, , Would you have footwear that riv- aled Cinderalle's? For good taste, a Russian, Calf-skin, carefully made up ,in a French de Lux style can not be ,rivaled. Visit the Davis Toggery Shoppe. 119 S. Main.-Ad'.' SHANTUNG BUFF! Collar attach- ed shirts. Such irresistible Ines as we are now showing are the latest word in Smartness. Davis Toggery Shoppe, 119 S. Main.-Adv. MISS HOLLADAY'S CANDIES of Paris, Ky. Fresh every week. Tice's 117 So. Main St.-Ad. Renew your subscriptions at Walir's Bookstores.-AdvI Xmas] Randall Studio Photographs are now in order #_ 9, 51 Seniors, make appointments now 121 E. WASHINGTON F . r ' PHONE 598 hid ten 3= f FM - pf WALTER HAMPDEN, owing to the enthusiastic reception ,iven his pre- sentation of Shakespeare's "Hamlet" at the Whitney theater Wednes-1 day night, will favor Ann Arbor lovers of drama by returning Friday night for a performance of "Romeo and Juliet." and D -- I- 1 o In e :nU Helen Newberry residence will en- tertain the members of the faculty at a tea on Sunday from 4 to .6 o'clock.' e women ages or Board. of directors of the Women's league will ,meet at 9 o'clock Satur- day at Barbour gymnasium. Rehearsal of "Dolls" will be held at 4 o'clock Friday in Sarah .Caswell Angell hall. Sophomores are asked to pay their social tax of $1 to the chairman, Laura Snyder, '22, in University hall, or to Miss Louise Potter at Dean My- ra B. Jordan's office. The tax was due Dec. 1. re rs of Un-I Y for Campus' 11, --- - I- The organization of University house PROF. MITTENTHAL'S Dancing School at the Armory Friday evenings, 7 to 8:30. Continuous instruc- tion. No recess. My method is easy and you learn quick. At- tend now. Special price to ladies 50c per lesson; 8 lessons $3.00. If- you come once, you surely will come again. heads requests each house head to collect' faculty tea assessments in her house and turn it in either to Miss Potter, secretary to Dean Jordan, or Victoria Adams, 104 South Ingalls as soon has possible. There will be no league party on Friday of this week, because of the Freshman Spread on Saturday. Any girls interested in playng the piano- for dancing classes should, ap- ply qt the office in Barbour gymna- sium. Upperclass girls who, would like to help with squads in the gymnasium should call at the office ,in Barbour gymnasium 'and make arrangements. SN imming classes haNe begun at parbour gymnasium. Girls who have signed up for. them should report at the time designated. Alumnae house still has a few rooms for women who intend to stay in Ann Arbor during the Christmas holidays. There will be an opportunity for them to get their own meals if they care to do so. Application should be made in , the office of the Dean of Women immediately. Women who expect to, stay in 'Ann Arbor during thq holidays, and who would like to work part of the time, are asked to leave their names with Miss Louise Potter in Dean Jordan's office. 'Anyone interested -in doing, volun- teer tutoring in Latin or French should see Marjorie Van Norman, '20., .or call at Newberry hall. All undergraduate women are ir- vited to the Freshman Spread which will be held Saturday evening in Bar- bour gymnasium. Owing to the large enrollment this year, some have not received their individual invitations, and the committee takes this oppor- tunity to invite those women. °A Spgrting Chance " " it4M'c,+' {} Rig ' e*.v.K r,.' }x aK t ° f " Sk"ti"ae' 1 , a " . :F 'M ;: 1J :: s".}" rY "¢}}};i:;:;??:i"': r+r , .. . .. ... a.". :F iiiiiiii iiiiif~ iiiiiilitiiiiiiiii i Today and - Tomorrow trtuuu tt lillltt n tutnti uttnttililll ETHEL* CLAYTON in i I/ 'ORGET NCG Y ter The X9 UR TICKETS AT, WS OR FISHER's Leave Copy at Quarry's and. The Dea;; f WANTED . WANTED- Students to solicit sub- seriptions for "The Stars and Stripes," the A. E. F. paper. Lib- eral comEissions. Call Don Shoff- ner at 236 for appointment or call personally, Friday 6-8, Sigma Chi S House. .u-4-nj overcoat WANTED-Rooms. A suite preferred, V. 30th. For young married couple. In vic- inity of Michigan Union Bldg. Phone 352-M. MISS PERKINS TO LECTURE SUNDAY Experience in the Psycopathic clinic in Detroit gives Nellie Perkins, '12, a basis for her lecture at 6:30 o'clock Sunday evening in the Unitarian church. Miss Perkins received her Ph.D. here in 1916. Her subject is to be "Juvenile Of- fenders," and she will discuss the un- derstanding of human behavior, both normal and abnormal, especially as she has found it in her work with de- linquent characters. iISS POOLE WILL DIRECT 1HOSPITAL SOCIAL SERVICE Miss Imogene Poole, formerly di- rector of the social service department in the Cincinnati General hospital, has arrived at the University hospital to take charge of the social, service de- partment here. There are now 108 University women. doing volunteer work, 80 of whom work regularly. Preparations are being made for a large Christmas party, with Christ- mas trees in every ward, Christmas carols, and other special music.A spe- cial meeting of the committee, in charge of teaching the boys and girls to make Christmas gifts for friends .nd relatives at home, will be held" at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon. t Chinese Woman Student to Speak Me Iung Ting, '211, will speak _at 6:30 Sunday evening before the Ply- , mouth guild of the Congregational church. Miss Ting comes from Shang- hai and will speak on the various phases of the Shantung question and explain why the young people of China are so opposed to the acquis- ition of Shantung by Japan. Magazine Subscriptions-Best Cldb She was in a ticklish predicament. Stood there and told that prison ,guard that she had seen no one, while all the while she knew that his quarry was right under her cart ... She didn't know his. feet were where they were thought Come to see what happened. It's a'wonderful romance! Extra added attractions - Leatherette Coats ame Neil A. 99. Reward. ule. Call A. Finder Ci±' ' >ms, 2nd floor at Suitable for of- luire, Baltimore S. State St. WANTED-Student to work evenings at the Coliseum Ice Rink. Must be a good skater. Apply at Coliseum. WANTED-Suite of rooms in Wash- tenaw avenue district. Call Reavill or Caery at 1016. WANTED-An experienced man to do lettering. Apply office Mack & Co. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Michigan Banners, Pil- lows 'and Pennants for sale, Mrs. Lum, .1341 Wilmot. Phone 2384-M. FOR SALE-Black- leather Boston bag, similar to "brief case." Tel. 1511-J. FOR SALE-Drawing Set in excellent Leatherette Coats (imitation Mocha), fashion- ably cut and tailored are the newest garments for winter. They have fur collars of raccoon, nutria or muskrat and are lined with chamois; all are belted. Prices on all sies of. these coats range from $39t50 to $55.00. (Second Floor) /Q 1' I - - AV& -AWA ffrrdffffdffi AFJVF aphic work KA.B. -.Ammw or w r WF .0114 irlir Ar J9 9 p AFL Ir r - Entrance 124 S. Main Downtown