as he maintains that they have, proved themselves physically capable of overcoming the 'handicaps resulting and the mental attitude * which is held has a marked effect on the physical system, therefore, let the wonien have their present method of dress and be happy about it. Copy TUESDAY AUTHORIZED DATE FOR and ORGANIZATION KENTUCKY CLUB. ., -'a - ,;, . The stow how her loi Killer," the .' for animal of the trai -In- "BACK TO CODS p -I :1 II To.-day you buy Rochester garmneuts duality and fit to i:z the best custom in Adfler- all the style, be obtain ed made shops. I 11 Leave at 1 I 'I THE REASON A DESIRE TO EXCEL, THE ABILITY TO OBTAIN THE BEST TAILORING BRAINS, A' SYSTEM OF MAKING THAT CONSIDERS. EACH INDIVIDUAL GARMENT AS SUITED TO. AN INDIVIDUAL REQUIREMENT. IS OBVIOUS. WANTED VANTED- 'Students to solicit sub- scriptions for "The Stars and Stripes," the A. E. F. paper. Lib- eral commissions. Call Don Shoff- ner at 236 for appointment or call personally, Saturday afternoon, Sig- ma Chi House. :. The nside. Resi- asses in black pus Tuesday. to Secretary's [all. in back cover. r. Call 16 if' lt to overcoat- Nov. 30th. rule. Call A. WANTED-Rooms. A suite preferred. For young married couple. In vic- inityfof Michigan Union Bldg. Phone 352-M. WANTED-Eight students to board during Christmas holidays. Home cookinig. Call 99-J. WANTED-Student, to work evenings at the Coliseum -Ice Rink. Must be a good skater. Apply at Coliseum. WANTED-Suite of rooms in Wash- tenaw avenue district. Call Reavill or Caery at 1016. FOR RENT FOR RENT-A large room one block from the campus. 533 Church St. To re-organize a Kentucky club in the. University, the officers of the 1917- 1918 Kentucky club are planning a meeting at 7 o'clock Tuesday evening in the Union tap room. They espec- ially urge that all men from Kentucky be present at this first meeting, in- asmuch as it will be for the purposes of organization and election of new officers. Through error, the notice in Fri- day's Daily was to the effect that the organization meeting of 'the club would be held Monday night, but Nor- ton Goldsmith, president of the 1917- 1918 club state' that the authorized date is at 7 o'clock Tuesday. DANCING PARTY (IVEN BY FOUR UNIVERSITY HOUSES Residents of the Sweezy, Reynolds, Purdy, and Wheeler University houses gave a dancing party on Friday eve- ning in Barbour gymnasium. The chaperones of the evening were Prof. L. A. Strauss, and Mrs. Strauss, Mrs. O. B. Sweezy, Mrs. Purdy, Mrs. A. S. Reynolds, and Mrs. A. A. Wheeler. The judiciary council of the Wom- en's league was also represented. The hall was decorated with flowers, and the favors were caps and ribbons. I '1 i QI THERE IS AN ADLER-ROCH- ESTER SUIT TO FIT YOU. I Sold Exclusively by the - Lutz Clothing Store 217 South Main Street Adler Rochester Clothing Finder 11 Pi "I.. ii i Ma ins-Best Clab stores.-Adv.