THE MICHIGAN DAILY INEY tly ght-- SATUR presented for nea New York. Com months run at the OLIVER Pres TOM Supported by a Typi the Delight Dramatized by Edwa Famous Peter B. Kyne CES-Lower Floor $2.( Galle Aail Orders Now-Encl IIIIIIIIII11NIII.ill ll uhILii UiiiI,, BRIEF CASES, MUSIC FOLIOS AND ST UPAENjiT CASES. THEATREemad the oinal for your protection. f~LLEAHER OOOD MAY, December 6h E AT 0 G U( itAR ANT E E D to Tradc mark (DIVE SATISFACTORY'l arly one year at the Morosco of quality SERVICE.a ing to Ann Arbor direct from AT ALL STORES WHERE ; Cort Theatre, Chicago. QUALITY RULES OROSCO ~LIFTON MFG. 00., New York' ents =__ WISEJQ IWUERTH THEATRE = ThursFri 4-5-Francis X. Bushman and f Bever-ley Bayne in "Daring Hearts," E cal Morosco Cast in h a two-reel comedy. cal CmeyOSC-= LMUSICAL ATTRACTION fil Comedy Sat. 6-All-star cast, "Love, Honor and e-! ," with a news and comedy, "Cupid's r "H"old-up." Sun-Mon-Tues. 7, 8 and 9-Dorothy Phil- WK tips in "The Right to Happiness," with 4a colored review and comedy. Watch'for the big added attractions on f I the above dates. 10-Monroe Salisbury in "The rd E. Roge from the Blinding Trail," with a monkey comedy Sat. Eve. Post Stories n ram weekly. 00, Balcony $1.00 and $1.50, I ry 75c -OPHEUM THEATRE 2:00.3:30 7;00,9830 10,00, ose self-addressed envelope. I Fri. 5-Elaine Hammerstein, "The Coun-, I ry Cousin" (returned), with a news Illll i tii ljjIIIIjIII IIiIiIIIjIN1 1IIt . rj and comedy. Sun-Mon. 7-8-Lottie Cruse in "The Girl 1 1 Alaska." Note: This is the only IIrIIIIIIIIIIIIiI gIi1,gIII UIu.Igll I ,Iiipiciii p ure that has ever ''been taken on ri kAaskan territory. Also a Mutt and Jeff Detroit cartoon comedy and Ford ,Weekly. flues-Wed. 9-t0-Albert Ray in "Vaga-- bond Luck." Note: "Every 'Tuesday A. H. WOODS Presents adW esay 'eginigo hsdt A. H W OO S P esen5 - Craig Kennedy stories will be pictur- Parlor, Bedroom and Bathroom ized in two reels. :a0111 111Itt l rin ils tii> l1 1 11i11111 - - - - - - - THE WHITNEY Walter Hainpden, who played Wed- nesday night at the Whitney in " Ham- let," will make a special appearance in "Romeo and Juliet" this evening. The romantic aspects of Hampden's art will be disclosed in this play. Supporting the star will be the same cast that was here Wednesday, while the scenery will be Claud Bragden's lovely settings. Types from the San Francisco wat- er front have been reproduced in "Cappy Ricks," starring Tom Wise at thegWhitney next Saturday night. The principal characters are "Cappy," his daughter, and a young sailor. "Cappy" is a self-made man and ad- mits it, having begun at the bottom and fought his way up to the presi- dency of a Pacific shipping company. Although he has a kindly nature it is not always apparent for he prides himself on his ability to give orders and have his own way. He meets defeat for the first time in years at the hands of a young sailor Jn his employ whose ability is equal to his own. After his daughter has been captured by the enemy, he be- comes reconciled to fate and wel- comes his new son-in-law. The Screen "Te Stalge Whitni ON IGH.!Theati marrire-cousin but -he is infatuated of .complications that result with her father's secretary. marriage to a young playrigh When she imagines herself in love and decides to secretly meet one of Do you know that Crowford her suitors, he gives his assistance. vans are the "sole" of sm In her efforts to keep the plans for Keep step! Davis Toggery this meeting secret she sets up a chain 119 S. Main.-Adv. Special Engagement Extraordina alter McIntyre and Heath "Hello, Alexander" Hampde THE MAJESTIC wI li I.A Guided solely by her impulses, Carey Brent, portrayed by Ethel Clay- ton today and tomorrow at the Majes- tic, attempts to reform a man whom she identifies as an escaped criminal, in "A Sporting Chance." As her chauffer has quit his job because of his inability to become acs customed to her impetuous ways, she hires her fugitive to take his place. When she discovers that a society idler named Seward, is becoming inti- mate with her father's young wife she tries to divert his interest. Finally, upon discovering that he has some intimate letters written by the young bride before her marriage, she goes to Seward's room to destroy them. In the meantime her moral pupil becom- es acquainted with the circumstances and when Seward finds her in his rooms and tries to take advantage of the incident, he saves her. } with his brilliant companyin Romeo I! a Tocd .y and Tom'orr ow v . r n ~r R F corking good story,. it's Dol- to Doughnuts that a Photoplay ded on that story, produced by lbert Capellani a sterling 'company of silver- artists headed by JNE.CAPRICEF W+r '" . , r, f , '' :. i . - - . I TJIE ARCADE A R . C '.;: f %i / 1,1 , ,i. 0. ;;; , ---- :i , o L i' O tiliet AND fion Hale ove just as pleasing, ble, just as success- inal story was. Practically. no changes have been made in adapting "A Damsel in Dis- tress," by Pelham Grenville Wode- house, to be repeated today and to- morrow at the Arcade, to the screen. The only change in the story as it appeared in the Saturday Evening Post recently is that the scene of the action has been changed from London to New York. The plot centers around the mother- less daughter of a wealthy but eccen- tric New Yorker, who has a hobby for gardening. Her aunt desires that she ~ ~. ing to acclaim Mr. Hampden in This engagement has been made the insistent demand of the public th packed the Whitney Wednesday Eve wonderful portrayal of Hamlet. To make this return visit, in Shak Pelham Grenville wrote the book from story was adapted. Wodehouse which the I MAJESTIC. A Delightful Comedy-Drama in Five Acts Also Mr. and Mrs. Carter DeHaven in "After the Bawl" Sunday-Monday-Tuesday Constance Binney Star of "39 East" in her first Realart Picture "Erstwhile Susan" Leave your heart at home for safekeeping. Red Cross Christmas Seals are- Conquering Tuberculosis- Buy Them Cc/ww oprIce n Distres i s' I TODAY--TOMORROW ETHEL CLAYTON IN "A SPORTING CHANCE" peare's great Love-Drama pc I 1 I ARCADE Shows at 3:00;. 700; 8:30 Phones: Theatre, ag6-M Mgt's Res., 2316-M Thu-Fri-Sat-4-5-6-JuneCap- .rice in "A Damsel in Dis- tress", and Comedy. Mr. Hampden's Com tion must be brought this city in special ti been arranged for SJulet" will positivel e_ elllllllliiililiillilililil pany and prodt to and taken fr( rains. These h I ,t,' r wo and "Romeo y be played. pr , b . _ DON'T GO HOME THIS CHRISTMAS Till you have ordered MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS as Gifts for the. Folks at Home 1 ATTRACTIVE GIFT CARDS FURNISHED r NEWS STAND, 110 E.